All TVCH games require an internet browser that is
Javascript enabled.
Left: [J / Left Arrow]
Right: [L / Right Arrow]
Rotate: [I / Up Arrow]
Drop: [K / Down Arrow]
Pause: [P / SPACE]
Hit any key to start
Using the arrow keys of your keyboard, navigate the
snake to join up with the appearing blocks on the screen, so as
to increase its size. Hit any of the four walls, however, and game
over baby.
Try to clear the board by jumping pegs over other pegs.The jumped peg will be removed from the field. If there's more then one move available, just choose which move you would like to do. You win by getting it down to just one peg (The best solution is with this peg in the center).
Towers of Hanoi
This game of skill and logic is sure to drive you nuts!. Try to move all the disks onto another pole. Thing is, you can only move one disk at a time and you must follow size order (a bigger disk can't go on a smaller disk). Good luck!
Marionette 2
Very similar to Mario Bros! You can crush the enemy under Marionette's foot.