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| Monday, June 17, 2013 - 8:42 pm
Jem made it racist when she assumed that Gina wouldn't date a white man. That's what made the whole thing racist. She might have a preference not to date a black man in the same way she might not want to date a redhead. But by looking at a black or mixed race person and saying that they wouldn't cross a race line is out of order. I cannot watch either of those presenters on BOTS. She can't speak and I've never liked him. It's OK tho because it gives me an extra hour a day. 
| Monday, June 17, 2013 - 8:47 pm
cricket- A vote to save usually benefits the ones who cause trouble in the house since they'll have more TV time and people will more want to vote to keep them in, while the ones under the radar may not get as many votes. A vote to evict is the opposite- the quiet ones with less TV time have a advantage over the troublemakers because people will be less likely to vote for them to go.
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 7:59 am
Unless Sallie does something really stupid and angers the public, I think its a safe bet that Gina will go. Thats the best option for the show as well, other than making everyone else hate her, she does nothing for the show. Gina is so ridiculous and over the top, I have to wonder if she is an actor as well. If she is egitimately what she claims, why on earth would she even go on Big Brother in the first place?
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 8:05 am
Cricket, I never thought Michael would nominate Hazel. At the time I thought he woud nominate Sally (which he did) and she would go but that was before Gina got started. Mainly because she got a lot of boos from the audience and she is loud, attention-seeking and deliberately stirs things up. That type always goes early if the public gets a chance to vote them out. And with the public nominating AND evicting, the public has too much control this week. Compared to Gina, Sally and Jemima, Hazel is the most normal in there and wll probably last a long time.
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 8:17 am
I don't think Jemima should have got a warning, but I think what she said and particularly her expectations about Gina's preferences show a racist side to her, even if she doesn't recognise it for what it is. While giving a warning perhaps protects the show and perhaps protects Jemima from saying something worse it kind of takes away from what the show is, for me, which is seeing people warts and all. I would be very happy for Gina to go. She is just too over the top and I think she knows it gives her airtime and that's why she does it. With a vote to evict I think she'll go unless Sallie does something big before Friday.
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 8:35 am
BOTS said the person with least votes to evict will be eliminated from the vote on Wednesday, leaving just two up for Friday's eviction.
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 10:10 am
Odds for first eviction: Gina 1/2 Dexter 7/2 Sallie 5/1 Michael's been given another task- the audience voted that the house should be on the basic budget this week, so he's supposed to try and sabotage the shopping task. Also, tomorrow night the nominees will be told Michael has been given the power to save one of them, and they'll give their pleas to him- not knowing of course that he'll actually tell them the person who got the lowest number of votes to evict to that point when he makes his save decision...
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 11:33 am
That will most likely be Sallie. Watch her turn around and become his best friend again. She is the most obvious wannabe on the show.
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 11:45 am
AJ and Rylan are too hyper for me. Maybe after a few shows, they'll calm down. I liked Brian and Alice. I like Emma too, but I liked her better in BOTS.
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 11:52 am
A reason a lot of people are ticked off it's vote to evict is because the thinking is the Sallie and Gina fans would have voted to save them, while Dexter may not have been. They're also ticked off because it looks like a woman will be evicted first for like the 12th time in a row...
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 12:00 pm
Thanks for the 'vote to evict' explanation, Wilson. That makes sense. I kind of like it better. Kitt stated: "I don't think Jemima should have got a warning, but I think what she said and particularly her expectations about Gina's preferences show a racist side to her" Kitt and all of you who felt this way, here's how I took it. In the bedroom Jemimah was just having a conversation about her 'type of guy' with Gina and a guy (can't remember who it was..was it Michael?) Then, she's under attack in the kitchen and I felt she was trying to defend herself against Gina's attack and that's where the 'you wouldn't date white guys' came from. Had the discussion gone on in the bedroom and Gina had given her preference I doubt Jemimah would ever have said that. I knew trouble was coming when Gina interrupted in the bedroom with, "What's wrong with black guys?" Nothing is wrong with them; however by Gina saying that she automatically accused Jemimah of being racist and went on to attack her in the kitchen at which time "I felt" Jemimah was trying to defend herself more than tell Gina whom she would and wouldn't date. Just my take on the situation. BB UK made it much worse by letting Gina's false accusation mean a warning for Jemimah. They are all living together; how can they feel comfortable around Gina is she's like that? For that reason, I think she might go this week. I wanted her to stay, as I thought she was getting a bad rap up until this happened. As a housemate she's much less irritating than Sallie. Did Wolfy have an assignment yesterday when she talked about there being a wolf inside her (spiritually?) and something about sharks in her legs or was she for real? Every time the camera is on her we get a lot of birds chirping. Peeps have said it's because she swears a lot. Why don't they just give her a warning so we have feeds? Does BB UK do that?
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 12:02 pm
That will most likely be Sallie. Watch her turn around and become his best friend again. She is the most obvious wannabe on the show. Yep, she will, Mama. She is a wannabe. When she said she was a 'glamour model' I was shocked, until I heard one of the HG's say a glamour model was topless model. That made more sense.
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 1:02 pm
A glamour model is more like an underwear model for the Frederick's of Hollywood type shops, but quite often the underwear tends to become unhooked... Not all glamour models would go topless but a lot (I'd guess most) do. I think Jemima had no racist intent and was, like you say Cricket, just expressing a preference in looks/physique, and I agree that with anyone who didn't want an argument (like Gina did) that the conversation would never have gone where it did, but she did say things (particularly saying Gina wouldn't date a white guy) that were a bit close or over the line. I really don't think a warning was warranted but I think BB are in CYA mode from previous dramas. Yeah, vote to evict you can't save the person you like (unless just two are up) but vote to save you can't get rid of the person who drives you crazy (unless just two are up) so I think neither is better than the other. I think overall I'm a fan of vote to evict for regular evictions but every third(?) week should be the whole house up and a vote to save, so that the boring ones who don't add anything don't float to the end. I think Wolfy was being honest about the shark in her legs. She's a shaman, and I don't really know what that is, but I think that's why she feels she is part of nature. Or something ;). BB play the birds on the feeds when someone is really vulgar with swearing (not normal swearing or simple F word) but mostly they do it to protect people who haven't signed waivers or to not reveal production secrets. E.g. If she was talking about her boss, who hadn't signed a waiver, that would be chirped out, if she was talking about meeting everyone in the auditions before the show, that might be chirped out, etc..
| Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 8:54 pm
I know they film 24hours a day & it gets edited down to 1 hour but I bet there is plenty of raw footage they could show - not exactly live feed but just raw footage - expanded highlights with the chirping cut out - stuff that didn't make the show but gives us more insight into the HM but doesn't involve tasks, etc. Maybe something interesting happened outside 7-9pm or so we don't have to watch the dinner making & dinner eating hour - unless there is interesting conversation but I bet by then they are talked out.
| Wednesday, June 19, 2013 - 11:45 am
I agree with you Willwillbee. Am I confused or are they showing some of the same stuff on the TV show that is on the live feeds? Since we get so little of the live feeds, wouldn't it make sense to show different things on the show? Are there any spoilers on whom will be saved today?
| Wednesday, June 19, 2013 - 1:16 pm
I dont think they care what has been shown on the live feed. If something interesting happens that is worth airing on the highlights show, they will air it. The live feed viewership is vastly smaller than the daily highlights show viewership.
| Wednesday, June 19, 2013 - 2:00 pm
Current eviction odds: Gina 4-6 Sallie 9-4 Dexter 7-1 (If Sallie goes off the board tonight, I suspect Gina's odds will get even worse- if Dexter goes off it could get pretty close between the two females. I don't see Gina going off the board at all)
| Wednesday, June 19, 2013 - 4:56 pm
Dexter is off the board- sorta shocked, but the ladies were a bit polarizing, so not a big one..
| Wednesday, June 19, 2013 - 6:00 pm
Sallie's behaviour when she heard she was nominated might have just pushed her over. And although Dexter is... unusual... we haven't seen much of him compared to the ladies. I think we need one of Gina or Sallie to go just so we can see more of the others.
| Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 10:16 am
For those who didn't see the live feeds yesterday, this was posted about the suggestion box. It seemed this little task stirred some people up. Day 7 - The Suggestion Box Wicked sense of humor, that BB Dan is being talked about because he stewed over the comment about him for quite awhile. I thought Gina's was the worst. Wow!
| Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 10:23 am
Flagg stated: The live feed viewership is vastly smaller than the daily highlights show viewership. That makes sense. Thanks, Flagg. I wonder why they don't show the live feeds later in the evening, like even after the tv show. The live feeds are so early in the evening/night, there's no drunken fights or anything. Also, they know they are live during that period or do they?
| Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 11:12 am
Holy cow...just tuned in to today's live feeds and there are STILL repurcussions of yesterday's suggestion box. Dan and Jimimah are going at it big time.
| Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 11:27 am
They confirmed Michael will be leaving tomorrow as well..
| Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 12:17 pm
I wonder why they took/will take him out so quickly. Was it to make arguments early so that we don't get the three or four weeks of nicey nicey before they can't take each other anymore? I'm not sure Sallie, Gina would have ever taken long before having an argument. Or maybe they wanted to make sure that the viewers could get rid of someone right from the start, but I'd have thought they could have played it another week.... but then Michael would probably have been up, so they'd have to stage something to keep him safe. The whole thing seem like it was a good idea but wasn't very well executed.
| Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 1:36 pm
I was really surprised to read about Michael leaving. This 'twist' was kind of a dud. I think it was wearing on Michael, especially with a couple of the housemates going at him about it daily. I've really got to schedule my time tomorrow to watch the live eviction show as that is supposedly when they will 'out' Michael to the HG's, as well as the live eviction. I'm hoping they tell the HG's that the public actually voted for everything Michael did.