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| Friday, August 24, 2012 - 9:40 pm
the most fun person in the house!
| Saturday, August 25, 2012 - 11:40 am
I think people must have assumed she was safe. I did (not that I voted). They've just had the task with Jasmine's mum going in and pretending to be a fortune teller (with some info from Jasmine, I don't know what). Seemed like it went down like a lead balloon, with it all being a bit awkward. She kissed Lorenzo on the lips, which upset him. Seems like she was as classy as her daughter.
| Saturday, August 25, 2012 - 9:23 pm
Wow, oh Wow - this is the most interesting love triangle ever. Unfortunately, for the prince (& me) the language barrier between here (Texas) & the Jersey shore makes it hard to comprehend what they are saying (& I thought the Irish were hard to understand lol)
| Saturday, August 25, 2012 - 10:24 pm
lol Will, watching cherl on the bit im laughing my fool head off. i only understand about a quarter of what shes saying but her expresions and all are a riot. i wish usas, bbc would air more of these type of shows. (would put bbusa off the air) love julian and julie. does anyone besides me think danica is always eating something? she and reain can go any time. thank you kitt for your updates.
| Saturday, August 25, 2012 - 11:41 pm
In the clip, "It's more than beef, it's war" when Mike says he threatened (or so it seems to me) Danica (and or Rian) with nomination from him and his boys (Harvey & Ashley) - Lorenzo says now you fellows will probably be here til then end (unlike himself) wouldn't you rather spend the time having fun with pretty girls? He could have easily let Mike make a fool of himself and/or let them nominate & remove his competition for her affections but instead he figures he'll be gone soon if nommed & Danica & Mike should spend the time together amicably. I was very proud of him. I do hope BB repeats the whole convo to the house during the rule break penalty. Even though Lorenzo was being kind, he was also trying to influence voting to keep the girls - so that should be considered a rule break also.
| Saturday, August 25, 2012 - 11:45 pm
Oh, I forgot the BBC America channel - you are right they should air BBUK, they could probably get them cheap anyways lol and the US already has a huge BB fan base that would *love* it.
| Sunday, August 26, 2012 - 12:08 am
I liked how someone on BOTS told them off for tarring Danica and Rhian with the same brush. From what we've been shown it seems like Ashley came on to Rhian beyond the level of friends they'd established, and she said no so he's upset about it. Like the bed thing, he pushed and pushed her to share a bad with her, and she said not a single bed, then when she gives in Ashley allows others (I think it was Coleen) to blame her for it. Danica on the other hand... what potion has that girl taken?! Mike's assumption that he somehow has first dibs on her, and she owes him something is a little bizarre. And I'd have thought someone with his experience in women (I'm assuming) would know when he's being played, or if not played he should catch on that she's a shameless flirt and it might not mean what he thought that behaviour would mean. Lorenzo seems to understand the situation, even if he's still very smitten. Young people, I don't know ;).
| Sunday, August 26, 2012 - 9:13 am
I think they're faking all the "loving" for the camera. I bet Princey pretended to be gaga over the women in the Bachelor, so he's a pro at fakery. He's as attracted to Danica as I am to poison ivy. Ashley is a poor actor and, unfortunately, somewhat of a jerk. With some tutelage he, too, could act like he's smitten without whining for attention. Danica needs to learn that when acting, sometimes less is more. Tweaking nipples smacks of desperation. She probably should get contacts, too, so that her eyes don't give off fireworks when she finds out a guy is rich.
| Sunday, August 26, 2012 - 11:42 am
lol! The nipples thing was completely out of line. Who would do that to "a friend?!" I thought when Danica heard the cheers for Mike and the fact that he was in the top two of votes with Julian that she'd be back going for him, but instead she seems fixed on Lorenzo now. I'd considered Mike was going for the "lost puppy" appeal with the intent of getting the girl and therefore restoring his manhood (and votes), but it never occurred to me that Lorenzo was acting. Wish I'd seen him on The Bachelor now! Oh and both Mike and Danica saying they know why Lorenzo was booed! Danica said it was because of how he'd judged her, but played it as if she was only joking (hmmm) but Mike seemed to imply it was because Lorenzo had stepped in between him and Danica!!
| Sunday, August 26, 2012 - 12:24 pm
And the nominees for Wednesday's eviction are: Danica Rhian Samantha The Situation Interesting one! The Situation was in the top two votes on Friday so I think he's safe. Samantha was not liked by the public before the show, and has not stood out during the show, so I think she might not get votes. But.... would some people's hatred of the girls' behaviour (particularly Danica) mean they'd try to save Samantha to get one of the girls out? Interesting to see how this turns out. (Also I thought Sam was well liked within the house, I'm surprised she's up.)
| Sunday, August 26, 2012 - 3:04 pm
Mike seemed to imply it was because Lorenzo had stepped in between him and Danica!! ROFL!!! Delusional, much?
| Sunday, August 26, 2012 - 10:43 pm
I saw a spoiler note on digital spy earlier that had the noms & voting but it only showed Danica & Rhian up for eviction It showed Danica with 7 votes & Rhian with 4 & the others had 3 or less The one thing that made me go ??? is that it showed that Lorenzo voted for Danica & Rhian - which shocked me - unless he wanted to be assured of not being nommed - which would really disappoint me but I could understand. I do hope Samantha or Rhian go (or even Mike). I doubt if Samantha has a fan base to vote to save. She's been lovely in the house but wasn't liked by the public. I may not be a fan of Danica, but I am fascinated with watching Danica encapture others emotionally.
| Sunday, August 26, 2012 - 11:17 pm
If that's the case (Danica 7, Rhian 4, others 3 or less) then it sounds like there will be a double eviction, so they've forced more than two to be up. They usually don't release the "who nommed whom" until the day after noms, so the insider info in the spoiler post might have been wrong. We'll know something's going on if it's right though! 11 hms left, season ends Sept 7th, that's evictions Wed Aug 29th, Fri Aug 31st, Wed Sept 5th, with the finale Fri Sept 7th. I thought they said no double evictions but it sounds like they do need some. In fact they could happily do all doubles from now on and still have five left for the final.
| Monday, August 27, 2012 - 2:27 am
It's not the case apparently - The Daily Star is reporting she only had 6 votes - & not one from Lorenzo - no comment about other votes though Mike, Harvey, Ashley, Julie, Martin, Samantha Since Lorenzo didn't vote for Danica, his Rhian vote reported maybe wrong also & he probably voted for Mike & maybe Samantha - so that would deduct 1 from both D&R & add 1 to M&S making it (if all others were accurate) 6 for Danika & 3 for Rhian, Mike & Samantha so only top 2 "Spandau Ballet star Martin Kemp, 50, blasted Danica’s shameless behaviour as he became one of six housemates to nominate her for eviction. .. The blonde was also nominated by heartbroken Mike, who has finally snapped over her behaviour, as well as MC Harvey, 32, judo star Ashley McKenzie, 23, Corrie legend Julie Goodyear, 70, and journalist Samantha Brick, 41." I was going by this posting that I thought was a spoiler - Really, you think it's definitely going to be them? Nailed on IMO. Ashley Danica and Rhian Coleen Julie and Situation Danica Samantha and Julian Martin Danica and Coleen Rhian Martin and Samantha Situation Danica and Rhian Lorenzo Danica and Rhian Harvey Danica and Rhian Samantha Danica and Rhian Julie Danica and Coleen Julian Situation and Lorenzo Ashley 0 Coleen 2 Danica 7 Martin 1 Rhian 4 Situation 2 Lorenzo 1 Harvey 0 Samantha 2 Julie 1 Julian 1 I think if I was voting & didn't really have a real reason to vote for anyone, I'd vote for only 2 people over & over - that way I wouldn't have a 3rd person pissed at me.
| Monday, August 27, 2012 - 10:26 am
The ones I mentioned that were up were the official ones from the Ch5 site. That list you have would give those ones I mentioned plus Coleen, so can't be right unless something strange happened. I'll go see if I can find the official press release.
| Monday, August 27, 2012 - 10:42 am
OK here's from the official release... Harvey: Danica (fake, inconsistent), Coleen (trying too hard to make friends, stirred the love triangle) Coleen: Situation (inconsiderate), Samantha (like a wife from the 1950s!) Rhian: Martin (doesn't speak as much to him), Situation (wastes money) Ashley: Danica (plays people's emotions), Rhian (plays games) Martin: Danica (flirting superstar, playing game really well), Harvey (ring leader of young guys during (bad behavior in??) task) Danica: Martin (least interesting), Samantha (awkward in her company, might have called her immoral) Julie: Rhian (causing friction with Ashley), Danica (game playing with Michael) Situation: Danica (going to "man up," playing game with his and Lorenzo's emotions), Lorenzo (inconsistencies, playing game, likes Danica) Julian: Samantha (mothering orchestrated), Lorenzo (fails to maintain his interest) Samantha: Rhian (self-centred), Danica (playing guys) Lorenzo: Julian (J doesn't enjoy talking to him), Situation (spoke bad of him to Danica) Danica 6 Rhian, Samantha, Situation 3 Lorenzo, Martin 2 Coleen, Harvey, Julian 1 Ashley, Julie 0 So no forced double eviction, could be single or double.
| Monday, August 27, 2012 - 10:45 am
Ok reading again, some of that's what the Daily Star article you mentioned said. The Digital Spy spoiler person was obviously making it up!
| Monday, August 27, 2012 - 3:49 pm
I'm trying to catch up with the weekend shows... Coleen and Julie made up! And what a horrible thing the task with Jasmine's mum was. I agree that Danica is being singled out, they finally had a little bit with Julie saying there wasn't much difference in what she did than many others did, but other than that they've been very hard on her. From the tweets today it looks like there's been a lot of drama over a task where some dressed as gods. Some have had secrets revealed (like nominations) and it got a bit tense. And Samantha has been crying a lot since finding out she was nominated.
| Monday, August 27, 2012 - 7:05 pm
Today's show... anyone think Julie was trying to manipulate nominations when she asked Ashley and Mike if they were being played? It seemed like she almost made them say yes, and therefore nominate the female involved, then she nominates both as well. Seemed very manipulative.
| Monday, August 27, 2012 - 8:36 pm
Oh, yes, Kitt, she certainly was manipulating Ashley and Mike. Haha, she told Mike to man up, and he fell for it. It's the kind of dare a guy like him will always fall for.
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 11:11 am
And I think she was just, just clever enough about it that BB couldn't call her on it regarding influencing noms. Sneaky. Got to catch up with yesterday's BOTS then I will be in sync again today... ready to get out of sync again tomorrow. So many Big Brothers, so little time... 
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 3:02 pm
I'm not caught up, so thanks for the above info everyone. I'm very surprised Cheryl went last Friday, I really like her, I thought she was fun and interesting. Big, big huge surprise Mike is still there. I hope he goes this week, so I'm glad he's up again at least, although, I wouldn't mind seeing Danica or Rhian go too.
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 5:48 pm
Samantha in the house has not been as outspoken as I thought she would be. i watched a 20/20 from Australia piece on her marriage and dear god in heaven if my husband did what her's does he would be meeting his maker. Her husband weighs her and if she feels she did not do enough to keep in shape she does not get her clothing allowance. He tells her where to shop, demands a 5 course meal for LUNCH, and seems to embody chauvinist.
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 8:54 pm
I had no idea that is Samatha's life. They weren't joking were they? Why in the world would she put up with that? It doesn't make any sense. That's horrible. I wonder if she's still married. If she is, I really hope she leaves him, no one deserves that. I've caught up to what Mike said about Danica and Rhian, and I want him to go more than ever; I don't believe they are celebrities, but neither is he, he's on a fake reality show. Mike is as much a troublemaker on this show, as he is on Jersey Shore. And what he did to Snookie was over-the-top horrible, and he was supposed to be her friend. Anyway, I cannot stand him and I hope he goes. He's no poor sad boy being played, the things he says about women are horrific; Julian got his number right up front. I hope that the public don't buy his act. As for Ashley, he's nobody's fool, I think it's like his teammate said, he's not used to being turned down. So I just think he couldn't get his way and he got annoyed, but that's not Rhian's fault. I don't think Danica and Rhian are there hurting anyone, and I don't buy that Mike and Ashley are hurt. Everyone is playing a game to a degree, particularly those four. All I can say is, I hope Mike goes, it would be a different dynamic without him.
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 10:18 pm
It doesn't seem to fit with the whole fierce, says her mind, journalist image she had before she went in the house. It's very strange. I'd like Mike to go, but it seemed from the last vote that he had a following. I think people might ring in for Danica because of her shouting at him, and Rhian and Samantha will end up being the ones with the fewest votes.