Our Special Friends
FastClick Ad Network
provides great advertising opportunities for webmasters. If you're a webmaster, click this banner to see what they have to offer. A referral bonus will be paid to the TVCH, if you sign-up and are accepted. Check it out!
Bomis and the TV ClubHouse go way back to the early days of the Big Brother Fan Club. We were looking for someone to host us, along came Bomis and the rest is history. If you haven't checked out the ring index, you should. There is TONS of stuff there.
Ilovereality.com is a site created by our own Ryn to provide information on a wide variety of Reality TV shows.
Remember the BBFC T-shirts? They wouldn't have happened without NimbleForce, the brainchild of David and Stacy, two very important friends of the TV ClubHouse. They Vectorized the logo (and have also done the new TV ClubHouse logo) so it was suitable for screenprinting onto T-shirts and things. The TV ClubHouse couldn't have done it without them!
The TV ClubHouse has hosted games where members interacted and competed in challenges and online discussions. 3Catz is a great friend of the TVCH and has supplied prizes to some of our winners.