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| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:58 am
Just getting ready! Eagerly anticipating tonights episode! I won't be able to start transcribing the show until about 7:30pm board time so if any of you want to get started before me, feel free.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:04 pm
This is fun!
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:06 pm
I love that the HGs can hear and see all of this!
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:11 pm
Pretty dirty of BB to do that to Topaz. Or whoever would have been HOH. Expect the Unexpected! LOL!
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:12 pm
Arisa sent Topaz to the HOH room and gave her 5 minutes to name to nominations. What she didnt know was the other houseguests were downstairs watching her work out her decision outloud. So after the 5 minutes were up Topaz nominated AJ and Andrew for eviction. While Topaz was deciding this she said she wanted Andrew out. All the other houseguests heard this.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:24 pm
Well, Topaz didn't have to verbalize her thoughts. And it is BB. This will really make people think twice about who they talk to and where! Love it. Sorry to see AJ go, though. He seems like a nice guy. Loved his comment about "the children".
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:26 pm
Each houseguest went into the diary room. One at a time with no time for anyone to talk to anyone Emmett- AJ Gary - Andrew Talla- Andrew Alec- AJ commented " How am I going to get out of this one Peter - AJ Jillian - AJ After sitting and agonizing over it
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:30 pm
Agreed Iheart. In a house full of cameras and mikes who would talk their thoughts outloud? ....Obviously Topaz
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:36 pm
Alec went up to the main door to talk with Topaz and she pretty much told him to F off and they were over because he didnt vote Andrew out. Then Gary came up and consoled her. Andrew then went to the Bathroom and Alec was there and. Andrew thanked him for putting Andrew ahead of the showmance and putting himself on the line for him. Alec is happy because now Andrew will be indebted to him for sacraficing so much LOL
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:48 pm
The HOH competetion for a Diary room Quote of past houseguests. After all questions were read Talla and Andrew were tied with 4 correct. Tie breaker was what number of yellow balls were used in the Bees Knees comp. Andrew said 300 and talla said 145. There were over 900 used Andrew wins ROFL as HOH Andrew picked the Have nots. He picked Emmett and he will use his slop pass, Peter, Topaz and Gary. Gary then ran from the Backyard Sobbing ROFL.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:52 pm
Gary: "Andrew is all 'I'm HOH and I can do what I want." Uhm, yeah. That's what being HOH means. Really not liking Gary this episode!
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:54 pm
Andrew then got his HOH room and it is Vampire theme. LOL He then partially read his letter from his twin, he was very emotional. Then Gary comes up and wants to know what is going on. Andrew tells him he is putting Topaz up and Gary. Gary then says in Diary room that andrew is not making a big move by doing that ROFL.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:55 pm
I believe Gary said the exact same thing. Like I am the Boss ROFL
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:57 pm
Gary is saying putting up topaz is a weak move. prior to Andrews NOMS
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:57 pm
Nominated are Topaz and Gary.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 6:59 pm
Andrew " Topaz you are up because you targeted me and Aj so I must avenge AJ" Gary you are up so you will not play the vito to get Topaz off.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 7:01 pm
Andrew then in diary room saying that gary said putting topaz and gary up is a weak move but it is not weak to get out gary
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 7:25 pm
Ok....starting my recap.... Arisa is in Camera Alley. She says they're about to drop a twist; instant nomination and eviction. "Chevrolet Power Shift". This will be the first person on the jury. Gary: I felt like crap when Suzette left. I thought I would not have any fun in the house again. Doesn't understand why everyone wanted her out. Topaz in DR: I won HOH!! Andrew in DR: I'm a bit nervous about that. Topaz gets called to the HOH room. She will have 5 min to come up with 2 nominations without discussing with anyone as well the HG's get to watch her from downstairs. Topaz says she's here to shake up the house. GAry says, we can here you Arisa! Should we be hearing this?!! She has no idea they are watching. She says, she wants to shake up the house. Then she says the house probably wants Talla out as well as AJ. HG's gasping and looking at each other. Alec looks like he is going to chew off his fingers. I don't want the house to vote out AJ, I want them to vote out Andrew. Andrew smiling like un-f-ing believeable! The house most likely wants TAlla out (Talla mouths 'nice'.) but I want her to stay as I could probably keep her under my wing and control who she votes for or have a a say. Peter raises his arms like 'see' to Alec. TAlla says (I think??) I didn't know everyone wants me out. AJ would be a waste of my HOH to get him out. There's Jillian and Emmett but no. Someone, "This isn't fair for her." I think it was Jillian cause then Emmett says,"Ya, this sucks." Peter is saying why doesn't she talk in her head? The lights on the HOH wall start flashing like she ran out of time. Topaz says she nominates AJ and Andrew. Arisa asks why she voted for them. She says, AJ is the pawn. I'm targetting Andrew and if he wins Veto then I'll need to backdoor someone. Gary says," better not be coming after me." Topaz will rejoin the HG after the break and has no idea they just listened to her.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 7:30 pm
darn you are great Miz I tried my best but you rock on the transcript LOL
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 7:43 pm
Okay that was completely unfair of them not to tell Topaz that the whole house was watching. She was obviously assuming it was a chat with the host and the viewers, like what BBUS does every eviction with the HoH talking to Julie Chen. Though of course Chen always tells the HoH that the house cannot hear them.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 7:44 pm
12 min in... She sits down next to Alec. He moved out of the way and stroked her shoulder. Think he feels badly for her. Arisa explaining to Topaz they all know. AJ and Andrew take the seats. Topaz says: I can't remember what I said. Talla says: Everything (Peter shushes Talla because Arisa is talking to AJ & Andrew) AJ says: I"m used to being up and know where Topaz stands now with me. Not nice being on the block again. Andrew says: Well I figure it was a matter of time before they figured out I was the biggest physical threat in the house and they had to come after me. Arisa to Andrew: Are you a bit shocked? You've never been on the block before. Andrew: Nope not at all. Arisa: Well, I've got some bad news. Not only is tonight an instant nomination ceremony, it's an instant eviction. Gasps by all the HG's. Someone says it's cruel. All the HG's voting: Emmett: AJ Gary: Andrew Peter: AJ (point at his elastic bands again Talla: I think I'm going to have a melt down; Andrew Alec: Topaz why did you do this?! AJ How am I going to get myself out of this one? Jillian: Big breathes....omg....blink blink....AJ Arisa: HG's I have the results for the instant eviction by a vote of 4-2 Andrew you are safe, AJ you have 5minutes to say your goodbyes. (he's the first jury member) AJ with Arisa Arisa: you are the most relaxed evictee AJ: there's no reason to get upset, it' s just a game. This is going to happen to many others. Guess it's just part of the game. Tough choice for Topaz, I guess she wasted her HOH ... Arisa: Ohhhh you think so? AJ: ya well we heard everything she said and it's unfortunate for her game because all her cards are on the table. Plus she said Talla would be out of the game which is going to cause drama in the house. Not so cool i got the bad end of the house. Arisa; i'm telling you this comp is about to get deadly AJ: make it a triple eviction Arisa: so who do you think will go far? AJ: Andrew but really thinks it will be Jillian Arisa telling him he is giong to Jury house.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 7:49 pm
Wow. I REALLY missed most of an 'epic' ep! (Caught about the last 20 minutes.) Thanks so much MIZ and everyone posting here tonight. 
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 7:53 pm
I noticed that they very carefully edited it so that we never saw anyone speaking as they passed in the hall while leaving/entering the DR for voting.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 7:57 pm
Hi Trio! I'm sure you recapped well, I didn't read any of the posts before watching as I want to have a surprise. I do a lot of pausing the show so my fingers an catch up to what is happening. LOL Flagg: I agree it's not fair Topaz didn't know the HG' were watching her. Her whole strategy is out the window and now she will need to scramble. There are huge gaps of time between my posts because of interruptions happening at my home. Bare with me everyone. LOL Ok...back to the show....I am now at the 26 min mark. HG's are telling Topaz what the heard her say. GAry says not fair. Andrew in the DR: Right now I have mixed emotions. I'm very happy that I'm still in the house able to play.... Cut to living room..... Topaz saying I can't remember what I said about you (ANdrew) and Andrew says, " He's my target." She says, no I didn't. He says, ya you did. Back to Andrew in DR: But it backfired on her. TAlla saying she can't believe everyone wants me out. Topaz says she's sorry you had to hear that. Peter in DR yelling: So Topaz has managed to alienate herself from the house and what she wanted to happen didn't happen and now she has no power and is the number one target from everybody except Gary. Peter and Emmett whispering in the WR; same old stuff about Topaz. Peter saying she is an idiot. blah blah blah moron Peter in DR: If it were me up there and I had 5 min to come up with a decision and I would have had my decision in 5 seconds and not ran off my mouth. Alec who is her closest ally voted against Topaz, that is serious rocky for their showmance. Alec in DR: I knew I had to do some damage control with Topaz. Topaz in DR; He says he wanted to do this for us (closes her eyes and wags her finger back and forth) no , no, you did this for you.k Alec in DR: I didn't think our showmance would disingrate this soon. Topaz in DR: There are no more cuddles.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 8:08 pm
Gary saying: I'm so sorry, they f-d you up. (to Topaz) Topaz in DR: I wanted to get some input from Gary Gary: happened? Topaz: P, A, E, J voted to keep Andrew Gary in DR: Alec, what were you thinking?! why did you vote against your girl? the whole point about having a showmance is not to vote with your own head. Gary to Topaz: the house is going to let Andrew take you out. Gary in DR: I felt bad everyone against Topaz. Topaz so alone and betrayed. Gary to Topaz: Then Alec drops you like a fly. Topaz in DR: I know Gary has my back no matter what well as much as you can in a game like this. Gary to Topaz: Alec feels like shit but you know it's all fake Topaz to Alec: We are so done and I'm ready to tear the house apart. Alec in Dr: People really think I'm hurt and super sad but really I'm trying to gain their compassion and sympathy. Andrew in DR: I go in the bathroom to see how Alec is since he put his neck out for me, saved me. Andrew to Alec: I really appreciate it. Alec: I'm glad you're here though buddy. Andrew in DR: If it wasn't for Alec, I would be in the jury house Andrew pep talking Alec. Alec in DR: If Andrew really believes that i really sacrificed somethign broken my heart just to save him, he'll be a little more indebted to me and so therefore i will try to keep him safe as long as i can. Wow....Alec is playing the game HARD! Well I guess you gotta do what you gotta do?!!