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Archive through April 23, 2004Hamsterlady25 04-23-04  5:16 am
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Monday, April 26, 2004 - 6:55 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wilsonatmd a private message Print Post    
well one free feed at least, from what I gather....we'll know more when it happens.

There are rumors going all over the place about the show over there. From what I can gather, some of the contestants might be people who were on in previous seasons of the show....

And I'm hearing a couple of different rumors on how the HOH will work, if there is one (it's not been 100% confirmed). One rumor says the HOH gets to nominate one person automatically for the public vote, with the other HG's making the other nominations by voting (usually, three people are up for eviction each week). The other format I've heard is that the HOH doesn't nominate, but rather can "protect" one or two other people from nomination besides themselves.



Monday, April 26, 2004 - 7:00 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Wilson, thanks for keeping us up to date. Do you think we could get the mod's to set up a UK 2004 and Australia 2004 threads???

I can't wait for this to get started!!!!



Saturday, May 01, 2004 - 8:40 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wilsonatmd a private message Print Post    
I asked the mods to add those 2 sections, so hopefully they should be up soon.

The Australian BB HG's are in the house, the first show is Sunday night (Sunday Morning our time...they're like 12-14 hours ahead) The streaming shouold start after the show there...but it's usally jammed the first few nights until they get the server load worked out.

There are two big rumors now, and according to the official site, one of them is true. The first one says 4 of the contestants are related to each other, and 2 of them are married. The 2nd rumor, and from all accounts the most likely one to be true, is that the prize for winning has increased from AU$250K (a little over $180K here) to AU$1million (about $722K here)



Thursday, November 07, 2013 - 11:29 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
I'm watching BBAU 2003 for the first time, if anyone wants to join me.

Day 16 shocked me that they aired that, no wonder they stopped the live feeds.

I'm up to Day 18 - it's really confusing with 2 houses & swapping & the nom process is tricky, the HM don't even realize they are nomming.

OMG Day 19 & a fellow is naked washing in the outside sink?? In the food prep area lol



Friday, November 08, 2013 - 1:15 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
I've only just finished day 4, so I'll need a bit more time to catch up. So far I'm not finding this cast as likeable as 2013, though. Hopefully that will change. I think part of it is that so far Big Brother himself has had very little interaction with them. And the introductions are taking too long.



Friday, November 08, 2013 - 12:10 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
I had started watching this series (at least once or twice before) & always gave up long before day 16 but I've heard too many people say this is the best series, so I'm trying to stick with it.

I have a real hard time understanding Regina & I don't watch "full on" I kind of have it in the background while I'm doing other things so it doesn't have my full attention. I know enough that the "nom" process is a fake & they are using the "least saved" method which is real confusing *but* I've always wanted them to do a variation of this where the HM didn't even know who they were nominating, so I am really excited about this & hope they keep it up.

So far there are still 2 houses but they vaguely know about each other & there is a lot of folks wishing to be on the "other side".

So I'll stick with it. I'm skipping the "chat" shows where Sonia & exHG talk about what's going on - if you see anything I really should have watched, let me know (if you don't skip them also).

I'd love to have folks to chat about this with.



Friday, November 08, 2013 - 11:25 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
On day 9 now and finding this mind-numbingly dull, but I'm determined to get to the good part since I'm reading over and over again elsewhere that this was the best season. So far it's so much blah, blah, blah about relationships. I did get high hopes when Leah joined the game and started shouting to the house across the way. Why didn't they do that on day 1? I do find myself skipping ahead through a lot of the conversations.

I guess in these early years they were still playing up the "social experiment" aspect of it rather than gaming.

I did find it funny that the guy described as a heartthrob looks like Ray Romano.



Saturday, November 09, 2013 - 11:10 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Heartthrob? Do you mean Vincent (who looks like Ray Romano to me). I'm not finding any of the men attractive. I guess I'm too old (although I found several of the men attractive in the current cast).

One thing funny is that 19yo Saxon ends up having a relationship with Gretel Killeen after the show.

I'm on day 22 & still struggling to hang in there lol. The houses merge soon so hopefully things will change.

One piece we are missing is they had free live feeds during this period.



Sunday, November 10, 2013 - 12:00 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
Yes, Vincent is the one I was talking about. Gretel called him the debonair heartthrob. I think Patrick is the only attractive one on the show, mainly because of his voice.

Okay, so a few things have managed to keep my attention. The biggest one is of course Belinda's weird drunken confession about her sister that scared all the guys. And how weird that nobody has brought it up since (I'm on Day 22 as well right now). And then all the crazy medical emergencies the square house had in one day. And now that I've gotten used to all these characters it's easier to see where the conflicts are. Belinda and Regina are kind of a funny pair of oddballs.

But what I really miss, aside from the great cast of 2013, is the playful Big Brother interacting with the house. This Big Brother sounds perpetually depressed, and I don't like the way nominations have to be based on how their lives are personally being affected in the house. They can't nominate strategically, but have to talk about how that person makes them feel. It just makes them sound like whiny babies. Plus, some of these people aren't that clever and can't come up with an explanation he's satisfied with.

I do like that the public was voting to evict rather than save. At least, I think I do. We'll see how it pans out. Weird to see that they could sing copyrighted songs back then. And read books.

I do not like those uncut episodes. Ick. Skipping those.



Sunday, November 10, 2013 - 1:10 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
WOW, you did a marathon going from day 9 to day 22 in 24 hours. That's dedication. I took a bit of a break & am only on day 24.

The night of Belinda's confession, Vincent said that the HM were told by BB to *never* speak of it again with each other or with others after that night. That's why that little group didn't go to bed. Claire said it wouldn't be possible for her not to speak of it (to get it out of her system) & I think that was why they were allowed to talk it out that night.

I wondered if Belinda didn't remember telling the others or if BB talked to her also & said not to speak of it with HM. She didn't seem to understand why it was so awkward with the HMs.

It was bad enough it was a vicious murder but it was also a hate crime - I was under the impression they didn't even know the fellow, just slaughtered him because he was gay. That especially effected the gay HMs & people who had close gay family & friends (most of them).

I couldn't believe that it was aired at all & especially with names identified. Her sister may have signed a release but I doubt the murderers or victim's family did.

It was all so chilling & to be stuck in that house with those thoughts echoing in the brain. I assume the brought in the psychologist to help the HM cope. Belinda said she had discussed it with Carmel (Carmel Hill the psychologist) You'd think that she'd warned production to be wary of Belinda's talks of her sis. She wouldn't have to go into detail but so it wouldn't be aired if brought up.

I watched the recent nominations & it looks like they have dropped the weird way they had been doing it. I wish they'd just ask who's the most boring in the house or quietest or even the person you know least & the top 3 or 4 would be up for eviction.

BBAU changes, 2013's BB seemed easy going, playful & lighthearted. There wasn't even any real punishments given this year. In the past, BBAU used to be strict & hard. There has been a punishment room, where HM had to do an almost impossible task before being released. HM feared speaking with him. Noms were frightening some years because if you didn't have an acceptable answer within a 3 minute time limit, you were put up for nomination instead or given a strike. I don't think it was all threats, I believe HM were (or would have been) ejected for strikes or put up for eviction.

BBUS threatens but has never gone through with anything & HM have no fear.

I believe one of the main reasons BBAU was shut down after 2008 was due to the sleaziness & I'm guessing that is why the family friendly attitude covering up any naughtiness. It would be almost impossible for 2 young people to share a bed & kissing & it not to get carried away.

There is sleaziness in the BBUS house shown on the feeds but it rarely is shown on the TV. I've heard that one year the sexual antics of one couple was so outrageous that it couldn't be shown at all on the feeds. Most HM having sex will make a tent with a duvet & they will show that but I don't think they will show a porno (I don't have feeds, I don't know though).

I believe they've always banned smoking from BBAU house. I assume they give them patches & have them locked up during the main withdrawal 3 day period. Cigs seem to be the main issue with BBUK, it's such a contrast.



Sunday, November 10, 2013 - 11:15 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
Come to think of it, I didn't even notice that nobody was smoking this year. I just know I loved what they did with the show this year. It's disappointing that previous seasons weren't as fun and lighthearted.

I say this about BBUS, but I have to say it about BBAU 2003. Don't they screen these people? When they were interviewing them with the psychologist, shouldn't they have also done a background check on them to make sure this type of scandal wouldn't become a problem. Mind you, I don't blame Belinda for her sister's actions. It was a disturbing story, but it just made me feel sorry for her more than anything else. But blabbing about it on camera must've made it so much harder for her parents. That was foolish.

I just let that playlist of episodes run one after another in the late night hours. I'm about to start day 29. I do confess to skipping parts that don't seem to be going anywhere. I have little patience for the guys from the square house, and I'm skipping the uncuts.



Saturday, November 16, 2013 - 1:58 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Curlyq, I sometimes think they screen for people that are fragile.

I'm at day 54. I just noticed that this playlist doesn't include the evictions, which is fine with me but did seek out JoAnne's eviction interview with Gretel to see if she commented about leading *ALL* those men on. I guess the bf could have got pissed at 1 or 2 but when you are giving equal attention to 3 different men - none of it can be serious. Saxon "got it" & Vincent was in a relationship also so shouldn't have been going there but I felt sorry for Patrick. It was almost like she demanded their full allegiance to her. I was glad Saxon wouldn't let her play with him (completely). When she demanded that "her boys" (Saxon & Patrick) stay with her while she changed was *awkward*.

I wondered if she was voted out for toying with the boys or for nominating Reggie. I thought for sure Daniel would be gone. JoAnne seemed to almost be the main focus of the show.

I'm not really getting the Reggie charm. Not understanding her half the time doesn't help, luckily they've started subtitling her more.

She apparently left her husband immediately after the show but it sounded like she was over him before she went in.



Saturday, November 16, 2013 - 11:30 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
The playlist I've been watching includes every episode as well as the "Insider" shows and the "Rove Evictee" interview shows, which I usually speed through. I'm almost caught up with you. The last one I watched was the nominations on day 51. I suspect Joanne was voted against for both reasons. It was getting so tiresome watching every episode devote so much time to the scenes between her and one of the guys, especially the Saxon scenes. I thought he fell for her the hardest. He really thought he stood a chance with her because she kept saying she couldn't talk in front of the cameras whenever he asked her if he did. If she wasn't interested she could've let him down gently cameras and all, but by saying that she was suggesting she didn't want her boyfriend to hear. She and Vincent kept saying this to each other as well, as if Vincent didn't want his girlfriend hearing them, either.

Speaking of Vincent, why on earth did he go on this show? As soon as he said he's a private person I thought "What show do you think you signed up for?!" Why did they cast someone who wouldn't be willing to open up in front of the cameras about anything. He acts as if he's a CIA agent with so much to hide. Is this a way to come across as mysterious?

Anyway, I suspect Joanne left because of the ongoing hard to watch drama, but also because she nominated the viewers' favorite. Kind of like Tully annoying people with both her negativity and her romantic maneuvers. The nomination of Reggie was likely the icing on the cake. I got the impression Patrick was the one out of the three who had her figured out. I think he took her flirting with a grain of salt. It looks like she ended up marrying a totally different guy in the end.

It's interesting watching Reggie pick up on Kim's vibe. Kim thinks everyone is against her (although it's the other way around--she dislikes everyone), and soon Reggie begins to feel the same way.

I think I get the Reggie love. She got along with everyone, and is just flaky enough to provide comic relief. I think she had them at that first eviction when Gretel caught her with the big spoon of ice cream at her mouth. She's a little scattered, and striking out on her own. So people have a soft spot for her. And she's a contrast to the people around her, who tend to be a bit too complex for their own good sometimes.



Sunday, November 17, 2013 - 6:41 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
I cracked up because I too went looking to see if she married the fellow she'd been with for 6.5 years - nope. One thing I saw mentioned that her & Saxon did have a very brief involvement after all.

Did you see Saxon's interview after he was out that he had *no* clue that she was also leading on the other 2 guys? I thought that was why he kept backing off.

I wish Saxon had stayed in longer. I agree I just don't see a reason for Vincent to even be on the show. You mentioned he was suppose to be the heartthrob. I didn't get that lol. I don't get the appeal of Patrick either.

This season is getting short, I'm on day 64 & still not seeing why this season has been so highly touted - maybe it has yet to come together. I'm probably just not watching it as intently as I should.

Jamie & Kim were supposed to be replacement HM for Belinda, not intruders. But there are no "intruder" HM.

According to wiki, Kim was involved in a small scandal as result of a joke she told in the house about Aborigines, and was forced to leave her home town to escape the fallout.

I saw one video with her telling long stories, that I don't know if it was bad or if instead of
bleeping they had her voice unrecognizable.

I've been watching a playlist & I don't remember many/any eviction until just recently. It would be strange one day, they'd all be together & the next they'd be crying over an eviction. I skip the insider & rogue/rove evictee interviews & noms - maybe I'm missing too much but don't care.



Sunday, November 17, 2013 - 11:20 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
I think we read the same website where Saxon and Jo are concerned. I found that hard to believe, but even more hard to believe where it says Saxon dated Gretel as well. Why would these women date a kid like that? I find him hard to watch. Maybe that website got its info wrong or something. Currently up to day 57.



Monday, November 18, 2013 - 11:56 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
I don't doubt Gretel & Saxon rumor, they have been flirting with every exchange, even from the first meeting. He & Gretel were both at their sexual peaks & single.

What I was surprised at was that they appeared together on the red carpet at at least one event & had been seen together, holding hands, etc. several times. I doubt if it was ever more than a fling but something, I would think, would be frowned upon by BB management. Apparently production & HM "interactions" are fairly common. Rylan (BBUK presenter) & Detective Dan (BBUK HM) are now supposedly involved, according to Dan's exbf who leaked their messages to each other.



Monday, November 18, 2013 - 9:56 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
That's really weird. A 40-year-old with a 19-year-old? Especially a 19-year-old who still cries for his mommy. Don't get the appeal. Was there a man shortage in Australia? I thought it was hard to believe 24-year-old Jo would really go for him. Gretel just blows my mind.

I just think it's weird that hosts get involved with HM's at all. I could understand HM's getting involved with each other. They're together all the time, cut off from the outside world. But the host is just someone they see pop up on their screen every so often (or in this case they just hear a voice) to tell them who's out.

I'm starting to wonder if the reason people said this was the best season is because they're just remembering the way they felt about it at that time. Comparing it to today's shows it just doesn't come close, but at the time it was probably a really big deal.



Tuesday, November 19, 2013 - 12:07 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
I think you are right that the show was better at the time (in 2003) when there was nothing for comparison.

I just saw this comment in the greatest moments in BB history which included Belinda's confession -

In the first few weeks of season three (the boring one with two houses)

So we're not the only ones that think it's a tad slow.



Friday, November 22, 2013 - 1:06 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
Up to day 72 now. Four left in the house along with Anoushka. Amazing how long some of these guys lasted considering how low-key they were. I guess this is what happens when you vote to evict rather than to save. The duller people stick around a bit longer. I wonder if that's why they changed it. I noticed this year the first evictees were the ones who weren't making much of an impression.



Friday, November 22, 2013 - 1:06 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Yes, I've changed my opinion on vote to save completely. The only thing worse than an obnoxious HM is a boring one. HM that sleep all the time & people don't even realize they are there & never get nominated, then 13 weeks later that's all to choose from.

But then again when voters want someone out so much that they vote for the Sugar Sisters. I guess it really needs to be a combination of 6 noms & vote to save. 3 nominees would make it easy to force out someone obnoxious.

I did like the last 3 of this season fine but when the highlight of the daily shows are about an expresso machine & a juicer or lack thereof that's pretty sad. I would have been upset if Patrick or Vincent won.

Tim could have gone the first week of this last series if he had been up & it was vote to evict & we would have lost a great HM.



Friday, November 22, 2013 - 7:57 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
Exactly. Somehow this year the producers got everything just right in order to create a really entertaining season. Even if it meant watching Tully a few more weeks than I would have liked, it was worth it. It probably helps that after all this time the audience has learned to save the pot-stirrers to keep things interesting. They might not have saved Tim back in the early days. I remember Gretel imploring the audience several rounds back to vote out the boring people rather than the troublemakers. At the time I thought she was crossing the line telling them how to vote, but now I can see why she said that. I wonder what would happen if they let the audience nominate and the housemates vote.

In any event, I'm just glad they no longer ask "How does that affect your experience in the house?" I hate that question. I love that Dan didn't even bother with it. He just voted strategically and Big Brother was fine with that. So much better than struggling to find something to complain about. And I loved watching the evicted housemates' reaction to that. "He's playing the game." "No, he's just trying to be nice." You can do both.



Saturday, November 23, 2013 - 10:54 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
BBUK & BBAU always implore the audience to vote out the boring ones but with vote to evict, production doesn't have any control. With vote to save, unless the audience rallies to intentionally get out one person (which they did with Tully by massively voting for the other 2 noms) it's almost impossible to get out someone with vote to save.

BBAU exec producer said as long as he has a say, they will never go back to vote to evict.

So every year BBUK audience votes out all the wild childs & Sam, Sophie, Jackie, Charlie & the fellow that kept saying "Soar, Charlie Soar" are left.

They are allowed to vote for strategy but BB flusters them so much to explain how, most don't stick with it & go with the option that they are annoying (which is usually true).



Thursday, November 28, 2013 - 11:01 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Curlyq a private message Print Post    
Finally saw the last episode. Very nice finale. I loved the long walk, picking up former HM's along the way. And I'm glad she got to see and experience that big celebration in her honor, having read about how she lost her vision in later years.

I don't know why Gretel kept saying this was the first BB in the world to have an all female final two, when ours had all females in 2002. She said they had been trying to look up the statistics, but how hard would it have been to look that up online?

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