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| Friday, March 22, 2013 - 10:03 am
Andrew, Gary, Suzette, Peter
| Friday, March 22, 2013 - 12:15 pm
After last nights double eviction episode I think I dislike everyone but mostly Andrew Peter and Alec have fallen in my esteem. Andrew - Targeting Suzette as his big move? Talks a good game but has no guts. Peter - is not a diabolical genius. He's a little delusional and an annoying Diary Room screamer. He will not be keeping Liza warm. He'll be cozying up to a sock puppet. Alec has totally spaced out on us. Can his dislike of Tom really stem from an insulting comment Tom made about Dr. Will? REALLY? Very oversensitive and strange. AJ - Yikes. Talla - Hmmm. Guess I am for Gary Glitter and Suzette this week. This can all change pretty quick though.
| Friday, March 22, 2013 - 3:22 pm
Hwest, I agree with you about Andrew. I like him, and wouldn't be upset if he won, but targeting Suzette is weak sauce. I was a bit disappointed that he put Suzette and Liza on the block, but I think Suzette was the pawn and Liza was the target. Still miffed that he didn't take the opportunity to get rid of a physically stronger player. Also agree on Alec. The upset over a comment made about Dr. Will, and also the crying about Tom opening the shower door seems over the top to me. Really over sensitive! Peter may not be a diabolical genius, but I like him personally, and was glad he didn't give Liza a pity vote, even though I could tell that he wanted to. I don't mind the yelling in the DR - reminds me of Dan! AJ does nothing for me, and Talla is too screechy. I am amazed that no one is talking about breaking up Emmett/Jillian or Alex/Topaz. To me, those are the biggest threats in the house.
| Friday, March 22, 2013 - 3:51 pm
I think Peter was afraid to give Liza a pity vote. I go back and forth on all of them. I don't think Peter has it in him to be a BB assassin. Sometimes I like him (loved Marsha the Moose and Peter) but sometimes I think he overestimates the game he is playing and his intelligence.
| Saturday, March 23, 2013 - 7:03 am
I agree Rosem and Hwest. I am afraid Alec is going to continue with the wussy moves this week putting up Suzette and AJ. I found Alec's whining over the shower incident WAY over the top. I am sticking with Gary and Emmett as my favs.
| Monday, March 25, 2013 - 9:23 pm
I know a lot of people don't like Peter and Alec because it seems like a foregone conclusion that they will be F2, but I wouldn't necessarily bet on that. Would I mind? Not at all. I still like Peter and Alec. And I don't think you can really fault them for having the intelligence to come into this game with a plan and the tenacity to keep it going long term. I respect that and if fellow houseguests have been falling by the wayside and getting the boot one by one, it's simply because they are being out-maneuvered. DR's are obviously very telling of the houseguests personalities. I like that Peter may be an introverted guy in larger groups but then in diary room he is very outgoing. Showing us his cunning side and the brutal honesty he doles out in his humor. (I also am entertained by his "loudness" in DR but I can also easily see how that could go the other way for some people) And then there's Alec. I like this guy because he too came in with a similar style of gameplay as Peter (amazing that they were able to find each other so quick right off the bat and gel) and yet, as shown over and over again in his DR vids, he really has compassion for others and is basically a good guy. He often has used the DR to reflect on a situation another houseguest was in and how he felt bad. I 100% believe his mamma raised him right and he's able to place himself in others' shoes and imagine what they are feeling. I love that he is able to play this game very unemotionally, with lots of clarity and yet we see glimpses of how he is processing everything going on with his heart as well as his brain. He's a well balanced man IMO. I'm not going to feel bad that they seem to consistantly have power either directly or indirectly. They have come into this with a very clear direction in how they intended to play and win. If they get to F2 together IMO they deserve it.
| Monday, March 25, 2013 - 9:41 pm
I agree. I find Peter's DR's very entertaining.
| Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - 5:03 am
I find Peter's diary rooms very insightful.
| Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - 6:46 am
| Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - 6:48 am
Alec and Andrew are my current faves. Overall they are the most compassionate and humane.
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 4:26 am
I wasn't going to add my opinion because I am biased toward Jillian being that she is a hometown girl but changed my mind. I love Jillian Emmett Andrew, probably because they are like people I know, there attitudes are natural to me. People think Jillian is fake, I know for a fact that isn't true. I know lots of Jokers like Andrew and Emmett is so typical of young men that I know. It is really hard for me to say what I would feel about them if they were not like the people I am used to. Like a lot Talla and AJ, maybe because they make me laugh so much with their quirkiness. Like Alex and Peter, probably best gamers in the house. Don't care much about Topez or Suzette, I find Topez selfish and I find Suzette whiney. Gary was one of my favorites but I am so over his whiney voice, and his hissy fits, the diva crap is getting old, I think he enhaled too much glitter.
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 4:54 am
Llkoolaid I am with you on everything but gary. I still find him entertaining but I have not watched the feeds much so could be missing stuff!!!
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 5:50 am
I like Gary, as well as Andrew and Alec.
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 8:02 am
I have the feeds on always, when I am not in the room, they are turned up so loud so I can hear them through the house. Thankfully my husband works away and my daughter is rarely home. I should cut Gary a break, he has been sick for a few days.
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 8:48 am
I totally agree with you Llkoolaid. I am also from the same Province as Jillian, Emmett and Andrew and know I might be biased, but I too can relate to them. I find Gary tiresome, he is funny and does add entertainment value, but I can only take him in small doses. Topaz is very selfish and has a mean streak. I really wanted to like Suzette and I know she has been on the block alot, but she is definitely a whiner.
| Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 3:19 pm
Alec cheats in the competitions and he is planning to give Topaz a cruel axing. So I think he's a jerk. Why he wants to get rid of Topaz I don't know. She is loyal to him.
| Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 6:24 pm
I feel exactly as Bblover, on every houseguest. I like Emmett, Jillian, and Andrew and I am not the from the same Province.
| Thursday, March 28, 2013 - 6:51 pm
wooohoo i also like those Jillian, Emmett and Andrew. Gary i find selfish as well as topaz. I cant change the feeds fast enough when AJ that bad? ROFL