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| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:01 pm
Now Emmett's Mom. He is the 3rd of 4 brothers. You see a photo of him and his brother's each next to their motor bikes, he is in red pants and black/white and red jacket while his brothers on either side are all in black. Mom says he is being himself. Brother saying he doesn't beat around the bush. Jillian's mom says she has always been energetic is competive and loves to win. She has 3 sisters and they all have a girls night in watching BB together. Riley, her 15 y/o sister has a crush on Emmett. Emmett's brother saying Emmett is comfortable with GAry since he came out to him and he was fine so he's not surprised. Jillian's mom thinks it's neat that Jillian and Emmett only live an hour away from one another and she wonders what his family thinks of her. Emmett's mom wishes he didn't get so deeply involved in a showmance just seemed a little sudden. Jillian's mom says it seems like it's so intense and so soon but probably every 24 hours is like 5-6 dates. Emmett's mom says it is a new experience to see Emmett so affectionate on tv. We're adjusting to that you know. We all really like Jillian. Flashes in between both moms talking of Jillian and Emmett kissing all over the house it was like a collage of make out sessions from the past 40 days. lol Jillian's mom we really like Emmett and Jillian's sisters are even calling them J-emmett.
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:04 pm
No Goodbye messages for Gary.. means one thing, they are bringing him bacccckkkk. OH NO Couldn't it mean he's on the jury?
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:05 pm
rumor is that Pandora is making an appearance this week...
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:08 pm
great aswell as double evict and no goodbye messages come on lets get on with the game ROFL
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:11 pm
Arisa after those clips,"They are sooooo getting married! just sayin. lol" Arisa to HG's Peter, you've been away from your family for 7 weeks now you missing your family? Peter: No, ahhh I came in here to be in here. I see my family only once a year anyway so it's not a big deal to be away from them at all. Arisa asks Emmett and Jillian what their families thinks about their showmance, Emmett basically says they are fine. (Gawd they are so boring.) Arisa: Gary have to ask you about how you reacted with Andrew put you on slop. It was pretty Epic, that was an amazing meltdown. Then they show a bowl in the sink with glitter, stars and such with a spoon and GAry laughs and says he'd rather eat that than slop, it was horrible. Gary jokes how he will 'endorse' slop," I'm on slop and I lost 10lbs!". (LOL) He says he doesn't wish slop on anyone it's the worst. I had no energy at all.
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:12 pm
AJ got goodbye messages last week and he is on the jury. They are bringing Gary back to do something, and no goodbye messages leads me to believe it is more than an appearance as Pandora. 
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:15 pm
ohhhhhh crap NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOL stay away please
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:15 pm
Bummer, Mamapors. A little bit of Gary goes a looonnnng way.
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:17 pm
Arisa talking to Andrew about strategy and telling him nobody from the house can hear him. Same spiel from Andrew regarding why he's targeting Gary. Arisa asks about next week and Andrew sort of jokes he will be following Gary out the door. Topaz: Gives a shout out to various names. Loves all the hg's although at times she wants and makes a face and hands like she is strangling someone. Lucky to be here and she doesn't want it to stop here. Gary: Gives a shout to various people. Amazing experience loves Topaz and likes Arisa's skirt! Now you all already know 5-0 for Gary
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:23 pm
Audience makes sad sounds. Gary hugs all the hg's. Gary gets a standing ovation and screaming and the audience won't stop!!! They love him unlike many posters on here. He just threw glitter in the audience and everyone went crazy. (Awe I'm going to miss Gary!) Arisa: You got to air out all your 'alter-ego's. lol Gary: lists the ones he did Talking game play. Gary not mad but hoping there is wine and sushi after this. GAry says he has money on Alec. Alec wins when he needs to . Emmett and Jillian are really strong together but they'll get broken apart. But then there's Peter who just blends in the wind. Gary says he loves everyone so much, to many MORE cheers again.
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:25 pm
Big Brother Canada @BigBrotherCA 7m The live feeds won't be back on for a while. Sorry, no ETA at this point. ....As expected
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:26 pm
BAckyard HOh is called 'ice berg alley' Be last one hanging on at the 'bitter' end and it will be bitter. Need to hang on for dear life. Alec tried to tie himself to the pole with his sweater but Arisa said he must use his hands. Andrew is carassing a penguin. The iceberg is tipping. Talla is screaming. (Of course...eye rolls.)
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:29 pm
There is water below them, not sure if that's just to fall in or if they will be dipped in it. Find out Sunday who wins HOH. NExt week is another double eviction! Ok back to the backyard that is a freezing cold iceberg. Emmett is shirtless, I wonder how long he will last. Things are geting stormy, wind blowing. Talla screams (of course!) and then it blows in her mouth so she is quiet. Wind looks cold. Peter had a hoody sweater on, good thing too because he has to body fat to keep him warm. lol
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:30 pm
I'll miss Gary. I found him entertaining. Hope no Goodbye message means he'll be back.
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 8:41 pm
Hi Hwest! Glad I'm not completely alone with still liking Gary even with his faults. I always seem to be routing for the one others don't like. lol I hadn't even thought about Gary returning, hope you're right! Maybe that's why the double eviction next week?! Oh, I wonder why they let Emmett sit down? I saw him sitting, can everyone sit?
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 9:40 pm
Jillian won HOH. According to Joker's, she and Topaz were the last two standing and they made a deal. J promised to put up Andrew and Talla. They promised they wouldn't put up each other or their partner. Uh huh... I wanted to see Talla win but I knew she couldn't last.
| Thursday, April 04, 2013 - 9:52 pm
Could you believe Alec with immediately trying to (cheat again) tie his sleeves to the bar.
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 3:48 am
Gary was very gracious in his interview with Arissa and took it all in stride and since he was so popular, I am sure that he will have an opportunity to come back. I have to say I am loving this BB Canada.
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 5:51 am
Rslover....I was and I wasn't surprised Alec tried to do something to win the game. I don't think Alec thinks it's cheating unless he's told he's not allowed. I think he goes into the comp's and just thinks what he can do to be more efficient and tries it without thinking about whether it would be considered cheating or not.
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 6:02 am
Lol Miz, I read the comment above and my first reaction was the desire to click "like this" and then I was instantly realizing this isn't facebook! But if I could I would :D and you would see "Nolanry likes this" haha
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 6:08 am
AJ didn't get messages either as it was instant eviction.
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 6:31 am
Nolanry....I do the same thing on here are all the time. lol I think Alec would do better at the comps if he did consider whether something can be construed as being cheating or not. I read on JOkers that Alec, Peter and Emmet got disqualified. I guess we'll find out if that's true on Sunday's episode. Punkaroo....I'm wondering now if maybe GAry will be in Pandora's Box. THere is talk on JOker's that there will bea twist with Pandora's Box making it difficult for the HOH.
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 7:27 am
I wonder if there's any chance that BB producers would have heard the fans cry out over the years for some kind of look-in to the Jury House? I would love to have a camera even in one room of that house! I hope Gary wasnt led to believe that he was not going last night and wham--gottcha. Topaz looked very much as if she expected to go.
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 11:27 am
Jillian did NOT promise to put up Andrew and Talla, she just promised not to put up Topaz. ...and apparently that promise did not cover replacement nomination either, so she can still put Topaz up as a replacement. The stuff Topaz was telling Alec about the deal with Jillian appears to be complete lies.
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 3:30 pm
They ran out of time to show Gary's good bye messages - you can watch them here
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 3:38 pm
Cablejockey - here's some pictures of AJ in the jury house . . . guess that will have to do for now!
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 3:53 pm
Thanks Tweety...I liked checking out the Jury House. Looks like a cabin or a big house rural area, kinda rustic looking with that big stoney fireplace. I'm going to go check out Gary's goodbye messages. I wonder if he got to see them?
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 3:57 pm
Well nothing really riveting in the goodbye messages except Peter.
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 4:12 pm
Gary should be able to see his messages. It might be important to him when he votes for the winner.
| Friday, April 05, 2013 - 4:36 pm
Hopefully Gary does get to see his good bye messages. No one said anything bad about him. I am sure he would enjoy seeing them. Maybe they gave him a dvd of them to watch at the jury house. Speaking of that I wonder if they will be sending a dvd of the challenges for the jury members to watch like they do on BBUS.