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| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 8:07 am
Does anyone have a YouTube link for Day 2 of CBB?
| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 10:03 am
Sent you a pm, Puzzled. Hope everyone who cares has noticed the clips from the main website are being posted at the usual "couch" place as with regular BB. I'm not keen on a few of the women, and it seems like this house could actually get a bit heated. Been a few tense moments today by the sound of it. I wonder how they're going to deal with face to face nominations, I was expecting them to not care so much (as they get paid for the gig whether they win or lose) but now I wonder if it will cause issues.
| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 10:36 am
Photos, because I can't remember the names of some of them yet!
 |  | | Ashley | Cheryl | Coleen |  |  | | Danica | Harvey | Jasmine |  |  | | Julian | Julie | Lorenzo |  |  | | Martin | Mike | Rhian | | Samantha |
| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 1:23 pm
I'm surprised they showed the talk about Russell Brand, they're usually quick to put birds over anything with names. Feel a bit bad for him. He's always been said to be kindhearted, even if he does have strange... proclivities.
| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 1:23 pm
Thanks, Kitt. I PM'd you.
| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 2:03 pm
Live face to face nominations about to happen! They look like they didn't know it would happen, but according to twitter they were getting made up, so knew there was something special about to happen. They each have ONE nomination, not two.
| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 2:25 pm
They have to pick the housemate they want to nominate from the photos they've each been given. Then they have to get rid of the other photos so they can't change their mind. They have 30 seconds to state the name and reasons. If they fail to nominate they will face the public vote. Jasmine: Danica (very different moral codes) Julie: Coleen (missing family) Harvey: Danica (no genuine talents, not a celeb) Julian: Mike (doesn't know much about him, disrespectful comments about women) Coleen: Rhian (haven't spoken to her as much as the others) Lorenzo: Jasmine (came here for son, wants her to go out and tell her story) Rhian: Martin (haven't spoken yet) Ashley: Lorenzo (haven't spoken to him much) Cheryl: Rhian (haven't had a conversation, cleaning) Martin: Jasmine (needs to go home and see her son) Samantha: Rhian (felt harshly judged before she spoke to her) Danica: Jasmine (shares same feelings, awkward in her presence) Mike: Coleen (didn't speak to her as much as others) Jasmine, Rhian 3 noms Coleen, Danica 2 noms Mike, Martin, Lorenzo 1 nom Julie, Harvey, Julian, Ashley, Cheryl, Samantha 0 noms They can discuss nomination for one night only (probably because BB knows it won't be able to stop them).
| Friday, August 17, 2012 - 4:33 pm
They can discuss noms because they know who nom who. I don't think they are thinking strategically enough to discuss future noms. I do hope Jasmine stays. I think she will help keep the house "real" & throw down the BS card when needed. I am shocked Danica didn't have more noms - they seem to be talking about her behind her back, but I guess she isn't confrontational & doesn't make people feel awkward. Danica seems delusional about separating herself from the other "rinsers" about using men for money. I always wish I could sit down with these girls & map out their career path's dismal future.
| Saturday, August 18, 2012 - 3:56 pm
I think it's ridiculous that Jersey guy, who is into all sorts of sexual trios and whatnot, is disappointed because Danica is not the virgin Mary. He's a believer in the double standard all the way. Run, women, run.
| Saturday, August 18, 2012 - 5:00 pm
Julie in the DR with Jasmine, wearing those cat ears carrying her purse thing.... How much more adorable could she get? I must admit that I love Martin and I actually like everyone else. Rare for me! The princess task was kind of lame though!
| Sunday, August 19, 2012 - 9:10 am
I think the current situation with Mike and Danica is hilarious. The player is getting "played" by a professional. I'd rather Rhian stayed but the drama Jasmine is putting on might just save her
| Sunday, August 19, 2012 - 12:32 pm
I would love to know how much of Mike is an act. He's a bright guy and knows what the US reality shows want, and I wonder if he thinks the lovestruck puppy plays well (which it kind of does). Or it could be that he's overcome by Danica's skills and accent ;). I'd also rather Rhian stayed but also think the drama with Jasmine might make some vote to keep her instead.
| Monday, August 20, 2012 - 10:57 am
Its hard to say since they show so little of what is going on. After the last show where Danica said she told him she has a boyfriend, I suspect its all an act to stay on the show. I wonder though what he expects to gain from getting exposure on a uk reality show. Does he have some kind of product line he wants to sell in the uk or something? Or maybe its just paid rehab.
| Monday, August 20, 2012 - 11:27 am
I'd forgotten he was in rehab, maybe he did just fancy a change of scene. I think in general he just wants to "expand his brand" and get a wider audience.
| Monday, August 20, 2012 - 1:59 pm
So many of the HMs are seasoned professionals, that I find it difficult to tell how much is fake drama and how much real. I suspect that Jasmine's tears are fake. Julie and Cheryl could pull off just about anything, I think.
| Monday, August 20, 2012 - 4:29 pm
Yeah, I'm wondering about Julie at the moment. Does she really believe Jasmine is the one hard done by, or does she just want to make a crying girl stop (or be seen to make a crying girl stop)? I think Jasmine just manipulates anything and is completely paranoid about anything she thinks might make her look bad and gets upset if she can't control her own image. I haven't made my mind up about Rhian or Danica yet. It seemed like Ashley was the one behaving oddly over Rhian but we didn't really have enough info shown. I get a feeling Mike is going to go far. He's quite likeable when he's just himself. If that is "himself" of course! Right now I'm predicting a final five of Martin, Mike, Lorenzo, Julian and Cheryl or Julie. I don't think Samantha's done anything wrong in the house, but she'll be out first time she's up unless she's up against someone hated. Colleen and Harvey seem nice enough but I don't see them having a lot of fans who will vote. All depends whether they're up against someone nice or someone controversial of course.
| Monday, August 20, 2012 - 11:05 pm
I don't know about Colleen not having fans cause she would have a lot of the same fan base that got Denise the win as they are both Loose Women i swear Jasmine drives me batty, she gets all high and mighty about Danica taking money ect but she took money so she wouldn't sell her story. She said she was like family with the guy who we are all lead to believe is Simon Cowell...and she had to be paid not to sell her story? She sold a story about Lindsey Lohan. Jasmine just prostitutes herself in a different way. Ashley seemed to be getting off on the cattiness of the moment, i am liking him less and less.
| Tuesday, August 21, 2012 - 5:35 pm
Oh my gosh! Jasmine is an anorexic Danielle of U.S. BB. Everything is her....ME...ME..ME. I feel so bad for Rian with the guy who likes her too much and won't take a hint. Poor gal is trying to explain that's she's tired of the situation with him and Jasmine takes it personally; then goes and stirs up trouble. I don't like Julie constantly comforting/taking Jasmine's side. Please, UK, boot this woman with serious mental issues. ETA: I think the whole thing was a ploy to try to get the UK audience to boot Rian or make Rian leave the show. Very manipulative.
| Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - 1:08 am
first time i have watched this and i am soooo entertained. what a difference from usabb. i am hooked. julian without makeup is handsome. and i love julie. (so far) i love they have to earn there food money.
| Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - 1:26 am
I was shocked by Prince Lorenzo's interest in Danica. I haven't seen any interaction between the two. Jasmine seems to be all over him & Danica seems to be all over Mike.
| Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - 10:26 am
Willwillbee, I was surprised by Lorenzo's interest in Danica as well. I don't think she's that attractive. Her eyes are very smally and beady-like. I guess she is the only available gal there, however.
| Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - 11:14 am
I have to say before I forget, what is that strange exercise contraption they have?! It's like a moving ladder, I was wincing in case she missed the rung and put her leg through the hole and got trapped in there. And she had a safety harness on, does it pull her back if she falls?!!? They are a good cast! I like that they're letting us hear some conversations about their real lives when usually they block them out. And I like that there's a good balance of background commentators, big characters and drama. I think Danica is accessible, if that's the right word. She's not so good looking that it makes people stay away or act strangely, but she's sweet and invites their attention. Either naturally or to manipulate... I still can't work it out. Wonder who's going tonight. Toss up between people wanting to keep the drama and wanting to kick out the drama-queen. I can't spoil (Wednesdays never good for me) so if anyone is able to post who goes that would be great!
| Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - 2:38 pm
Puzzled, I have to agree with you re Julie and Cheryl being actresses and not knowing when they are acting, especially Julie. Heh, heh...she got caught today(?) by Jasmine and she did't want to talk about it. I sure wish she'd realize she looks so much better in her professional photos with the short hair (wig?) At her age, the longer hair and bangs are just too much. Also her gum chewing. I have to laugh when I watch her walk and chew gum (yeah I said it, lol.) She looks like she's going to a tough!
| Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - 3:32 pm
Just saw your post, Kitt. Jasmine was evicted; tried to light up a cig in the house before she left and said she didn't care as others told her she couldn't. She was okay in her interview, but they showed the clip I spoke of above of her confronting Julie. Said she was close to Julie, but then Julie was thinking of how she 'looked' in the house. After Jasmine's eviction, the next show is the daiy show and they are nomming again. Julian: "The occassional table known by you as The Situation." Offeneded by his denseness. Lol! Julie says 'Prince' doesn't fit in possibly because he permanently lives in a hotel or is maybe a human calculator. Lol..they are giving Julie a hard time when she is trying to nom Lorenzo. Make her keep qualifying her reasons. She says he doesn't fit in. Something doesn't ring true. Doesn't like his ancestry story. Geez, I think Julie's nom is going to take the whole show, lol. Now she has to pinpoint something he's done that made her want to nom him. Is this a prank? Julie nommed Colleen because she heard her say to Cheryl, "I bet everybody would like to pie Bett Lynch." Knew that was coming because Julie remarked on it yesterday. Julie keeps saying it's so hard because she likes all of them and she is just a big softy. Umm, don't think she likes Colleen at all. Martin...two sections; old group and young group. Felt Colleen was being unfair to Sam because of things Sam had written. Rhian because he doesn't know her thaat well. Feels she avoids him. Maybe she is shy. Cheryl calls the Situation "Charlie Brown." Says good and bad; asked to clarify. Says he doesn't live in the real world, at least not her world. Cheryl says Samantha is a little bit dodgy; too good to be true. Hmm, they kept blocking part of Cheryl's comments; it came back and BB was saying they would talk to her about that in a second. (Cheryl went back to the DR while the other HG's waited...Cheryl out now.) Julian: Prince Lorenzo and The Situation Julie: Prince Lorenzo and Colleen Martin: Colleen and Rhian Cheryl: The Situation and Samantha That's all they showed on the Highlights Show. I guess we won't see all the noms today.
| Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - 5:22 pm
Wow I didn't realise they were going to nominate! I guess they had to unless it was everyone up for Friday's eviction. Julie really doesn't like Coleen does she! Thanks for spoiling! I'm very glad Jasmine left, we'll be able to see more of the others now. I'll see if they put the other nominations on twitter.