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Archive through July 05, 2013

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : UK 2013: Big Brother (Summer): Archive through July 05, 2013 users admin

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Friday, June 28, 2013 - 12:48 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
I'm a few days behind, I think I've seen Monday's but no later. I wondered how many viewers the feeds would actually have, particularly early in the day light that. I'm sure C5 will be happy they can justify getting rid of them.

Just going to put up next week's schedule then I'll run away until I'm a bit more caught up!



Friday, June 28, 2013 - 12:59 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Coming up, times are Pacific Time:

Fri 28
11am-1pm Live from the House
1-2.30pm Live Eviction
2.30-3.30pm BOTS
3.30-4pm Live from the House

Sat 29
11am-1pm Live from the House
12.45-2pm BB
2-3pm Bit on the Psych

Sun 30
4.55-6am BOTS: Ryan's Supersized Celebrity Sunday
12-1pm Live from the House
1-2pm BB

no more pre-show live feeds listed on the schedule I have...

Mon 01
2-3pm BB
3-4pm BOTS

Tue 02
2-3pm BB
3-4pm BOTS

Wed 03
2-3pm BB
3-4pm BOTS

Thu 04
2-3pm BB
3-4pm BOTS

Fri 05
1-2.30pm Live Eviction
2.30-3.30pm BOTS
3.30-4pm Live from the House

Sat 06
1-2pm BB
2-3pm Bit on the Psych

Sun 07
4.55-6am BOTS: Ryan's Supersized Celebrity Sunday
1-2pm BB

Mon 08
2-3pm BB
3-4pm BOTS

Tue 09
2-3pm BB
3-4pm BOTS



Friday, June 28, 2013 - 2:37 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamabatsy a private message Print Post    
Once again, thanks for the schedule Kitt.



Friday, June 28, 2013 - 5:43 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
Yes, Kitt...thanks so much for she schedule.

Jemimah went home tonight. I just saw a bit of BOTS.

The noms this week will be face to face.



Friday, June 28, 2013 - 9:52 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Hober a private message Print Post    
I read an article and it stated about only 9000 viewers were watching the live feeds.



Friday, June 28, 2013 - 11:10 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
What I don't understand is why BBUK producers aren't trying to access the world market - there are so many world fans (a few from the US even) that would pay for access to the show & feeds.

They wouldn't even need to advertise it, we'd pass the word like wildfire on the BB websites. They might want to reschedule so it's not head to head with BBUS but I know I go from BBUK, BBAU, CBB - I choose BBUK over BBUS but if BBUK were available to other rabid BB fans during off season, they would probably all sign up.

I have no clue how many BBUS live feed subscribers there are, but apparently it's enough to make it profitable in the US - I would bet nearly all the US subscribers would also want the BBUK feeds.

I remember a couple of years ago, BOTS was so proud that BBUK was trending world wide & at the same time, knocking access to the show off the only access we had to it.

Thanks Kitt for the schedule! Very much appreciated, as always!



Saturday, June 29, 2013 - 1:02 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
There are copyright issues.

Channel 4 pays Endemol for the rights to broadcast Big Brother in the UK, not worldwide.

CBS would undoubtedly have problems with it as well, since they have the rights to Big Brother in the US.

And I wouldnt be so sure about a lot of BBUS subscribers also paying for UK. Most BBUS fans seem to dislike the old public voting format still used in UK and Australia



Saturday, June 29, 2013 - 11:34 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
BB Africa allows worldwide access at their website to their shows & I bet their feeds allow worldwide access. I'm not talking about broadcasting to the American public, I'm just saying allowing US access to paid feeds. Between the US & UK fans, I would bet it would be profitable.

I didn't like BB1. I forced myself to watch it not too long ago & about died of boredom through half of it. It didn't have anything to do with public voting.



Sunday, June 30, 2013 - 8:41 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Puzzled a private message Print Post    
I really like the UK and Aus formats. I don't think the format was given a chance in the US. BB1 was boring because there were so many very nice, but boring hamsters. The hamsters thought of it as a social experiment, not a game show.

BBUS has been unbelievably dumbed down, IMO, and much time wasted with recaps and people in the Diary Room telling us what we've just seen--"I walked into the yard and saw..." and telling us how they're not ready to go home and other nonsense, to stretch out the challenges.



Sunday, June 30, 2013 - 9:14 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
I watched BBAU 2007 recently. I forgot how strict their BB can be. The one thing that I feel makes BBAU so different is it becomes the HM vs BB & the HM bond & become fairly close knit. I do like their nominating process with 2 pts & 1 pt - it's not so easy for them to predict who will be up.

BBUK plays mind games on the HM & they don't really know who or what to trust. They are always wondering is this real or a task & if it's a task, I don't want to blow it. I wish they would adopt the 2pts & 1pt nom process also.

With BBUK & BBUS running concurrently, I choose BBUK but without feeds & only 2 hours a day for shows I still have time for BBUS but it just doesn't interest me as much. I do wish even if they continued to allow the HM to nom & vote out others that they would do tasks that last days. I loved when the buddies split up into 2 teams & competed for areas of the house for a week. It forced people that hadn't been associating to spend a lot of time together.

I loved the don't laugh task, the ignore the obvious task, the box task, etc. BBUS challenges aren't even fun anymore. I don't mind a little plotting & scheming but it gets tedious.



Monday, July 01, 2013 - 12:22 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
Since there aren't live feeds today, will we see the nominations on tonight's show or will it be on tomorrow night's show?


BB AU starts pretty soon, I think. I loved their live feeds and the strictness of their Big Brother so much



Monday, July 01, 2013 - 2:25 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
I so hope Dan gets nominated today.



Monday, July 01, 2013 - 3:07 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
Watching tonight's epi live and noms are being shown. They are face to face. HG's are to write their noms on a board each were given. Jack/Joe given one board.

A)Dexter - says he's sly and something about when her and Gina were in the garden.

B) Dan - because he's always interrogating her, but not others to that extreme

A) Wolfy - says he thinks something not right about her; not genuine; gives false info; won't share cigs

B) Dexter - He feels he hasn't changed since Friday when he was saved; thinks he stirred things up a bit.

A)Gina - brings drama and 'whinges'

B) Dexter - for obv. reasons; stirred things with her and everyone has been upset with him

A) Dexter - wouldn't trust him as far as she could throw him and he took her wine last night - bad character (Dexter says genuine mistake)

B) Gina - causes drama; argues - like being in the school (Charie tells her to calm down..she gets upset w/Charlie)

A)Gina - hasn't connected with her at all; feels she needs to contribute more

B) Dexter - everyone has opinions and Daley feels better if he gets Dexter out and then has relationship with him

A)Hazel - feels she is playing a very good game

B)Jackie - says she wanted an argument the other night

A) Dexter - Can't work him out

B) Sophie - When playing game where they had to find key, she wouldn't give answer

A) Dexter - they fell out

B) Sam - they haven't sat down and spoke to each other

A) Dexter (same reason as Daley) thinks he's interesting and will be friends on outside

B)Dan - no closeness; they don't click

A) Dexter - likes him but doesn't know how much she can trust him

B) Wolfy - they had conflicts this week; resolved now but had a bad week with Wolfy

A) Dexter - Tired of throwing the bone

B) Gina - lovely person except when she drinks and isn't helpful around the house

Dexter was asked to stand up and BB was saying:

"As you are aware, it is against the rules to...."

and the show ended.

BBOTS announced nominees:


I still didn't hear what rule Dexter broke.



Monday, July 01, 2013 - 6:38 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamabatsy a private message Print Post    
I hope Dan goes, but I think it will be Wolfie. I really want Dexter and Gina to stay because they seem to really upset the rest of them. I thought Jackie was over the top in the way she went off on Gina and more so on Dexter. There is something about Jackie that I just don't like.

Rumor at DS is that there is a secret room and whoever goes out on Friday will really just be going to that room. I hope that's not the case but it would make sense because they have the four main characters up for eviction and BB might not want to lose any of them.



Monday, July 01, 2013 - 8:11 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Puzzled a private message Print Post    
Dexter discussed the nominations.



Monday, July 01, 2013 - 8:36 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Cricket thanks for the noms listing - I thought Dexter was voted by almost everyone, I was glad Gina didn't vote for him. I wish they had let us know who he would have voted for, he didn't even turn his board around. I guess they will tell us tomorrow.

He wasn't allowed to vote because he discussed his nominations. Even though he said it in the buzzer key task, I think he alluded to who the second one would be (obviously not Gemima) but I got lost (like Gina)

If there is a secret room eviction task, I hope it's a double elimination then. I'd love Dan & Wolfie to be in the secret room - Gina & Dexter wouldn't be surprised at the HM slagging them off.

Dexter was doing all he could to not get nommed this week & I think he would have been happy if he didn't get 2 noms but I think being nommed by Daly & Callum devastated him. I think with all but one of the noms, he's going to let go of his nice guy persona & realize he's going to be up for noms every week til he goes.

I wish that the first couple of nominations of the series would be who do you think is the most boring HM. Get some of the sleepers out first.

I'm beginning to think that maybe the secret is that they all lied on their VT's - maybe the twins are actually genius millionaires (maybe that's a stretch lol).



Monday, July 01, 2013 - 9:28 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Just rewatching the nom talk scene & Dexter told Gina, I did NOT nominate you.

Gina was discussing who were the 4 that didn't nommed her

Gina said I've done enough for "the f'ing team" - the 8 that nommed me & I know you (Dexter) are one of them & Dexter says you are wrong, I didn't nom you, I honestly can tell you I didn't nom you, I promise you I didn't nom you & Gina says well I know you (pointing at Charlie) didn't nom me but then who are the other two? It must be you pointing to Dan & Dan says are you actually joking. She then tells Dan, I know you didn't nom me & I said it in the diary room

*but* then Dan says you know one person I nommed because it came out in the game/key/buzzer/task & the other person would be ... & Gina says yeah I know who the other one was.

Dexter says, it came out in the game/key/buzzer/task who I would have nommed but it was actually for who I nommed. We can't mention names or we go to jail.

I don't know why Gina & Dan weren't penalized also though.



Tuesday, July 02, 2013 - 11:13 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
You're welcome Willwillbee. Thanks, everyone for saying why Dexter was being punished. I've missed a couple of episodes; just happened to catch yesterday's live episode before they did the noms.

If the evicted HG's (1 or 2) are rumored to be going to a secret room, are they still in the game?



Tuesday, July 02, 2013 - 2:46 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
I cannot stand Dan; trying to start trouble between Callum/Gina. The panicked look on his face when she went to get Callum regading a convo was funny.

He just loves to start trouble and acts so sneaky.

I want him to go soon, but not tomorrow night if he isn't going to stay gone.



Wednesday, July 03, 2013 - 3:17 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Hober a private message Print Post    
I'm watching the show and the twist has been announced. No real eviction this week. The housemates will think it is a double eviction week but either Dan and Wolfy or Dexter and Gina will get voted out, but they will be sent to a secret room, will live in luxury for the week, will be able to spy on the housemates, and receive immunity next week and re-enter the house. I would love for Dexter and Gina to be sent to the safehouse and can spy and also the other housemates will have to nominate someone beside dexter and gina.



Wednesday, July 03, 2013 - 4:19 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
They explained why Dexter was punished it was for talking noms but had nothing to do with the episode I mentioned above. I guess they couldn't punish just Dexter in that episode.

His nom's were struck because he said to Gina, "If 5 or 6 people voted the same way, it would make a drastic change in the game."

I had hoped Wolfie & Dan would get the secret room task when it was just a rumor but with them also getting a week's pass from being nom also, I'd rather see Gina & Dexter have that & see how the group turns on itself without having convenient "patsys" to nom.

I wonder if Daily & Hazel are doing a shomance, I don't see any real interest in either of them. Daily really needs some type of story line (yawn) I guess.



Wednesday, July 03, 2013 - 11:31 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
In my post above I meant to say Friday night (getting BB UK mixed up with BB US, lol.)

Since it's a double eviction I guess they didn't tell the HG's if anyone is safe on Wednesday's episode?



Thursday, July 04, 2013 - 6:13 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
I keep wondering why no one seems to be looking for hidden rooms or the hot tub or pool. Surely they know the pool was there & should still be there. I guess BB would give them a hard time about messing with furniture & fixtures.



Friday, July 05, 2013 - 8:36 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Schedule coming up, I'm now about a week and a half behind, so I'm posting the description of tonight's show not knowing whether it's a spoiler or not... I presume it isn't! Sounds very curious. Not sure when I'll be able to catch up, will be at least another week.

Fri 05
1-2.30pm BB Live Following the revelation that this week there will be no proper eviction, Emma Willis reveals which two nominees will be kicked out, only to discover they are not leaving at all. Instead, they are being moved into a secret room, where unknown to the rest of their housemates they will spend the next week in the lap of luxury, immune from nomination and spying on the main house. Will the voting public have chosen Dexter and Gina or Dan and Wolfy?
2.30-3.30pm BOTS
3.30-4pm Live from the House

Sat 06
2-3pm BB
3-4pm Bit on the Psych

Sun 07
4.55-5.55am BOTS: Ryan's Supersized Celebrity Sunday
1-2pm BB

Mon 08 - Thu 11
2-3pm BB
3-4pm BOTS

Fri 12
1-2.30pm Live Eviction
2.30-3.30pm BOTS
3.30-4pm Live from the House

Sat 13
2-3pm BB
3-4pm Bit on the Psych

Sun 14
3.50-4.55am BOTS: Ryan's Supersized Celebrity Sunday
1-2pm BB

Mon 15
2-3pm BB
3-4pm BOTS

Tue 16
2-3pm BB
3-4pm BOTS



Friday, July 05, 2013 - 3:28 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Stormie a private message Print Post    
Thanks for the schedule Kitt

I initially wanted Dan and Wolfy to go into the secret room, but the clips they've shown so far, seems that Dexter and Gina will have fun with it, hopefully. I am not keen on Dexter, but Gina has grown in me, maybe she's the actress, lol. This will be an interesting week.