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| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 8:13 pm
After tonight's show, I think its completely obvious that Alec's entire reaction to "showergate" was an act to get sympathy and to get Tom out.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 8:19 pm
Hi Mame! How was your Easter dinner? You're very welcome, glad to help out when I can. Flagg...I too noticed they didn't show the HG's going by each other. However I'm sure Emmett whispered in Jillian's ear. LOL (Just kidding.) Ok....back to the show....I'm at the 36 min mark Alec says: Hello Topaz (kind of in a robot creepy voice) Topaz in DR: This morning I couldn't even look at Alec. He went against what I wanted. Alec in Dr: My strategy with Topaz is pretending I want to get back with her and that she has me in our pocket Topaz in DR: I really thought what we had was good, a solid alliance but no, our alliance is a bunch of BS. Alec in DR: Important thing is keeping a target on Topaz that she's the bad guy. Topaz in DR: This is a game, fake it if I have to and move forward. HOH comp has Topaz dressed like sherlok holmes with a pipe in her mouth that blows bubbles. Peter in DR: Low and behold this comp is a quiz type challenge which everybody loves. I'm not going to type each question. "Diary Room Confessions" Who said what in the diary room. Andrew and Talla in the lead Tie breaker Andrew is new HOH.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 8:23 pm
Andrew gets to choose who the next 4 people will be have nots. Emmet Topaz Peter Gary (hasn't done it before) Gary in DR: Doesn't want to fall apart like everyone else on slop. Gary crying and ran away. Emmett in DR: Saying it's like he is in a grocery store and can't have fruit loops. Everyone can't believe how he's breaking down, everyone (including me!) thought maybe he was joking. He's not. He's sobbing like a baby in Topaz's lap. (oh boyyyyyy this is going to be a dramatic week!)
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 8:25 pm
Hahah Gary crying over slop is the worst, most fake act I have seen yet on BBCAN. and thats with Aneal and Alec faking the tears already.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 8:29 pm
Andrew's HOH room. Black and sheets with red pillows. Vampire theme. Andrew says he is the prince of darkness. He was on the the cover of the Western Star newspaper, his hometown's local paper. Talking about his dead dad in the letter bringing tears to Andrew's eyes. Gary goes to Andrew in HOH. Andrew: Listen to this, I'm putting up Topaz up and because you voted to get rid of me too I'm putting you up too. Gary: But it's good I voted to get rid of you since then they won't know we're together Andrew: You win, I win, you get off. Gary in DR: He's fumbling around, couldn't decide which of us are pawns Andrew in DR: We are both thinking differently Gary in DR: Andrew you're just too scared to make a big move, it's ok, I get it.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 8:31 pm
Gary seems to think the word is "pond" instead of "pawn"
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 8:36 pm
Flagg...I agree....Gary crying even before he's starving?!! come on! LOL You're making me think about that whole shower debacle again but I still am not sure, he was food deprived for 3 weeks so really could have been paranoid. Ok...back to the the 56 min mark Andrew needs to do nomination ceremony Andrew says how he wants to advance his game. Topaz and Gary nom'd Topaz you targetted me during the last eviction and so I must avenge AJ Gary..I don't want you to be able to save Topaz that's why you're on the block Alec in DR: The thing with Topaz was completely for show and now I have no more use for her so she has to go. Gary in DR: Andrew you make me sick to my stomach because you are too scared to make a big move. Andrew in Dr: Gary you said I should make big moves you think I'm trying to get Topaz out but I'm trying to get you out. Wow....I wasn't expecting that from Andrew against Gary.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 8:38 pm
Flagg....I didn't notice Gary saying 'pond' instead of 'pawn'. Funny though if he did. Alec is pretty crude about the Topaz situation. Sort of reminded me of Mike Boogie using Erika. Episode over. Now I'm dying to know what is happening on the live feeds if anything.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 9:22 pm
BBUS never blew up anyone's game the way BBCan blew up Topaz'game. That was just.not.right. (and I am not a Topaz fan!) Production must dislike her a lot. Now everyone should be afraid to verbalize anything and make the feeds really dull. Also, even if Topaz had been completely silent during that 5 minute period at the end Arisa asked her who she picked and why. Total doo doo.
| Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 9:56 pm
Hwest....yes, I too thought it was very deceitful of Arisa to ask 'why' she nominated them as if she hadn't heard everything she just said therefore making it seem to Topaz that nobody heard her talking to herself. I'm not a Topaz fan either and find it BBC's meddling with Topaz's game. However to be fair, it may have happened to any of them.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 3:57 am
absolute power corrupts absolutely But... I wonder if maybe, since its their first year, BBCA is testing out some of the viewer's ideas. I think I remember a BBUS HH who was by far one of the least liked houseguests... and there were some posts about BB "outing" their thoughts against other HGs. Maggie maybe?? I seriously can't remember the HH, but I do remember the context of net conversations that followed... Anyway, it seems to me that BBCA is using some of the ideas I've seen posted by viewers on this and other BB 1. Bringing back tasks. In the very early years of BBUS, the contestants had tasks to do as a group. There was even one secret task, dealing with a potato and time. I've seen online requests for the return of such things. 2. Viewer eviction saving....this is a HUGE one. Every year, someone's favorite underdog is put on the block for no other reason than being themselves. Net requests allowing Viewers to save someone on the block has been common in the past. 3. PUNISHMENTS for breaking and/or ignoring the rules. I personally believe the reason some BBUS HG's acted out is because they felt there would be no repercussions for their actions. I, as well as many others, LOVE the fact that BBCA HGs enforces their rules. While I am unhappy that BBCA is not sharing by broadcasting in the US, I have to say this is one of the better Big Brothers I've seen. And I've been watching BBUS since its first year. ETA: The biggest requests I've seen online deal with punishment and reward...and to me this season of BB seems to have those qualities more than any BBUS season. That is what really made me think the producers are trawling the boards and listening...
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 4:58 am
as well, BB had no way of knowing that Topaz was gong to verbalize her thoughts like that.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 5:30 am
BBlover, Arisa could have told Topaz that she should verbalize and needed to because there would be no diary room segment. We don't know. The events were edited down to a one hour show. But, it didn't matter because Arisa asked her why she put up people and even if she had remained silent in the end she was screwed when she answered Arisa. Right now we have a bunch of wussy players who don't want to win HOH and I certainly wouldn't want to win HOH if it could blow up my game. Even if BB screws with an HOH nomination the HOH should be safe. This was ridiculous. Also, it did nothing to change the dynamic of the house which is to gang up on one unlucky person and get rid of them. There is no fierce competing between sides for the Power. No one wants it. I am a Gary fan and I did like that Gary had the guts to try for the Power and to make moves when he had it.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 5:50 am
I do not like Topaz but I do feel really bad for her now. That was the worst case of BB meddling/destroying someone's game ever!!! I cannot believe how badly Gary reacted to going on slop. He can go now. I do not LIKE Alec one little bit.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 6:59 am
Good morning everyone.....some very interesting points made by you all. Kep....I too like that there are consequences to breaking the rules. I also like the tasks. Remember the task in season 1 where they had to do a 'tour de france' not sure if that is the name but they had to take turns riding a stationary bike for 24 hours or a very long time, I remember it going through the night. BBlover...I agree with you and and with Hwest....'maybe' BB didn't know Topaz would talk out loud or 'maybe' they did tell her to vocalize her thoughts and didn't show us her telling her that. I do agree with Hwest though that one should feel safe if you're HOH. Sportsfan...I"m a Gary fan but his reaction to being put on slop was way over dramatic. However I don't want him to leave. He has a good heart. If I had to choose between Topaz and Gary I would want GAry to stay. As for Alec, I'm so conflicted, sometimes like last night him inviting Talla to sleep in his bed without thinking of Topaz's feelings made me not like him but at the same time I wonder if he is just young and dumb sometimes. When he was talking to Gary last night he seemed so genuine however his DR say otherwise. I'm not sure what to believe with this guy. He is either an excellent actor/liar or he is conflicted with himself.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 9:32 am
Just bouncing off a few earlier comments...Miz suggested that if you are HOH you should feel safe but in reality those in positions of leadership are often the targets of everything from assassination to slander, etc. So one may have power but sometimes it is a precarious throne. As for Alec being so genuine sounding with Gary and then not so in one should believe anyone wholeheartedly while they are in the House. Game, game,game. No one should ever forget it. Cynical as it sounds,it is what it is. And I don't think Gary believes half of what he says let alone what others say...
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 10:21 am
In BB US, Julie always advises the HOH that their conversations are private and no one else can hear them. I can't remember if that has been done before in BB Canada but it might have been a tip-off to Topaz that she didn't do it. Plus the whole situation wasn't normal. I guess it is easy to second guess from here but there were clues that things were off. I wonder if some of the other HG's would have handled it differently and not said as much?
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 10:45 am
If Topaz had just one single person who was actually on her side, that person could have easiy yelled out to her that they could see and hear her. I don't think the HoH room is sound-proof. They do it on BBUK and BBAU all the time when someone is in the DR and it is being shown on the monitors.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 11:37 am
Flagg....well GAry sort of did but I guess not loud enough.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 12:29 pm
I didn't know that in the overseas BB shows the HGs do shout outs if someone in DR is being shown on monitors. That's an interesting added touch...depending on who it is I guess HGs either listen up or put out the warning. The Topaz event just makes this more interesting to me. We get to see how individuals 'manage' their lies or real feelings/opinions when those things become public. Some people are masters at managing the situation. Happens all the time. (politics is good example) 
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 12:41 pm
I think Gary was telling BB or Arisa they could hear, he didnt yell it so Topaz woud hear him.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 12:49 pm
Of course on AU and UK its a completely different game, more HGs vs BB instead of HG vs HG. This is one of the problems I am seeing with BBCan. They are borrowing heavily from BBUK yet dont seem to adjust things for the different game. BBUK of course still follows the REAL Big Brother formula, with the public voting on evictions with HGs all nominating. The thing with Topaz last night is very much something they would do on BBUK, several times they have shown housemates' nominations to the whole house, or had them do it face to face. Its not much of an issue there since strategizing by discussing nominations is against the rules (most of the time).
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 6:33 pm
This episode made me like Andrew more. Then again, I'm always a sucker for seeing the guys get emotional when they get a letter from home. I guess because you get so used to seeing their scheming and strategizing, you don't get a lot of ample time to see that they have emotions just like everyone haha. So the letters always make me go awwww and soften me towards them. Never fails!! Agree that Gary was WAAAAAAAY OTT about the slop. Man! I like him but that was ridic and I loved Jillian's "impression" of his crying and saying she thought he was joking because it was so preposterous that he would be crying that loudly. I say suck it up, sally! Everyone in that house should have a taste of what being on slop is like. I don't feel bad for Topaz. Everyone's opinion's may vary but I don't think they "secretly" cut out footage of Arisa TELLING Topaz to discuss her thoughts aloud. I think no matter who would have been HOH would have gotten that same treatment. And I honestly think that Topaz is the type of girl to work through her thoughts aloud (to her detriment) if I had to say...I think I could see Talla and Emmett doing the same thing. I think Alec and Peter wouldn't have voiced their thoughts. And I think there might be a few people out there who agree with me but I'm not viewing the Alec/Topaz with a double standard. Like "oh poor Topaz, Alec you're a snake!" All this time Topaz has been saying in the DR that she's using him to further her game, does that mean that they both weren't enjoying each other at some points, yes I'm sure they genuinely were, but ultimately they were never on the same level as Emmett/Jillian's connection. IMO it always cam across as much more shallow and hearing Alec say that Topaz needs to go now and is no longer useful is a legitimate claim. It doesn't strike me as ruthless because she would react the same. Oh and I am SO SICK of hearing people accuse the current HOH of making "weak" moves just because it doesn't help them out. Gary annoyed me when he acted like Andrew was making a weak move taking Topaz out. Topaz WANTS Andrew out. Why wouldn't he go after her?? Why make new enemies in Emmett/Jillian/Peter/Alec if he doesn't have to? That would be stupid. In fact as long as Andrew isn't on A/P and E/J's target why put himself there. If he can get to final 5 he'll be in a pretty sweet spot to be the swing between A/P and E/J because both sides will be wanting his help to get the other two out. And then he'd be guaranteed F3. So I think Gary's assumption that Andrew is making "weak" moves just because he doesn't vote what Gary wants is dumb and I'm sick of ANY of the HG's that say that to the HOH.
| Monday, April 01, 2013 - 6:48 pm
Nolanry....I think Alec and Topaz deserve each other. lol
| Tuesday, April 02, 2013 - 3:47 am
Nolanry, I totally agree with everything you said! Also agree with Miz, they do deserve each other, LOL
| Tuesday, April 02, 2013 - 5:35 am
Ditto for me too, Nolanry and Miz! I still start laughing when I think of Gary's extreme slop meltdown.
| Tuesday, April 02, 2013 - 7:44 am
I was thinking the same thing about the "weak" move comments Gary was making. Whats "weak" about putting up Gary and Topaz? If it goes according to Andrew's plan and he gets out Gary, thats probably the most successful HoH yet, getting out one of the most competitive players. Unfortunately, production probably does not want to lose Gary so dont be surprised if we see more "powershifts".
| Tuesday, April 02, 2013 - 12:21 pm
I totally agree with everything you said Nolanry. Gary only considered Andrew's plans weak because they weren't HIS plan.