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Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: TV Shows: Walking Dead: Timelines: Archive through October 06, 2020 users admin

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Saturday, February 24, 2018 - 11:16 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Walking Dead Season 8 Part A timeline As short and as close as I can get it (this was a tricky one, too much jumping between groups and times). In my (non-confirmed) calendar S8.Day1 is November 2nd, and for reference:

Mar 10th 2010 Rick woke up
Mar 21st 2011 Barnageddon (Walker-Sofia is found)
Nov 20th 2010 Lori dies in childbirth, Judith is born
Jun 21st 2011 The Governor kills Hershel, Michonne kills the Governor
Jun 29th 2011 Escape from Terminus
Jul 3rd 2011 RIP Beth
Jul 28th 2011 Group reach Alexandria
Aug 7th 2011 Wolves attack Alexandria
Oct 8th 2011 Group meet Jesus
Oct 14th 2011 Glenn and Abraham killed by Negan
Oct 26th 2011 Sasha kills herself in coffin

Season 8 starts just after end of Season 7 (unknown number of days, so am assuming war starts 7 days after end of S7)

Week before S8.Day1

S8E01 Hilltop forges metal to shield cars. Daryl and Dwight exchange messages. Tara and Carol time walker hordes. Carl tries to find gas, finds a hungry stranger, Rick fires over man’s head. Rick says he could have been one of them, but if he isn’t one of them he hopes he makes it. S8E08 Carl tells Rick just hoping man makes it isn’t enough, have to do more than that, they’re fighting for something more than just killing other people. Can’t kill all the Saviors, have to find some way forward, that’s how it’s got to be.

S8.Day1=S7.Day20 – November 2nd 2011

S8E01 Dwight receives note from Daryl saying “tomorrow.” Group take down Negan’s lookouts using Dwight’s list. Rick’s group leave for meet-up, Carl and Michonne stay behind to defend Alex’a, says “this is the end.” Cars roll out towards meeting place. Rick finds Savior in field, Savior says Carl’s going to die, Rick sets walker on him. Shielded cars move onto meeting field. Alex’a, Hilltop, Kingdom members make friends. Maggie says she must go back to the Hilltop after, “for the first part.” Evening, Rick addresses combined crowd, says come together for the bigger world, theirs by right. Anyone who lives in peace and finds common ground, it’s their right too. Those who use and kill, they end them, don’t celebrate it but no shame, only one person has to die and he will kill him himself. Sobeit if they kill the others. Ezekiel says they are bound together, brothers and sisters. Maggie says they’ve practiced over and over again, keep faith, future is ours, world is ours.


S8E01 Daryl joins Morgan, Carol, Tara at road, time arrival of horde, blow up van to keep them moving. Dwight sends cars and bikes out of the Sanctuary to see what the explosions were. Daryl, Carol and co set up wire trap. S8E05 Simon praises Gregory for coming to Sanctuary. Gregory says he can negotiate, can stop the conflict before it even begins. Negan says if he’s playing both sides, Greg says Maggie took advantage but he’ll fix it. Simon says Plan A is to show force at Hilltop and if they don’t respond them burn them, Negan says people are a resource, is Simon backsliding? Plan A is to take Rick, Maggie and King alive and make them dead in front of everyone. S8E01 Group’s shielded cars enter the Sanctuary, everyone shoots at building. Negan comes out with Simon, Eugene, Dwight, Regina. What can he do for Rick? Rick says the others can go inside and survive this, only guarantee is now. Negan says what about him? Simon brings out Gregory, Gregory says the Hilltop stands with Negan, any resident who takes up arms or supports this assault won’t be welcome at the colony and families will be thrown out. Maggie tells Hilltop people to do what they need to do, Jesus shouts “the Hilltop stands with Maggie.” Simon pushes Gregory down the stairs. Negan’s cars reach Daryl’s wire trap, set off explosion, heard at the Sanctuary. Negan says it sounds like stuff is going down, Rick says time to decide, will count, 10, 9, 8, 7 starts firing. Negan and men run, group take out all the building’s windows. At the wire trap Carol hears the shooting, says it’s started, horde approach, Daryl leads the horde on his bike, causing explosions on the way. Group starts to leave The Sanctuary, Rick sees Negan on the ground, wants to approach. Gabe starts reinforced RV rolling towards the building, blows it up, sees Rick shooting at Negan and pulls him back, says not about him. Rick takes photo of the damage, leaves, Gabe follows but goes to save Gregory, Gregory steals his car and leaves Gabe there. Carl leaves food for the stranger. Group meet up post-fight. Rick and Daryl look for Gabe, but can’t wait longer. Alex’a group enter a Negan holdout, Kingdom group enter a Negan holdout, someone throws a smoke bomb at them. Walkers enter the Sanctuary buildings, Gabe enters Negan’s out-building, Negan points gun at him, asks him if he’s wearing his poopy pants. S8E02 Saviors at outpost sort their guns, reinforced cars arrive with Alex’a fighters, start shooting. Rick and Daryl enter through back, use Dwight’s map to look for gun stash. Outside Alex’a fighters overpower Saviors. Rick finds man, asks where guns are, fight, he’s killed, was protecting baby Gracie. Outside Eric is shot in crossfire. Man approaches Rick from behind, it’s Morales from Atlanta, says the other Saviors are coming back, pulls gun on Rick. S8E05 Negan and Gabriel still in outbuilding, exchange barbs. N asks Gabe why he stopped for Gregory, Gabe says he fears a fruitless death, but maybe he is here to take Negan’s confession. Negan wants to wait it out until his people figure something out, says people will die if he’s not there to stop it. S8E02 At radio telescope Morgan, Jesus, Tara etc. plan their entry. Saviors come out because of noise, shoot them, enter building, burst into rooms. Tara and Jesus disagree over killing Saviors. Saviors surrender, Jesus stops Morgan shooting them anyway, not what they do. Kingdom fighters and Carol wake up from smoke bomb, rush to follow Savior through woods before he reaches their compound. Ezekiel rallies his troops, find blood from injured Savior, sees Shiva ahead attacking the Savior. S8E05 Dwight, Eugene, Simon, Gavin, Regina meet, have to assume Negan is dead. Regina wants to use workers to distract herd, Eugene disagrees, Dwight says the workers have numbers, have to keep them onside. Gavin wants to know who made the outside happen, Dwight says no one here. S8E03 Kingdom group walk in woods, hear Savior whistles, act like they’re surrounded but attack and kill Saviors. Reach the compound, kill Saviors. Morales tells Rick he’s not the man he used to be, is a monster, has been told not to kill Rick, Maggie, King. Outside remaining Saviors retreat inside, Alexa’ns follow. Aaron tries to stop Eric’s bleeding, props him up at tree, goes back to fight. Morales tells Rick he lost his family, Rick says he lost people too, Negan killed Glenn. Asks Morales if he is Negan too, Morales says he lost his mind, had to be. Daryl enters, shoots Morales, don’t find guns. More Saviors arrive, Alex’ans save Rick and Daryl. Rick takes photos. Aaron goes to Eric, he has turned and walked away, RIP Eric. Aaron takes baby Gracie to Hilltop. Someone shoots at Rick and Daryl from behind a tree, Rick says if he tells them where the guns are they won’t kill him, has his word. Man says guns were taken to Gavin’s outpost yesterday, Daryl kills him, Rick annoyed. S8E05 Gabe asks Negan about before, N says he showed kids the way. N says the Sanctuary was just a group of animals before him, he doesn’t allow them to be weak. Wants to make Gabe strong too. Walkers bash through walls, N says time to go. Gabe says he will go with him if he confesses, N says he lied and cheated on his first wife, but when she was sick he couldn’t put her down, he was weak. Gabe says he is forgiven. Both cover themselves with walker guts and leave. S8E05 Gavin says they were due for a delivery and nothing’s come, something’s happened at outposts, workers start to rebel, Negan appears with Gabe, all kneel. S8E03 Jesus leads group of captured tied Saviors back to the Hilltop. Morgan, Tara are unhappy. Walkers come from the hillside, Saviors try to escape, Morgan shoots one, Jesus fights him to make him stop, Morgan walks off. S8E03 Gregory arrives at Hilltop in Gabe’s car, tells Maggie that Negan knew everything anyway, just trying to save Hilltop, give him mercy. Maggie lets him in. Jesus’ Saviors arrive, Jesus says to lock them up in the empty trailers, can’t let them go, can’t kill them. Kingdom group wait outside the compound, Carol does a sweep inside, machine gun fire shoots Kingsmen from top of building, Kingsmen jump on Ezekiel to shelter him. S8E05 Negan meets with group, says the workers had a bag of guns from the armory, it must have been one of their own, Eugene notices red paint from Dwight’s chess pieces on the bag. Negan tells Eugene he hopes he solves the case, but he’ll kill him quickly if he doesn’t. S8E04 Ezekiel crawls out from under Kingsmen, shot in leg, rest are dead, RIP Kingsmen, screams. Kingsmen start turning, Ezekiel tries to crawl away, one Kingsman alive and helps. Inside building Saviors put away their guns, Carol hides, shoots from ceiling. Ezekiel’s helper is shot, Savior takes the king hostage. Carol follows Saviors outside, taking guns to the Sanctuary, exchange fire. Jerry creeps up behind Ezekiel and Savior, kills the Savior, tries to get through gate with axe but can’t, walkers approach. Carol pretends to surrender, grabs a Savior, tries to get guns but they shoot the hostage. Carol lets them go to save Ezekiel and Jerry, car with guns drive off, Daryl on bike and Rick in jeep follow, exchange fire, Saviors crash. S8E05 Eugene brings Dwight pickles, thanks him for his support, realizes he is the prime suspect for the rat. Eugene sees Dwight’s freshly painted red chess figures. S8E05 Rick and Daryl hold gun on truckdriver. Driver says everyone is dead except the king, axeman and psycho lady. Get guns and ammo from his truck, Daryl wants to blow up Sanctuary, Rick says workers and families in there, fight. Truck blows up, Daryl leaves on bike, Rick’s truck won’t start so he walks, hears helicopter. S8E04 Carol, Ezekiel, Jerry walk back towards Kingdom, King gets stuck in a stream, Shiva kills walkers and saves him, walkers kill Shiva, RIP Shiva. Carol, Ezekiel, Jerry reach the Kingdom, families run to them. S8E05 Eugene brings Gabe a pillow, seems ill. Tells Gabe they need to get Dr Carson 2.0 there asap.


S8E06 Separate groups communicate by notes. Armored cars return to Alex’a. Kingdom lay flowers for their dead. Aaron arrives at Hilltop with baby Gracie. Alex’a bury their dead. Sanctuary still surrounded by walkers. Rick tells everyone to meet at the Sanctuary in two days to end it. S8E06 Rick goes to see Jadis, wants a deal, says they need each other, shows them photos of Sanctuary and outpost damage. Tells her to switch sides and be a part of their new world, or they will destroy them. Jadis says no, sends him to container. S8E07 Eugene tells Dwight he knows he’s the traitor, needs him to cease and desist, and he won’t tell anyone. Dwight says the Saviors are finished, wait it out or there will be blood on his hands. Eugene says him being safe means others are safe, all he asks is Dwight does nothing that causes harm. S8E06 Captured men wait outside Hilltop, Jesus feeds them turnips, Maggie not pleased. S8E06 Ezekiel won’t answer his door. S8E06 Michonne and Rosita go to see the damage. Tara tells Daryl he was right to use Dwight, but after this she wants to kill him. Michonne and Rosita hear music from the road, find Saviors in warehouse rigging speakers to a truck. Saviors hear Michonne, gunfight, woman escapes, rides out in truck, Daryl and Tara crash into it in dumper truck. Mich tells them it’s the cache. S8E06 Carl watches man from before trap walkers, offers food and water. Man is Siddiq, Carl says his mom told him he should help. Asks him three questions, he’s killed 137 walkers, killed 1 person to put him out of his misery. He says his mom thought killing walkers would free their souls. Later they find walkers feeding on a deer, decide to put them down for Siddiq’s mom, struggle, more come, Carl is bitten, doesn’t tell Siddiq. Carl says he’s responsible for Siddiq now, has to show Rick the way. S8E07 Doc calls Eugene, says Gabe is getting worse, bad infection. Gabe asks if he’s going to help him get Dr Carson out. Eugene says they are surrounded, and he is a small person. Gabe just wants him to do the right thing. S8E06 Carol finds Henry practicing stick, angry at him. He says he has to help her get guys who killed his brother. Carol gives him a gun. S8E06 Hilltop finish building cage for Saviors. S8E07 Girl comes to Eugene, asks him if he fixed her boombox, he hasn’t, wants wine, needs it to sleep. Woman says she gets it, she tried to stop it, came to him for help but he took care of him.


S8E06 Hilltop bring captured Saviors inside into caged off area. Gregory says they can’t have people they don’t trust here, Maggie agrees. puts him inside the cage too, he cries. Loudmouth Savior runs for the keys, Maggie puts gun on him, he taunts her. S8E06 Carol goes to see Ezekiel. She says his people need him, he says he played a king and played with people’s lives, can’t do it any more, can’t be what they need. Carol says he is real to her and to the Kingdom, the people need him, has to help them grieve and move on. If he can’t be that, then act the part. S8E06 Maggie tells friends the Saviors are bargaining chips, might need them to trade, but if they don’t they can’t let them live. Aaron goes “to make sure they win,” Enid goes with him. S8E06 Daryl, Tara, Mich, Rosita arrive at Sanctuary in dumptruck, Daryl says they should end it. S8E07 Jadis pull Rick in boxers out of the container, Rick says join us or die, Jadis takes his photo, says she will sculpt him “after.” S8E07 Tara, Daryl, Mich, Rosita discuss plan to drive truck into Sanctuary building and let in the walkers. Morgan joins them, says he and snipers have them covered, wants it done now. Rosita wants to wait it out as planned, believes in Rick. Tara and Daryl want to go now, Rosita says she’s out. S8E07 Negan tells Eugene if things don’t get fixed soon a lot of his people will die, can’t have that. Says Sanctuary is about pooling strength and Eugene is strong. S8E07 Eugene fixes speakers, looks for parts, sees Sasha’s coffin, finds his ipod inside. S8E07 Mich tells Daryl she’s going to trust Rick, going alone not worth risking us. Daryl says it is for him, Mich goes back to Alex’a. S8E07 Eugene tries to tempt walkers away with toy glider with speaker on it. Dwight pulls gun on him, Eugene says he’s trying to save people, Pied Piper the walkers away. Dwight says then Negan will kill all Eugene’s friends, can stop that, kill Negan. Eugene sets off glider, Dwight shoots it down. Tara, Morgan, lookouts ready, Daryl drives truck into Sanctuary, jumps out, truck crashes, walkers enter Sanctuary. Daryl and Tara run off, Saviors try to kill walkers, evacuate upstairs, Eugene angry. Eugene goes to Gabe and says he will never do what he wants, going to stay alive whatever it takes, Doc Carson is staying there in case he ever needs him. S8E07 Jadis brings Rick out of container, brings out NewWinslow, says it’s time for after, Rick breaks free, traps Jadis with NewWinslow’s head, tells others if he doesn’t walk out they die, his people will attack. Jadis tells them to stand down, says what if they join him. He says they go to the compound, wait for others, ask Sanctuary to surrender, he kills Negan. S8E07 Rick takes Garbage people to the Sanctuary in truck, the snipers don’t respond, Rick sees the walkers have entered the building. S8E08 Daryl gets back to Alex’a, says it worked. Carl writes letters, cries. Tara tells Rosita it worked. S8E08 Rick walks into compound courtyard, Saviors fire on them, garbage people run away, Carol and Jerry pick up Rick. S8E07 Eugene goes to Negan with a plan, Negan asks Eugene if he knows what he’s going to do to Rick, Eugene says he does. Eugene is about to tell him about Dwight but others come in, Eugene doesn’t tell, goes to his room, hears shooting, drinks, vomits. S8E08 Later, Negan in truck, heads to Alex’a. S8E08 Evening, Aaron and Enid approach Oceanside. Aaron says they have to convince them for Eric. Take detour to pick up supplies at a distillery. S8E08 Aaron drives distillery truck, Enid drives car. Nighttime they see people, Grandma Titania hits Aaron, Enid shoots her, Cyndy and other Oceanside people there. S8E08 Nighttime, Carl looks in sewer, Mich says they’re about to head off, Carl says he’s helping a traveler. Hear noise at gate, Negan on loudspeaker, says they lose, it’s over, going to kill someone and Rick, or they bomb everyone. S8E08 Carol, Rick, Jerry driving, car hits into Jerry. S8E08 Ezekiel hears explosion, Gavin and Saviors arrive. S8E08 Maggie and Jesus in convoy of cars from Hilltop, expecting Saviors to surrender when they run out of food and water. Tree is in the road, Maggie knows something happened, says for convoy to turn around, but cars come behind them. Saviors bring out tied up Jerry and a coffin. Simon says hello. S8E08 At Alex’a Carl tells them to make it look like they’re escaping out back while rest hide, meet up later. Mich says they can’t desert Alex’a, Carl says they just have to survive, it’s his plan. S8E08 Gavin says Kingdom now belongs to Negan, all able bodied people will go to the Sanctuary to repair it while they live in the Kingdom. S8E08 Simon says Maggie and co must hand over their guns, or will shoot Jerry. S8E08 Negan shouts for Rick, Carl appears on fence, says Rick’s not home, families are there, Negan says there were kids at the sanctuary and outpost, none of it is fair. Carl says they can figure it out, Negan says Rick told him he dies no matter what, now he needs apologies. Carl says kill him if they have to kill someone. If his dying could stop this, it would be worth it. Asks if this is who Negan wanted to be? Daryl and Trucks burst out of Alex’a, Dwight and cars follow. Carl disappears, Negan mad. Negan fires explosions into Alex’a, Carl sets off smoke to cover them. S8E08 Gavin calls for Ezekiel, says if they don’t give him up now this becomes traumatic, doesn’t want that. S8E08 Simon tells Maggie right now Saviors are taking possession of Hilltop and Alex’a. Hilltop have been chosen to keep producing. Hear music, says Eugene saved them and now they are leading the walkers away. Simon says he will put Maggie in the box and take her to Hilltop, gather everyone and kill her in front of them, take her back to Sanctuary and put her on a spike, then will lead the walker herd to hilltop. Or she can go home and start farming for them. Shoots guy from back of their car. Maggie gives in, says he doesn’t need to kill, just wants the box to take Neil home to bury him in. S8E08 Eugene’s clock turns 12:00 midnight. Eugene has more wine, can’t sleep, cries. S8E08 Carl and Alex’ans go into the sewer to hide, Negan blows up houses. In the woods, Tara tells Daryl it was their fault, Rosita says it could have gone any way. Dwight leads the Sanctuary trucks towards them, stops the trucks, Daryl and co take them out, Dwight helps. S8E08 Negan enters Alex’a, can’t find anybody, says to search the place, find Carl and Rick, kill everyone else, he’s going to wait for Rick at his house. Carl escapes down sewer. S8E08 Eugene enters Gabe’s room, says he will help him take Doc to Hiltop, says northside guard isn’t there. Wants to be able to sleep. Gabe says come with them, Eugene says no, and drops keys to car. S8E08 Ezekiel pours gasoline, sets it on fire, Simon sees explosion, sends men, Ezekiel drives in with school bus, people escape, Ezekiel shuts Kingdom gate on Carol, says to save his people like she saved him. Gavin hits him. S8E08 Maggie and convoy reach the Hilltop, gets the Savior who tried to kill Jesus from the cage, kills him, tells them the Saviors killed one of them. Tells Jesus to get more guards, have to be ready for last stand. S8E08 Dwight was shot in arm, tells Alex’ans it’s over. Daryl asks how they got out, Dwight says Eugene. Dwight says he wants them to win and Negan to die, can settle up after. Daryl takes his wing jacket back. S8E08 Maggie puts dead Savior in coffin, writes “We have 38 more, stand down,” tells others to leave it where they’ll find it. S8E08 Gavin shouts at Ezekiel, Morgan watches from outside. S8E08 Daryl and co reach the sewer, hear explosions in Alex’a. Michonne closes cover but stays outside. Rick reaches Alex’a, gets to his house, finds Negan there, fights, N says he will kill him in front of everybody, will fix Carl, in a few years he will be one of his top guys. More fight, Rick gets away, sees Michonne, she takes him to the sewer. All reunite, including Siddiq, but they see Carl has been bitten.


S8E01 Light from prism shines into Rick’s sleepy eyes, he wakes up. Red-eyed Rick looks for source of light, it’s a stained glass sign. Rick cries, says “my mercy prevails over my wrath.”



Wednesday, April 11, 2018 - 10:04 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Here follows an excessively long summary of S3 Part 2 (eps 9-16) of FearTWD, ready for Sunday's season premiere.

The dates have an "ish" factor, but are consistent with my TWD dates, where, at the date corresponding to the end of this season, our guys have just left Hershel's burning farm. We have had 61 days of FearTWD story, where Day 1 is the day Nick's girlfriend woke up walker. Mdison and co. first met Jake and Troy on Day 36 at the military compound, and Otto Sr at the ranch on Day 38.

Day51, Mar 20th 2010

Ranch peaceful, water running low, Jake not well. Walker arrives with caravans, move into ranch. Troy doesn’t want Ofelia allowed in for poisoning them, Jake says shut up. Walker given one key to the arsenal, both needed to open. Alicia warns Madison not to backchannel with Walker, should go through Jake. S3E09 At the dam, Lola and Daniel give out water to the townsfolk, gangs keep causing trouble. S3E09 Jake tells everyone not to dwell on the past, must build better future together, share. Walker says they are afraid of each other, must forgive, fight against the hell outside. Ofelia stays in her caravan. S3E09 Troy says Jake is sleeping with the enemy (Alicia), wonders who the tribe will go after next. Walker buries bones of ancestors. Angry ranch kid shoots tribesman, Walker says he now needs both arsenal keys., Jake says no, Madison says yes, Jake says that makes them prisoners but gives the key and everyone gives up their weapons. Nick keeps his gun, goes to Troy’s to get his gun, Mad wants to search the house, Troy pulls gun on Nick, Walker plans attack but Mad says give Nick time to sort it out. Troy takes big gun and wants to set up sniper shot, will die where his father did, Nick says that’s not what Otto wanted. Mad tries to talk Troy down by Walker’s men fire, burst into the house. S3E09 Daniel is concerned about infected at the dam, Lola says she saw him looking for Ofelia, it will break him, he says nothing breaks him. S3E09 Nick tells Troy nothing good will come of this, don’t ruin what Otto did. Tells him he killed Otto, Troy drops gun.


Walker says must exile Troy, Madison agrees, Walker wants same for Nick, Mad says Nick stopped Troy, Nick stays, goes in hotbox. Walker gives Troy one knife and one gun, Mad and tribesman take him out to wilderness, he stabs tribesman, Mad says she doesn’t want to kill him, Troy says he is so tired, walks off. S3E10 Nick hallucinates in hotbox. Madison shows Walker the dried up reservoir, Walker says there is a trading post two days away. Mad and Walker tell everyone to ration to 2 gallons of water per day, Mad tells Alicia they have six weeks of water left. Mad and Walker go in tanker to get water. S3E10 Nick is released. Ranch people argue with Jake over the rationing, Alicia says they must trust him. Nighttime ranch people talk to Nick, say they are ready to fight if he is, Nick says they don’t have guns, best to keep low profile, they give him their gun.


Ranch person accusing one of the tribe for double dipping at the well. S3E10 Mad and Walker arrive at trading post. S3E10 Alicia tells Ofelia some tribe people were double dipping, need to impose a system. Ofelia says Alicia needs to control her people. Nick tells ranch people they will end up like Troy if they act too soon. Nighttime Nick and Alicia argue. S3E10 Mad and Walker try to buy 10,000 gallons of water, can only buy 5,000. Mad sees fighting, it’s Strand, they save him and run off to his room. He says he owes them and can’t leave until his debt it paid. Strand tells Mad about the dam.


Alicia tries to stop ranch woman taking too much water, tells them they only have six weeks’ left, fight breaks out, tribesman say if they can’t control the well then they will take it, Nick takes out his gun, tribesman backs down. S3E10 Walker tries to make the trade again, Mad tells Strand what has happened. Walker is brought back by two men, they take out Strand, say he must pay his debts, he tells Mad to go back to her children. S3E10 Nick tells ranch people they are outnumbered. S3E10 Strand is chained to the fence of the trading post to protect them from infected.


Mad and Walker make their water exchange. Strand frees him, says his debt was paid, gives back water, tells Walker there is a permanent solution at the dam. S3E10 Militia try to start trouble, Ofelia gets guns ready to fire, Alicia sees tribe people digging for water after water divining, joins them, others join in too.


Mad, Walker, Strand go to dam, enter through sewers. Strand tells Mad that Daniel is at the dam, she says Ofelia is at the ranch. S3E11 Daniel distributes water, fires shots to keep back troublemakers, Efrain unhappy. Returns to dam sees Strand, Mad, Walker come out of sewer. Mad tells him Ofelia is alive, says Walker found her in the desert. Says they need his water, will trade cattle or guns. Lola says they have no water to spare, but they can stay the night. Nighttime Dan talks to Lola, he will stay, better if Ofelia thinks he’s dead. Walker tells others if there’s no water deal then the ranch must go. Mad asks Lola, Lola says people will revolt, it’s hard to get water to the colonias already, but Mad can bring her family there. Efrain tells Strand Daniel’s trying to convince Lola that people are going to revolt, Strand says he thinks Dan is correct. S3E11 Daniel thanks Walker for saving Ofelia, upset when Walker says she killed people for them, didn’t raise Ofelia to be a soldier. S3E12 Troy eats snakes in the desert, finds food at the scalped man’s home, finds gun and ammo.


Lola and Daniel argue over water supplies and shooting at people, she says if he doesn’t believe in her way he should leave. S3E12 Troy makes plans with the noisy guns. S3E12 Nick and ranchmen kill walkers at the fence, kill cattle as they have no water. Jake annoyed, said it was his call not theirs. Alicia says they will start over when the rain falls, Jake thinks they should leave. Nick tells Alicia he can’t sleep, he killed a man, worried about Mad and Troy. Alicia says he shouldn’t worry about Troy, doesn’t owe him, just likes him because they share the same self destruction. S3E11 Walker says Mad lied to him, starts back for the ranch. Daniel tells Mad he can’t abandon Lola or the dam would fall in days. Mad says Ofelia needs her father. Water truck blows up, infected enter dam compound, locals arrive, Dan blames them. Lola asks Mad how many guns they have, Mad says they have what they need, she wants 10,000 gallons a week until the rains come. Lola says first trade in five days, meet at border with Ofelia. Mad and Strand drive full tanker to the ranch, Strand admits he set the explosion, pick up Walker on the way. S3E12 Nighttime Nick hears Troy in his house, Troy says there’s a reckoning coming, something to delight in, says in a few hours this place will be obliterated by a beast from the desert.


Alicia and Jake talk about water, Jake wants to know if they have a relationship or an alliance. Nick tells them Troy came and warned them, Alicia said Troy was just baiting them, Nick and Jake go to find Troy, Nick says Troy wouldn’t trick them, Jake says when they were young and went hunting he found a skinned staked alive rabbit, Troy won’t get better. See sand in the distance from a hoard of infected, loud noises herding them towards the ranch, see Troy with big gun. Try to tell Alicia on walkie but bad signal, at the ranch Alicia tells Ofelia they need to check what’s happening. Nick tries to talk to Troy. Troy’s gone mad, cocks launcher, says this is Darwinian, Nick says it’s murder. Troy holds up launcher, Jake says he will kill him, Troy fires, Jake lunges, fight, Nick tries to stop Jake killing Troy, says he’ll never forget it if he does, Troy tells Jake Nick killed Otto, Jake says it doesn’t matter. Troy says they should check out together, Jake cocks gun so Nick hits him, falls down hill, infected come, bite Troy in the arm, Nick cuts it off. S3E12 At the ranch Alicia tells people about Troy’s warning, herd about half a mile away. S3E12 Nick drives back to the ranch with Jake and Troy. S3E12 Ranchers prepare ranch for the herd, set up line of RVs to force them West, but herd keep pushing, go underneath the RVs, group kill them. S3E12 Troy tells Nick that Jake wasn’t supposed to die like this, he wanted him to see what he did for them. Nick not impressed, tries to walkie Alicia but no reply. Troy wants Nick to kill him, Nick says to kill himself. S3E12 The RVs are being pushed over, everyone runs to the underground pantry. S3E12 Jake turns, Troy puts him down, RIP Jake. S3E12 Alicia and gang try to reach pantry, RIP Klah, Cooper. S3E13 Pantry is getting hot inside, no air coming in. Alicia sees some are bitten. S3E13 Troy digs grave for Jake, Nick says he killed Jake but must save the others. S3E12 In the pantry there’s only two hours before CO2 kills them, Alicia says can buy time by reducing the number of people, kill the bitten. Tells group, asks bitten to come forward, some do. Ofelia goes in to the air ducts to see the problems. Alicia gives morphine to bitten, kills them, bitten Blake helps, Alicia sad, RIP Blake. S3E13 Nick and Troy blow up fuel in the stable, distract walkers, drive through camp, kill infected, reach helicopter, surrounded. S3E13 Ofelia and Crazy Dog are in the ducts. Everyone begins to fall asleep from lack of oxygen. Some suffocate and turn, Alicia kill them. Alicia locks herself in room with Christine, Christine turns, RIP Christine. Ofelia finds infected in the vent, bitten, fights him off, air flows. Alicia fights her way out, gun shots, Madison arrives with Strand and Walker. Nick and Troy escape and arrive.


Mad says they go to the Trading Post by nightfall, dam by morning. Mad tells Ofelia Daniel is alive, has asked them to bring her to him. Alicia hears about Jake, cries, asks where the hoard came from, Nick says Troy saw it and tried to warn them, but too late. Mad says the dam is safe, Alicia says nowhere is safe, wants to be alone, takes a car. Nick follows her with Troy, they’ll meet at the dam. Mad, Strand etc. go to the dam. S3E14 En route Ofelia falls of the back of the truck, has bite on her shoulder, said she wants to see Daniel, Mad promises she will. S3E14 Madison arrives at Trading post, need a bed for Ofelia until Daniel arrives, trades stuff for room, buy medicine. S3E14 Walker says he has just lost everything, Ofelia has to see her father one last time, that’s all she can do, even if it gets them all killed. S3E14 Nighttime Alicia camps in a building, Nick and Troy arrive outside, Nick says safety in numbers, Alicia says almost died when she was with people, knows Nick is trying to atone, she forgives him, he doesn’t owe anyone.


Morning, Nick and Troy leave Alicia, she knows where to find them, go to Trading Post. S3E14 Alicia goes to a burger place for food, another woman comes in and takes the food Alicia found. S3E14 Nick and Troy reach the Trading Post, find Madison, says she doesn’t know what she’d do without him. Nick takes one of Madison’s pain pills. S3E14 Alicia follows the woman, tells her they are her potatoes but they can share them. S3E14 Nick and Troy in food area, Nick shows him Ofelia’s drugs, asks server for drug sellers, Troy not keen. Strand looks for Proctor John, tells his men he has something he wants. S3E14 Nighttime, Madison tells Ofelia it’s time to see Daniel, Walker says goodbye, Mad takes her outside. Ofelia says to put her down if she turns, don’t make Daniel do it, tell him she was looking forward to getting to know him. Daniel arrives in car, Ofelia is unconscious, Dan points gun at Mad, Mad says Ofelia saved them but was bitten, she’s sorry, Dan tells her to get away, Mad leaves, Dan puts down Ofelia, RIP Ofelia. S3E14 Nick and Troy are high, look for drug seller at bar. Bartender offers him adrenaline, Troy tries to stop him but Nick eats the gland, Troy eats one too. S3E14 Alicia with the woman, Diana. Woman says she sells teeth and fingers as charms for the Mexicans. Alicia says she’s going to the desert, has to find a way to do this alone or die. Diana says you get used to it. S3E14 Nick and Troy hallucinate, on fence near infected, Nick gets blood and wipes it on him and Troy, they walk with the infected. Nick says he can’t go back.

Day 61

Mad sees the pills have gone. Daniel finds her, says he buried Ofelia. Mad tells him she saved Alicia. Dan wants to know if Ofelia said anything, Mad says she loved him, was looking forward to getting to know him. Dan says he frightened her. Dan says to get ready to leave. S3E14 Alicia wakes up, works with woman to get car to start, infected come, fight them together. S3E14 Mad and co get ready to leave, Nick and Troy return, say they wants to stay behind a couple of days. Others leave for the dam. S3E15 Nick collects walker brains for the adrenalin drugmaker. Drugmaker says proctors will take as many as he can give them, makes the fighters stronger. Troy watches group of fighters, hears them talking about the dam, tells Nick.

Day 62, March 31st 2010

Alicia and Diana go to the Trading Post to sell stuff, t-boned by men in truck, fight, women win but Diana’s leg badly broken. S3E15 Walker gives Daniel Ofelia’s cross pendant. S3E15 Strand and Mad drink, Strand says she can’t blame children for striking out on their own, Mad says she can in this world. Strand asks if she’s killed anyone, she says yes, he says no. Daniel tells them Nick has arrived, Troy says Proctor’s people are coming, Efrain says they were in business with Narcos, before, have no regard for human life. Strand says they need to withstand a siege, plan to wire bridge to blow to stop Proctors. Daniel doesn’t trust Troy. Walker and Crazy Eyes are going North, will scout road on way out. S3E15 Alicia takes Diana to Trading Post doctor, tries to set her leg. Doctor wants Alicia to be a nurse. S3E15 Nick gets food, Strand tells him he must make Mad leave. Strand can’t go, has obligations, made a deal to protect Nick and Mad and let Proctors in, Dan will kill him if he finds out, they must go. Dan wants to know where Nick was when Ofelia was bitten, Dan suspicious about Troy, Dan locks room, says Nick’s lying. S3E15 Troy and Mad arm C4 around dam. Troy said trading post wasn’t good for him or Nick, had quite a night, felt fear for first time, Mad thanks him for looking after Nick. S3E15 Dan asks more about Troy, asks why Nick is lying, says hoard needed a shepherd, someone led it. S3E15 Doc Eddie takes Alicia to see Proctor John. He says he plans for a trade route, only thing stopping him is the growth on his spine causing paralysis, needs to cut it out, she has to assist. If the surgery is a success she can come with them, if it fails his guy executes everyone in the room. S3E15 Dan sure either Nick, Jake or Troy led the herd, Nick blames Jake, Dan says it was Troy, say it so he can get justice. Nick says Troy’s a bigot and a killer but loved the ranch, would save it, Jake wasn’t the same after his father died and destroyed the ranch to save it. Dan lets him out. S3E15 Proctor won’t go under anaesthetic, Alicia has to stop him moving, Eddie cuts him open, Alicia tries to distract him from the pain. S3E15 Troy tells Mad how to arm C4. Nick comes, tells them Strand sold out the dam to the Proctors. Mad wants to tell Dan but Nick says Dan will kill Troy. Mad asks why, Troy says he led the herd to them. Mad says she took everything from her, Troy said he had every right after what she did to him. Mad hits him with shovel, RIP Troy. Mad and Nick leave. S3E15 Proctor’s surgery is over, can wiggle toes, happy. Man says they’re ready, time to move, tells Alicia she should be ready to hit the road, no choice. S3E15 Dan asks Lola why the water is running the other way, Strand pulls gun, tells her not to fix it, says he’s sorry. Dan says he’s not a killer, won’t kill them, hand him the gun, fight, Dan shot in cheek, alive. S3E15 Proctor’s group come in through sewers, Nick sees them, gunfight, Efrain killed, RIP Efrain. Proctor’s people mad at Strand. Nick and Mad go through the sewers, Strand tells them to hide, he will head them off, takes detonator, leaves. S3E16 Proctors and Alicia come in by boat, meet goons and Strand. Strand says someone tipped off the dam but all’s good now. Proctor John not happy dozen are dead. Proctors kill dam workers. Strand tells Alicia to trust him, work together. S3E16 Nick mad at Mad over Troy, she says he needed to be put down. Nick says she’s dangerous. One day she might have no choice with him. Hear gunshots, hide. S3E16 Lola hides Dan down drain, goes for Efrain. S3E16 Alicia changes Proc John’s dressing, Alicia says she will continue to help him if he saves Mad, he says yes if she goes with him to his ship and sails to Houston. S3E16 Strand tells Mad and Nick that Alicia is here, Proc John might like her enough to let them go. Tells them to put on work clothes and he will walk them out. Mad asks what he did, he says Dan, he did it for her, but he was alive when he left. S3E16 Lola gets to dam office, finds Efrain is dead. Strand walks Mad and Nick across the dam bridge, gets to where Proctors are killing dam people, tells a proctor he will dispose of them himself, gives them gun, makes them leave. Lola storms up with gun, shoots at proctors, they kill her, RIP Lola. S3E16 Proc John asks Strand why Mad and Nick are alive, why Lola was alive. Asks Nick where his friend is, he says Mad killed him. Proc John says he has to kill Alicia because won’t be able to trust her after he kills her brother. Takes all three to the dam bridge. Nick hugs Strand, takes the detonator. Strand says the dam is wired with C4, goes to take the detonator, but Nick has it. Nick tells Mad and Alicia to take the boat across the lake as far upriver as they can, he can’t go, detonator has range, has no choice or they all die. Sends Victor to the boat too, says to take care of them. S3E16 Dan leaves his room, pretends to be weak, tricks and kills proctors. Proctor tells Nick he could help them. Mad, Alicia and Strand start the boat. Proctor talks of war, Nick says he killed the last man who said that. Boat still having problems. Dan reaches dam, sees dead Lola, walks to proctor gang. Boat starts, Proctor John still trying to get detonator, Crazy Dog shoots at proctors from other side of dam. John tells proctors to kill Nick, Crazy Dog holds them off, Dan approaches, Nick detonates dam. Bridge cracks, Nick watches boat, boat gets caught in flood. Walker and Crazy Dog sad, go North. Dan tries to pull Nick off bridge. S3E16 Mad under water, reaches surface, swims to shore. People nearby take water with buckets.



Monday, April 30, 2018 - 3:50 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Before I start to play with the dates where the new FearTWD episodes fit in, this is just a very brief outline of the combined calendar so far:

• September 1st 2009: Government declares "Wildfire"

• January 10th 2010: Disease goes global
• January 24th 2010: TWD Near Atlanta, Rick Grimes is shot and falls into a coma
• January 29th 2010: FEAR In LA, Nick's girlfriend dies of an overdose and turns, becoming one of the first cases in LA (Day 1 of FearTWD)

• February 12th 2010: FEAR Group leave LA, on Strand’s yacht
• February 13th 2010: FEAR LA and major Western cities are bombed
• February 19th 2010: FEAR Celia’s farm burns down

• March 7th 2010: FEAR Group go to the Otto’s Ranch
• March 10th 2010: TWD Rick Grimes wakes up (Day 1 of TWD, Day 41 of FearTWD)
• March 14th 2010: TWD Jenner explodes the CDC
• March 17th 2010: TWD Group reach Hershel’s farm
• March 20th 2010: FEAR All abandon Otto’s Ranch
• March 22nd 2010: TWD Hershel’s farm is overrun
• March 31st 2010: FEAR Nick blows up the dam

• November 15th 2010: TWD Group find the prison
• November 20th 2010: TWD Judith is born, Lori dies

• June 21st 2011: TWD The Governor attacks the prison, kills Hershel
• June 29th 2011: TWD Carol saves everyone at Terminus

• July 27th 2011: TWD Group reaches Alexandria

• August 7th 2011: TWD Maggie tells Aaron she’s pregnant
• August 8th 2011: TWD Wolves break into Alexandria but they rebuild

• October 14th 2011: TWD Negan murders Glenn and Abraham

• November 5th 2011: TWD Carl dies
• November 8th 2011: TWD Rick captures Negan
• November 9th 2011: TWD Morgan moves into Jadis’ Heaps



Monday, April 30, 2018 - 4:58 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
The above with a VERY TENTATIVE placing of the Season 4 FearTWD events:

• September 1st 2009: Government declares "Wildfire"

• January 10th 2010: Disease goes global
• January 24th 2010: TWD Near Atlanta, Rick Grimes is shot and falls into a coma
• January 29th 2010: FEAR In LA, Nick's girlfriend dies of an overdose and turns, becoming one of the first cases in LA (Day 1 of FearTWD)

• February 12th 2010: FEAR Group leave LA on Strand’s yacht
• February 13th 2010: FEAR LA and major Western cities are bombed
• February 19th 2010: FEAR Celia’s farm burns down

• March 7th 2010: FEAR Group go to the Otto’s Ranch
• March 10th 2010: TWD Rick Grimes wakes up (Day 1 of TWD, Day 41 of FearTWD)
• March 14th 2010: TWD Jenner explodes the CDC
• March 17th 2010: TWD Group reach Hershel’s farm
• March 20th 2010: FEAR All abandon Otto’s Ranch
• March 22nd 2010: TWD Hershel’s farm is overrun
• March 31st 2010: FEAR Nick blows up the dam

• November 15th 2010: TWD Group find the prison
• November 20th 2010: TWD Judith is born, Lori dies

• March 1st 2011: FEAR Madison and group set up home in The Diamond

• June 21st 2011: TWD The Governor attacks the prison, kills Hershel
• June 29th 2011: TWD Carol saves everyone at Terminus

• July 27th 2011: TWD Group reaches Alexandria

• August 7th 2011: TWD Maggie tells Aaron she’s pregnant
• August 8th 2011: TWD Wolves break into Alexandria but they rebuild

• October 14th 2011: TWD Negan murders Glenn and Abraham

• November 5th 2011: TWD Carl dies
• November 8th 2011: TWD Rick captures Negan
• November 9th 2011: TWD Morgan moves into Jadis’ Heaps

• February 15th 2012: FEAR Morgan leaves the Heaps

• March 1st 2012: FEAR “Before” timeline, the Diamond celebrates its 365th day, the Vultures set up camp outside

• April 15th 2012: FEAR “Now” timeline, Morgan meets John Dorie, Althea, Nick, Alicia, Strand, Luciana
• April 16th 2012: FEAR Charlie murders Nick



Tuesday, May 01, 2018 - 11:37 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Option 1 above is for if Madison (in the "Before") was surprised by early bluebonnets. The other option is if she was surprised by late bluebonnets, which would shift their "Before" story earlier by a year. I called early Bluebonnets March 1st, and I'm going to call late bluebonnets May 15th.

So instead of having 11 months pre-Diamond (as above) and a six week gap between "Before" and "Now," it would be the other way round, with a short gap before they found the Diamond and a long gap after the Diamond was overthrown.

So this is Option 2, for completeness, also VERY TENTATIVE:

• September 1st 2009: Government declares "Wildfire"

• January 10th 2010: Disease goes global
• January 24th 2010: TWD Near Atlanta, Rick Grimes is shot and falls into a coma
• January 29th 2010: FEAR In LA, Nick's girlfriend dies of an overdose and turns, becoming one of the first cases in LA (Day 1 of FearTWD)

• February 12th 2010: FEAR Group leave LA on Strand’s yacht
• February 13th 2010: FEAR LA and major Western cities are bombed
• February 19th 2010: FEAR Celia’s farm burns down

• March 7th 2010: FEAR Group go to the Otto’s Ranch
• March 10th 2010: TWD Rick Grimes wakes up (Day 1 of TWD, Day 41 of FearTWD)
• March 14th 2010: TWD Jenner explodes the CDC
• March 17th 2010: TWD Group reach Hershel’s farm
• March 20th 2010: FEAR All abandon Otto’s Ranch
• March 22nd 2010: TWD Hershel’s farm is overrun
• March 31st 2010: FEAR Nick blows up the dam

• May 15th 2010: FEAR Madison and group set up home in The Diamond

• November 15th 2010: TWD Group find the prison
• November 20th 2010: TWD Judith is born, Lori dies

• May 15th 2011: FEAR “Before” timeline, the Diamond celebrates its 365th day, the Vultures set up camp outside

• June 21st 2011: TWD The Governor attacks the prison, kills Hershel
• June 29th 2011: TWD Carol saves everyone at Terminus

• July 27th 2011: TWD Group reaches Alexandria

• August 7th 2011: TWD Maggie tells Aaron she’s pregnant
• August 8th 2011: TWD Wolves break into Alexandria but they rebuild

• October 14th 2011: TWD Negan murders Glenn and Abraham

• November 5th 2011: TWD Carl dies
• November 8th 2011: TWD Rick captures Negan
• November 9th 2011: TWD Morgan moves into Jadis’ Heaps

• February 15th 2012: FEAR Morgan leaves the Heaps

• April 15th 2012: FEAR “Now” timeline, Morgan meets John Dorie, Althea, Nick, Alicia, Strand, Luciana
• April 16th 2012: FEAR Charlie murders Nick



Tuesday, August 07, 2018 - 6:21 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Fear TWD timeline for first half of Season 4.

There are a few floating sections. The obvious one is the year+ at the Diamond, which isn't fixed at the beginning or end, we just know it was after the dam and before the NOW timeline. The second one is when John spent time with Laura/Naomi, we only know it's before when Naomi joins the main guys on Day 365 at the Diamond. I'm guessing it's within a month of then, probably less, just by the way John speaks.

I'm back to numbering by days, not dates, so Day 1 for Fear is the day Nick's girlfriend woke up walker.. The dam blew up on Day 62. The end of TWD (when Morgan moved into Jadis' Heaps) is Fear.Day651. For now I'm saying there is five months between then and when Morgan meets John, but I'm now thinking that is too long. Anyway, for now, the NOW timeline is five months/150 days after the end of TWD S8, so that's Fear.Day800, or almost exactly two years after the dam blew up. In that period we only have timelines for when Althea interviewed Madison and the year in the Diamond.

The relative dates in this section are all guesses, but I find it more helpful to visualise if I number things, instead of just something vague. I expect things will change, so.... if anyone's counting... take all days in this section with a pinch of salt.

As usual it is very long.

S3E16 Dam blows up.


~Fear.Day388 = Few days before Diamond.Day1

S4E08 Madison finds Althea and SWAT truck in the woods, wants keys, ties her up. Althea asks to interview her. Mad finds box of interview tapes. Althea says they and talk about a deal, Mad takes keys and tapes, drives. Mad watches tapes hoping to find one of Nick and Alicia. Althea catches up to her, pulls gun, says she wants her story. Althea says she was doing this before things got bad, talked for people who didn’t have a voice, told their truth, someone might be interested in Madison’s story one day. Mad talks reluctantly, said she promised her kids she would keep them safe, wasn’t able to. Promised them she’d find somewhere that wasn’t just walls, thought she found it, but not sure it’s possible. Tells story of pet bird Amina they tried to nurse back to health, Nick was so sensitive, Alicia stubborn, Amina lived because her kids didn’t give up. Needs to find a place where things will be different, has to keep that part of them alive. Althea lets Madison go, gives her pot noodles. Madison says she got separated from her kids two weeks ago, outside El Paso, got to find them.

~Fear.Day391 = Diamond.Day1

Mad sees kids’ truck at a motel, clicks on the walkie, all meet up. Takes them to a baseball stadium she found.


~Fear.Day651 = Diamond.Day260, Few days after end of TWD S8 (= TWD.Day611)

S4E01 Near Alexandria, Morgan at Jadis' Heaps, washing clothes, grows veg, Jesus visits, says he cares about people, should be with them. Carol visits, asks him to come back to the Kingdom, he belongs with people who care.

Sometime later

S4E01 Rick visits Morgan, says he can hide but can’t run. Some veg has been harvested. Rick says he helped him in the past, let him help him now, be part of the world. Morgan says that’s not him anymore. Rick says he’ll end up with people one way or another, so come back now.


~Fear.Day720 = Diamond.Day330

S4E01 Morgan packs his bags. Walks streets, thinks about changing his mind, stalls until nightfall, walks on in the morning. Runs. Finds a car with gas, drives until it’s empty. Sees others, avoids them. Walks. Finds a car, drives it until wheels are punctured. Finds person in back of car, sick, tries to give him food and water but he shouts at him. Walks. Passes Welcome to Texas sign. Travels 1300 miles Virginia to Austin, TX. 20hrs fully by car. 450 hours of walking.

[John and Laura/Naomi meet, 11 days some time in the period while Madison etc. are living in the Diamond. I'm going to start at one month before the "BEFORE" timeline, so Diamond.Day335]
~Fear.Day725 = Diamond.Day335 = BeforeBefore.Day1

S4E05 John cleans his two matching guns at his cabin by a river. Infected wash up ashore and he kills them.

~Fear.Day726 = Diamond.Day336 = BeforeBefore.Day2

John gets up, does a scrabble word, goes about his day. Nighttime he watches a movie. Still dark, he finds Laura/Naomi washed up on his canoe, takes her inside, she has bad cut on her side, tends to it, lets her sleep in his bed.

~Fear.Day727 = Diamond.Day337 = BeforeBefore.Day3

John does chores, finds Laura trying to start his truck, car won’t start, needs battery. John says he will set her up with supplies, change bandage, then she can go if she wants. She tries to sew up the cut but asks him to. Evening eat fish stew. Won’t tell him her name, so he calls her Laura. Tells her he did wild west shows for kids for fun. Says she can say as long as she wishes, he says she’ll go as soon as she can. He puts up curtain for her privacy. She was a nurse before. In the night John cleans his guns and she watches.

~Fear.Day729 = Diamond.Day339 = BeforeBefore.Day5

Tuesday morning John kills infected, something amiss upriver. Says he’s going to see what it is and go to the store. Laura goes too, use canoe. John says he was a police officer, guns cause more problems than they solve. Reach bridge, infected are falling off through gap in railings. Dock and walk to Bill’s store, get supplies, John signs out new movie. Try to repair hole in bridge railings. Nighttime watch movie together. Laura tells him she lost her child, goes to bed.

~Fear.Day730 = Diamond.Day340 = BeforeBefore.Day6

Morning Laura wants him to teach her to fish and gut. Nighttime play scrabble.

~Fear.Day734 = Diamond.Day344 = BeforeBefore.Day10

Morning fish again. Evening take out her stitches. She says she’s ready, take a couple of days to pack some things. Infected are still coming, Laura says she’ll help him do a better fix on the bridge. At bridge, Laura hotwires car, John sees she has his gun, isn’t happy, wants his guns in a box not out there. Kill infected, drive car close to railings at hole. Infected comes, has machete in his chest, attacks it with knife. Nighttime wash off the blood, she’s upset he didn’t use gun. He tells her he fired his gun at guy who was robbing gas station, tried to hit him in leg but he moved and it hit an artery, bled out. Moved away because people thought he was a hero. At bridge submerged car noise tempts infected, push car into water, lots fall in water. Later they wash up at John’s cabin, both kill them, Laura in trouble, John uses guns to save her. Laura tells him he’s an honorable person, she’s lucky to have washed up here. He gives her one of his guns. Inside, he tells Laura he loves her, doesn’t want her to leave, needs her alive, he’ll go if she wants to be alone. She kisses him, sleep together.

~Fear.Day735 = Diamond.Day345 = BeforeBefore.Day11

Morning John wakes up alone, message in scrabble says “I love you too, I’m sorry,” she took his boots.

~Fear.Day754 = Diamond.Day364 (=BEFORE)

S4E02 Alicia, Strand, Nick, Lucia wake up, have breakfast., at baseball stadium, work. Madison talks to young Charlie, Charlie doesn’t want to talk about her family. Madison says she’ll try to make her feel at home. Infected are outside.

~Fear.Day755 = Diamond.Day365

S4E02 Announcement says it’s 365 days in the Diamond. Group have breakfast together. Madison was building a frame for a new home. Nick talks to Charlie, turnips are dying. Charlie asks how much food they have left. Madison tries to map where Madison came from, Mad, Luci, Alicia take a car. Nick doesn’t want to go outside. Luci concerned Nick never leaves the Diamond, Mad says he just need to be somewhere safe. Turnips have weevils. Group reach town, look for Charlie’s family, place has been picked clean. 457 sign on big oil tank. Area that used to have people is all burned out. No people, no infected. Mad finds recently open food can. At the diamond, Charlie looks worried, says she knows it wasn’t a regular food run. S4E02 Woman holds gun on Mad, demands her car keys. Mad clicks her walkie talkie, others run to help. Mad says they have settlement, food people, asks if she knows Charlie. Woman takes her keys, runs but others stop her, fight infected together. Nighttime they camp in the town. Woman is Naomi, wasn’t going to hurt them, says not from there, just camped there last night.

~Fear.Day756 = Diamond.Day366

S4E02 Nick burns the infected turnips plants. Nervous about music they heard earlier. He asks Charlie to open the gate, drives out, has flashbacks to the dam collapsing, runs into pole. Mad and co arrive, all go back inside. Mad asks Charlie who burned out her camp, she won’t answer. Naomi helps tend Nick’s wounds, was an ER nurse. Mad tells her 47 people live there, found her kids then she found this place and built it up together. Says Naomi should stay. Men go out to wheel Nick’s truck back, headlights behind them, run inside. Group of ~10 trucks and cars, man gets out, another takes a bike playing music, peter pipers the nearby infected into the back of a big truck, writes 12 on the side. Main man sits on lawn chair, Madison goes out to talk. Says she saw what they did to the camp, he said they didn’t do it, just had to clean up their mess after a valve jammed on one of the oil drums. Says they have a mess of their own, bad turnips, and Nick should check the rest of the crops. Calls Charlie, she comes, happy to see him. Man tells Mad they found her a while back and she has a knack for finding the good stuff. Says they don’t take anything, knows they’re good people, knows they have plenty of guns, used to have crops, but there’s a natural cycle to a place like this and theirs is about to run out. So either they give them their stuff and live, even join them, or they wait for them to die trying to make things work. He ends up with their stuff, not a threat, just a promise. He is Mel. Mad says she’s not going anywhere, not living from place to place again. Mel says they’ll be out there waiting. Nick checks other crops, they’re bad too.

~Fear.Day757-763 = Diamond.Day367-373

S4E02 Crops rot, bad guys wait outside. Mad goes back to making her wood framed home, others join her. Luci goes out and gives Charlie the book they got for her. S4E03 Nick chops down and burns infected crops. Madison and Nick go on a run for food. Nick says they never stood a chance with Charlie, Mad says she likes to look for something good wherever she goes, always sees something. Find empty buildings, then find Vulture Ennis and Charlie, Mad asks Charlie if she wants to stay with them, Ennis says he keeps his family fed, Nick mad. Later Nick is upset he threatened Ennis in front of Charlie, says who he is when he’s outside suffocates him. Nick lays in bluebonnets.

~Fear.Day767 = Diamond.Day377

S4E04 Group’s rations have been stretched with cattlefeed. Been everywhere within 15 miles, Madison suggests other places Vultures might not have hit yet. Strand goes on run to nursery, finds edible cacti. Strand tells Cole he likes him, that’s why he didn’t want him to know him, keeps bit of dam rock to remind him not to be that man from before. Strand shows Cole his car trunk of supplies, says it’s enough for a month, for two. Cole says have to take it back to the Diamond, Strand says it would only last them one day, but could make sure they both survive. Cole says no, he’ll drive himself back. Strand follows him back with the supplies, Cole doesn’t tell on him. S4E04 Nick and Luci go to library. Luci says they can start over somewhere else, go to first page they open in the map book. Map opens to North. Nick says what if there’s another way, goes back to Mad and says what if they go outside the map, get supplies and fertilizer, make Diamond what it was. Mad agrees. S4E04 Alicia and Naomi find waterpark, Naomi admires car but no keys. People lived there until fences gave way. Climb water chute, find supplies, load backpacks, Naomi finds keys, tries to leave in car but no gas. Alicia says she’s either with them or not, Naomi says she can’t keep trying to keep it going, Alicia says she went off on her own once, realized it wasn’t where she wanted to me, Naomi might too. Look for gas for car. Naomi says she was a nurse, she learned who was going to make it and who wasn’t, and the stadium isn’t going to last, have to think about where they’re going to go next. Both go back to Diamond, Naomi and Alicia want to set up an infirmary. Naomi takes out her fancy gun. S4E04 Mel beckons Madison, wants to know where she’s sending people, there’s always a chance they won’t be back. Mad sure they’ll come back. Mel says he used to live like them in a ranch, then wildfires started, he persuaded them to stay, fire hit, only he and brother survived. Mad says they could come inside, make a go of it, Mel says that’s why this place is going to fall. S4E06 Evening, Naomi tends to Alicia’s wounds.

~Fear.Day768 = Diamond.Day378

S4E06 Strand and Madison drink, Vultures still outside. Strand asks why she saved him, nursed him back to health, found Luciana, waited for him to heal after everything, why? Mad says because she knows who he is, and likes drinking with him. S4E06 Naomi, tries to leave in truck, was going somewhere she knows, where she used to live, it’s dangerous, Mad and Strand say they’ll go too. Nighttime park at motel, Strand asks Naomi about where they’re going, says it’s an abandoned FEMA shelter, says no one would see the place and want to go in, stuff should still be there but it’s dangerous. Sleep.

~Fear.Day769 = Diamond.Day379

S4E06 Morning Naomi leaves in car, gets to shelter, place is locked up, full of infected. Strand and Mad take Naomi’s map and follow. Strand judgmental about Naomi, Mad says got to leave that in the past, so he tells her about the loaded car, says people don’t change. Drive to shelter. S4E06 Naomi enters through back, sees baby stuff, finds box of supplies marked JIC. Has car keys marked JIC. Finds picture drawn by child, falls, recognizes infected, can’t shoot, climbs scaffold. Later Mad and Strand enter, Naomi throws them the keys to the JIC car, they help her, throw rope, distract, she climbs across to them. Naomi says she had to do it, she thought she could be safe here with her daughter Rose. Her father died just after everything went bad, place was good, taught Just In Case classes, one day Rose got pneumonia, needed antibiotics, hid her to get them, but took two days, when she came back Rose had died and turned, bitten and started everyone else turning. Had to go back here to face it, live with it, help them keep going. Go out and get JIC truck, has everything they need to start up somewhere else. Strand says they can all start up together. Evening arrive back at Diamond, Alicia tells Mel they have new supplies, Vultures leave, says it will take longer than they can wait. Mel tells Mad to watch out, you never see the really bad stuff coming. Vultures leave. Diamond happy. Cole likes Strand again. Later Mad looks at empty parking lot, tells Alicia to set up their own JIC truck in the landrover.

~Fear.Day770 = Diamond.Day380

S4E07 All plant new seeds, dig crops, use rations to keep them going. Charlie appears at the gate, needs their help. Mel has crashed, needs help, Mel had a fight with Ennis so he wouldn’t help. Naomi, Mad, Alicia, Nick go to help, bring Mel back. S4E07 Mel wakes up tied to bed, asks if Charlie is here, says it’s not safe, Ennis was going to make it fall with infected. S4E07 Away from stadium, Ennis herds infected into trucks. S4E07 Group find Charlie’s car with lots of numbered flags, expect 1000s of infected, prepare for onslaught. Mel tells Naomi the stadium isn’t worth their lives, they should leave. Mad tears down the house she was building for lumber to reinforce walls. Naomi tells Mad they should think about leaving, Mad says it’s worse out there. Mad tells Mel he can go if he wants to, but Charlie stays, they’ll protect her. Mad gives Mel the JIC land rover, makes him leave. Evening Nick tells Mad he was afraid, but felt found here, doesn’t think she wants them to wind up like this. Charlie upset Mel has gone, Alicia lets her use walkie, hears him sick, crashes car. Charlie wants them to go back out for him, Alicia, Nick leave in search. S4E07 Nighttime, Ennis starts his motorcade of walkers towards stadium. S4E07 Naomi tells Mad whatever’s going to happen it will be soon, she’s prepping the infirmary. Alicia etc. reach Mel’s car, Mel is collapsed over wheel, hear cars, it’s the motorcade, rush back to the stadium with Mel, sounds the alarm. Trucks reach stadium before Alicia etc., release infected, start trail of fire. S4E08 Strand, Luci, Mad try to clear path for them to get to stadium. Mad tells others to stay inside, it will hold against the fire, they don’t believe her, Naomi can’t talk them out of leaving. Diamond people open gate to drive out, Mad tries to stop them. Mad, Strand and Alicia get irrigation truck. Nick and Alicia’s car is surrounded. Luci and Strand can’t get back to stadium, Mel took their car and picked up Charlie. Others in the cars overtaken by fire or infected, RIP Diamond Dwellers. Naomi tries to save supplies, too late to help anyone, runs until she can’t, thinks they all died. Alicia and Nick can’t get out of the parking lot, Madison tries to give them a path by distracting infected with flares, others go back for her but aren’t able to, Strand burnt saving Alicia. Mad leads infected inside the stadium, closes the doors on them, so others can get away, tries to go through the tunnels to get out but can’t, locks herself in with the infected, sets fire to the grass, the Diamond burns. RIP Madison. The rest get away. Vultures find Naomi by the side of the road.


~Fear.Day800 = S4.Day1 (=NOW)(could be a much shorter time – TBD)

S401 Nighttime, John Dorie makes bonfire, hears noise. Morgan hears him talking, John asks him to share a chat, been a year since he had one. Says he knew a woman, had feelings, asks Morgan if he’s seen a woman with an identical pistol to his, Morgan hasn’t. John offers him back of truck to sleep, Morgan accepts. S4E01 Morgan leaves in the night, gets hit on back of head. Men search his bag, John shoots at bad guys, more bad guys appear with guns, capture John too. SWAT truck rolls up, Althea driving, heard a shot, wanted to see what was what, says she’ll give bad guys a case of noodles if they let men go, aims SWAT guns at them. Takes Morgan and John in truck. John gives her candy. She says Leland and his gang are desperate. Morgan wants to leave, Althea says they owe her, parks truck, wants to ask questions for a story, she’s a journalist.

~Fear.Day801 = S4.Day2

S4E01 Althea interviews John. He talks about Laura, knows he’ll find her. Morgan doesn’t want to talk, Althea says he owes her, he gives her food, she needs his story. He says he’s going to go. John wants to give him clean socks. Leland and group appear, pull guns, say they want the truck. Morgan and John attack, Althea runs into truck but man gets in, Althea throws keys. Morgan shot in leg, all fight with men. Althea fires truck’s machine guns at the walkers. Drive on. 51 flag in back of truck. Morgan lets Althea film his story, says he ran, walk, drove, walked again from Virginia. Says there was a King with a pet tiger, were safe with good people, then there was a fight with another group, they won. He’d already left before he left. Says it’s time he left here. Althea asks why he left Virginia, he says he loses people, then he loses himself, walks away. S4E01 Evening Morgan finds the car of the sick stranger, walks after the walker who’s wandering off, other walkers follow, he stumbles because of shot leg, John arrives and saves him, says he’s wrong about being on his own. Morgan checks the walker and it’s the sick man, Morgan buries him. All drive off together, says he’ll stay with them until his legs heals. John says they’re looking for his Laura. See a woman in the road ahead, stop truck and investigate, they pretend to be injured, it’s Alicia. Alicia pulls knife on Althea, Nick, Strand and Luciana come out of the hedges pointing guns. S4E02 Nick and group take Morgan etc’s guns, find the numbered flag inside the SWAT truck, Luci asks if they are with the Vultures, Althea says she doesn’t know who they are. Alicia says to show them where they found it, all go in back of truck. S4E03 Althea wants to know what they want, says if they’re all breathing they’re all on the same team, will swap flag for their story but won’t be threatened, grabs Nick, puts gun to him, truck swerves down embankment, crashes. Morgan and co tie up Nick and co. Althea says they must work together to get the truck out, then they tell their story, then she takes them to the flag. Luci says she saw a truck earlier that might help, Althea ties Nick to the SWAT truck, Morgan stays with him, rest get help. Morgan unties Nick, Nick tries to attack him, Morgan wins. Share peanut butter bar. Nick watches Althea’s tape of Morgan. Morgan sees blue car on road, tells Nick to hide, but Nick hits him, bashes horn, rushes after the car. S4E03 Alicia and Althea in town, find cables and a truck, work together to get it working. Strand asks Althea why she films, she says their story might be the only thing that’s left, important it’s captured, will trade the truth of his story for the position of the flag, Strand considers it. S4E03 Nick can’t find the car but finds bluebonnets, infected attack, Morgan saves him. Noise from horn attracts infected, need place to hole up. Morgan asks if Nick is still looking for the car, says it won’t work out how he thinks. Nick asks who Morgan lost, says he saw the tape, Morgan angry. S4E03 Althea and Alicia get back to the truck, see arrow Morgan left to say where they are. John and Luci go to find Morgan and Nick, others hitch up truck, agree on deal of story for flag. S4E03 Morgan finds the Vulture Ennis and the Camaro, tells him he has to leave, Nick approaches, Morgan tries to stop him but Nick asks if he’s willing to do what it would take to stop him. Morgan walks away. S4E03 Nick fights with Ennis, Morgan reconsiders, walks back. Nick pushes Ennis onto stag horns, kills him, RIP Ennis. Morgan finds Nick covered in blood, tells him he lost his wife, his son, his friends and himself, he knows where Nick is now because he was there, didn’t know a way out. Then he met someone who helped him, showed him all life is precious, and it helped. Nick asks how it helped, Morgan gives him the Cheesemaker’s book, Nick says it’s too late, Morgan says it is not. They wait for others. S4E03 Group arrive, Nick reads Morgan’s book, looks at his bluebonnet, shot rings out, Charlie shot him in the stomach, he bleeds out as Strand, Luci and Alicia hold him. RIP Nick. S4E04 Nighttime, Althea drives all in SWAT truck, take Nick’s body. Althea interviews others about the day they all decided not to leave the Diamond. Alicia says she should have talked them into leaving, Luci says they should have found somewhere else to go, Strand should have followed his gut, that’s why Nick died. S4E04 John says he used to be police officer, knew guy on force who drank bottle of whiskey every night until he crashed his car, takes more than one day to turn someone, so expects Morgan to be on his way, but he wants him to meet Laura. Morgan says he’ll go when Nick is buried, he’s better on his own. Later arrive at the field Alicia wanted to go to, dig up supply of guns. Morgan asks if they’re going after the rest of the Vultures, Althea mad they lied to her about going there for Nick, not going to drive them. Strand says they don’t need her, they heard Ennis say where the Vultures will meet. John says don’t take them, take him to Laura instead, Alicia says they will tell more story. Strand says if she wants to know how this ends she’ll have to come see it for herself. Althea says ok. Morgan concerned about Nick, Alicia says they’ll bury him there. John sees a backpack the others have, says it was Laura’s, has his fancy gun in it. John says he didn’t know her real name, Luci says she didn’t make it out the stadium, is dead, John says she’s out there. Alicia says Vultures did it, come with them and help them end it. John says he’s staying behind, Morgan stays too. Althea says she’ll find out what happens and come back for them. S4E05 Night time John with Morgan, told him the story of when he met Laura. John says maybe he should have waited to tell her he loved her, Morgan says waiting is how you lose people. John says he believed they’d have a second chance. Morgan says the others think the only thing left is to kill and die, they don’t believe that, they’re alive and part of the world, can’t waste another second.

~Fear.Day802 = S4.Day3

S4E06 Morgan and John at a store, man plunders, John pulls gun on him, says he knows about his flags, man moves so John shoots off his finger. Says he wants to know where they’re going to meet next. Searches him, finds map. Wants to know where Naomi is, man says he doesn’t know. Morgan tells guy people want to kill them at their meet, lets him go. John gives Morgan his guns, doesn’t want to use them in anger. S4E06 Althea in Swat truck on road with others, still wants their stories, Luci says she can ask what she wants as long as she gets them to where the Vultures will meet. Alicia and co arrive, prepare their guns, truck comes but it’s Morgan and John. Other pull guns on them, Morgan tells them they came to help, says Vultures are not coming, they found them and told them to stay away. Alicia mad. Morgan says this only makes things worse. Trucks arrive. Group point guns at them instead, it’s Mel and Vultures. Thank Morgan for tipping them off they’d be there. Mel tells Alicia she’s sorry about her brother, she says she’s not sorry about his. Morgan gets between them. Voice on radio, asking where they are, land rover pulls up and it’s Naomi. John says runs to her, Alicia shoots at Naomi, hits John. S4E07 John is still alive. Naomi/Laura and Morgan drag him into land rover. Luci, Strand, Alicia exchange fire with Vultures. Naomi goes for medical supplies, Mel says he thought she’d died, drives ambulance away from her, Alicia shoots ambulance, it blows up. Luci sees Charlie, Charlie apologises. Morgan asks Althea for help, use Swat truck to stop Alicia killing Naomi. Naomi, Morgan, Althea take John, Morgan takes Charlie to stop her being killed, to stadium to see if their medical bay is still stocked. Morgan tells Naomi that John never gave up on her. Naomi says sometimes when you try to protect someone you wind up hurting them. Althea wants to know what Naomi did to Alicia, etc., Charlie says it wasn’t Naomi’s fault, it was hers. S4E07 At the meet, Alicia asks injured Mel how long Naomi was with them, he can’t speak, she kills him. Alicia, Luci, Strand head off. Later SWAT truck reaches the stadium, breaks through door, inside are lots of infected. S4E08 Infected surround tank, Althea fires guns to clear infected, Naomi, Morgan run inside for med supplies, explosion goes off at door. Althea sees Alicia and co in the stadium. In truck, John is weak, asks Charlie to film him, says it’s okay if he doesn’t make it, as long as Naomi does, and stop running from people, thanks Morgan. Naomi gets the supplies. Alicia shoots big gun at the trunk, door falls off,. Alicia wants Althea to tell Naomi it’s safe to come outside or she’ll kill Charlie, Althea does, puts walkie near John, John hits button to broadcast what they’re saying. Fight in truck. Morgan goes outside with supplies. Alicia stops fighting when she sees pot noodles, Althea says she got them in Oklahoma, traded them for an interview. Alicia looks at the tapes, finds Madison’s, marked Amina, plays it. Alicia goes outside, holds gun on Naomi, says her mom is dead because of what she did, Naomi says let her save John first, Alicia says she doesn’t get anything. Morgan says he tried to get away from people, others said he would end up with people, he ran half way across the country to prove them wrong, now he’s standing between her gun and someone he’s just met, things can change, did for him, can for her. Alicia says they can’t, Morgan says she hasn’t shot him, so they can, whatever her mother wanted for her is still in her. Alicia puts down gun. Everyone drives off together. Althea asks what happened to Madison, pulls over, makes camp near a shed. Naomi fixes John, tells him her real name is June, it’s his favourite month. The others tell Althea Madison’s story, say she died so they can live. Naomi says she only went with Vultures as she thought they were all dead. All eat together.



Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 12:46 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dlkuhn4 a private message Print Post    
I'm so lost in the timeline with the time jump i wish this was update



Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 4:54 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
I'm so far behind in my calendar, Dlkuhn, almost a season and a half of the main TWD. I do still intend to catch up but they got lazy with giving clues on the passing of time, which I rely on to make sense of things, so I saved it for a second airing, which I never got to!

If it helps, in my timeline which I tried to put an actual (estimate of a) date to, my skeleton calendar is:

March 2010 Rick woke up

November 2011 everything through season 8, when Carl died. The rest of Season 8 was just the war where the Saviors lost and they captured Negan, so maybe 5 days (still Nov 2011).

May 2013 was the start of season 9, after an 18 month break. That's when the groups were working together, Gregory was executed, they're working on the bridge.

June 2013 ~Four weeks later is when it all goes wrong, which ends up with Rick blowing the bridge with him on it and everyone assuming him dead (although he actually flies off with Jadis).

January 2014 we've seen in these last few episodes (because I'm guessing Michonne was eight months pregnant), with that friend of hers and the kids.

June 2019 is where we're at now, after the huge time jump of six years (according to The Talking Dead) earlier this season. That's when Yumiko and Connie and co appear, then we see Alpha for the first time, all within a week or so, then the fayre.

So we're nearly 10 years into the show now.

As they show us snow, and they talk about the beginning of winter, it looks like my calendar dates are a bit off, so I'll have to fudge a couple of months out of the six years to make it more like November 2019 ;).



Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 6:29 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Is this snow the start of the first winter ever seen on TWD? I don't remember ever seeing snow on this show before.



Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 6:50 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Yes it is Sanfran, they have conveniently time jumped over every other winter before this one. The closest we saw was when Morgan walked from TWD land to FearTWD land, which started just after the worst of winter, leading into Spring.



Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 7:02 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Pamy a private message Print Post    
even though they had to have had snow at least a few times a year after all these years, the previews made it seem like snow was so foreign to them LOL



Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 11:51 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    



Monday, April 01, 2019 - 5:51 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
If a Mod happens to come by with a couple of minutes to spare, would they be able to make an edit in my Tues Mar 26th 5.54pm post for me please, and change the last bolded date (Jan 2020) to June 2019? Thank you!

The six year jump was from the Bridge blowing, not the flashback with Michonne's child stealing friend, which is how I mistakenly did it when posting that mini update.

(So that would mean I need to shift everything a little later, not earlier, to maybe November 2019??? for the first snow. I guess I have to look for new season cues now we have such long gaps.)

And seeing as I'm posting about times, I think there were two time shifts in S9E16. We started the episode a few months after the Pike scene, so move from Nov 2019 to Feb 2020 maybe. That would be the time of the blizzard. But then when we see The Whisperers back after winter ends, not only was it not actively snowing, the ground was completely clear of snow, so I'm guessing that must be at least a month later, assuming The Whisperers only came back when they were sure the worst of winter was over.

Board Administrator


Monday, April 01, 2019 - 5:55 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Karuuna a private message Print Post    
I think I got that edit right, please check.



Monday, April 01, 2019 - 5:59 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Perfect, thank you!



Monday, September 16, 2019 - 7:01 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Walking Dead Season 8 Part B timeline, follows on from my post that's currently at the top of this thread, dated Sunday, February 25, 2018 - 12:16 am.

The basic outline for the series is still as in the post a few posts up, Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 5:54 pm. Season 8 was the season where Carl died midseason, and ended with the fight with the Saviors where the guns backfire and Rick captures Negan. We're still only about one year and 18 months from the time Rick woke up in hospital.

As always, I try to cut out everything I can, but there still seems to be a lot that has to be included, so this is very, very long. It starts with the fourth day of season 8, which started only a few days after the end of season 7 (S7 was the season which ended with walker-Sasha coming out of the coffin after a season of the Saviors and good guys fighting).

S8.Day4 continued (see earlier post for what came before)
S8E08 Daryl and co reach the sewer, hear explosions in Alex’a. Michonne closes cover but stays outside. Rick reaches Alex’a, gets to his house, finds Negan there, fights, N says he will kill him in front of everybody, will fix Carl, in a few years he will be one of his top guys. More fight, Rick gets away, sees Michonne, she takes him to the sewer. All reunite, including Siddiq, but they see Carl has been bitten. S8E09 Bangs go off. Rick asks how, Carl says he just got bit, gives them letters he wrote. Mich cries. Says he got bit while walking back with Siddiq, not the Saviors, just happened. S8E09 Gavin with Ezekiel in Kingdom, says Negan’s going to kill him, nothing he can do to stop that, King says he ferried his people to freedom, nothing else matters. Gavin says he liked him, King says he can live with his decision, Gavin has to do the same. Morgan enters through side of Kingdom, finds Carol. Says Henry is there. S8E09 Rick puts Carl on the cot, very ill. Siddiq offers anti-inflammatories to help with fever, said it did with his mom. Says he was a Medical Resident before. Rick asks Carl if he brought him back because he was a doctor, Carl says he needed us. Mich tells Dwight to make them stop bombing, D says he can’t. S8E09 Carol and Morgan find Saviors, have to kill them to get to Ezekiel. S8E09 Carl speaks to Mich, says it’s got to stop, not supposed to be like this, can be better. Bombing noises stop. Daryl goes to take a look. S8E09 Gavin puts Ezekiel in truck, says to give him pillow. Says he hoped it would all be settled, but it always gets dark and ugly, gunfire, Saviors take Ezekiel inside. S8E09 Saviors have left Alex’a, Rick says Carl won’t make it to Hilltop, but Mich should take Judith; Daryl takes Judith so Mich can stay. Carl says goodbye to Judith, gives her his hat says she will beat this world. Daryl tells Carl he saved them all. Siddiq says he gave him a chance, can never repay him but will honor him by showing his family that what he did wasn’t for nothing, that it mattered. S8E09 Gavin tries to secure their Kingdom room, some hidden Kingdom people shoot, Morgan and Carol come in and help them, Morgan guts a living Savior. Gavin runs outside. Ezekiel says they should go but Morgan follows Gavin. S8E09 Carl very sick. Says he doesn’t want Mich to be sad or angry, will have to be strong for Rick and Judith and herself. She says she will. He says don’t carry this, is her best friend. Rick says they have to get him out of the sewer. Take him to nearby building. Carl says thanks for making it so he could be who he wound up being. Tells him about when he shot a kid at the prison, now he thinks about how easy it was to kill him then. Rick says what he’d lost, went through then, he was just a boy. Carl says Rick saw what it did, that’s why he changed, brought Governor’s people in, did it so Carl could change and be who he was now. How he stopped fighting was right then, still is, and can be like that again. Rick says he can’t be who he was, Carl says there has to be something after. S8E09 Morgan pulls Gavin outside. Gavin says he kept his word, can go back to how it was, Morgan says no. Gavin says killing him won’t make any of it go away. Ezekiel says ending Gavin is the coward’s way, they’ve won. Carol says she knows he doesn’t want to do it, can see it. Morgan says he has to. Henry sticks Gavin through the neck from behind. Everyone stunned. S8E09 Ezekiel says it’s ok to Henry, Henry says he had to, Carol frustrated, Ezekiel says all will be resolved. S8E09 Carl says he knows Rick can’t see it yet, but he’s seen it, S8E01 Carl dreams of old Rick and Michonne with Carl and Judith, in a bigger Alex’a. S8E09 Carl dreams of happy Alex’a with crops and happy Eugene and happy Negan all together helping one another. Says they can still be who they were, that’s how it could be. Rick says it was all for Carl right from the start, back in Atlanta, the farm, everything for him. Then at prison for him and Judith, and it still is, nothing is going to change that. Carl says he wants it for him. Rick says he’s going to make it real.

First light, Rick tells Carl he’s sorry he couldn’t protect him, that was his job, Carl says his job was to love him. Carl says he has to kill himself, they mustn’t do it, tell each other they love each other, Rick says he will make it real. Mich and Rick leave him alone. RIP Carl. S8E09 Early morning Rick and Michonne bury Carl at Alex’a. S8E10 Alex’a mostly burned out. Mich sees Carl’s blue hand print at their house, cries, both leave in van. S8E10 Negan at Sanctuary on radio, wants people to find escaped Alexa’ns. Nothing heard from Gavin. N wants Simon to go to garbage people, remind them they cannot go back on the deal, take one out and rest will fall in line. Simon suggests cutting losses, move further out, N say that’s easy option, not their way. Once he kills Rick, everything’s aces. Saviors bring in coffin from Hilltop, walker inside. Simon says he’s going to kill Hilltop, N shouts no. S8E10 Rick asks Mich if Carl wanted them to surrender. Mich wants to read the letters, Rick says too soon, Mich find letter for Negan. S8E10 Simon takes troops to the landfill. Asks Jadis for apology, knows had side deal with Rick depite their pre-existing arrangement, but Negan will forgo punishment if stick to prior deal, just need their guns and ammo. Jadis says ok, they take guns. Simon wants full apology, Jadis says here is remorse, shoot Brion, then Tamiel, Jadis hits him, Simon tells his group to fire, shoots everyone, RIP Garbage People. S8E14 Jadis pretends to be dead. Gets up when quiet, takes off her fighting clothes. S8E10 At Oceanside Aaron and Enid are tied up, Enid upset she had to kill Natania. Oceanside decide to kill them, Enid says it won’t make them feel better, and their friends will come and wipe them out. Cyndie says they live, she wants to know if they win, but not going to help, don’t come back. Aaron sends Enid back to Maggie, says to try to get them to help fight. S8E10 Rick tells Mich he needs to talk to Jadis, needs their weapons, Saviors saw them with him so will be a target, need them. At junkyard the garbage people are walkers. S8E11 Daryl & co make way to Hilltop through woods. Tara makes trouble for Dwight. S8E10 Rick and Michonne fight walker-garbage people, climb pile, find Jadis. She says Savior did it. It was originally trash, she came to find things for her art, then after saw whole place as a canvas, could become something new apart from everyone else. Rick says the walkers are because of her, gets large pieces of metal so he and Mich can fight their way out. Jadis wants to come too, Rick says he’s done with her games. R&M leave, Jadis tries to follow, Rick shoots over her head. S8E11 Gabe and Doc Carson lost in car on way to Hilltop. Gabe’s vision is blurring from the infection. Car won’t start so walk through woods, find cabin. S8E10 Rick tells Mich he just wanted Jadis gone, didn’t want her dead. Mich says it feels like what Carl was talking about. S8E10 Rick pulls over, reads Carl’s letter to Negan. Calls Negan on walkie. S8E10 Simon returns to Sanctuary, tells Negan he got it done, standard exit and delivery. Savior says Rick is on the walkie. S8E10 Rick tells Negan Carl is dead, Carl asked them to stop, but it’s too late for that, he’s going to kill him. Negan asks how it happened, was it the grenades, Rick says Carl went out to help someone and got bit. Negan says he is sorry, had plans for him, the future. Says Carl is dead because Rick couldn’t leave things alone, because he didn’t stop him doing something stupid. Says he failed as a father, should give up. S8E11 Daryl plots route to avoid Saviors, Dwight says Negan won’t send his people to swamp as dangerous, so they should go that way. Tara says they can’t trust him. Dwight says he chose his side, here to help them, Daryl says they’ll try the swamps. S8E11 At hilltop, inventory is low, have to cut rations by a third to get through the week, worse if they include the prisoners. S8E11 At Hilltop Morgan watches Henry, Henry won’t eat. Savior Jerk heckles them, Henry asks which one killed his brother. Morgan wants to tells him, Carol says they can’t. S8E11 Negan is disappointed, Doc has jumped ship, wants to know if Eugene knows how. Says he’ll find out when they drag them back to the Sanctuary. Tells Eugene he’ll be in charge of bullet making outpost, have his own team. S8E11 Gabe finds antibiotics, Doc says it might have saved his life. S8E11 Dwight tells Daryl that Sherri let him out and she might be out there. Daryl sets up group to clear swamp. S8E11 Maggie talks to Gregory, he wants out of the cage, she won’t let him. Nice Savior Alden says they’ve all behaved, want time outside for good behavior. Maggie says no resources for that, has to cut rations, her people come first, no choice. S8E11 Daryl and Siddiq clear the swamp. Tara makes Dwight go with her to clear wood walkers. S8E11 Gabe’s fever breaks but still can’t see much, Gabe says he will let God lead the way. S8E11 Dwight clears wood walkers, apologises for Denise, Tara pulls gun on him, says he doesn’t get to switch sides and make it ok, shoots, he runs but they hear Saviors, hide, Dwight pretends nothing’s wrong to save Tara and the rest, goes with the Saviors. S8E11 Gabe and Doc find the car, Doc gets caught in bear trap, walkers come, Gabe saves him. S8E11 Daryl angry that Tara let Dwight go, sees Judith is scared so they all start walking. S8E11 Gabe and Doc get into car but Saviors find them, capture them. Doc tries to grab a Savior’s gun but gets killed, RIP Doc Carson. Gabe cries. S8E11 Daryl & Co arrive at Hilltop, happy to see each other but tell about Carl, all sad, Enid breaks down. Later Morgan tells Henry it was Gavin who killed his brother, and he got him so it’s over. Siddiq thanks Maggie for her hospitality, offers to work in their infirmary. S8E10 Evening, Jadis attracts walkers to industrial grinder, makes walker chum, rests, eats applesauce. S8E11 Eugene makes bullets at his outpost. Negan arrives with Gabe, Gabe told him Carson let him out. Negan says Gabe will help Eugene. Negan wants bullets ASAP. S8E11 At Hilltop Maggie says prisoners will be taken out in pairs for work and exercise, get quarter rations same as everyone else. Gregory says no supplies, they should evacuate, Maggie says look around, how can they lose. Rick arrives at the gate. S8E11 Negan talks to Saviors, tells them if something from the walkers gets in them they die, can use that to their advantage, cover weapons in walker guts. Says Hilltop will learn to toe the line. S8E12 Back at Sanctuary, Negan asks Dwight what happened, says they’ve got work to do. Go to fence, spill walker guts, coat weapons in them. Simon says they are just going to scare Hilltop, hit a few flesh shots, let them live and turn, makes Dwight go with him, trucks roll out, Negan follows in car with more walker guts. S8E12 Rick sits at Glenn’s grave, Daryl says it ain’t right, says he just wanted Sanctuary done, didn’t want to give them a chance, doesn’t know if that makes it right, Rick says it does. Rick says they should split up and cover ground to find Negan. Rick heads out in car. Maggie and Rosita on fence, spot a crate and balloons. S8E12 Rosita gets the crate, has a note that says to fill it with food or phonographs and they will give them secrets. Maggie doesn’t want to risk it, Mich says she wants to take a chance, will go. Maggie says ok, gets records and ammo. S8E12 Rick sees Sanctuary vehicles and Negan, follows in his car, Negan crashes. Simon stops rest of convoy, blocks the way behind them with his truck, tells Saviors Negan can deal with it, but he and Dwight will go check, rest stay there. Negan crawls out of car, walkers come, runs into building, Rick follows. Negan goes to upper level, Ricks throws axe at him, Negan falls off balcony. S8E12 Maggie, Enid, Mich go to meeting place from note, find three women, Georgie, twins Hilda, Mitch. Georgie says she can see they are suspicious, but she wants to see what they have to trade. G says she has knowledge to trade, made the offer before, not a trick. Maggie says why, G says what else should she do? Rosita asks if they’ve found others, she says not many, not for a long time. If people can believe in people again, trust, sustainable future. Enid skeptical. G says she divines they are a fine group. Mich wants to make the deal. Maggie says take them back to Hilltop. S8E12 Rick shouts to Negan if still alive, he is, trying to find Lucille. Walkers there. Negan offers one time deal in memory of Carl, if Rick gets everyone to fall in line their arrangement is back on, but Rick has to work for him. Rick says wouldn’t trust his deal after they killed Jadis’s people. Rick finds Lucille. S8E12 Simon and Dwight see Negan’s car with walker guts everywhere, Simon says could keep looking or could walk away, get back to the Saviors and make things better. Dwight sets fire to the car, walks back to the Saviors. S8E12 At Hilltop, Mich wants to make deal with Georgie and let them go, Maggie says they can’t let them take their food when they’re starving. Enid says stop pretending things just work out, Maggie agrees, Mich says they don’t, Carl knew that, but didn’t give up on what Rick wanted him to be and they can’t give up on what Carl wanted them to be. S8E12 Rick says Negan can’t save anyone because he doesn’t care about anyone, uses people, only cares about his bat, lights Lucille on fire. Fight. Walkers come, Negan gets bat back, jumps out window, Rick follows, Negan has gone. S8E12 Maggie brings out records for Georgie, says they have four crates for them. G says they will take one crate, and they can take some of their food, they need it more than they do. Says she will be back, expects great things, gives them the key to the future, plans for windmills, guide to planting, etc.. Says build the place up so they can fill the crates. Georgie and co. leave. S8E12 Simon tells Saviors they can’t find Negan, but they are Negan. Still going to Hilltop to make them get with the program, must expunge them, move on, for Negan. S8E12 Negan wakes up in car with Jadis driving with gun on him. S8E13 Morgan hallucinates Gavin, he says “you know what it is,” “you were supposed to.” Hears warning signal, passes signal on to others, the Saviors are coming. S8E13 Nighttime Saviors arrive at Hilltop. Maggie wants to talk to Negan, gets Simon instead. Says his 38 people are alive, turn around and drive away or she’ll shoot them. Simon doesn’t care about them, captive Saviors hear him. Simon tells his gang their plan is not infection it is conclusion. Daryl drives in on bike, shooting, gate opens, Saviors follow him in but they are barricaded by Hilltop trucks, they open fire. Gunfight. Someone stabs Tobin. Simon is about to throw infected axe at Tara, Dwight shoots her with arrow instead. Mich and Daryl have to leave. More gunfight… goes dark. Saviors come out, lights come on, shoot at them. Rick and co move in from the sides, Morgan still seeing Gavin. Rest of Saviors leave. Maggie says she wanted them dead, Negan most of all, Ricks says me too, but Negan wasn’t there, tried to kill him outside, but didn’t.

Daylight, walkers at the walls. Tara convinced Dwight is with them even though he shot her, Daryl not impressed. Mich brings Rick turnip, he’s busy working. He tells her he had to try to kill Negan. More grave digging. Maggie tells Alden he can bury his people outside the gates, Alden says they aren’t his. Maggie regrets Negan isn’t dead. Carol tends to Tobin, apologizes for leaving him. She tells him she was pretending with him at first, but then it felt more real. He talks about after, she says no guarantees, just another day. Henry takes gun and sneaks out. Siddiq tries to treat Rick’s wound, says prayer for dead, Rick stops him. S8E14 Jadis cries in her nice container room, packs a case, takes Lucille to Negan, who is tied up on a bedframe. Nighttime S8E13, sick Hilltop sleep on floor in house. Tobin getting sicker, dies, RIP Tobin. Others sick, Walker Tobin gets up, bites man. Outside mean doc investigates an open room, gets bitten. Inside house walkers wake up everywhere. Outside, Henry points gun at locked up Saviors, asks who killed his brother, going to shoot people until one of them tells him who did. Alden says it won’t make him feel better. They hear screaming from house, lots bitten in there, the non-sick try to help get people out. Bad Savior happy at the screaming, Henry unlocks their gate, wants the shooter. Counts to 10, but walker Saviors wake up, bad Savior grabs his gun, some Saviors leave. Carol puts down walker Tobin, all walkers dead. Carol tells others Tobin wasn’t bitten, but turned, Rick says Negan’s bat was covered in walker blood, must be their plan. Tara not sick. Walkers still outside, Alden and some Savors try to protect Hilltop. Alden tells Maggie some Saviors ran but some want to stay.

Carol tries to find Henry. Morgan still hallucinating Gavin. Hilltop digs more graves. Maggie thinks about the cost. S8E14 At Hilltop Ezekiel wants Carol to search for Henry, Carol thinks he is already dead. Tara still not sick, tells Daryl Dwight shot her with a clean arrow, won’t kill him now. Daryl still blames Dwight. Mich cries over Carl’s letter, shocked Rick hasn’t read his letter yet. S8E14 Morgan leaves to find escaped prisoners, Carol goes with him. S8E14 Maggie plans what’s next, Daryl says Sanctuary must be out of ammo, Rosita says Eugene will make bullets for them. S8E14 Morgan and Carol in woods, find a turnip. Morgan hallucinates Henry. S8E14 Rick cries, can’t open letter, asks Alden where other Saviors went, he said maybe to a dive bar they knew of. Alden says don’t kill more of them than you have to. Rick skeptical. S8E14 Getting dark. Alarm goes off for Jadis, she gets a walker on a bedframe, Negan wheels himself towards Jadis’ stash and grabs flare, gun and photos. S8E14 Carol and Morgan see walkers ahead, one has Henry’s stick through him, Carol wants to go towards where the walker came from, see if they can find Henry, Morgan says she knows what she will find, Carol needs to know. Morgan says he needs to kill the Saviors, walks off. S8E14 Jadis wants Negan to leave the photos alone, they’re all she has left. Negan tells her his wife was Lucille and she got him through, then the bat got him through, so she named it Lucille. Jadis pushes the walker towards Negan, he shoots, she tries to grab flare but it goes out, helicopter appears overhead but doesn’t see her, leaves. Jadis wants to hurt Negan, he says he can settle it if she lets him go. Jadis cries. S8E14 Morgan finds Rick, tells him he’s not right. Rick says he’s out here for them too, they can finish it. A Savior attacks from behind, they wake up in a shed. Some of the Saviors are sick. Bad Savior Jarod says delivering Rick to Negan is a win. Rick says they can go back to Hilltop and the doctor will help, then get a fresh start, gives him his word. Says a herd is coming, got to choose now. Morgan says he came to kill them all. Jarod moves to kill Morgan but another Savior stops him, says they have to go back to the Hilltop. Walkers arrive, eat the sick, one Savior stops Jarod killing Rick, lets Rick and Morgan free, they help kill walkers, but when walkers gone Rick and Morgan kill the Saviors. Jarod escapes, Morgan goes after him, fight, shuts him behind gate, walkers eat him, RIP Jarod. Dying Savior tells Rick they could have lived after this, Rick says he lied. Rick says Morgan saved him at the beginning, why did he do it? Morgan says because his son was there. Rick sad. S8E14 Negan leaves the dumpsters, says Jadis can come with him and he’ll follow a new path. She stays. S8E14 Dark, Carol hears Henry crying, hiding in the river, fighting walkers, Carol saves him. S8E14 Hilltop opens gate for Carol and Henry; Carol tells Ezekiel she found a version of herself after Sofia died because of the people she was with, but it always feels like that could be swept away again. Rick and Morgan return, Morgan tells Henry he killed the man who killed his brother, Henry says he’s sorry. Morgan cries. S8E14 Jadis moves back into her container apartment. Negan drives back to the Sanctuary, stops for someone along the way. Arrives at Sanctuary, tells Savior at gate not to tell anyone. S8E14 Daryl and Rosita spy on Eugene’s outpost, see all their new bullets. S8E14 Rick gets Carl’s letter, apologises to Mich for leaving, she leaves him to open his letter.

Rick rereads Carl’s letter on porch. Carl remembered before, realized growing up is about making people they care about safe. Wishes he’d killed Negan but not the workers and their families, Rick has to find a way forward so nobody has to live this way, children can remember their pasts like he does. Mich decides she must read Negan his letter. S8E15 At Sanctuary, Simon tells Gregory he made him look like an idiot, Greg says Maggie controlled everyone, but he can make it right with Negan. Simon tells Greg he has taken over. Greg slimes up to him, says he can help, Simon says he’s done. S8E15 Oceanside women look for Aaron, he’s still in the woods but weak. Cyndie says it’s his choice to stay there. S8E15 Eugene makes sardine, mac and cheese at his outpost, others make bullets. Gabe is still ill, Eugene accuses him of sabotaging the bullets, possibly hurting the shooter, Gabe says he just wanted the bullets not to work, Eugene suspends him from the line. Eugene goes outside, Rosita and Daryl grab him. S8E15 Dwight goes into the Sanctuary yard, finds Negan. Negan says he was surprised they didn’t save him from Rick, wants to know if he remembers who he is. Dwight says he is Negan. S8E15 Negan talks to Simon, Simon says he lacked discipline and that’s why he moved to extermination at the Hilltop, wants a pass. Negan says in the past he wasn’t sure he wanted to keep him as he had killed the boys and men at Oceanside. Makes Simon kneel, makes to bash him, then says all is forgiven. Negan shows a map of the staging points he wants around Hilltop, to kill them as they leave, sniping one by one until full attrition. All leave except Dwight and Negan. S8E15 Daryl and Rosita lead tied Eugene away. Eugene says he made bullets to save Rosita’s life, and they gave him a chance to live, tried to rise above his biological imperative but couldn’t. Rosita says everyone who died since then is on him. Rosita says he’s selfish and a coward and a traitor, and they’re only keeping him for when he can be useful. S8E15 Dwight makes a copy of Negan’s map. Simon enters, tells him they have to talk to the others who don’t want Negan, says Negan hasn’t delivered, time has come to revolt, meet in courtyard. S8E15 Eugene throws up on Rosita and runs away, hides in ashes, goes back to the outpost. S8E15 Aaron gets rained on, still weak, fights walkers, falls down. Oceanside women find him. Aaron says they don’t live their life because of the Saviors, they will keep on hurting them unless they fight. S8E15 Dwight goes to courtyard, others join him, Simon and crew come out. Simon says anyone there is in with the plan, no takebacks, need to make it quick, quiet and respectful. Offers Dwight the kill, then will take down Hilltop and get on with their lives. Negan arrives from behind dumpster, his people shoot Simon’s crew. Simon blames Dwight. Negan tells Simon he killed the garbage people after he specifically told him not to, why? Going to give him a chance to fight, see if he is the man. S8E15 Inside everyone gathers, Simon said he didn’t want this but the Sanctuary must stand and Negan is not the man, fight, Simon loses. Dwight pushes Gregory out the back, tells him to get the map to Rick and tell him about tomorrow. Negan strangles Simon, RIP Simon. S8E15 Evening, Gregory arrives back at Hilltop, gives Rick Dwight’s map. S8E15 Negan offers Dwight number two position, then opens his door, and missing Savior is there, she’s told him Dwight is a traitor. Negan says it all makes sense now, but he meant it when he said he could count on him, he knew he would deliver his fake plan to Rick, it’ll lead them directly into the line of fire. Killing him is too dignified, but got other plans for him. S8E15 Eugene arrives back at the Outpost. Woman says Negan needs bullets made by tomorrow as they’re going to the Hilltop. S8E15 Negan has walker-Simon chained to the wall. S8E15 Mich speaks to Negan on walkie-talkie, says Carl wrote him a letter, she’s delivering it because that’s what he wanted, reads it to him. Carl says he thinks Negan thinks he has to be who he is, but is it what he wanted? Says the way out is working together and forgiveness. Hope Rick offers him peace and he takes it, start over. Negan tells Mich there’s no getting out of it now, winning is about killing every one of them, that is starting over, no more talk.

Rick looks after baby Gracie. Siddiq tells him about that Carl died paying respect to his mother, whom he didn’t even know. Siddiq should have realized it was dangerous, Rick thanks him. Daryl plans the route out using Dwight’s map. Morgan acts crazy, gets confused and attacks Henry. Rick says Morgan shouldn’t come with them, M says he has to. M says they are worse than they were, giving their words to the men at the bar. Had to do stuff before, but that was wrong, both lost everything good, can’t go back, so let’s just finish this. All head out. S8E16 Dwight is in an A suit at Sanctuary. Negan says to lock him up. Eugene tells Negan he has personally quality controlled all his bullets. All head out, Negan makes Gabe drive with him, take his confession, says the first team he sends out with be sacrificed to Rick, will make Rick less suspicious, will believe the map they find on them. S8E16 Rick and co find Negan’s first group, take them out, find the map showing Negan’s fake position, believe it, change plans. S8E16 Bit later, Saviors arrive at Hilltop. In the field, Jesus tells Morgan to stop people without killing them, save pointed end of stick for the walkers. All hear Savior whistles, voice over speakers. Negan says it’s an ambush, they should pick a direction and run, it will be fun. N tells them Eugene made today possible, and Dwight gets to watch you all die. Gabe is tied up, N says he has to die too, holds his gun to Gabe’s head Negan counts 3, 2, 1, Saviors come over ridge, all fire, all guns backfire. Rick and co run to take them out. Negan shouts at Eugene, Gabe and Dwight attack him but he runs off. S8E16 At Hilltop, all the good guys sneak out the back, assemble in the woods, head to rendezvous point. Grace won’t stop crying so Tara and Alden and friends try to slow the Saviors down. S8E16 In field, all fighting, Morgan still crazed. S8E16 Tara and co see lots of explosions, Aaron has brought Oceanside back to protect them. S8E16 Good guys surround the remaining Saviors in the field, they surrender. Rick goes after Negan, finds him under the glass sign, injured. Fight. Negan says he didn’t want to kill him in front of Carl, but if he had, Carl might still be alive. Rick tells him his people are down, Negan says he always comes back. Rick says Carl said it didn’t have to be a fight anymore, and he was right. Slashes Negan’s throat with broken glass, imagines young Carl, tells Siddiq to come and save Negan. Maggie upset, wants to kill Negan, make it right, it’s not over until Negan’s dead. Rick says there has to be something else. R tells Saviors they’re all going to go home now, Negan’s alive but his way of doing things is over, if they want to live in peace, find common ground, this world is theirs by right. The dead are coming for them unless they stand together. Then a new world will begin, all this is just what was. S8E16 Rosita asks Eugene what happened with the guns, he says he sabotaged them thanks to words from Gabe and Rosita. Morgan seems better, gives his armour to Carol, says to tell Henry he’s going to try to be better. S8E01 Light from prism shines into Rick’s sleepy eyes, he wakes up. Red-eyed Rick looks for source of light, it’s a stained glass sign. Rick cries, says “my mercy prevails over my wrath.” S8E16 Evening at Hilltop, Alden says the other Hilltop Saviors are going back to Sanctuary, but he wants to stay, work for them, Maggie says okay. Saviors move back into Sanctuary, Tara and Rosita bring them some supplies. S8E16 Daryl takes Dwight out into the woods. Dwight says he knows what he did to him, Denise, doesn’t matter why, he knows he has to pay, is ready, saw Negan taken down and that’s enough. Daryl throws him some keys, tells him to go and keep coming, if he sees his face around here again he will kill him, go and make it right, find Sherri. S8E16 Morgan knocks on door to Garbage Heaps, Jadis lets him in. Morgan tells her she can go back to the community if she wants, Rick’s trying to build something, needs hands. Jadis asks his name, says she’s Anne, gets her things. He wants to stay, needs to be alone. S8E16 Dwight finds the cottage he used to go to with Sherri, there’s a note for him from her. S8E16 Kingsmen arrive back at the Kingdom. S8E16 At Hilltop Maggie tells Jesus he and Rick were right about saving some of the Saviors, but not right about Negan. Have to build this place up, make it thrive, but Rick was wrong, Michonne too, so they’re going to wait for their moment and then they’re going to show him. Daryl says yes. S8E16 At Alex’a, Negan in hospital bed, Mich and Rick tell him Carl pictured something better, them working together, and he’ll be part of it, an example of how it is, he’s going to rot in a cell for the rest of his life, evidence that they have a civilisation like they had, so he might end up good for something. S8E16 Sunset, Rick writes to Carl, says he remembers. He forgot who he was, but he made him remember. He brought all of them to the New World, made it real, he sees it, he remembers.

Right after this, Morgan walks to Texas and meets the Fear guys, and that's where he's been ever since. Not long after they meet Dwight as well.

TWD Season 9 (last season) starts after about an 18 month jump. It spends a few weeks with them rebuilding the bridge, Rick impregnates Michonne (off camera ;)) and then Rick gets swept away and they presume he's dead. Then the second half of last season is after the SIX YEAR time jump, and is where we meet the Whisperers.

I'll try to get some sort of timeline done for S9 before it starts in three weeks. It might not be much though, I'll see.



Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - 2:43 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Here comes the first five episodes of Season 9 (which is a lot easier to follow as it plays out in linear time). This is Spring 2013, for anyone keeping count, around 18 months after the end of Season 8, where the communities work to rebuild a bridge, and then it all goes horribly wrong, especially for Rick.

Nearly 18 months later

Alexandria has been rebuilt. Sanctuary has crops outside, run by Eugene and Daryl. The main bridge between communities is damaged. Members from all the groups go to town to get a wagon, canoe, seeds from the museum, each take home their part. S9E01 On way back, Ezekiel asks Carol to marry him, she says she’s told him not to ask her that, Ezekiel will keep his ring until she’s ready. Daryl tells group two big herds came over the bridge, took it and walk-talkie repeater down, people have to reroute. Cart gets stuck in the mud, walkers scare horses, Ken gets bitten in shoulder, cut off his arm, he dies anyway. S9E01 Nighttime, Maggie tells Ken’s parents, Tammy and Earl; his mother mad that what little they have goes to the Saviors, says Gregory would have put Hilltop first. Alden sings at Ken’s burial, Maggie not invited. Gregory gives eulogy drunk. S9E01 Rick visits Eugene at Sanctuary, treated like a king. Sign at back says “we are still Negan,” Daryl tells them to paint over it. Savior says crops are dying, spring storms will be there in three weeks, Rick says they will make sure Sanctuary has what it needs. Daryl tells Rick he doesn’t want to lead Sanctuary, he’s better out there. Rick says can’t let Sanctuary fail, Daryl says it’ll fail anyway, nothing grows. Says they’ve scavenged all around, not enough corn for oil for trucks. No “us” anymore because everyone’s everywhere, could do anything when it was just their small group. D says he wants to go to Hilltop, check on Maggie and the baby, Rick says he could use help in Alex’a. Rick says not together because things have changed, Daryl says Rick changed them. S9E01 Gregory offers Ken’s parents alcohol, Tammy collapses in bed, wants to sleep, doesn’t want Earl. S9E01 Carol tells Daryl says she doesn’t sleep, he teases her but says he likes Ezekiel, glad she’s happy but misses seeing her. Carol says she’ll take over at Sanctuary for a while, Ezekiel asked her to marry him, but she wants to take her time. S9E01 Earl rants to Gregory, says his son didn’t need to die, needs justice, Greg says Maggie thinks she’s above the law, election was a joke as her buddy Jesus counted the ballots. Says it’s her priorities that killed Earl’s son, but she doesn’t have to be the leader. S9E01 Rick and Mich in bed, Mich wants to create a charter between all the communities listing rules. Rick says they need to fix the bridge. Kissy time. S9E01 Maggie walks baby outside, meets Gregory. Greg says it looked like someone had defaced Glenn’s grave, Maggie goes there, someone attacks her, she calls out, Enid comes, he attacks Enid too. Alden grabs him and it’s Earl. Maggie storms back to Gregory, says he tried to kill her but too incompetent to do that. Greg taunts her about Negan, tries to stab her, says he’ll tell people she attacked him, she gets the knife and puts it to his throat.

Carol says goodbye to Ezekiel at Sanctuary, will come back home when she can. Rick tells Maggie he needs Hilltop’s help fixing the bridge, Hilltop doing well, given so much to them but need more supplies for Sanctuary. Maggie says no more food for Sanctuary unless they provide something, they should do most of labour on the bridge and give Hilltop their ethanol. S9E01 Evening all gather. Maggie says at Hilltop the punishment fits the crime, strings up Gregory. Greg says it isn’t right, killing him in the night because she’s ashamed. Maggie says she’s not ashamed. Gregory is hung, RIP Gregory.

Start camp at broken bridge, communities work together to rebuild it.

Ezekiel and Henry pack to go to Kingdom, but Carol stays with Sanctuary. Eugene tells Rick the levee upstream will break within six to nine days because of increasing run off, might be able to get support in time. Rosita concerned about avoiding herds, they set up rockslides to redirect if necessary. Eugene says down another Savior, that’s six in last month. S9E02 At Hilltop Mich tells Maggie that Sanctuary sent the ethanol out last week, should have arrived, says they need food to tide them over while they work this out. Maggie says without the fuel they can’t plough, no blacksmith to fix the one from the museum. Mich says let Earl out of prison to fix it. S9E02 At bridge bad Savior Justin steals water, Henry sticks him, fight starts. Rick breaks it up, Daryl annoyed Justin isn’t punished. Rick says can’t afford to let them go, need them, they’ll realise they’re all the same side later. Daryl not sure they’re all on the same side. S9E02 Tammy upset she still can’t see Earl in prison, she’s sitting outside until Maggie lets her in to see him. S9E02 At bridge camp, Jadis/Anne and Gabe share, flirt. S9E02 Jesus asks Maggie to let Tammy see Earl, she does. Earl says he was 20 years sober, death of Ken was too much, made terrible mistake. S9E02 Rosita and Savior Arat set off landslide to distract walker herd. S9E02 Evening, Maggie talks to Earl, asks about his drinking, says he’s been sober since he crashed his truck with baby Ken inside. S9E02 Tara at look out station sees herd, radios for it to be redirected, Jerry sounds one siren, herd turns as planned. Alden tells Rick the guys who walked out didn’t reach the Sanctuary. Tara gets back on radio, says the second siren hasn’t gone off, need to redirect herd again or they will hit the logging crew. S9E02 Walkers reach logging crew, workers run, logs fall on Aaron’s arm, all escape. Enid has to cut off Aaron’s arm. Bad Savior Justin was the one who should have set off the siren, says the radio didn’t work, Daryl beats him. S9E02 Maggie tells Mich they can talk about common laws, but not giving up Hilltop’s rights. Says Mich can have food, Earl is blacksmith again, will fix plough. Says her dad drunk and he got a second chance. S9E02 Nighttime at the bridge, Justin moans to Rick about Daryl, Rick tells him to leave. S9E02 Gabe and Anne kiss. Ezekiel and Carol happy, wants to try on the ring, that’s all, speech can be later. S9E02 At Alex’a, Rick talks to Negan in his cell. Wants to get him up to date, is Day 35 of work on bridge, things really taking shape. Not long ago had to fight to stay alive, not now, growing, ready to deal with world. Getting back piece of how they used to be before. Making new beginning. Tells Negan it was the hardest day they’d had in a while but bad as it was, when the day was done they came together, not all of them, but enough. Negan wants to know when he’ll see it, Rick says never, he’ll die behind these bars. Negan says when it finally goes wrong, make sure he comes back to tell him about that day too, bridge isn’t the future, it’s a monument to the dead, not saving the world, just getting it ready for him. S9E02 Anne at lookout, sees a helicopter. Justin walks back towards Sanctuary, knocked out. S9E03 Later, walkers bite Justin’s body, he turns and wakes up walker.

Rick wakes up in Alex’a, kisses Mich and Judith, touches Carl’s handprint. Crops doing well, Rick gives Carl’s grave a tomato. Michonne writes the charter. Rick wants a baby, Mich says ok. S9E03 Scott tells Mich and Rick they have found walker Justin, and it wasn’t an accident. S9E03 At the bridge the Saviors are rioting over Justin, Carol stops them. Saviors grab axes, Rick rides in and tells them to back off. Laura tells Saviors they’re not doing this, Alden says he will make everyone feel safe. All start to work grids to see what they can find. Rick asks Gabe where Anne was last night, Saviors blame her for Justin. Rick tells Alden if they can work out who killed Justin they can make a deal. Gabe tells Anne he lied to Rick for her, asks her if she saw anything, she evades. S9E03 Rick finds Daryl, says Justin’s wound is a puncture, like an arrow or bolt. Daryl asks if he thinks he did it, he says no, but others do. Daryl says he doesn’t know who but does know why, can’t bring all these people together. Rick wants him to try and get along, then others will see it and try too. S9E03 Maggie walks with Cyndie, hears something, Cyndie thinks it’s coming from a building Oceanside used to use before. Find Bea knocked out, took her grid partner Savior Arat. All plan, pair up to find her. Maggie and Daryl find walker with bolt in him, Daryl recognizes it. S9E03 Nighttime Anne goes back to Garbage heaps, finds her gun and radio. Tells radio it’s Jadis, she saw their helicopter, they ask if she has an A or a B. She says neither, just her, they say she needs an A, tomorrow. Gabe has followed her, asks her if she was going to trade him and Rick, she says, yes, for supplies for her people. Says she tried at Alex’a but everyone but Gabe suspects her. Says he should go with her, it would be different, can’t tell anyone, just help her with one small part of the deal. Gabe says he can’t do it, has to tell Rick. Jadis says that all this time she thought he was a B. S9E03 Carol in the dark, hears walkers, Jed and DJ grab her put knife to her, want the guns, then leaving. Carol escapes, stabs him, doesn’t kill. S9E03 Maggie takes Daryl to place Cyndie mentioned, hear voices. Beatrice, Cyndie have bolt gun to Arat’s head, said she killed Bea’s husband. Arat says they’ve all done things. Bea says she’s the last one, then it’s over. Cyndie says her mother and grandmother found this place for the group, so many of them then, men, women, kids. Then the Saviors came, Simon wanted what they had, gave them final warning. After, they ran and tried to forget, but then their people came and asked them to fight and they did, didn’t think they had a choice until Maggie hung Gregory, then they realized Rick’s rules aren’t the only rules, and it was time. Says Arat shot her brother and took everything because they could. Arat says it’s not like that anymore, if she hadn’t Simon would have killed her too. Cyndie says they asked her to beg for her brother’s life and smiled, she told her she loved him, he was only 11, and she said “no exceptions.” Maggie and Daryl walk off and leave them to it. S9E04 At night, Michonne slays walkers.

The Saviors leave the camp. Maggie tells Daryl that Cyndie said she showed her the way, and she did the same for her, they gave Rick’s way a chance, it’s time to see Negan. S9E04 Maggie takes crowbar and heads to Alex’a. S9E04 Eugene tells Rick a deluge that took out the levy, not sure if bridge will hold. Walker herds are nearby but so far don’t seem to be a problem. Eugene apologises for not having read more engineering books, Rick says he got us here and that’s everything. Carol is going back to Kingdom with Kingspeople, tells Rick she really wanted it to work, Alden is going to try to get Saviors to stand on their own. Jerry comes on horse to tell Rick that Maggie’s going to Alex’a, Rick radios Alex’a via the relay, the relay doesn’t pass the message on. Daryl says he’ll take Rick to Alex’a on the bike, he does not. Stops, tells Rick that this time it’s going to go the way it’s supposed to, fight, fall in pit. S9E04 Nora tells Michonne too many crows, have eaten most of the tomatoes, Negan won’t eat. S9E04 Mich takes Negan food, he says he’s not in the mood to eat, he wants her to stay and talk, she gives him 20 minutes. S9E04 Rick and Daryl try to escape pit. Rick says he knows what Maggie thinks, Daryl says he wouldn’t be alive without Glenn. Argue. Daryl says Maggie couldn’t live with it, like Oceanside. Rick mad Daryl knew Oceanside were the killers and didn’t tell him. Rick cries if Maggie kills Negan he becomes a martyr and everyone, Carl died for nothing. Daryl said they can handle it, Rick should have faith in them. Daryl says he’d die for him, would have died for Carl, but Rick’s chasing something that isn’t meant to be, got to let him go. S9E04 Negan tells Mich she’s stuck here with the C team while everyone’s out doing things. Mich tells him they’re at the start of everything while Negan is rotting in there with nothing. Negan says his wife had cancer, asks Mich how her other son died, she says he didn’t make it. Negan says his wife was weak, relieved she died, made him strong, same happened with Mich. Says Andre would have made her weak, she leaves. S9E04 Jadis has Gabe tied to a frame, gets new Windslow, Gabe says she doesn’t want to do it, she’s changed. Jadis says she tried. Gabe blames himself, she asked for help and he didn’t save her, hopes she can forgive him like he forgives her. Jadis pulls off the walker, tries to suffocate him instead. S9E04 Carol sees the Saviors creeping around, Jed has a gun, tells them to drop hers. Says he realized Oceanside is killing them, so they’re going to get what’s coming them. Tells Carol to step aside, takes her keys, she overpowers him, Oceanside come out, big fight. S9E04 Mich goes back to Negan, asks him why he said those things, he says they’re the same, trapped, she can’t stand it. Mich says world is going to be better for her daughter. She tells him to eat and he does. He wants to see his bat. Mich says they don’t have it, it’s still out there. Negan’s sad, angry. S9E04 Walkers fall into Daryl and Rick’s pit, Daryl uses their bodies to build a ramp, both climb up, go to bike, find the lost horse, Rick says he’s going to use the horse to lead them away from the bridge. S9E04 Gabe wakes up in Jadis’ container, no sign of her, note says she had to go fast alone. S9E04 Rick leads walkers, cut off by second herd, horse spooks, throws him off onto rubble, spike pierces his ribs, he passes out. S9E05 Rick dreams of talking to past-Rick from the hospital, and a murder of crows turning into helicopters. He wakes up, manages to lift himself off the spike, gets back on horse, gets away while walkers follow. S9E05 Jadis drives an RV but runs out of gas, helicopter radio asks her to confirm location. She gets out and walks. S9E05 Rick pauses at building, hallucinates Lori, Shane, Shane asks how his daughter is. Wakes up to walkers, gets back on horse. S9E05 Maggie arrives at Alex’a, at jail door, wants to see Negan, Mich asks whether Glenn would want this, this won’t end anything, it would start something else. Maggie says been living with this for 18 months, can’t go on. Mich asks if she can live with what comes after, Maggie says she has to, Mich gives her the keys. Inside Maggie tells Negan to get on his knees, he taunts her about killing Glenn, how he enjoyed it. Tells her to have her justice, kill him, it was worth it. Maggie realizes he wants to be killed, asks why, he says so he can be with his wife, he tried to do it but he can’t so she has to. Maggie tells him she came to kill Negan, he’s already worse than dead, so that settles it. Negan cries. S9E05 Rick hallucinates Hershel, Abraham, keels over on horse. Hallucinates field of dead people (including those living), Sasha. Sasha says it’s ok, he did his part in the story, his family are not lost, he’s not lost. Rick falls off horse at the camp, walkers from people killed at the fight, herd arrives, Rick goes towards bridge, collapses, hallucinates everyone saving him, Mich finding him, telling him to fight, wake up. He wakes up, walks on, across bridge, walker gets near him, Daryl shoots it from the bank. Others try to divert herd walkers with gunfire, Rick says there are too many, sees box of explosives on the bridge, shoots to blow it up, walkers die or plummet into the river. Mich cries, Daryl cries. S9E05 Jadis at her pick up point, hears what happened to others on her walkie, hears helicopter, sees walkers floating by and body on the bank. Sees it’s Rick and he’s moving, tells helicopter she has a B not an A, she’s trying to save a friend who saved her, do they have a deal? S9E05 On the helicopter Anne tells Rick he’s going to be ok, fly off.

Six years later
A new group battles walkers on the same field, eight year old Judith Grimes saves them.



Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - 10:40 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Here is the rest of Season 9 on TWD. Ridiculously long, as always, but at least it will be a reference for anyone who's confused by the larger time jumps/dates. And a quick skim through will give people a reminder of where we are before the October 6th Season 10 premiere.

To follow will be a just the outline calendar version.

Couple of timing issues for anyone as keen to sort the calendar out as I am (which I guess is no one ;)), the S9.Day588 section's timing is a guess. There was a quick flashback in Ep11 where Tara reveals she can't put up with Michonne anymore, and is moving to Hilltop. There are no real time references except Carol's hair, which had grown to just above the shoulder. Just as a guess, I took that to be 18 months after Rick blew up the bridge.

Second timing issue was that Talking Dead said this second half of the season was six years after the first half (when Rick blew the bridge). The first half of the season was spring, as they talk about the run off damaging the bridge. The second half of the season is late summer, as they talk about it being sweater weather soon. As Spring =/= late summer, I've given it 6 years and 4 months between the two sections, not the 6 years Talking Dead gave.

And of course as with all my calendar dates, they are to be taken with a pinch of salt, as they didn't give us a starting date, and sometimes the stories themselves have not been consistent with any one season (spring flowers one moment, heat of summer the next, etc.). They're really just best used to get a better sense of how time has passed.

The below follows directly from S9.Day39 above. There were a couple of flashbacks in the season so that's why it starts with episode numbers that are out of order.

S9.Day46=Day1165 – May 17th 2013, Short time after Rick blows up the bridge
Michonne searches along the riverside, finds Rick’s gun. Goes home, cleans gun, puts it in box for Judith.

S9.Day284=Day1403 – Jan 10th 2014, 8 months after Rick blows up the bridge
Very pregnant Mich walks along the riverside, still searching for Rick, meets Daryl, says he’s already searched from here to the ocean, there’s nothing there. Mich says Judith is asking about him, been a while since he’s been to Alex’a, he says he’ll be back when he finds something, not going to stop, ever. S9E14 Scott arrives at Alex’a with woman, young man, some children, says he found them injured. Woman is Mich’s friend Jocelyn from school. S9E14 Siddiq treats Jocelyn, she tries to leave, says she has to go back, has to find the others. S9E14 Scott takes group to where he found Jocelyn, finds more kids.

Nighttime Siddiq and Gabe build a fire and play with the new and old children. Mich tells Jocelyn her children are good hunters, she says they take care of her, none of the adults in her group made it but her children are capable of anything. Jocelyn says she knows Mich will go out to look for her man, that’s how she always was, Mich says she has to, Judith deserves to know.

S9.Day288=Day1407 – Jan 14th 2014
Mich and Alex’a parents knock on Jocelyn’s door after their kids’ sleepover. No one inside. All Alex’a supplies have gone, keeper is dead, infirmary raided, find blooded footprints towards the sewer exit. S9E14 Mich and Daryl search for children, Mich can’t believe it, Jocelyn was a good friend, wanted her to be that again, needed it. Let her guard down and this happens, she should have known. Daryl says some people have so much evil in their hearts they hide it, this is not on Mich. Reach the building, group led by man shoot arrow at Daryl, hit Michonne. Both wake up tied to overhead pipes. Jocelyn tells boy Linus to be strong, he brands Daryl with an X. They chant that the strong survive and thrive. Jocelyn tells Mich she taught the children that they can’t be soft, not like she was. Girl Winnie brands Mich with X. S9E14 Later they wake up, Daryl tackles guard, unties Mich. They split up, Mich finds Jocelyn, some kids. Mich wants to know where Judith is, Jocelyn says she’s safer with her, sees kids take Judith outside. Jocelyn gives orders for two kids to kill Mich. Kid Marcus slashes Mich’s pregnant belly, kids run off, Mich follows outside, Jocelyn ambushes her with a plank, Mich kills Jocelyn. Teen tells Winnie to kill the Alex’a children inside the RV. Marcus runs to attack Mich, more attack, Mich has no choice but to kill them. Shouts at Winnie not to hurt the others, Daryl arrives, Winnie drops knife, runs away. Mich cries, calls for Judith, Judith and all the kids appear unhurt. Mich and Daryl take the kids back to Alex’a.

S9.Day588=Day1707 – Nov 10th 2014, 18 months after Rick blows up the bridge
Jerry tells Ezekiel his wife Nabila is pregnant. Kingdom exchanges supplies with Tara and Jesus, Tara says Mich will be mad she took more supplies for them than the council had agreed to, she thought Alex’a could do more, so she’s not going back to Alex’a. They give Ezekiel his Declaration back to hold, as Mich had let it collect dust, shows Articles to be signed by Alexandria, The Kingdom, Oceanside and Hilltop. Ezekiel says the day will come when they will all sign it and become family.

S9.Day2352=Day3471 – September 10th 2019, late summer, 6 years (+4 mos) after Rick blows up the bridge
A new group, Magna, Connie, Kelly, Luke and Yumiko, battle walkers, eight year old Judith Grimes saves them. Daryl lives alone in a tent. Long haired Carol lives with Ezekiel in the Kingdom. S9E06 Michonne stands at Rick’s memorial, tells him they’re trying to make sense of it all but the path ahead has only grown darker, feels alone and desperate. Every now and again she sees light that keeps her going, will never give up. S9E06 Rosita, Aaron, Eugene find Judith with new people, Rosita says they can’t help, Judith knows that. Luke says he can cook, they can help, two of the others sign. Judith says if they don’t go she doesn’t go. S9E06 At Kingdom, Jerry tells Queen Carol that things are falling apart, piping leaks, teen Henry tries to fix leak but says they need someone trained. Carol suggests Henry trains with Earl at Hilltop. S9E06 New group led into Alex’a, heads covered. Judith promises they will be safe. Siddiq helps injured Yumiko. Michonne arrives, not impressed, Judith says it was her call. Gabe says the council should vote on it tomorrow.

Carol leaves to take Henry to Hilltop, Ezekiel needs to stay to organize the upcoming fayre. Gabriel hosts meeting about new group. Mich says they want to be generous but it comes with heavy price. Asks about tattoo on Magna’s wrist, is prison tattoo, and she has a hidden knife. Mich leaves and tells the council to vote. S9E06 Gabe tells Rosita that Eugene says if they could amplify a signal they could send a message to other groups, find stragglers. Go look for amplifier. Gabe and Rosita kiss. S9E06 Carol and Henry get ambushed by Saviors, they take their veg. Jed asks for Carol’s ring, Henry sticks Jed, Jed takes ring and leaves. S9E06 Eugene and Rosita look for high place for amplifier. S9E06 Judith gets homework help from jailed Negan. Judith tells him Mich is going to make the strangers leave, Negan tells her he used to bring home stray dogs, thought they were friendly but one day one killed all the other strays so he wised up. Judith says look how they worked out for him. S9E06 Eugene climbs up water tower to install amplifier, sees herd, jumps, hurts knee, limps away with Rosita. S9E06 Nighttime, Carol and Henry hide in wagon, Henry says she used to fight, what happened? She says he happened. S9E06 Magna’s friends upset she had knife, messed up their chances, Magna says they can’t go back out there, need this place, can fight, Luke says they’re good people, can’t fight them. S9E06 Carol finds the Saviors sleeping, pours gas on them, takes her ring back, sets them on fire. S9E06 Magna spies on Mich, sees her five year old son, so knocks on door and gives her the hidden knife. Says she’s done terrible things and she wouldn’t trust her either, Mich says they’ve all done things. Judith tells Mich dad would have wanted her to rescue group, Mich says he would have been proud, Carl too.

Eugene and Rosita run from walkers. S9E06 Carol takes Henry to Daryl. S9E06 Michonne puts on Rick’s shirt. Group get ready to leave, Mich says she’ll escort them to Hilltop, they might take them. S9E06 Eugene and Rosita hide from walkers in mud, hear them whispering “don’t let them get away.” S9E07 Rosita runs from whispering walkers, collapses. S9E07 Daryl takes Carol and Henry back to his tent and dog. S9E07 Mich takes new group to Hilltop in cart and horses. Magna wants her knives back. S9E07 At Hilltop all runs smoothly, they have crops outside the walls in fenced area. Maggie has left for Georgie’s group. Jesus is re-elected leader, Tara does a lot of the work. S9E07 Daryl kills rabbit for Carol’s dinner, Carol wants him to go to Hilltop with Henry, Daryl says he has to learn by himself like everyone else. S9E07 Mich and new group pass by the group’s old camp, Magna cries over dead Bernie’s stuff. Luke looks for his violin. Mich tells Siddiq and DJ to take their weapons stash and take them to Hilltop, she’s going back. Magna not keen, others agree to go. S9E07 Aaron and Jesus ninja train, see a flare, find Rosita, she says she had to leave Eugene at the barn, they take Rosita but say too dark to find Eugene now. S9E07 Daryl cooks for Carol and Henry. Carol cuts Daryl’s hair. Daryl says he never found Rick’s body, just decided it was easier to stay out here. Henry asks why Daryl has big scar, he won’t say. S9E07 Nighttime new group sleep in building, Mich thinks Luke’s Stradivarius is a weapon, slices it in two. S9E07 Henry follows Daryl outside camp, Dog stuck in trees, walkers nearby, Daryl saves Dog, Henry helps. S9E07 Back at Hilltop Jesus tells Tara he meets with Aaron to try to keep relationship with Alex’a, hopes he can get them to go to the fayre. Tara says they need him at Hilltop, people count on him.

Siddiq tells Mich Maggie’s not at Hilltop, Jesus runs it now. Walkers come, Mich gives new group their weapons to fight, find friend walker-Bernie, kill him, leave. S9E07 Daryl, Dog, Carol, Henry leave woods for Hilltop. S9E07 Mich’s group meet messengers from Hilltop, says they have Rosita, she’s been injured, Mich decides to go with others to Hilltop. S9E07 At Hilltop, Henry excited to see Enid. Daryl goes with Aaron and Jesus to search for Eugene, see walkers acting strangely. S9E08 Mich’s group arrive at Hilltop, Tara tells them she’ll talk to Jesus, but they’ll have to earn their keep. Carol talks to Mich, Mich says she’s sorry Kingdom is in trouble, but doesn’t want to go to the fayre. Carol says they’re family, Mich says they have their communities but in between is a broken world, that’s just the way it is. S9E08 Diane wants a ride with Carol back to Kingdom. Henry says he will make Carol proud. S9E08 Henry sees Enid and Alden are together. Teens Gage, Addy, Rodney make friends with Henry, invite him to their place in the woods. S9E08 Mich tells Siddiq she knew people would still be angry at her, Siddiq says can mend fences. Rosita wakes up, worried about Eugene, Mich says they have people searching, Rosita says they have to help them, they have no idea what they’re dealing with. S9E08 Nighttime Daryl etc. find Eugene’s barn, Dog finds him under floor. Says he’s dislocated his knee, got to get out of there, herd is looking for him, not a normal herd, he could hear them whispering. S9E08 Henry with teens in building outside Hilltop, teens drink, throw darts, hoops at walker in pit. Henry jumps in to kill it. S9E08 Jesus confused by walker action, Eugene says they are evolving, their brains aren’t dead. Daryl stays to distract herd, others go for horses. S9E08 Negan realizes his jail door isn’t locked. S9E08 Tara locks up Henry for being drunk, calls Earl. Earl says he can go back to Kingdom, Henry says people are counting on him, he’ll do better. Saw his mum cry, realizes this a huge deal, didn’t want to think about that for a while. Earl says he’ll see what he can do. S9E08 Daryl tries to distract walkers with poppers, but herd still turns away. S9E08 Aaron and Jesus drag injured Eugene to cemetery, walkers nearby, climb inside through gap, walkers follow, gate is locked, can’t get Eugene over wall, Aaron and Jesus stand to fight, kill walkers. Michonne calls Eugene from outside, Magna and Miko help, loosen gate, Jesus stays to delay walkers, kills lots, one isn’t a walker, it ducks, says “you are where you do not belong,” kills Jesus. RIP Jesus. Others kill walkers, Daryl takes mask off dead bad walker to find a man underneath. Hear another walker say they’re trapped. S9E09 Group escape Whisperers, take Jesus’ body. S9E09 Escaped Negan picks tomato, grab’s spade, goes to Judith’s house, takes her compass.

First light, Negan starts to climb Alex’a wall, Judith pulls gun on him. He says he’s can’t go back, promises not to hurt anyone, she lets him go, lets him keep her compass. S9E09 Luke and Alden go out to check what happened to Daryl’s group. S9E09 Mich says it will mean a lot to Hilltop to be able to bury Jesus properly, Daryl is sorry he couldn’t do that for her, she thanks him for trying. More walkers, Daryl shoots one with an arrow, it screams, two Whisperers turn away, they capture one. Whisperer says it’s just her left, they killed the rest, they take her to Hilltop. Lock her up, interrogate her. S9E09 Negan gets attacked by walkers, gets sick from river water, finds clean clothes in building, dogs attack so he runs. S9E09 Alden and Luke find Yumiko’s arrows, follow trail. S9E09 Daryl asks woman why they wear skins, she says they’re good people, just wanted to live, see if they were good people too, but they attacked them. Mich asks if her people know about Hilltop, she says she doesn’t know. Outside, Mich says she has to go warn Alex’a, Tara says new people can stay. Daryl says he’ll make the Whisperer talk. S9E09 Siddiq fixes Eugene’s leg, Eugene tries to tell Rosita he loves her but she runs away and is sick. Rosita tells Siddiq she’s eight weeks pregnant with his baby. S9E09 Negan reaches Sanctuary but no one is there, digs up a stash, gets bike. S9E09 Aaron tells Mich he now understands Alex’a must take care of what they have, stay protected. Mich tells Daryl Alden and Luke are still out there. With no Maggie, no Jesus, Hilltop needs him. It’s about doing whatever it takes to not bury more. S9E09 Hilltop have ceremony for Jesus. Daryl talks to Whisperer girl, asks her if she wants to die as others ready to bury her too. She says there were under 10 of them, wear skins to blend in, had names but don’t use them, move around with the dead, skins protected them. No home, walls don’t make you safe. Says she kills because it’s them or us, just her mother left now, got separated, no point looking for her. Daryl says she’s lying and drags her outside, Henry tells him to stop, D locks her back up, tells Henry to stay quiet. She tells Henry she’s Lydia, Daryl listens outside. S9E09 Negan on motorbike, Judith shoots at him, asks if he wants to go back to Alex’a, he says yes, nothing out here for him anymore. S9E09 Evening, Luke and Alden outside, get surrounded by Whisperers. S9E10 Lydia tells Henry about her mum and dad, says at the beginning her mum assured her it would all be ok, her dad was an ass like his. Henry says Daryl’s not his dad, only doing favour for his mum. Daryl still listens. S9E10 Tara and group search for Luke and Alden, find walkers eating their horses, cut open with knives, Tara says too dangerous, have to go back and make a plan. S9E10 Lydia tells Henry about her mum at the beginning, Henry says her mum seems nice, says his new mum and dad are leaders of the Kingdom, day’s ride away, Daryl bursts in to stop him. Henry is upset they listened. S9E10 Daryl offers Lydia pills for her bad ear, tells her two of their people went missing, asks if her mum would have left their skinned horses, Lydia says she would if she had to. Tells Daryl her mum killed a man to stop him endangering her, he says good people here will help her if she helps them. S9E10 Miko wants group to go find Luke but Tara won’t let them, Kelly says sneak out like the kids do. Agree to go. S9E10 Nighttime Daryl says the bruises on Lydia’s arm are from a beating, she says her mum did it, Daryl asks why she’s protecting her, she’d be safer here. Lydia says this isn’t real, pretending things will change back to how they were before. Says if you’re soft, people die, says she screamed and her dad came to protect her and was bitten because she was soft, Daryl says not her fault. S9E10 Henry tells Daryl he wants to help Lydia, says he heard Carol tell Ezekiel she used to keep her hair short so husband couldn’t grab it, now she grows it long. Henry says Lydia’s people are bad but doesn’t mean she’s bad. S9E10 Miko’s group sneak out, reach the dead horses, say too dangerous, need a plan, Magna and Miko go back, Connie and Kelly stay, Whisperer is watching. S9E10 Henry lets Lydia out for some air, shows her around, she says places like this can’t exist, cries at thoughts of her mother first making her wear a mask, asks to go back in cell, asks him to stay with her.

Daryl brings Lydia food, she says she can’t eat it, everything hurts, wants the pills. Lydia says her mum isn’t coming for her, they move on when someone dies like they never existed, says she tried to find out info so she had something to give them and they’d take her back. Says if her mum found their missing people she wouldn’t have left them alive. They’re about a mile East, but don’t stay in one place for long. S9E10 Lydia says she realized her mum’s stories about the beginning were a lie, deep down she knew her mum was the bad one, her dad tried to protect her. Henry asks Daryl why Lydia’s mum made her feel responsible for her dad dying, Daryl says some people aren’t meant to be parents. S9E10 Guards come back to Hilltop with Connie and Kelly but Whisperers appear outside, Connie too slow to get inside, hides in corn rows. Lydia’s mother takes off her hood, says she is Alpha and she wants her daughter. S9E11 Ezekiel looks at the Charter, still unsigned. Kingdom prepares for the fayre, wants to get projector bulb from cinema downtown. S9E11 Daryl tells Alpha to leave and no one gets hurt, Alpha says wrong answer, brings out more people. Daryl tells Magna she’s not sending Lydia back to that. Magna asks Alpha if she killed her friends, Alpha says no. Their people crossed into their land and killed them, no consequences, and there will be no consequence if they return her daughter. Daryl says to get Lydia, goes outside the gates to talk to Alpha, Whisperers bring out captured Luke and Alden. Daryl says she cannot have her daughter, they have enough fire power to light them up, then notices their baby. Alpha proposes trade of her daughter for Alden and Luke. Walkers approach the Whisperers, Alpha tells others to keep them away from the prisoners, Luke sees Connie and signs to her to stay hidden. Daryl goes back in, Lydia has escaped, no sign of Henry either so Dog searches for him. Outside the baby Whisperer cries, attracting Walkers, Alpha tells mother Whisperer to put down the baby and walk away, says it’s natural selection. Addy says she knows where Henry went, goes to get him. Hilltop tries to distract walkers from baby, Luke signs to Connie, Connie dashes to save baby and takes it back to the corn, walkers follow, Daryl and others run to save her. S9E11 At the cinema, Jerry and team get the projector bulb, King gets a frame for his Charter from the wall, wants everyone to sign it at the fayre. S9E11 Lydia changes clothes at teen hangout, confused Alpha’s broken her own rules, wasn’t meant to come for her, maybe she misses her, is sorry, Henry says people like her don’t get to be sorry. Enid finds Henry and Lydia, says no one wants this but Alpha has Alden and Luke. Lydia kisses Henry and says she’ll go. Daryl takes her to Alpha, Alpha returns Alden and Luke. Lydia tells her mother she’s sorry, Alpha hits her and tells her to call her Alpha. Whisperers leave. S9E11 Henry says he gets why they gave up Lydia, but it doesn’t make it ok, Daryl says they have to live with it, all did what they had to do today. S9E11 Kingdom’s projector works with the new bulb. Earl and Tammy look after the new baby. S9E11 Henry leaves. Addy gives Daryl note she found in Henry’s room, Daryl makes to leave, Connie sees and wants to go with him, says she can’t live with it either.

Alpha asks Lydia why Daryl was ready to fight to keep her, she says she acted like she needed his help. Told them there were only a few of them, so they’d trust her, told them they shouldn’t cross her. Lies that they have mostly farmland, basic weapons, no signs of trade. S9E12 At Alex’a, Mich asks about the relay, upset Jesus died because of it, Negan got out because of it, can’t do her job unless Council tell her things, Gabe says she makes everything a security concern so Council has no say. Mich says it’s dangerous to put themselves out there, Gabe says cutting them off from the rest is dangerous too, lose their friends and who will help them when they need it. Aaron says new enemy out there, Mich’s judgement has saved them time and again, others say at what cost. Siddiq says situation at Kingdom is bad, need the trade from the fayre, want new vote. Gabe says Mich will veto it. Mich says she would, too dangerous, wishes they could help them but not ready to risk Alex’an lives. Siddiq says what does it mean for Alex’a to survive if Kingdom falls? Mich says it means Alex’a survives. S9E12 Rosita tells Gabe she’s sorry about baby, they were just getting started, if it’s too much she gets it. S9E12 Henry spies on Whisperer group, Beta catches him. Alpha wants to know who he is, he says he came for Lydia. Lydia hits him. Alpha says Henry’s coming with them, where there’s one there’s more. S9E12 Eugene brings Gabe a list of pros and cons of Gabe staying with pregnant Rosita. Says his opinion is he’d be a fool to let her go. Gabe says has to think of what’s best for child. Eugene says she loves him, not anyone else, make it work. Gives Gabe some stretchy pants for Rosita. S9E12 Lydia tells Alphas Henry was in the cell next to hers, he didn’t seem worth mentioning. Says she acted helpless and he fell for it, dumber than she thought. Alpha says maybe she’s a good liar, gives her an apple. Reach the Whisperer camp, Alpha tells Beta to take Henry and get Lydia a new skin. S9E12 Mich visits Negan, asks why he came back. She says he’s pathetic, went out, didn’t like it, came back. Negan says if they’re not going to kill him they should learn to trust him. Things are slipping out of her control, he can help her, he knows a thing or two about keeping people in line. Mich says he should have stayed out there, they’re going to fortify the lock and close his windows. S9E12 Connie and Daryl follow Henry’s tracks, see where Whisperers caught him. S9E12 Henry watches Beta skin walker. Two Whisperers challenge Alpha for going back for Lydia, giving up two for one. She trade was worth it. He says she’s not fit to lead. Alpha says she saw him and woman plotting, says it was woman’s challenge, not his. Woman says she led them into danger, and Henry means more danger, she failed all of them. Alpha says she keeps them alive, garottes woman, gives her head to man, stabs him. S9E12 Evening Mich asks Judith about spying on her talk with Negan, Judith says she feels sorry for him, he listens to her, not everybody does. Mich doesn’t want her to go near him again, he’s a monster. Judith says he’s a human being. Mich says he’s done monstrous things, if they let him out it would start over again. Judith says he got out, not like that anymore. Mich says people don’t change, Judith says Mich did. S9E12 Alpha tells Beta it’s years since she was challenged, feels different. Beta says the pack believe in her. Alpha says when Lydia was three she turned her back on her for a minute, found her tangled in plastic, sucking her mouth, just stood there watching he skin turn blue before she did anything. Asked if she was ok, she nodded, so she hit her to make her never do that again. Beta says they need to be ready for when outsiders come for the boy. Daryl and Connie reach their camp. S9E12 Rosita, Gabe and Siddiq have a chat. Mich visits Aaron, thanks him for standing up for her at the meeting. Says recent events made him remember why they had the rules. Mich tells him if the council wants to vote to send a delegation to the fayre she won’t veto it. Thinks it’s a terrible idea, but people have a right to weigh their risks and choose. And it’s for the Kingdom. S9E12 Nighttime, Alpha tells Lydia to kill Henry. She cries, Alpha tells her not to be weak like her father. Kill Henry or Beta will kill them both. Walkers come, Whisperers run, Daryl appears dressed as walker, wants Henry not Lydia, Henry says she goes or he stays, Daryl gets them both out. S9E13 Daryl and co running, Daryl annoyed Lydia lied about how many there were, put Henry in danger. Whisperers rebuild their camp, let the dead turn. Alpha says Lydia will walk with them or they’ll all walk with the guardians.

Kingdom get ready for the fayre. Jerry arrives back without armour, says he was jumped by people on the road, gave note saying “we are the Highway Men,” visitors to Kingdom will have to pay them a toll. Ezekiel says gather the fighters, need to keep roads safe for fayre. S9E13 Hilltop en route to Kingdom, try to clear a downed tree. Earl and Tammy want to find the baby a family, they’re too old. S9E13 Daryl and co create chokepoint in building, Lydia says Alpha won’t send an army for her, only Beta and a few. Daryl says he will kill him first. S9E13 Jerry and group spy the Highway Men in industrial area, they have guns, Carol says they should try talking first, they sent a letter, sound civilized. Only kill them if they don’t listen. S9E13 Connie gets a stash of weapons she left in the building, plot way for Beta to get to them, barricade the rest. Connie wants to give Lydia back, Daryl says no, then they will come for their friends. S9E13 Carole, Ezekiel, Jerry enter Highway Men base, lots of mannequins, voice of Highway Man Ozzie says he wants to meet with King alone, Carol says no, they came to discuss alternative solutions. Highway Men appear with guns, say maybe people will pay for them, can pay in food. Kingdom people appear, capture Highway Men, Ezekiel offers them a job, keep the roads safe for them in exchange for access to Kingdom and the fayre. Ozzie says that’s a joke, Carol says it’s a trade market, they will benefit, offers them a movie screening. S9E13 Henry and Lydia prepare, she doesn’t want to kill her people, Henry says he promises to try not to. Asks why Henry risks her life for her, says it was stupid, made her mother look weak, she won’t drop it now. Henry says he cares about her, Lydia kisses him. S9E13 Walkers approach the Hilltop group, Tammy puts baby in special protective case. Highway Men come to help, say they’re their escorts to the fayre. S9E13 Herd reaches Daryl and co, Beta tells his group to spread out, leads some walkers into the building. Daryl locks Lydia in room with Dog. Whisperers reach the top floor, fight. Lydia gets out, Dog saves Henry but his leg is stabbed. Kill all Whisperers except Beta, wants to know where Lydia is, Daryl stabs him in shoulder, pushes him down well of elevator. S9E13 Hilltop people reach the Kingdom with Highway Men. Tara concerned Henry and Daryl aren’t there yet. S9E13 Daryl says they should go to Alex’a, closest, to stitch up Henry. Beta isn’t dead, wakes up. S9E14 Daryl and co arrive at Alex’a, says Henry’s hurt, had no other choice. Mich lets them in, Henry gets treatment. Aaron concerned the Whisperers will find them. S9E14 Mich speaks to Lydia, says she’s done things she not proud of to protect this place, had to risk others to save her people, not easy, but made her peace with it. If she could walk away and take the risk with her, make everyone safe that would be easy. S9E14 Daryl and Judith chat. He says keeping her and RJ safe is important, she says not just them, heard stories of how they fought the Saviors and won, they can do that again. Daryl says she hasn’t heard all the stories. She asks what his dad would do. S9E14 Nighttime Daryl and co leave Alex’a for Kingdom, Judith sad, Daryl tells Mich she should tell her why she won’t let people be at risk. S9E14 Daryl has dinner with Judith and RJ. Judith sad, wants to go to her room.

S9.Day2360=Day3479 – September 18th 2019
Early morning, Mich goes to tell Judith she wants to tell her something, Judith’s not in her room. S9E14 Mich asks Negan if he’s seen Judith, asks what they talk about, he says he tells her about Rick and Carl, how Carl shot up his men, how Rick bit a man’s jugular. Mich unhappy, asks if he told her what HE did. Says he’s honest, she’s heard those stories too. Says Judith thinks things should be like Carl wanted them to be. S9E14 Mich finds a note from Judith, saying she’s going to help her friends. S9E15 At Hilltop, man makes wooden coins for each community, group take some coins and head off for the fayre. S9E14 Mich on horse, searches for Judith, kills walkers, remembers blood on her sword from the children. Finds Judith fighting too, hugs. Tells her they need to talk. S9E14 Tells her the story of Jocelyn and the children, how she thought she didn’t recognize Judith when she first came out of the RV, thought she was too late, she’d lost her. Judith says she didn’t look like her because of the blood, then she saw it was her and was happy. Mich shocked she remembered. Judith says Jocelyn and kids were nice to them, like it was a game, but she was a bad person, they all were, that’s why Mich did what she did. Mich says she thought she hadn’t remembered, never said anything. Judith said that’s because it made Mich sad. Mich said she thought Judith didn’t understand why she’d cut Alex’a off, but she did, so why did she run away? Judith says because their friends need their help. Loving someone means doing what it takes to keep them safe, and they love Daryl and Maggie and Carol and the King. S9E14 Back at Alex’a. Mich takes Judith to Carl’s grave, said she and Rick promised to never bury another child, but then Rick was gone and she was lost. Then Judith was lost and she was scared, and wasn’t the only one. So all decided to make Alex’a only about the people who lived there, not what Rick or Carl gave their lives to create, but it kept her and RJ safe, and that’s all she wanted. Says Judith was right, have to protect the people they love, all the people, and they will. S9E14 Michonne and Judith take horse cart, find Daryl and co, give them lift to the Kingdom. S9E14 Some Whisperers outside Kingdom see people arrive, say they must tell Alpha. S9E15 Whisperers find and kill the group from Hilltop, Alpha cuts off the woman’s hair for a wig. S9E15 At Kingdom, Ezekiel gives speech to open “Fayre of New Beginnings,” honouring those who brought them together. S9E15 Mich, Henry, Daryl etc. arrive at Kingdom, happy reunions. Mich says to gather the leaders, they have a lot to talk about. S9E15 Mich says Alex’a’s future is here, together with you, lost sight of that for a while, but here now. Gabe says Alex’a is willing to grant asylum to Lydia. Tara says her mother will retaliate against Hilltop, not Alex’a, not ok with this. Mich says they didn’t trust either of them (Mich or Tara) when they first arrived either. Tara says need to send a group of fighters to protect Hilltop, go today. Must present united front, Mich proposes mutual protection pact. All agree, Ezekiel gets out the Charter for them to sign. S9E15 Lots of people at the fayre, Enid and Siddiq give life saving lessons, Earl sells weapons, Judith dunks Eugene, Luke plans an evening of music with Alden. Kelly is upset Connie left without saying goodbye, scared if she dies, any goodbye could be the last. Connie says seeing them happy to let the baby die brought back a lot of feelings for her. S9E15 Addy tells Henry she’s sorry she told others where he was hiding. Gage says Lydia’s one of them now, says Addy has thing for Henry, looks mutual, Lydia throws goat poop at them. First group leaves for Hilltop, Mich, Magna, Yumiko, Daryl, Carol, Diane go. Daryl asks Connie to feed his dog. S9E15 Alpha mingles with the crowd, wearing blond wig. Tara, Gabe, Oceanside women plan their protection pact. Tara says she’s going to leave at first light tomorrow, needs Hilltop to know she’s there for them, goes to get gear. Enid teases Alden about singing. Henry finds Lydia hiding from people. Alpha sees Tammy and Earl with the baby. Lydia asks Henry if what Gabe said is true, he says he doesn’t like Addy like that, he likes her. She likes him too, kiss. Pipes make noise, Henry goes to check on them. Ezekiel greets Alpha, says she’s Deborah from Alex’a, looking for clothes as it’s going to be sweater weather soon. S9E15 Inside the cinema Lydia leaves seat for Henry. Alpha sits next to her. S9E15 Highway Men and DJ find the carriage the Whisperers attacked, tell Daryl and group when they reach them. Carol, Mich, Daryl, Miko track the Whisperers in case of survivors, rest go on to Hilltop. S9E15 Outside cinema Alpha pushes Lydia, calls her a coward, coming with her, Lydia says she belongs to these people, they care, Alpha should walk away or she’ll scream and they’ll kill her. Lydia says she doesn’t want them to hurt Alpha, just wants her to go, giving her a choice, more than she ever gave her. Alpha says she was just trying to make her strong, but was never one of them. Walks off. S9E15 Soon, Eugene can’t find Frankie. Earl can’t find Tammy. Gage can’t find Addy and Rodney. Alden can’t see Enid in the crowd as he sings. Gabe and Eugene can’t find Tara. Lydia warns Ezekiel that her mum was there, and she can’t find Henry. S9E15 Evening, Daryl get surrounded by walkers, fight, kill walkers, Whisperers appear with guns. Beta tells them to drop their weapons, tells Daryl he just had to give him the girl, no one else had to die, now that deal is done. Alpha stands forward, Mich says they’ve granted Lydia asylum, will all retaliate if they try to take her. Alpha says her daughter isn’t a concern anymore, she’s weak. Tells them their group is in no position to threaten her, tells just Daryl to come with her. S9E15 Alpha shows Daryl thousands of walkers in a valley, says her people are among them, steering them. Says her people follow her because she’s Alpha, has to assert herself or there’s chaos. He asks what she did, she says his friends at camp are fine, next time they cross onto her land her horde will cross into theirs. The land between the broken interstates and the river to the South is hers, she’s marked the border to the North, they’ll see it as they leave. His friends are waiting for him at a field due North. S9E15 Daryl finds Carol and others, walk North. S9E15 Beta asks Alpha about Lydia, Alpha wants to be alone, kills a Whisperer for sport. S9E15 Daryl and Mich find Siddiq, he points to field. Ten poles, ten heads on pikes. RIP Ozzie. RIP Highwayman Alek. RIP DJ. RIP Frankie. RIP Tammy. RIP Addy. RIP Rodney. RIP Enid. RIP Tara. RIP Henry.

S9.Day2361=Day3480 – September 19th 2019
Morning at Kingdom, Siddiq tells everyone that he was taken with the others, was supposed to die with them, then Alpha whispered “Tell them” in his ear, knocked him out. Woke up alone. What happened was evil, was meant to tell them that, scare them and drive them apart, but he wants to tell a different story. Before the end they were tied up, but Ozzie, Alek and DJ found them, gave them an opening, everyone fought back, more than brave, defended each other, sacrificed for each other, some didn’t know each other but fought like they did, like they were family, until the very end. Their time was cut short but ours keeps going, so we have to keep going for them and all of us. Need to honour them and remember they died as heroes. That’s the story he wants them to tell. S9E15 Later, heads removed from pikes, Lydia puts her carved necklace under Henry’s pole.

S9.Day2452=Day3571 – December 19th 2019, 3 months later, early winter storm
Ezekiel radios others that things broke, they tried to hold on, but things fell apart, cold set in, fires raged, rot spread. Knows it’s over for now. Need help, shelter for the storms to come. Will never forget the magic they felt there, must be valiant in their uncertain future, together. Carol packs up her things, box of Henry’s mementoes. Ezekiel rolls up the Charter. Kingdom and escorts move out in wagons. S9E16 Wagons on the road, very wintry. Magna tells Mich no one at Hilltop knows what to do yet. Haven’t heard from Maggie but they did inform Georgie. S9E16 Alden unhappy at Lydia when he sees Walkers/Whisperers, asks if they are they still watching. Daryl tells him to lay off. S9E16 Daryl tells Carol that Henry wanted Lydia here when no one else did, is a good kid, Carol says if she looks at her all she sees is Henry. Daryl asks when she looks at him who does she see, she sees him. Jerry says storm coming in, Ezekiel says they have to travel through the night to make it to the next way station. S9E16 At Alex’a, Rosita quite pregnant. Eugene says solar panels are down, need to initiate winter one ice storm protocol. Move into three largest places with fireplaces, need to move Negan or he’ll freeze down there. S9E16 Snow falls on wagoners. Daryl and Ezekiel fend off walkers, check they’re not Whisperers. Ezekiel tells Daryl last few months have been difficult for him and Carol, want new start at Hilltop, would be easier if it were just them. Daryl asks if that’s what Carol wants, Ezekiel says she just wants to hold their son again. S9E16 Lydia wanders off, finds frozen walker, walks within biting range, takes off her gloves, Carol interrupts her. Jerry says they won’t make it to the way station, have to find shelter, head to the Sanctuary. S9E16 At Alex’a, Negan happy to be out, in room with Judith, Rosita, Gabe, Siddiq, Eugene, others, teases the quadrangle. Judith is upset she doesn’t know where Dog is. Fire explodes, flue was blocked, decide to leave before it gets worse, go to Aaron’s house. All hold rope to keep safe, move out into blizzard. S9E16 Daryl and Carol talk inside Sanctuary, she says Ezekiel only blames him because he can’t let himself blame her. She feels like she’s losing herself again. Daryl says he can take Lydia away, if she wants. Ezekiel tells Mich storm could last for days but they won’t. Look at map, can’t make it to waystation, Carol says can take shortcut over frozen rivers, would be through Whisperer country, risky but storm is worse. S9E16 Ezekiel worried, wants to do right by them, should have got them out sooner. Mich says no one would be here at all without Ezekiel, says Alpha was able to walk among them because they didn’t know each other, can never let that happen again. Ezekiel worried about crossing Whisperer territory. S9E16 Group reach the 10 poles on foot. S9E16 Alex’a group struggle through blizzard between houses, Judith hears Dog bark, runs off, Negan runs after her. S9E16 Daryl checks frozen river ice. Lydia runs off again, Carol goes after her. S9E16 Get across ice. Carol finds Lydia, L says they’re not going to want her back. Says Carol should just kill her now, no one else has to know. She’d do it but she’s too weak, like her mother said. Carol says she’s not weak. S9E16 Alex’a team all shout for Judith. Negan slips on ice, hurts leg, hobbles towards barking, finds Judith and Dog. Can’t see the route back, gives Judith his coat. Carries her again. S9E16 Kingdom group reach Hilltop. Jerry wants to call it Kingtop. Daryl tells Lydia to sleep, going to Alex’a in the morning. Ezekiel tells Carol they made it, Carol says she’s going to Alex’a with the others. He says she knows she has to, but he will never stop loving her. She’ll never regret the fairytale, gives back her ring.

S9.Day2453=Day3572 – December 20th 2019
Storm over, Alex’a wagoners get home. Mich happy to see Judith and RJ, snowball fight. Mich goes to see Negan at infirmary, thanks him for saving Judith. He says Judith’s a special girl, and Mich’s been through enough. He says they were ballsy to go through the Whisperer area, Mich says doesn’t even know if they were there, but came together and made it, facing evil brings people together. Negan says but no one ever thinks they’re the evil one.

S9.Day2515=Day3634 – February 20th 2020, end of winter, 2 months later
Snow has gone, Whisperers move back into their camp. Beta says time away has been good for the pack, Alpha says can’t make mistakes again, will need to be stronger for what comes next. She holds her arm out and Beta whips her. S9E16 Ezekiel talks to Judith over the radio. Says will make it through the winter of discontent. Judith says maybe even go back to the Kingdom, but she has to do her homework now. Ezekiel turns off the radio, leaves, woman on radio says hello.



Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - 11:04 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
And here's a calendar version, combining both TWD and FEAR. I haven't been through the Fear timeline carefully yet, so the 2012 Season 5 Fear stuff is just estimates for now. And as I said above, this is all based on my best guesses for placement, although relatives times between events should be pretty accurate.

• September 1st 2009: Government declares "Wildfire"

• January 10th 2010: Disease goes global
• January 24th 2010: TWD.s1 Near Atlanta, Rick Grimes is shot and falls into a coma
• January 29th 2010: FEAR.s1 In LA, Nick's girlfriend dies of an overdose and turns, becoming one of the first cases in LA (Day 1 of FearTWD)

• February 12th 2010: FEAR.s2 Group leave LA on Strand’s yacht
• February 13th 2010: FEAR.s2 LA and major Western cities are bombed
• February 19th 2010: FEAR.s2 Celia’s farm burns down

• March 7th 2010: FEAR.s3 Group go to the Otto’s Ranch
• March 10th 2010: TWD.s1 Rick Grimes wakes up (Day 1 of TWD, Day 41 of FEAR)
• March 14th 2010: TWD.s1 Jenner explodes the CDC
• March 17th 2010: TWD.s2 Group reach Hershel’s farm
• March 20th 2010: FEAR.s3 All abandon Otto’s Ranch
• March 22nd 2010: TWD.s2 Hershel’s farm is overrun
• March 31st 2010: FEAR.s3 Nick blows up the dam

• November 15th 2010: TWD.s3 Group find the prison
• November 20th 2010: TWD.s3 Judith is born, Lori dies

• March 1st 2011: FEAR.s4 “Before” timeline, Madison and group set up home in The Diamond

• June 21st 2011: TWD.s4 The Governor attacks the prison, kills Hershel
• June 29th 2011: TWD.s4 Carol saves everyone at Terminus

• July 27th 2011: TWD.s5 Group reaches Alexandria

• August 7th 2011: TWD.s6 Maggie tells Aaron she’s pregnant
• August 8th 2011: TWD.s6 Wolves break into Alexandria but they rebuild

• October 14th 2011: TWD.s7 Negan murders Glenn and Abraham

• November 6th 2011: TWD.s8 Carl dies
• November 10th 2011: TWD.s8 Rick captures Negan; Morgan moves into Jadis’ Heaps; Daryl expels Dwight

• February 15th 2012 (est): FEAR.s4 Morgan leaves the Heaps

• March 1st 2012: FEAR.s4 “Before” timeline, the Diamond celebrates its 365th day, the Vultures set up camp outside

• April 15th 2012: FEAR.s4 “Now” timeline, Morgan meets John Dorie, Althea, Nick, Alicia, Strand, Luciana
• April 16th 2012: FEAR.s4 Charlie murders Nick
• May 19th 2012: FEAR.s4 Morgan meets Sarah, Wendall and Jim
• May 25th 2012: FEAR.s4 Martha poisons everyone but Morgan saves them

• September 25th 2012: FEAR.s5 Group crash a plane trying save someone who radioed them
• September 26th 2012: FEAR.s5 Strand finds Daniel again; Grace tells them about the radiation
• September 27th 2012: FEAR.s5 John and June find Dwight
• September 30th 2012: FEAR.s5 Group fix plane and escape with the kids they found
• November 1st 2012: FEAR.s5 Group try to help people but meet Virginia

• April 2nd 2013: TWD.s9 The communities are working together but unrest at Sanctuary
• April 3rd 2013: TWD.s9 Maggie executes Gregory because he tried to murder her
• April 4th-May 8th 2013: TWD.s9 Groups work on fixing the bridge
• May 9th 2013: TWD.s9 Jadis plots to get picked up by the helicopter
• May 10th 2013: TWD.s9 Maggie decides not to kill Negan; Rick badly injured and blows up bridge, with him on it, to stop walker herd; Jadis flies away in the helicopter with washed up Rick

• <Rick movie????????>

• January 14th 2014: TWD.s9 Jocelyn and her children steal Alexandria’s children, pregnant Michonne has to kill children to save Alexandria’s

• January 28th 2014: TWD.s9 Rick Jr is born (off screen)

• September 10th 2019: TWD.s9 Magna, Connie, Kelly, Luke, Yumiko are saved by eight year old Judith; Kingdom plans for a fayre
• September 13th 2019 32: TWD.s9 Whisperers kill Jesus
• September 14th 2019 33: TWD.s9 Group capture Whisperer Lydia
• September 18th 2019 37: TWD.s9 All meet at the Fayre, Whisperers murder Tara, Enid, Henry and others, put their heads on spikes

• December 19th 2019: TWD.s9 Kingdom evacuate to Hilltop; Carol and Ezekiel split up; Negan saves Judith from the blizzard

• February 20th 2020: TWD.s9 Whisperers move back; mystery woman says hello over radio



Sunday, October 13, 2019 - 4:15 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Catching up with the Fear timelines. This is from the end of S4, which was the season from LAST summer. It follow the previous section (FearTWB Season 4A) with a one month gap. At this point hey're about two years and three months in from when Rick woke up, although as always the dates aren't accurate, just estimates that are useful to me.

Fear TWD Timeline for Season 4B

S4.Day33 = Fear.Day832 - May 17th 2012 (approx. 1 month gap)
Morgan wants Althea to drive him back to Alexandria, goes to see John, June, Charlie in their trailer, John not fit enough to travel yet, can’t go with him, might go back to his cabin. Morgan goes to Strand in his manor house, Strand drinks non stop, Luciana just listens to records, neither want to go with Morgan, nothing for them there or anywhere. Morgan finds Alicia in a shed looking for clues for “help” notes, attached to infected. Morgan says it’s not safe, the writer might be dead now anyway, she should come to Alexandria with him, she says someone needs her here. S4E09 June tells John he might be well enough to fish in a week. Infected approach Charlie and she lets them, others have to kill them. S4E09 Infected gets inside Strands house, says they have to go fix the fence. S4E09 Charlie still won’t talk. Lots of infected in the river, June and Althea go to investigate. S4E09 Alicia tells Morgan she’s found the tagged infected come from a lumber mill 10 miles away, go there together. S4E09 June and Althea find box of supplies saying “take what you need.” S4E09 Charlie sneaks out and runs away. John goes to Strand to ask them if they’ve seen Charlie, Strand asks why he would care, she shot his friend, John says and Strand’s people shot him, so now they’re even. S4E09 Alicia and Morgan find the “help” writer dead, Alicia sad. S4E09 June realizes a tornado is coming. S4E09 Strand and John search for Charlie. Morgan and Alicia try to find shelter. Charlie sneaks into Strand’s house and leaves the Little Prince book for Luciana. Luci hears and follows her outside. S4E10 Alicia takes shelter in a house, finds photos and dead family, takes them outside to bury, inside eats their food, hears a sound upstairs, it’s Charlie. Charlie locks herself in a room, Alicia tries to leave but can’t because of wind, goes back and tells Charlie everyone died because she led Mel and Ennis to them, shot Nick, then let Nick die slowly thinking his life didn’t mean anything. Alicia says if she stays she’ll probably kill Charlie, even though her mom wouldn’t want her to. Says she’s a kid but knows what she did, can never make up for it. Downstairs Alicia sees that Charlie covered the bodies outside, has taken their photos. Alicia asks if Charlie wants to kill her, realizes gun was to kill herself. Alicia says she realizes there are no good reasons to live, but Charlie can’t kill herself and get off easy, has to live with it. S4E11 Morgan gets into back of semi truck for safety, has boxes of supplies in it. S4E10 Nighttime, the wind breaks the windows, Alicia and Charlie go to cellar but it’s flooded, have to wait it out. Charlie realizes she doesn’t want to become an infected, saw her parents come back like that, wishes she had their photos. Water rises, Charlie asks Alicia to kill her, but she can’t. Infected falls and clears exit so they can escape.

S4.Day34 = Fear.Day833
Alicia and Charlie bury the dead, put their photos with them. Alicia is worried about Morgan, they drive to find him, A tells Charlie she will take her to the beach so she can imagine her parents there. Reach Strand’s home but it’s a mess, Morgan’s trailer is mess, John’s bus is overturned. S4E11 Morgan wakes up, calm outside, opens truck doors and is at a truck stop in Mississippi. Inside he sees supplies, CB speaker asks if it’s Polar Bear, he replies that he accidentally hitched a ride. Voice says to make himself at home. M is in toilet when hears gun cocked outside., meets brother and sister Wendell and Sarah, they say they pack and deliver supplies, keep on trucking. S4E11 Morgan tells couple he’s trying to get East to Virginia, to a community starting over, they say they picked him up 40 miles West, saved him from the tornado, roads washed out, levees down. Morgan says he has people back there, has to check on them, ask them to drive him there. Wendell says they can’t, truck broken, way back is via bridge, if still standing. Couple help Morgan get a car, he drives back towards Texas, gets stopped by fallen trees, has to walk. S4E11 Morgan finds bridge, gets nervous, turns around, radios couple to ask for lift to Virginia, scared of what he might find with his friends. Lies that bridge is out, drives back to Sarah etc., stops to save man, Jim, in field with bag over his head, man says he was kidnapped, was looking for recipes for beer. S4E11 Jim drives with Morgan in truck, but runs when he hears Sarah. Sarah and Wendell thank Morgan for finding Jim, tie both up, start drive to Virginia. Morgan wants to know whose truck it is, Sarah says they left the driver back in Texas, just took his stuff, he was leaving supplies at mile markers ending in 4s, so easy to get him. Couple want the recipe for Jim’s beer. Jim tells Morgan Sarah and Wendell are grifters, they will get on board with his beer plan if he takes them to his friends. Morgan says he’s not taking them near his friends. S4E11 Truck has to stop at damaged piece of road, Sarah says truck’s too heavy, have to unload. Jim says he will make deal for his beer recipe if they find community in Virginia, they let him go. Morgan won’t tell them the way, infected come, Jim slips and pushes tied up Morgan down towards the river bank and infected. M gets trapped on car roof, Sarah says she’ll help him if he tells them route to Virginia, he gives directions, they decide it’s too hard to save him, leave without him, say he did the same to his friends. S4E11 Nighttime, Morgan still stuck on car roof, radios them again, no reply. Tells them he could have crossed bridge back to Texas, thought about it and decided he’s a coward. His friends needed something he couldn’t give them, so got scared. Jumps from truck to bank, sees a box of supplies from the truck, including a knife, cuts his ties and save himself with the 244 mile marker pole. M radios others and tells them the box of supplies saved him, they were wrong that they don’t do any good.

S4.Day35 = Fear.Day834
At SWAT truck, June worried about John, no response on radio. Althea can’t find diesel, have to conserve batteries as can’t recharge them. S4E11 Morgan walks along the road, finds Sarah and Wendell at the truck, they realized his directions were wrong so came back. M says he’ll go with them to Virginia if they pick up people on the way, otherwise he’ll go on foot. They agree, M says they will drop off supplies along the way. S4E11 Evening, M uses CB, tells the prior owner that they’re delivering his supplies, and bringing his truck back to him. At the other end of the radio, Martha and her infected Purvis hear him.

S4.Day36 = Fear.Day835
Morgan in truck with Sarah etc. Morgan radios the others that he’s got help. S4E12 June and Althea still at SWAT truck, very hot, run out of water. Althea has a temperature, June wants to go to higher ground to get better walkie signal, thinks person on radio might have food and water. S4E12 Jim annoyed Morgan keeps wanting them to stop. Morgan says he has to try to contact his friends. S4E12 Althea and June walk, Althea sick, find a car, drive to find higher ground. June radios again, Martha and her infected hear. S4E12 Morgan hears June on radio, says he’s going to try to get better signal, others wait. S4E12 Althea vomits, they see someone drive by in the SWAT van, follow in car, car crashes. Althea says they have to get the SWAT van back, her antibiotics are in there. S4E12 Morgan finds Martha at a supply box, tells her to take what she needs. She tells him he should be careful, fills the water bottle with tainted water. S4E12 Althea very ill, June changes tyre. Al hears the SWAT truck guns, tells June to go check, June leaves Al her radio. S4E12 June finds SWAT truck next to turned over van, man pulls gun on her, she says she just wants medicine from the truck. June says he doesn’t have to live like this, can work together. June wrestles gun from him, gun goes off, Al hears over radio and rushes to change tyre. June tries to start SWAT truck, he says it’s run out of gas, she can’t find meds, asks him where it is, he doesn’t know. She kicks him out of truck, finds radio, radios Al. Al sick, tells June there are no drugs, she just wanted the van back. S4E12 June walks back, gives her drugs she found on the bus. June mad she almost killed someone for her drugs. Al says the tapes are all she has of anyone she’s known, not just other people’s stories, hers is there too, people she loved. S4E12 Morgan climbs water tower, says he’s at mile marker 27 on Hwy 365, Al and June hear, but battery dead, can’t reply. Al and June take car to Morgan, have to leave SWAT truck. S4E12 Nighttime, Wendell impatient, June and Althea arrive. June radios man she left at the truck, tells them she found her friends at mile marker 27, he can meet them there. Man replies, says he’s Quinn, June says he should come to them. Morgan tells June and Al they can go with him to Virginia. S4E12 Quinn radios from mile marker 27, but isn’t in same place as others, he sees his marker sign is 21 faked, Martha is there and sets Infected-Purvis on him, gets in SWAT truck with her new Infected-Quinn, tells him he won’t be weak anymore. S4E13 Morgan et al drive to mile marker 21, can’t find Quinn, do find Infected-Purvis. June radios him, Martha replies with Quinn’s infected growl, says she let him become what he was meant to be. Morgan recognizes Martha from the box, Martha tells him the boxes make people weak, must stop putting them out.

S4.Day37 = Fear.Day836
John and Strand wake up on a river island, John tries to make a raft as car is submerged. Gators in the water, Strand won’t go on raft, John tries alone, sinks, returns. Gator eats an infected. S4E13 Luciana finds an old man, Clayton, in car, trapped by crushed steering wheel. S4E13 Morgan buries Purvis. Althea wants to know how many journals Polar Bear wrote – 12 – M says he’s going to find them all, and Polar Bear. S4E13 Luciana tries to free Clayton but fears the wheel is the only thing keeping him alive. Clayton wishes he had one last beer, Luci says she’s going to get him one, gives him a radio. S4E13 Strand almost gets himself killed trying to get a wine bottle. John tries to make boat out of a camper shell. Strand gets drunk, John tells him things to live for are on the other side of the river, sets up horn to distract infected and gators, both get in boat, row. S4E13 Luci radios Clayton that she can only find root beer, has failed, Clayton told her once he didn’t want to be with anyone, so took a job on the road, then world changed and he realized he couldn’t help his old friends, but could help others. So Luci couldn’t help him, but maybe she can help others. Luci finds a mile marker box, has beer in it. S4E13 John’s horn fails, gator sees the boat and knocks it over, have to swim back to island. S4E13 Luci gets back to Clayton with the beer, he asks her to get his notebooks from back of car, plus supplies to help her. Luci radios to thank people who left the box, Morgan answers. S4E13 Luci meets up with Morgan etc., shows them Clayton’s books. Hears radio and it’s Charlie and Alicia at mile marker 84, Morgan says they’ll go back for her. S4E13 Martha radios, says she gave Morgan a chance to stop, Morgan says helping people makes them stronger, not weaker, he’s going to find his friends and help them. Martha catches up to their semi in the SWAT truck, fires guns on them, semi crashes. S4E14 Morgan etc. in back of truck, Luci and Sarah have been shot. Wendell’s wheelchair is broken. Fuel leaks from vats. Martha stops the SWAT truck, Althea thinks SWAT ran out of ammo. Group rush the back of the SWAT, Martha comes out with snarling infected, Althea shoots Martha in the chest. The semi catches fire, all jump clear, semi explodes, infected come, Martha drives off in SWAT. S4E14 Charlie and Alicia arrive at wreck in car, but all have left. S4E14 Morgan and group followed by many infected, walk towards hospital. S4E14 Alicia’s car runs out of gas, Charlie says others can’t be far on foot, Alicia says they’re going to the beach first. S4E14 Evening, Morgan etc. board themselves inside the hospital, June stitches up injured. Sarah finds infected inside. S4E14 Morgan tries to reinforce hospital doors, but they start to cave in with infected, try to work out escape route. Althea goes to generator room, gets trapped, others go to roof. Fire exit off roof is broken, Jim is scratched, June checks him and finds infected bite on his back. Morgan blames himself. S4E14 Charlie tells Alicia they should have kept looking, Alicia said it wouldn’t have made a difference, thought beach would help, she needs something to be good. Charlie does too. They reach the river, see flooded area, find John’s hat, see John and Strand on the other shore. S4E15 Morgan and co stuck on hospital roof. June radios for help, Alicia hears and tells them she’s with Charlie, Strand, John. Morgan warns them not to talk on walkie, too dangerous with Martha. Alicia says she will save C and S then save them. S4E15 Martha tries to work out where Alicia radioed from. S4E15 Morgan wants Jim to help them, says he can choose how he goes, Jim not keen. Sarah asks for his beer recipe, he says no. S4E15 Alicia finds canoe to help S and J, Martha shoots at them but falls. S4E15 Morgan and co go down elevator, Jim stays on roof, M finds note from Althea saying she went to freight elevator, save her tapes. S4E15 John and Strand hear SWAT truck, Alicia drives it through the water to them, has Martha tied up inside. S4E15 Morgan’s group plot route to freight elevators, he stays and goes back to roof to distract infected outside. Morgan ties up a dead infected, throws it over side onto a van, van’s alarm goes off, infected go towards it, others escape to ambulance. Power goes out, Morgan can’t get down, says he’s ok, happy to know he got them out. Sick Jim tells Morgan staying on the roof is the easy way out. Others find a fire truck with ladder, ladder shy by a couple of storeys. Morgan finds cable, tells Jim to get down, Jim says too late for him, makes Morgan repel down to next storey, Morgan jumps into fire truck bucket, rest go to top of truck to get away from infected. Morgan says he’s going to jump down and clear the infected, Jim says he’ll do it, tells Sarah his beer recipe, jumps from roof onto different truck, noise pulls infected away. RIP Jim. Others go back to the SWAT truck, Martha has gone, Sarah says they’ll call the beer Jimbo’s beerbos. Morgan says Jim would have that, Sarah knows. Group need to find Althea, Martha finds Infected-Jim and makes him her next slave. S4E16 Althea radios group to say she has run two miles south of hospital, no one answers. Finds TV news van, gets a new camera, takes police car back to hospital, sees Martha. Martha says she likes her, tells her to give Morgan a message, hits her on head. S4E16 Althea wakes up in SWAT van, June says they found her in the street, heard her walkie message. Martha had recorded herself on new camera, says she gave Morgan lots of chances, will see him again and she’ll be stronger. S4E16 Nighttime, group head to Virginia, Morgan tells them about Alexandria and other communities. Stop at truck stop from before to pick up boxes to deliver along the way. Morgan says he’s going after Martha to save her, he understands her, used to be her. John says if Morgan’s not back at the truck stop in two days he’s coming for him. S4E16 Morgan sets off, sends walkie message to Martha, says he wants to show her another way. Martha replies she knew he would come, she’s at mile marker 54. S4E16 Others make themselves at home at truck stop.

S4.Day38 = Fear.Day837 - May 22nd 2012
Morgan reaches MM54, finds Infected-Jim in Althea’s police car, puts him down. Martha sits by her husband’s grave, Morgan says they can help her, drags her to the car, she says he wasn’t supposed to see her like that. Morgan gives her antibiotics, starts driving police car back, radios John but John only hears static. S4E16 Althea very ill, collapses. S4E16 Martha tells Morgan it was her husband Hank’s grave, they crashed trying to get out of the city and no one helped them, he needed her to be strong but she wasn’t. S4E16 June radios Morgan, says to hurry back they are all sick, something’s not right. S4E16 Morgan drives faster, Martha grabs him, they crash, he’s half conscious, she pulls him out of car, writes on him “I lose people, I lose myself.” Morgan wakes up, says it doesn’t have to end this way, she shows them her wound, says it does for her, he has to kill her or she’ll kill him. Morgan says he has to get to the others, Martha tells him he’ll be stuck unless he learns to be strong, has to kill her. S4E16 Sick group try to keep hydrated, June notices damaged water bottle top, realizes they have been poisoned, radios to tell Morgan. Martha admits it, says it’s antifreeze, they’re going to die. Morgan strangles her, sees himself in mirror, stops, says he’ll walk, handcuffs her to police car. Morgan limps along road. S4E16 Evening, Morgan walks, drives until he gets walkie contact, tells others it’s antifreeze, June knows the antidote is ethanol, and ethanol truck is outside. S4E16 Group try to distract infected from ethanol truck, Althea shoots from SWAT truck, ethanol leaks out before they can get any. S4E16 Morgan still walks, his walkie doesn’t work. Others very sick, Morgan arrives back tells them ethanol is just alcohol, so he brought them some beer. All get better. Morgan see his head message, washes it off, drives back for Martha. S4E16 At police car, Morgan finds Martha has pulled her arm off, finds Infected-Martha, kills her, buries her. S4E16 Back with the group, Morgan says he’s not going to Alexandria, no one helped Martha when she needed it, says Polar Bear set up a system from the denim factory he used to drive for before. Morgan is going to stay and keep it going. Luci agrees. Alicia wants to build something more, Althea wants to find the people she interviewed before. Group work their way to the factory, Morgan walkies the world, saying to hang in there, they’re going to help them.



Sunday, August 23, 2020 - 9:35 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Not much of long term consequence happened in the first half of Season 5 of FEAR. They picked up the children and Grace. Bit of background for the mysterious triple circle community from when Althea met the helicopter pilot. Then they set up the start of the part with Logan (Max Headroom guy) which was finished in the second half of S5.

At one point Daniel tore off a page on a tear off calendar, and it was October 12th. The year must be 2012, but it was a bit off where I thought we were (around July 2012). At the end of this half season there's a short time jump that puts us in December(ish) but the weather seems more like fall, so although I've set the section to be October in my (non-official) calendar, I wonder if we were meant to take that day seriously. I mean after three years, would Daniel really know what day it was, when he didn't have a calendar for most of it? Maybe he just tore off pages to mark the passing of days.

Anyway I will see if there are any time markers later and reset if necessary.

Long as ever...

FEAR TWD timeline for season 5A

S5.Few Days before Day1
Group set up shelter, beds in the Denim Factory. All take turns to man radio, ask if anyone out there needing help, they have food and shelter. No one replies. Eventually man replies, Logan, Morgan asks where he is.

S5.Day1=S4.Day179 = Fear.Day978 – October 10th 2012 (Talking Dead said two months later but that would be July)
S5E01 Boys Max and Dylan are hunting, a plane flies low overhead, crashes in a field, fire and noise brings infected, Alicia saves the kids. Morgan asks kids if they are with Logan. Luciana badly injured. Morgan thinks they are 10-15 miles from their target. Morgan walkies Logan that they are still coming but will take a bit longer. Alicia kills infected. Althea uses plane radio to tell Strand to watch the tape marked Skidmark, find the guy with the plane, come get them, no reply. Some infected are in protection suits. Group saw off metal spike pinning Luci, stretcher her out. Car approaches, it’s the boys’ sister, she drives them out, says infected aren’t the problem, it’s where they landed. S5E01 Strand, Charlie, Wendell, Sarah are back at the Denim Factory, heard Al on radio. S5E01 Alicia asks the children what the signs meant, they don’t know, are stranded there, roads washed out. Head towards Logan’s location, reach roadblock with infected strung across the road, drive through, reach truck stop, no infected despite Logan saying they were surrounded. They take shelter inside, find radio. Morgan tells kids they should go back with them to their denim factory, girls says no, takes car, group has to stay at truck stop because of Luci. S5E01 Logan reaches the denim factory, uses code to get through the gate, finds group’s supplies inside. S5E01 Later, Morgan gets Logan on the radio, Logan says he’s with his crew, looking at your crew, as he watches Strand et al arrive. Says he’s the L of C&L Trucking, but doesn’t share Clayton’s charitable nature. He got them away so he could step in without a fuss, just wants what’s his, he’s the legal owner. S5E01 Nighttime Sarah and Wendell stay in back of truck, Charlie tries to sneak into factory but can’t, Strand says everything’s negotiable, but they have to get back to the others first. S5E01 At truck stop, Al wants to go back to crash site to get their stuff, Alicia annoyed they could have died, Morgan wants to look for the kids. S5E01 In the SWAT truck, Strand looks through Al’s tapes, sees one of Daniel Salazar. S5E01 Al goes back to crash site to look at uniformed infected, finds triple circle logo and radiation badges. Someone comes up behind her and grabs her. S5E05 Althea is dragged by woman in black protection suit, woman kills and burns her dead partner, Al runs off, infected come, woman saves her, wants Al’s camera tape but Al has hidden it.

Strand arrives at a factory, sees cat and Daniel, asks if they can talk, cat’s name is Skidmark. Strand tells Daniel Al told him he had a plane, need to help Alicia and others, Daniel is suspicious. S5E05 Al is tied in truck, escapes, curious what woman in protecting, finds helicopter, no fuel. Tries radio, hears someone ask for Ground 17 to respond, woman stops her, responds saying she’s refuelling, back in 72 hours. Voice said they are sending in a reclamation team. Tells Al if she shows her where the tape is she lives, Al says she’ll give her the tape if she tells her story. Woman says they need fuel from fuel drop up the mountain. S5E02 Morgan and Alicia can’t find Al at crash site, find truck with a warm engine. Explore, Morgan crosses field find crows in a box attracting infected, gets caught in a trap, woman in hazmat suit captures him, tells him to take off his clothes, breathe as little as possible. Takes radiation dosimeter off infected. Alicia knocks down woman, asks where Al is. Woman is Grace, says there were two pressurized water reactors 13 miles N of here, cooler failed on one and reactor melted down last year, they tried to keep it going but lot of infected are contaminated. Morgan needs to decontaminate as he’s been in contact with the infected, makes him shower. Grace says she will help them look for Al. Tells them if they see an infected with a dosimeter keep away, Alicia radios John to tell him. S5E02 John and June find sign for ranch matching kids’ van, search for them, find infected trapped in building. S5E05 Al and woman drive to fuel stop, Al interviews, woman says everything she does is to ensure that there are more than just stories left after she dies. Woman finds The Boy #7 tape hidden in Al’s bag, thinks it’s the tape of her, but it’s the tape of Al from the beginning, when National Guard moved in. Al said she could have said goodbye to her brother, but chose to get the story instead, now that story is all she has left. Woman says if Al sees people wearing clothes like hers she should run, Al has her stories but they have the future. S5E02 Grace tests for contamination, Morgan’s stick is contaminated, can’t have it back. S5E02 Nighttime, they clear up contaminated bodies. Grace says she worked at the plant, ran operations. At start of apocalypse called in all workers and their families, kept them at the plant, had supplies for months. When cities fell they didn’t need the power, she couldn’t believe things weren’t going back to how they were, should have evacuated plant, but 63 were there when it melted down. John radios that they’ve found contaminated infected, Grace says they will help get rid of the exposed. S5E02 Luci radios Strand, Strand says he has a plane, line goes dead, antenna blown down by wind, infected surround truck stop. S5E02 Alicia depressed she can’t do anything. Morgan tells her way back is to open the door to life. Grace wants to dump contaminated bodies in canyon, Morgan says they will help then she can stay with them, she says she can’t, she’s contaminated, Morgan gives her a walkie for if she needs them. S5E02 Others get back to truck stop, infected heads have been strung up outside. S5E02 Daniel tells Strand he must leave, if he gave him his plane he’d only make it worse for the others. S5E05 Al and woman make camp for the night, woman says they are similar, their jobs matter more than their lives.

S5.Day3=Fear.Day980 – October 12th 2012
Group clear road blocks, find blocks are circling something. John and June get shot at, find Humbug’s Gulch, John’s old stomping ground. Dust storm coming. S5E03 Kids speak to Alicia on walkie, say it’s not safe to reveal where they are. S5E05 Al and woman climb cliff face. At top, woman says was on a mission to get supplies to purify water, is a power plant 10 miles from there, partner cracked when he saw what radiation did to the dead, protocol is to distinguish threats to operational security, hesitated but had to kill him. Al says then she’ll have to kill her too, woman says she will, once she has the tape. Al grabs woman’s gun. Woman wants to take enough fuel to take off, Al wants to take gang back in her helicopter, woman says it’s a bad idea, reclamation team will be there in less than 24 hours, they can’t be near the helicopter. Al walks off, woman says she has to destroy tape, will give interview. S5E03 J&J can’t get anyone on walkie, dust storm gets worse, get supplies, someone shoots, it’s Dwight, June traps hm, find he’s looking for his wife. John happy they found someone they can help. S5E03 John, June and Dwight fight infected, Dwight searches John’s car for note from wife Sherri, she leaves a message each time she moves, last one mentioned that car, but no note. June says they found the car abandoned, Dwight says he's done bad things, doesn’t deserve to find Sherri. John says he can’t give up. S5E03 Nighttime John checks the car VIN, tells Dwight it wasn’t the one that matched Sheri’s letter. Dwight leaves infinity signal for Sheri. John tells them he was Six Arm Sam, took part in Wild West theatrics. Morgan etc. arrive, Morgan recognizes Dwight, Dwight tries to apologise, Morgan says they’re all starting over. S5E03 Alicia gets kids on walkie again, Max says they’re going to the truck stop, group head off but see kid’s van at side of road with Dylan inside, covered in blood. S5E03 Kids string up more road blocks of infected, tell each other Dylan’s going to figure out what others are doing there. S5E04 Daniel at his factory, packs his cat, gets supplies, checks traps. Nighttime he tears October 12th off his calendar. S5E05 Al and woman camp at cliff top for the night. Woman says the place she’s from is bigger than any of them, only thing that matters, if someone finds the tape it makes what she’s working towards vulnerable, Al has to give it to her. If Al chooses the story then their deaths won’t amount to anything, there’ll be no one around to hear it. Drink beer. Woman wishes she’d met her before all this, or after. Al says everything is so ugly nowadays, this is nice.

S5.Day4=Fear.Day981 – October 13th (per calendar) 2012
Daniel checks outside. Charlie and Strand watch him, Charlie sneaks into his car, Daniel drives off. S5E04 At the truck stop Dylan has breakfast with group. J&J and Dwight search for Sherri. Alicia wants to search the woods, Dylan says he saw “them” when they first set up camp, not in woods, shows them on map. Morgan and Alicia go search. S5E04 Strand finds Daniel’s plane, parts missing. Note on plane says to try channel 8, Strand radios Daniel, he knew they would come for the plane, knows Charlie is in his car. Daniel says he’s going to save Charlie from Strand. S5E05 Woman tells Al they need to hurry. Al gets the tape, gives it to woman, woman sets it on fire. Woman says no one can know about the mission, tells Al to turn around. Al does, but says that for however long it takes her to pull the trigger, she knows she chose something other than the story, asks her to take The Boy tape to make sure he lives. Woman puts gun down, tells her not to try to find her, hopes she can get home. Says her name is Isabel, from Indiana, saw the prettiest thing she’s seen since the end of everything, kisses, they part. S5E04 Max and Annie see someone, Isabel, in black cutting another chain of infected down. S5E04 Charlie helps Daniel get supplies, Daniel impressed. Infected escape from a store, Daniel wants to lead them to his warehouse so he can kill them so they won’t kill others. S5E04 Alicia can’t find a camp at Dylan’s co-ordinates, suspicious. Morgan radios Luci, Dylan says he lied, faked the blood as they were scared, they need help. S5E04 Sarah tells Daniel they broke part of his fence to get the plane out, so can’t lead infected back. Daniel tells Charlie to take the parts back to Strand, he’ll look after the infected. S5E04 Charlie arrives with the parts, Strand walkies Daniel, Daniel upset Strand kept him from Ophelia, tells him to tell Charlie his story, he does. Charlie wants them to take Daniel with them. S5E04 Max and Annie try to escape infected, Alicia and Morgan save them. Lots of kids come out of the woods. S5E04 Wendell and Sarah reach Daniel in SWAT van, put the SWAT guns on the infected but guns don’t work, Strand arrives with the truck, turns rotors on plane, kills infected, breaks plane. S5E04 Kids say they can help, but can’t leave, the dead people at the camp were their parents. S5E04 Back at the warehouse Daniel tells Charlie what he wanted to tell Ophelia, that every day is another chance to do it right. Daniel says he has something to do, tells them to look after Skidmark. S5E04 Luci radios Strand, gets through, Strand says plane is dead. Dylan says they should fix their plane. S5E05 Isabel refuels the helicopter, takes off. Tells the radio she has the payload, they call off the reclamation team. S5E04 Kids take Morgan and Alicia to where they saw the men, they hear helicopter take off, with triple circle symbol. Kids say the camp people came in that. S5E05 Al walkies Morgan, he replies, find each other, she tells them she’s been hiding from the infected. Alicia asks about the helicopter, Al says she heard it.

S5.Day5=Fear.Day982 – October 14th 2012
At Truck Stop all try to fix the plane. S5E06 Morgan walkies Grace, she hears but doesn’t reply. Morgan makes himself a new stick. S5E06 Annie still wants the kids to stay behind, go back to how things were. Dwight and John go look for Sherri. S5E06 Engine works but propeller comes off, need new one. Grace walkies, asks if they have a generator, she needs it, will be meltdown, cooling the reactor will give them more time, need to get plane fixed asap. S5E06 Strand & Sarah look for propellers, Charlie sees Jim’s brewery flyer. S5E06 John finds letter from Sherri in a café, saying she’s switched to country roads. S5E06 Annie tells Alicia their adults weren’t careful on a scavenging run, the powerplant growlers followed them to camp, so adults sent children away to keep them safe. Waited but adults never came back, after three nights she checked adults had killed the growlers but were all sick from radiation. Made them stay away until they got better, but never got better. S5E06 Dwight finds Sherri’s latest car from VIN she left, John finds new letter in it, Sherri said she doesn’t want Dwight to kill himself looking for her, tells him to stop, it will be her last letter. John doesn’t tell Dwight. S5E06 Grace tells Morgan she has to go alone to the plant, fix her mistakes. S5E06 Strand and Charlie fly in the hot air balloon from Jim’s brewery. Alicia goes to tell the kids but they have left. Alicia goes to get them, Morgan warns them there’s not much time. Balloon runs out of fuel, have to bring it down in contaminated area. Morgan warns them not to get contaminated blood on them. S5E07 Alicia battles infected barricade to get to kids, Dylan finds her. S5E07 Charlie distracts infected so Strand can drag the propeller, make tented area from balloon to keep them away. S5E07 Annie not happy to see Alicia. Kids in wooden huts by river. Alicia says they can’t be there when the reactor blows. Annie says she can help them fix the barricades then go. S5E07 Al climbs cliff face to get aviation fuel. S5E07 Dwight tells John he can’t leave without Sherri. S5E07 Morgan finds protective clothing in house, saves Strand and Charlie. S5E07 Kids come back from woods followed by walkers, surround their complex. S5E07 Grace says they have 12-24 hours before reactor melts down, has to try to keep delaying it. S5E07 Dwight and John run out of fuel. John shows Dwight Sherri’s letter. S5E07 Alicia kills infected, gets contaminated blood on her, tells children to go get on plane, only way to save them. Alicia leads infected away. S5E07 Nighttime, Morgan helps Grace, persuades her to go with them. S5E07 Dwight decides to leave with group. S5E07 Morgan and Grace pick up Alicia on way back. Sirens at reactor go off.

S5.Day6=Fear.Day983 – October 15th 2012
Logan in Denim Factory, everything is trashed. A group of people say they’ve searched everywhere and it’s not here, so either he tells them where it is, or the next hole they dig will be for him. S5E08 Alicia tries to shower off the infected blood at Grace’s truck. Grace says the meltdown is more dangerous than what she has on her so they have to hurry. Strand et al. finish getting plane ready, others try to lead infected away from runway. S5E08 Alicia upset she only led infected away, but just couldn’t kill any more of them, Morgan says she should practice stick with him, calm herself. Containment structure at plant explodes, Grace crashes car, they have to walk. S5E08 Sarah goes to Logan at the factory. Logan says he’s leaving, only came to look for something, it wasn’t there so he’s moving on. Sarah tells him he owes her, she needs lights to light up runway for when others get back, want to use his lights. Logan says no. S5E08 John and Dwight’s car breaks 15 miles out, fuel’s gone bad with age. S5E08 Smoke from reactors blows towards the plane. S5E08 Daniel reaches Sarah and Wendell, brought some lights for runway. S5E08 Plane needs to take off, infected close, Morgan et al run for the plane, John and Dwight arrive, plane starts, infected caught in netting, smoke close, take off just in time. S5E08 Getting dark on plane, Grace breaks off contaminated part of Morgan’s original stick for him. John proposes to June. S5E08 Sarah and Daniel string up party lights on runway. Plane sees lights. Infected approach Wendell, who’s manning the generator for the lights. Infected trips over light cable, lights go out. Wendell crawls back to generator to turn it on just in time. Safe landing. Beers. S5E08 Someone on radio asks if it was their plane, didn’t think they were for real, saw their plane, knows it is now. Logan arrives, has proposition, no one can get around on roads because of tornado and wear and tear, Clayton saw it coming, gasoline is going bad, but Clayton wrote the location of fuel in his journal, he looked for journal at the factory but it wasn’t there, thinks they have it. If they give it to him, he’ll take them there are they can share it. Says his convoy would kill him if they knew he was there, but he has things to make up for, and they need fuel to help people. Help him before the others beat them to it.



Thursday, August 27, 2020 - 6:49 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
There's a gap between FearTWD parts A & B. The only marker I have for a timeline is when Sarah says that they've been filling up the oil tanker from the oil feeds every couple of weeks. For her to say it like that they have to have done it more than a couple of times, so I set the gap to be six weeks.

FEAR TWD timeline for season 5B

S5E13 BEFORE (fits in part way through S4, when Sarah and Wendell take Clayton's truck) Woman, Serena, radios saying she’s at a truck stop. Logan asks how he can help, tells her not to worry, Polar Bear is on his way, no reply from Polar Bear, he goes instead. Logan runs out of gas, runs to her location, too late, she screams. Logan cries. Some people on horse come by. Virginia asks if he’s the man who wanted to help that woman, wants to help. Been watching him, wants the same thing he does only bigger and better.

S5.Day7-54=Fear.Days984-1031 – October 15th – December 1st 2012 ???? six weeks later?
Group film themselves as advert for their services. Been helping people since the plane landed. Picked up more trucks so they could cover more ground, been filling up a tanker from the oil feeds every couple of weeks, protecting it with the SWAT truck. Logan just wanted the gas for himself, so they left him behind. Dwight still looks for Sherri. Alicia practices stick with Morgan, doesn’t kill anymore. Set up caravan of trucks in circle for safety, left the Denim Mill so could reach more people. Grace always worried she has symptoms from the radiation, listens to audiobooks. Rescued Tess and son from their ranch with landmines after husband didn’t come back from run. Keep finding trees with messages painted on them, Alicia wants to find the painter.

S5.Day55=Fear.Days1032 – December 2nd 2012
Man called Wes watches group’s tape on a tv, takes the walkie they set to Ch4. Takes the fuel from their generator to fill his motorbike. Two cars pull up, Logan and crew. Tell him he took their gas, take all his stuff. Ask where oil feeds are, Wes doesn’t know, not with the people on the tape. They shoot up his bike, tell him to call the people on the tape, when they pick him up tell them they are making enemies. Gang leave. S5E10 Someone calls group on Ch4, Chuck, needs them to kill him, he got bitten, he’s in a mall security office in a red jacket, says mall has everything they need. Dwight, Morgan, Grace go investigate. Chuck not in security office, left some audiobooks for Grace. Grace dizzy, faints. Lots of infected on lower level. S5E10 Grace comes to, says it might be the radiation or something else. Worried about baddies overhearing them on walkie, Morgan tells Dwight to get back to the convoy, send kids north, bring trucks so they can load up. Dwight wants to know if they’re going to live their lives looking over their shoulders, Morgan says they’re doing right, hopes Logan and his people see that. Dwight walkies Daniel his directions. Grace says every time she feels ill she wonders if it’s the beginning of the end, wants to go to Urgent Care clinic on lower level to see if they have test equipment. Need to get past all the infected. S5E10 On road, Dwight stops to pee, someone pulls gun on hm, Dwight tells him he hoped he was followed, man knocks him out. S5E10 Morgan uses radio controlled cars to lead infected away. Grace makes noise, infected turn back, M&G run into a store, bond. S5E10 Dwight tied in back of truck. Tells man he’s sure his group started off with good intentions, but he should ask himself whether they’re just a-holes. S5E10 Nighttime man knows Dwight’s name, opens Dwight’s bag of Sherri stuff, starts burning letters. Dwight overpowers him, doesn’t kill him, takes his truck. S5E10 Grace and Morgan see Chuck outside on cameras, still alive, wanted to see the stars. Stay with him until he dies.

S5.Day56=Fear.Days1033 – December 3rd 2012
Grace and Morgan bury Chuck, kill infected, Grace decides not to take any tests, just live while she can. S5E10 Dwight leads convoy to the mall. Tess suggest trying the ranch they saw along the road. Pack up supplies. Daniel cuts Dwight’s hair. Morgan says he’s not going with them, Al’s out there on her own and he should be back up for her, says goodbye to Grace. Grace cries. Morgan drives off, cries. S5E11 Alicia at a painted “if you’re reading this you’re still here” tree. Can’t kill infected, Strand has to. Running low on fuel, need to get back to convoy. Wes on walkie, they reach him and broken bike. S5E11 Al and Morgan go to a safe in a bank, lock Al’s tapes in there. S5E11 Wes takes them to police building, goes inside, stranger runs out, Wes shoots him but he takes their truck, knocks down fence. Shoot them with cannisters, tear gas affects Strand. Not Wes’ home, just came to get his stuff back from that guy. Exits blocked by infected. Alicia radios Morgan, wants him to help the guy who ran off. S5E11 Morgan and Al’s road is blocked by Logan and his rig. Logan says if they want to help the guy have to tell him where the oil feeds are, he’s got all day, but man’s probably bleeding out. Morgan asks why they need gas, might be able to help them without it. Logan says it’s going to help people, bigger than what they’re doing. Morgan says they’ll find another route. S5E11 Wes thinks man took something of his. Tells Alicia he shot the guy because that’s just the way things are now. Alicia says it doesn’t have to be like that. Wes helps them escape. Find guy, walking as if infected, Wes approaches him, it’s a ruse, tries to kill Wes, Wes stabs him. Gets his manuscript back, man just wanted to finish reading it, it was good stuff. Wes upset Alicia made him care, shouldn’t have radioed them, people are people, walks off, leaves manuscript, says man died for it, he can keep it. Alicia et al bury the man, Alicia reads manuscript, realizes Wes painted the trees. Starts painting her own, “no one’s gone until they’re gone,” kills an infected. Al says she can help Morgan remember his wife and son by telling her their stories. S5E11 Nighttime, Logan breaks into the bank, can’t find Clayton’s journal, tells crew to watch Al’s tapes, someone must have slipped up and revealed something. S5E12 Rabbi Jacob Kessner gives service to empty room, outside sees infected attacking car, Charlie is inside. Says she saw the light, he said it’s the flame of truth, it led her there. S5E12 Convoy moves to field for the night, sets up fencing.

S5.Day57=Fear.Days1034 – December 4th 2012
At camp, all tired from constant moving. Someone’s missing from headcount. S5E12 Charlie wakes up in the synagogue, tells Rabbi she got separated from her group. His lamp begins to dim, has to find batteries before it dies, Charlie walkies June, says she ran away to find somewhere to settle down, thinks she might have found somewhere, come see, bring car batteries. Alone outside, Rabbi goes to hall full of infected, blocks the hole they were getting out of, prays. S5E12 June and John arrive, fix his lamp. June says place isn’t big enough for them, no water source, Charlie upset, wants a fixed base. S5E12 Dwight and Sarah on lookout duty, see Logan’s guys approach camp, Sarah calls June to get SWAT van back to protect convoy. S5E12 Lots of infected appear, from Rabbi’s congregation, synagogue surrounded. Rabbi says one day he went for supplies, came back and found them like this. John and June leave via roof to tops of cars, get trapped. S5E12 Oil tanker tries to get ahead of Logan’s gang. S5E12 Charlie upset, doesn’t want to give up the synagogue, God led her there. Rabbi says he doesn’t believe in God, actually ran off and left his parishioners behind, gave up running then came back and they were all locked in the hall, turned. He couldn’t let go, she mustn’t do the same. He plays horn, leads infected away from J&J, into the synagogue. Lock them in, all escape, leave in SWAT van. S5E12 Oil tanker runs out of gas. Surrounded by Logan’s people, SWAT truck appears and saves the day. S5E13 At the oil feeds, Dylan and Max help at the oil pump. Luci and Wendell help organise. Tanker hasn’t refilled lately so running out of places to store oil. Hear truck approaching. S5E12 Logan calls his guys, they tell him SWAT van now as far away from them as possible, Logan pulls up at Lonesome Quarry, site of the oil feeds. S5E13 Logan’s trucks burst in. S5E13 Alicia and Strand still out painting trees. Woman calls needing help, Alicia calls J&J, J&J on way to oil field. No word from Morgan and Al nor Grace and Daniel. S5E13 Logan rounds up the oil field group. Says he watched the outtakes from the movies, should have watched where they pointed the camera, burns Clayton’s journal. Says he’s helping people, just not their way. Wants to know how to make the gas. Luci won’t tell. S5E13 Sarah and Dwight block road, capture Logan’s guys, take their truck to fool Logan. S5E13 Logan’s men keeps heating the oil tank (to get gas) but it’s too windy, Luci says they must put fire out. Sarah and Dwight drive in, pull guns. From distance John shoots an infected as a warning. Logan says he knows they wouldn’t kill him, are bluffing. Sarah says he needs to listen to stop now before he can’t undo it, else will regret it every day. Logan will let kids go if Sarah and Dwight get to work. Sarah sends kids to the rendezvous. S5E13 Tank fire gets worse, Luci says fire will draw infected. Logan tells them he once got a call, Clayton was unreachable, so he didn’t get there on time, all because they stole Clayton’s rig. Nothing they can do will make up for that. S5E13 Alicia and Strand drive to woman, engine breaks. S5E13 Infected attracted by fire, fall into the quarry. S5E13 Dark now, they try to kill infected, need to stop the tank fire but it’s burning too hot. Our gang run to tanker. Logan won’t let his people leave. Sarah feels guilty, runs to get Logan. S5E13 Alicia and Strand run to woman. S5E13 Sarah gets Logan into shed. Sarah hears woman who called Alicia on radio, Logan asks her if sunscreen ad on wall, remembers it as the place from where he tried to save the woman before. Logan rants about giving her hope, tells woman she’s on her own, should kill herself, infected walk in, Logan hears a gunshot, then more, Wes saves her. Sarah tells Logan they help people.

S5.Day58=Fear.Days1035 – December 5th 2012
First light Alicia and Strand get to the woman and Wes. Woman says they have to leave soon, they’ll find her, was with a group but couldn’t be with them any more. S5E13 Group clean up at the quarry. Logan’s team pull guns again, Logan tells them to put the guns down, stuff happens and you question things. Clayton never did. People on horseback shoot from the quarry edge, kill Logan and his team. RIP Logan. Woman says she’s Virginia, said she had to kill them, couldn’t be trusted. They’ve been watching their group, like what they’re doing, think they can help each other but they think too small. Her group are pioneers, settling everywhere, doing it better than them. Might be ruthless and unkind but there will be people in 100 years to look back. They can help Dwight find his wife. Find J&J homes. Had a deal with Logan to expand, but if they keep the oil feeds going they can be part of it. Group say they’ll take their chances on their own. Virginia says then they’re not essential, pulls guns on them. Luci says she will stay and help them make gas, rest can go. Virginia says that sounds like a deal, others can come back if they change their mind. Our gang leave, Luci stays behind. S5E14 Al thinks she and Morgan should get back to convoy, been out of range for a couple of days, need gas. At truck realise someone took a can of gas, find man filling his car. People ride up on horseback, man says they found him, all hide in car. Horsepeople search, don’t find. Morgan says they can help him, man says that’s what horsepeople said. S5E14 Grace tries to take solar panels from a building roof. Daniel searches for records. Grace hears on walkie that they lost the oil feeds. S5E14 Morgan’s man says he’s Todd from Paradise Ridge, condo complex with a few dozen people, most of them lived there before. Building had security, garden, pool for water. Things started to go bad, ready to split then horsepeople showed up, offered to help, get them food, clean their water. They blamed him for the trouble his group were in, said they were building towards a better future, tried to kill him. Sister Janice still in there, they’ll kill her if he doesn’t get them out. Al says they’ll get her out. S5E14 At Paradise Ridge horsepeople guard the gate, Al and Morgan track their movements. Al says she can get in and out, trust her, he’s not the only one who needs something in there. S5E14 Nighttime Al attracts infected so people will open the gate to kill them. S5E14 Grace and Daniel’s truck of supplies breaks down. Walk on foot towards nearby houses. Daniel takes records and Skidmark. S5E14 At Paradise Ridge someone opens gate to kill infected, Morgan and Al sneak inside. Truck arrives with more people and their oil tanker. Morgan says if something’s happened to the convoy it’s his fault. Al says she heard the “bigger, better, building towards the future” stuff before from someone (Isabel) whose organization might be working with these people. Never thought she’d seem them again. Al goes look for them, Morgan goes to the oil tanker. S5E14 Daniel, Grace, Skidmark reminisce. Infected come, knock over his records, they rush off. S5E14 Janice not in her condo. Al finds plans, journals. Infected pushes Al into pool, Morgan jumps in to save her, lights come on, Virginia greets them.

S5.Day59=Fear.Days1036 – December 6th 2012
Virginia uses Grace’s equipment to make her own tapes on how they get from today to tomorrow. Says every settlement they get to, good people needing help. Building the future every day. Call them on Ch5. S5E14 Morgan and Al in room, Virginia gives them jam. Says folks call her Ginny. Saw their tapes. Morgan asks where Janice is, V says she must have run off. They’re trying to preserve the place like them, just have different methods. Morgan says they kill, we don’t. V says it’s always messy, but they would help them too if they let them. They have settlements, Al asks if they have helicopters, they don’t. V lets them go, says door’s always open to them. Gives Morgan his stick back with the end extended with new wood. Says this is the future, they’ll see it unless they die out there, but people tend to do that. S5E14 Daniel and Grace get breakfast in house. Daniel sad about losing his records, got them for Charlie. Says Charlie changed everything for him, asks Grace to keep an eye on Charlie and Skidmark, if something happens. Grace says she will find someone else to keep an eye on them after she goes. Says thought she could help Morgan, tried, Daniel says she helped him, he caught him smiling in the mall. See a guitar, play, say they can teach Charlie. S5E14 Al and Morgan with Tom, Morgan asks Al if she cares about the person she was looking for, Al says yes, and cares about where she was from, what they were doing. But Virginia wasn’t part of that. Morgan says Virginia was holding on to the past, was doing the same, thinks he good now. Morgan walkies Grace, needs to talk. Daniel replies, Grace is ill. She says she thinks what she worried about is happening, hopes to see his smile again, thinks not much time left.

S5.Day60-64=Fear.Days1037-1041 – December 7th-11th 2012
Group find Virginia’s tape, record their own new tape. S5E15 Grace gets IV. June thinks it might not be the radiation, needs to find medical journals. Morgan didn’t tell Grace what he wanted to say. Tom finds Janice. Alicia paints trees with Wes. Grace teaches Charlie guitar. Grace just wants to reach their home. S5E15 June says she’s been driving for five days now, scouting for places to settle. Tough. Only one tanker of gas, will find home. Not easy. Say they will help, not lie and leave things out like Virginia. Going to get Luci back. Not a fake documentary like Virginia’s. Tom tells tape everybody is useful. S5E15 Only fifty miles of gas left, group think there’s nowhere left to check. Find a walker with a Sheriff’s badge from a wild west Gulch on it, John thinks it would be ideal for them, designed to operate using old techniques, not electric, it’s 50 miles East.

S5.Day65=Fear.Days1042 – December 12th 2012
Grace faints again, needs fluids, June says they need to get moving. Convoy leaves. Morgan remembers retirement community, might have medical supplies, Sarah says they can detour via there. Find IV bags, Grace improves. S5E15 All leave, Sarah takes a detour to get back on track, but bridge has hole. Got the SWAT truck and some cars through, but not oil tanker. Weight of them all pings a few of the bridge wires, try to get people across on foot. Virginia arrives in jeep. Says they’ve been watching the convoy, they might have got where they were going but had to stop to help a woman who’s dying. Will all end up dying unless they ask for her help. Strand asks what she wants, V says they’re in the middle of an expansion, would see how they could each help. V says one of their people met Sherri a few months back. Says future is with her, if anyone wants to come with her they’re welcome. Morgan says anyone can go if they want to, no one does. V’s team fire guns to attract infected, says when they need help, give her a holler, drive off. S5E15 All rush over bridge, take what they can. Try to patch bridge, kill infected, too many, patch not ready, have to leave without tanker. Tom gets hit by falling part of bridge, dies. RIP Tom. All leave in the trucks they did get across. S5E15 10-15 miles from The Gulch, run out of gas. Grace upset Tom died for her detour. Bury Tom. Janice wants ceremony when they get to their home, Tom wanted them to finish it. All head off on foot. S5E15 Long walk. See sign for Humbug’s Gulch. Morgan tries to talk to Grace, she says don’t, it will only make things harder. See Gulch from a ridge, but it’s full of infected, locked inside the gates. All dejected. Strand says they can eat tonight, live for tomorrow. Al says it’s the end of the story, have to call Virginia. Dwight says if they do that no going back, walks off. Morgan radios Virginia for help. S5E16 Dwight runs, thinks he hears his wife on the walkie. At the Swat truck he finds loose horses. S5E16 Virginia is smug at Morgan, says she tried to help the people at Humbug Gulch but their leader wasn’t interested. Morgan says if they help him clear it out they can all live there together. V says no she’ll just take them and place them where they’re needed, she’ll be there by the end of the day. S5E16 Grace tells Morgan Virginia won’t take her with her, only cares about the future and she’s sick. Dwight appears with the horses. He says if the horses are alive there must be water nearby, and they don’t need Virginia. Alicia thinks they can clear the place, they take most people away for safety then pied piper the infected away by horse towards Virginia’s camp. S5E16 Rest of main group clear out the Gulch of stragglers. S5E16 Morgan and Grace on same horse. Dwight predicts direction where Virginia will come from, hide the infected in a field until needed. S5E16 Alicia and others look in the main hall, find Virginia’s insignias there, she’s been there before despite saying she hadn’t. S5E16 Strand and Daniel scout for Virginia’s people, they arrive. Horse team try to guide the infected back. Virginia brought Luciana with them, have to change their plans. Strand says he’s going to handle it, rides towards V on a horse. S5E16 Dwight gets tipped off his horse, has to run, infected follow him to a river bank, John leads infected into the water, infected wash away. S5E16 All go back to the Gulch except Strand. Al says they found out the people at the Gulch fought with Virginia, she didn’t just let them die. Al says if they fight her they’ll die too. Morgan says V can separate them but can’t make them forget who they are. They have a little time left to live like they intended. Alicia and Wes paint the big shed for June and John’s wedding. Dwight gives them his wedding rings, he won’t need them, if he finds Sherri he’ll make a fresh start. Rabbi marries them. S5E16 Cars roll up outside. Morgan says they must take all of them, give them the healthcare they need. All of them or none, they’re priceless value together, anything else is a problem, and they’ll both lose. V says ok. S5E16 By nighttime they’re all packed up, most taken away in the truck. V wants Al to tell her everything about the helicopter. Strand tells Alicia he’s trying to curry favour with V, work from the inside. All split in different cars. Morgan and Grace last to leave, he tells her he felt something for her, scared what it means, needs her to know, she says she felt it too. V gives Grace to a doctor. V tells Morgan he gets to stay at the Gulch, pulls gun, he sticks it away but shot in the shoulder. She gets a gun, he crawls back to the shed, she shoots him in the face but it’s a stunt gun. Doc on radio says Grace isn’t sick, she’s pregnant, three or four months. Morgan tells V she’d have let her die, she was wrong. V drives off, leaves Morgan bleeding with infected coming. He tells the walkie they fought for the future, tells Grace, if she’s listening, to live. Infected reach him.



Friday, August 28, 2020 - 2:19 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Season 10 timeline coming over next week or so. Here's the first half. We go from end of Season4 with the winter when The Kingdom had to give up their homes and move to Hilltop, to when Carol couldn't stop chasing Alpha and led a group down into the Whisperers' caves. And unfortunately in the middle of all that Dante kills my Siddiq.

As always times are just an estimate, to make it easier to visualise how time is passing. They might all be shifted a little from "reality."

TWD timeline for Season 10A

March 25th 2020 Coco born (off camera)

S10.Day0=S9.Day2640=Day3759 - June 9th 2020
Whisperer Beta wants to bring the pack back, concerned strangers’ fear of them will subside. S10E02 Beta and Whisperers try to assemble a herd. Whisperer Frances distracted, flashes back to when Alpha made her leave her baby at Hilltop, cries, walkers attack, Beta saves her but says she will pay. S10E02 Beta tells Alpha Frances is a threat to the camp, Alpha says he wouldn’t know what it’s like to abandon a child. S10E02 Alpha comforts Frances in the Deeper Place, Frances says she’s sorry. Beta is mad Alpha didn’t kill her, she unsettles the group, reminds them of the life the others lead, is concerned Alpha is not content, she keeps wandering off. S10E02 Nighttime Frances tells sister she’s glad she left the baby, says Alpha told her when she watched Lydia die she didn’t shed a tear.

S10.Day1= S9.Day2626=Day3745 - June 10th 2020, baby Coco in 3rd month
A satellite plummets towards Earth. Militia train at Oceanside. Luke flirts with Jules. Kids find a Whisperer mask washed up on the shore. Aaron radios Gabriel about the mask, wants to go on lockdown, Mich says just go on alert, don’t start panic. S10E01 Eugene helps Rosita with 2-3 mo old baby Coco. Lydia learns to read. Gabe tells them about Aaron’s call, assembles the council. Negan picks veg under supervision. Siddiq has flashbacks of Alpha and the fight, new doc Dante says docs are like gods now. S10E01 Aaron wants to check for signs the Whisperers are back, six go on horses. S10E01 Oceanside pull in fishing nets. Kelly’s hearing is getting worse, is worried what will happen to Connie when she can’t interpret. Daryl is learning sign. Carol arrives on a trawler, is awkward with Ezekiel, hugs Daryl. Carol liked it at sea, sailed down to where Maggie last left a message. Daryl tells her they found a mask, takes her on motorbike ride. S10E01 Aaron crosses a bridge to kill walkers, Mich annoyed at him for crossing Whisperer border for no reason, Aaron sick of being nice, Mich says it’s about people not dying. Miko and Magna find rotting corpse and a Whisperer skin on their side of the border. S10E01 Evening, Daryl wants Carol to stop going out to sea, Carol says he could go with them, joke about going on a road trip. S10E01 Gabe locks Negan back in his cell, Negan says yesterday he was public enemy number 1, now there’s a bigger villain and he’ll be one of the good guys. S10E01 Gabe tells Alex’a to double up on security. S10E01 Back at Oceanside, Mich concerned not to spread fear, Judith reads RJ a fairy tale about Rick. S10E02 Whisperer group walk with the walkers, merge two herds. S10E01 All hear a loud explosion from above, satellite crashes into the woods. Eugene radios Oceanside, says it’s of grave importance, has instructions. S10E02 Beta tells Whisperers not to break, walkers unsettled, Frances sees walker with baby carrier, screams, attacks Alpha, her sister runs and pulls Frances off to save Alpha, Frances is eaten by walkers. S10E02 At Whisperer Camp Alpha asks Frances’ sister’s if she regrets what she did, sister says F was an uncommitted, she had to protect Alpha. Alpha says her purity will never be forgotten. S10E02 Nighttime, Alpha anoints Frances’ sister as Gamma. S10E01 Woods burn from the satellite crash, flames on Whisperer side but group have to put it out to stop it spreading.

Morning, still fighting fire, Alexandrians arrive to help. Later, fire eventually put out, Eugene persuades Mich to give them time to salvage satellite parts. S10E02 Gamma asks Beta if he’s annoyed at her, he says he feels nothing. Beta goes to old camp to find Alpha, finds her with Lydia’s bunny. Beta says he knows Lydia’s not dead, Alpha wants her back, can’t replace her with Gamma. Alpha says Lydia is her baby, couldn’t kill her, mustn’t tell others, Beta says he won’t. S10E02 Beta tells Alpha he saw smoke by the border, Alpha says the enemy have crossed, will teach them a lesson. Both chant “we walk in darkness, we are free; we bathe in blood, we are free; we love nothing, we are free; we fear nothing, we are free; we need no words, we are free; we embrace all death, we are free; this is the end of the world, now is the end of the world, we are the end of the world.” S10E01 Carol and Daryl walk out to where the Whisperers were holding their walker herd, it’s now empty, Daryl tells Carol he needs her to stay. Alpha walks into a clearing, sees Carol watching her from above.

Waves of walkers keep coming towards Alex’a, all work to stop them. Carol relies on pills. Everyone exhausted.

More walkers come towards Alex’a, a whisperer appears, tells them “North Border now,” Michonne tells her to call off the walkers, whisperer says it isn’t them, go to border, lay down their weapons and wait for her. Meeting inside Alex’a, ask Lydia if it’s her mother doing this, Lydia says they crossed the Whispers’ border, have to answer for that, but the walkers aren’t her mother’s, she’d have sent the whole herd. Mich and Daryl say 10s of 1000s of walkers in Alpha’s herd, no plan to deal that, have to talk to her. Mich sends Gabriel and group to guard north gate, Aaron, Negan and group to guard the south side, and Mich, Carol, Daryl and few will go to the border. S10E03 Nighttime, Daryl etc. meet the Whisperers at the border pikes. Alpha says there was one law, that they stay where they are, they disobeyed. Daryl says fire would have destroyed them if they didn’t put it out. Alpha doesn’t care, says they crossed three times, in the winter, for the fire, and the man with the metal arm, so they have to be punished. But she considers context, will be no bloodshed this time, she will just take part of their land and set a new border. Carol says it’s bs, Mich stops her, Alpha says Carol must lower her eyes to her feet, says Carol’s boy screamed her name before they took his head, Carol shoots gun, misses. Michonne apologises, they have not slept. Alpha forgives her, mother to mother, but says they better run. S10E03 Later Michonne and group make camp, Carol sees whisperers. S10E03 Negan kills walkers with crowbar, Negan says he puts his neck on the block for them, Aaron says Negan doesn’t care about them, if he did he’d have left, that’s what everyone wanted. Walkers attack Aaron from behind, something gets in his eyes, Negan runs off. S10E03 Carol takes more pills, Mich can’t find the whisperers, Carol is sure she saw them, says the pills are just like coffee. Group move on, find a school building to sleep in, Carol hallucinates, takes first watch, Daryl sees her take more pills. S10E03 Aaron kills walkers but can’t see clearly, stumbles upon a building, finds Negan inside. S10E03 Carol hallucinates Daryl talking about his father. S10E03 Walkers attack Aaron, Negan saves him. Negan says walkers had hogweed on them, Aaron must rinse out his eyes and he should see again. S10E03 Carol hallucinates Henry, Daryl is concerned. Carol thinks she saw movement outside, follows a whisperer into a gym, gets leg caught in a trap, pulled upside down. Sees a whisperer stare at her, walkers enter, she fights them, cuts herself down. Others find her, take her home. S10E03 Siddiq hallucinates so Dr Dante has to treat Carol’s wounds.

Aaron can see, makes way home with Negan. At Alex’a, Eugene is concerned about Coco losing Rosita, he has to protect her, Rosita says Eugene is not Coco’s father. Eugene says he hadn’t listened, thought one day there might be something special, but moment of clarity, their friendship is premised on his mistaken belief that things might change, leaves the room. S10E03 Siddiq tired, Dante brings alcohol, tells him in Iraq there was a guy who never broke until he did, he lost his squad and blamed himself, came back with shakes and flashbacks, and it was him. S10E03 Carol says Mich shouldn’t have stopped her going after the Whisperers, says Mich doesn’t believe she saw the whisperer, Mich says she was the only one who saw them. Outside Carol asks Daryl if he believes her, he says he does. S10E03 Outside the school building, a stabbed whisperer turns walker. S10E04 Nighttime, tree falls onto Hilltop Chapel, Connie suspicious Whisperers are behind it. Nine injured, roof collapsed, Magna takes control.

Aaron gives self defense classes at Alex’a. Some shout abuse at Lydia. Mich, Eugene, Judith, others take cart to Hilltop. Judith is concerned Whisperers just trying to wear them out. S10E04 Mich sees Ezekiel alone on a horse, follows him, others continue on. M finds Ezekiel standing at a cliff edge over the river, tells him to step back, he won’t, both hug, Ezekiel kisses her, says he’s sorry, maybe in another universe. S10E04 At Alex’a, Lydia tells Negan Gage was mean to her again, Negan says they want to see her upset, don’t give them that. Daryl takes Lydia away, tells her Negan isn’t her friend. Someone has graffitied “Silence the Whisperers” on her door. S10E04 Ezekiel tells Mich he lost his Kingdom, failed. Lost Benjamin, Shiva, Henry, Kingdom, now Hilltop, Carol. Mich says she’s been where he is, long time ago, told herself she was going to let walkers take her, but next thing she knew her sword had chopped off its head. It feels like a mask until it doesn’t. Then just like that you lose it all over again, harder the second time around. Says now it’s all on you, just you, Ezekiel says “and yet I smile.” S10E04 Nighttime, Lydia gets surrounded by Gage, Margo, others, they beat her, Negan saves her but kills Margo by mistake. All group around, take Negan away, Siddiq starts hallucinating, runs off. Dante bandages up Lydia, Lydia tells Daryl she misses her dad, he would have protected her. Tells Daryl that Negan saved her. S10E04 Daryl goes to Negan’s cell, tells him Lydia is ok, but others want to kill him now Rick isn’t around to save him. Negan says it was an accident, but they’re better off without a woman who beats up kids. Daryl asks why Negan helped, N says he’s a sucker, started believing in their moral code, did the right thing. S10E04 Daryl tells Carol he believes Negan. Carol says it’s a distraction, tree through wall at Hilltop, Alex’a was attacked, says their enemy is out there. Daryl says it won’t matter what Alpha does if they can’t fix what’s going on inside. S10E04 At Hilltop, group kills walkers outside the walls but too many, walls collapse, Mich, Ezekiel etc. arrive to help. S10E04 After, Mich radios Daryl to tell them what happened, Mich says Daryl must protect Lydia, tells him Alpha won’t attack if they have Lydia, if they think she isn’t safe then Alex’a isn’t safe. At Alex’a the Council meet, Gabe says if they didn’t kill Negan before, they can’t kill him over this. D says he has Mich’s vote and he’s a no, which is a tie, Gabe says he will sleep before his decision. S10E08 Dante writes graffiti around Alex’a.

Oceanside saw Whisperers, worried they will attack. Mich goes to Oceanside with Luke, Scott. Eugene wants to stay at Hilltop and manufacture new wall. Magna and Miko argue. S10E14 Carol goes to Negan’s cell, says he needs to redeem himself, kill Alpha for them. S10E04 Gabe goes to speak to Negan but he’s escaped. Lydia says she did it, so gets locked in cell. Daryl knows she didn’t do it, he kept watch on her house last night and she never left, she says it doesn’t matter, says Alpha told her his people just put on polite masks, then when things get hard they pick a target. D tells her she doesn’t belong in a cage, she says she feels safe there. S10E04 Daryl washes the graffiti off the door, but same message is on a roof top. S10E05 Kelly wanders in the woods, ears keep whistling, she kills boar, walkers sneak up on her, Kelly runs, falls and hits head, walkers approach. S10E05 Negan in the woods, Brandon from Alex’a finds him, was a Savior, hero worships him, gives Negan a new Lucille using baseball bat from his bag, gives him leather jacket he found. S10E05 Hilltop clear walkers from outside the walls but they keep coming. Cart of fish was stolen from store over night. Kelly isn’t with her team, she went off tracking someone, Connie concerned. S10E05 Aaron is in the woods, sees Whisperer Gamma contaminate the stream with walker guts. S10E08 Dante switches water pump at Alex’a to give people tainted water. S10E05 Connie and Daryl search in woods for Kelly, find dead boar. Magna catches up with them. S10E05 Hilltop find medical supplies have been stolen too. Ezekiel keeps coughing, Siddiq concerned, Ezekiel says he knows what it is, his grandmother and brother had thyroid cancer, reveals huge lump on neck. 98% survival rate in before times, now they know what it means. Siddiq admits he’s been struggling since the barn, can’t stop thinking about it, but can talk about it. S10E05 Negan and Brandon hear woman scream, save her and her son in bus, they’ve been surviving for year. Brandon asks Negan if they should follow them and steal their stash. Negan says it’s time for Brandon to leave. Negan talks to the son, says he will get him to a safe place, just mustn’t tell them who took him there. S10E05 Gamma arrives back at the stream, cuts her hand, Aaron throws her a bandage, says he’s Aaron, she walks off. S10E05 Daryl finds Kelly, her eyes roll back, Daryl says she won’t make it to Hilltop, Magna says she can help, takes them to her stash of recently stolen Hilltop supplies. Daryl mad, Connie says they will pretend they just found it. S10E05 Negan gets logs for fire, Brandon killed woman and boy, says he realizes Negan was testing him. Negan kills Brandon, takes new Lucille and leaves. S10E05 Daryl etc. get back to Hilltop with supplies Magna stole. S10E05 Siddiq radios Dante, Rosita is ill, Siddiq says he will return tonight. S10E05 Miko and Magna argue. Miko was Magna’s lawyer when she was in prison, Magna admits to killing the man who hurt her cousin. S10E05 Gamma shows Alpha her bandaged hand, said the man with the metal arm gave it to her. Alpha said he might be useful. S10E05 Nighttime, Siddiq gets ready to leave Hilltop, Daryl to go too. Connie sorry she asked him to lie about Magna and the stash, he understands what you do for family, Connie says he is her family too. S10E05 Negan crosses the Whisperer border, calls for walkers and kills them with new-Lucille, one walker is Beta.

Carol heads out, tells Daryl she’s going to sweep for Negan, he joins her. She stops at field, tells Daryl she’s going to find the herd and destroy it. Says she’s been tracking walkers along the border, and all connect through this field, wants to see where they go. S10E06 Lots of people have a stomach bug at the clinic. S10E06 Negan is blindfolded by the Whisperers, tells Beta he’s been locked up by their enemy for eight years and if they take him to their leader he’ll spill every secret he knows. S10E06 At Hilltop, Nabila gives Eugene electronics supplies in the loft, he wants to increase range of the radio. Rosita chats from Alex’a, radio sparks. S10E06 Daryl and Carol see Whisperers enter the field, herd walkers into the woods. S10E06 Alpha and Beta discuss Negan, Beta says he can’t be trusted, Alpha says to test him, will kill him if unworthy. Beta disagrees, Alpha asks if it’s time Beta becomes Alpha, Beta kneels and says never. S10E06 Larger group of walkers in the field, Whisperers lead them in circles. Carol wants to cross the border to track them, Daryl concerned she wants to start something with Alpha, have to be smart or everyone will pay for it, Carol said they’ve already paid. Start to track herd. S10E06 Beta tells Negan to dig a big hole, Beta cuts walker skins, puts roast pig into Negan’s pit. S10E06 Siddiq takes sick Rosita to the infirmary, lots ill, Siddiq tells Dante to start crushing herbs. S10E06 Evening, Daryl and Carol cross border, accidentally make noise, Walkers come, Daryl hears Whisperers say “keep looking.” S10E06 Eugene hears someone on the radio, chats, asks where the woman is, woman says she’s not comfortable sharing that yet. S10E06 At Alex’a Cheryl is very ill, Rosita very ill, Siddiq rocks baby Coco to sleep, falls asleep imagining clicking sound, hallucinates and ends up holding baby while up on the wind tower. S10E06 Negan and Beta walk with walkers, Negan says he wants to get along with them, Beta says he’s too loud, too weak to be one of them, Alpha will see it. Beta attracts walkers, leaves Negan to fend for himself. S10E06 Carol catches a Whisperer.

Eugene chats with the woman until dawn, she doesn’t want to talk specifics, he tells her he’s Eugene, wants to talk more, she says not to tell anyone else yet. S10E06 Alpha and Beta see walkers approach, think Negan is one of them, but he appears unscathed, introduces himself to Alpha, kneels at her feet, says he’s all in with whatever she wants, she says “shhhh.” S10E07 Siddiq hallucinates, gets well water, hallucinates more, helps the sick, hallucinates hands holding him back. S10E07 Daryl and Carol arrive back, Daryl kicks Lydia out of the cell, puts the Whisperer in it. Lydia tells Daryl the Whisperer is the one who catches the guardians. Gabriel mad, says they’ve put them at risk. S10E07 Carol gives Lydia ointment for her bruises, Lydia says she won’t betray her mother, hates Whisperers but knows them too. Carol says she has to choose a side, Lydia says her mother uses people, makes them think they want what she wants, if Whisperers could see what they have here it would be dangerous, the idea what spread. S10E07 Siddiq recognizes whisperer from the barn, hallucinates Alpha beheading his friends. S10E07 Aaron meets Gamma at the stream, gives her bread. Aaron shows her his daughter’s picture, she says their kids come back in about a week. S10E07 Carol gives the prisoner pancakes and jam, says they have plenty, wants him to talk. Man says he’ll never betray Alpha, she loves them all and sacrificed her daughter for them. Aside, Carol wants to show him Lydia, Daryl says he doesn’t want her involved, Carol says let her choose. S10E07 Aaron and Gamma chat, Aaron says he knows she’s digging for info. Gamma walks off chanting. S10E07 Captured Whisperer has a temperature, coughs up blood, dies. Took the pain pills Dante had given him, Siddiq says the pills were hemlock not yarrow, Dante says Siddiq packed them. S10E07 Alpha wants to know what Gamma’s learned, whether she asked about her sister’s child, says he’ll use it against her, gets her to hold out arm for whipping, must remain strong, Alpha believes in her, Aaron will tempt her with lies, don’t be seduced. S10E08 Dante suffocates Cheryl. S10E07 Carol takes Lydia on a horse. S10E07 Siddiq finds dead Cheryl, hallucinates, jumps into the lake, Rosita saves him. He says people died because of him, tells Rosita it’s like he’s still at the barn, see Alpha and others, can’t make it stop. Says he failed Enid, people he loved died in front of him and he gets to relive it over and over. Did nothing to stop it, just watched. Now more people are dying as he’s not smart enough to fix them. Rosita says he has to fight it for Coco and everyone else that loves him. Says he can’t figure out why they’re all sick, notices the water wheels, one of the levers on the pump had been switched around and he was giving them unsafe instead of safe water. S10E07 Nighttime Gamma meets Aaron, holds knife to his neck, demands answers, Aaron says that’s not her. Carol appears with Lydia, Gamma runs off at the sight of Lydia, Carol tells Lydia her mother told the Whisperers she’d killed her, Lydia is mad Carol used her, walks off. S10E07 Siddiq in his room, Dante enters, says he’s sorry he hasn’t pulled his weight with Eugene gone. Dante says Siddiq wants to be blamed, but that’s not how it works, it's a village, takes everyone, all at fault. Siddiq says Dante doesn’t know him, Dante says he does, he’s his friend, makes clicking noise. Dante recognizes the click as the Whisperer in the barn who held him back to make him watch the others being beheaded. Dante realizes he’s been recognized, says he didn’t want this, not him. Fight, Dante strangles Siddiq to death, RIP Siddiq. S10E08 Rosita comes to find Siddiq with baby Coco, finds Dante being weird, Dante pulls a knife, fight, Siddiq turns and attacks Coco, Rosita saves her, puts down Walker Siddiq, knocks out Dante.

Aaron meets Gamma/Mary at the stream, she wants to see her nephew, Aaron says maybe work out a deal if she helps them. S10E08 Daryl beats Dante, Dante says he’s setting them free, didn’t want to kill Siddiq, but he found him out, had no choice. Said his job was to make them paranoid, push them into bad decisions. Says he helped them, was their doctor, no one is all kind or all selfish. S10E08 Aaron tells Daryl and Carol that Mary told him where Alpha is keeping the herd, Carol says she’ll leave after the funeral, Daryl thinks it’ll be an ambush. Daryl wants to know what happened with Lydia, Carol says she doesn’t want to be found. S10E08 Mich and Judith in car cart with Scott and others, Luke wants to stop at library, pick up books. There he gets attacked by walkers, stranger saves him, runs off, leaves his stuff behind. Mich hears Siddiq is dead from the radio, says they have to hurry to Oceanside then go straight home. S10E08 Alex’a has funeral for Siddiq. S10E08 Mich et al. reach Oceanside. Group arrive dragging a stranger, says he was trying to steal sails, trying to get back to his family. Luke says he’s the guy who helped him at the library. Small herd arrives. S10E08 Gabe goes to Dante’s prison cell, tells him he knows he wanted them not to trust again. Dante says look what they did to the world, do they deserve a second chance? Gabe says his family will never be the same, might not deserve second chance but will get one, stabs Dante all over. dRIP Dante. Rosita sees Gabe leave the prison. S10E08 Daryl, Aaron meet Jerry, Magna, Connie et al. At nightfall they go to the border, find traps. Daryl tells Carol she must stop, she’s like a ghost, Alpha not worth it, she’s a dead woman anyway, they have a future. S10E08 Gabe burns Dante’s body. S10E08 At Oceanside, guy tells Judith not to go through his stuff, says the book is for his daughter, put it back in his bag. Mich asks him what he’s doing there, he says just left home for supplies, wants to get back. Says Luke needed help, helped him, mercy in short supply these days, doesn’t expect it. Mich remembers Rick’s mercy prevails over his wrath. Mich asks where his home is, he can’t say, has to keep his family safe. Mich tells him his family will worry, telling her is how he gets back to them. He lives on Bloodsworth Island in Tangiers Sound, hard to find and fortified. Needed a boat from their pier. Mich says he owes them for the damage, he says maybe they can help each other out, lives on a naval base with weapons that could kill a herd. Mich tells Judith it would be a risk, she must go alone, Judith must get back to Alex’a.

Daryl etc. reach where the herd was, but they’re not there. Daryl wants to go back and search for Lydia, Carol doesn’t agree. S10E08 At Oceanside, Mich tells man he can pay off his debt with weapons, she will take him home then bring back their boat. He says he’s Virgil. Rest of Alex’a group go back in the car-cart. S10E08 At clearing, Carol sees Alpha, chases after her, rest follow. Alphas leads them into the woods, rest follow into dark trees, Daryl stays back but has no choice but to follow, falls down hole, all end up next to walkers in a cavern.



Tuesday, October 06, 2020 - 4:06 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Last half of TWD S10, carries on from above. Also very very long.

Daryl etc. reach where the herd was, but they’re not there. Daryl wants to go back and search for Lydia, Carol doesn’t agree. S10E08 At Oceanside, Mich tells man he can pay off his debt with weapons, she will take him home then bring back their boat. He says he’s Virgil. Rest of Alex’a group go back in the car-cart. S10E08 At clearing, Carol sees Alpha, chases after her, rest follow. Alphas leads them into the woods, rest follow into dark trees, Daryl stays back but has no choice but to follow, falls down hole, all end up next to walkers in a cavern. S10E09 Alpha watches them from a ledge. All jump across rocks to other side, make way through tunnels. Carol says she’s claustrophobic. S10E09 Alpha tells Beta the group knew how to find them. S10E09 Daryl tells Carol he has to worry about her all the time now, begged her to talk to him, doesn’t know what to do any more. Carol says she can’t stop thinking about it, wants to hurt Alpha, make her beg for forgiveness then kill her. Daryl tells her she has to quit, people she loves getting hurt. Have to fight for the future, not revenge. S10E13 Michonne and Virgil land at Virgil’s island after five hour trip. Virgil takes her inland, has veg patch, solar panels, near a lab, he picks herbs for tea for his wife. S10E09 Whisperers in the caves, group fight them off and watch how they leave. S10E09 Negan follows Alpha, says spy she’s looking for is Gamma, knew where the herd was and enemy could have got to her, Alpha says he will not hear paranoia, pushes him into latrine. S10E09 Exit from caves gets narrow, Connie helps Carol. Big squeeze for Jerry. S10E09 Beta tells Alpha he heard Gamma never made it to the border, sent people to look for her. Alpha wants her brought to her in front of the group. S10E09 In the tunnels they find a mine shaft, try to clear it, Kelly finds dynamite. S10E13 Michonne is suspicious none of Virgil’s family are around, he shows her three empty graves, puts flowers on one. Tells Mich others came, brought violence and sickness, killed his wife and kids, needs Mich to put down his walker family. Mich clears out the building, find his wife and children hanged in a room. They bury them. Mich wants the guns so she can go. Virgil tells her it’s too late to risk the tide, must do it in the morning. S10E09 Alpha takes Negan to edge of camp, tells him to take off his clothes, says she thought a crass man might appreciate a crass reward, takes her clothes off too. S10E13 Michonne wakes at night, looks around Virgil’s lab, no weapons, dead lab rats. Virgil appears, said he trusted her and she ruined it, shuts her in a room. S10E09 Kelly squeezes through the shaft, group widen it, Carol runs off with dynamite, places some in caves, slips and knocks dynamite into herd. Others start to leave through the shaft, Daryl and Carol reach them, Magna and Connie left inside when dynamite blows, trapping them in. S10E09 Outside Carol cries that it’s all her fault, others leave her. Daryl says the Whisperers must have left the caves another way, try to find it. S10E10 Beta enters tunnels under an old RV.

Gamma/Mary is brought into Alex’a, tells them some of their people are trapped in a cave with the herd, Gabe thinks it’s a set up. Gamma says she wants to help, wants to see her nephew, Gabe asks for a map. S10E10 Daryl creeps into Whisperer camp near the cave, Alpha leads out the herd. S10E10 Gamma wakes up in the cell. Rosita tells her the blood stains were from Dante, he killed her baby’s father two days ago. Gamma says she didn’t know anything about Dante. Gabe asks what she’s hiding, she says she killed her sister for Alpha, wasn’t even asked to, just did. Gabe believes her. S10E10 Daryl attacks Alpha and the Whisperers leading the group, kills some, gets blood in eyes, Alpha slashes him, more stabbing, both run off. S10E10 Gamma tells Gabe the herd location, says entrance is guarded so other areas won’t be. Gabe wants to organize rescue parties, Rosita thinks it's a trap. S10E10 Alpha finds Daryl resting in old gas station, knife in his leg. She sits, makes noise to attract walkers. S10E10 Judith talks to Gamma through the prison window, asks what she was like before, Gamma says she went to school in Santa Monica, ordinary, doesn’t remember much. She made bad decisions with her sister, met Alpha. Judith says if she’d met her mum and dad first she’s wouldn’t be in the cell. S10E10 Walkers ignore Alpha, Daryl pulls out knife from leg to defend himself, blood spurts. S10E10 Gabe et al are worried Alpha will send the herd their way, wants to take group to break up the herd and head them off. S10E10 Nighttime Beta enters Alex’a from under Dante’s grave, creeps into houses, murders people, they turn, he takes his new herd with him. S10E10 Outside Gabe and group find dead people, realise Alex’a is without its strongest people. S10E10 Beta finds Gamma in the cell, Gamma says Alpha lied, the place wasn’t like she said, Beta says these are not her people, she must go back to Alpha, death will be painless if she doesn’t fight. Laura rushes in, tells Gamma to run, Beta kills Laura, RIP Laura. Judith lets Gamma inside her house, Beta follows, fight, Judith shoots him and runs off with RJ, but Beta is wearing bulletproof vest, fight with Rosita, Gamma gives herself up to save her. They leave, meet Gabe and crew, Beta runs off, Gamma says she drew him out to protect everyone, Gabe believes her. S10E10 In the old gas station Alpha keeps blacking out, asks Daryl if he can see the light. He says no. Daryl says she didn’t love Lydia, drove her away, Alpha mad. Lydia appears, Alpha wants her to kill her, Lydia says she’s not here for her.

Alpha wakes up alone, Daryl has gone. S10E10 Gabe finds the entrance in Dante’s grave, tunnel underneath. Aaron tells him not everyone got out of the cave. Group go to Hilltop to see the doctor, take Gamma/Mary. S10E10 Daryl wakes up with Lydia, she says he slept most of the day, she’d been watching them, deciding. S10E13 Michonne wakes up at Virgil’s place, sees apple and tea, hears woman telling her to calm down, been in there a day. Man says best to be quiet when Virgil is angry, can’t escape, everywhere is boobytrapped. They were researchers with him, but stragglers came by boat, they took them in, fight broke out over rations, Virgil locked them in the lab, not realizing his wife and kids were in there too. Never the same since. Virgil at door, Michonne hallucinates from the tea, Virgil says she’s in pain like him, she needs peace. S10E10 Whisperers find Alpha, she says they should let the walkers consume her. S10E11 Beta and group cut into trees to create sap bladders. S10E11 Alpha and Negan give each other three strikes with the birch. S10E11 The whisperers and Whisperer Negan lead the herd. S10E11 Eugene talks to Stephanie on the radio, realise they are close, talk about a meet up. Alex’a group and Gamma/Mary reach Hilltop, Earl does not want Mary to see nephew Adam. S10E11 Ezekiel finds Carol at Daryl’s old camp, wants her to come to Hilltop, if she won’t he’ll stay with her there. S10E11 Kelly wants to search for Connie, but it’s too dangerous. Daryl arrives back with Lydia, warns them Alpha is coming. S10E11 Rosita goes to attic to find Eugene and answers radio to Stephanie, Stephanie stops talking, Eugene sad. S10E11 Negan tries to persuade Alpha to capture Hilltop and make them Whisperers, not kill them. S10E11 Lydia tells Hilltop Alpha has thousands of walkers, they will run right through them, some want to fight but Daryl says need to escape with the kids. Daryl tries but the roads are already blocked by Negan. All plan to protect Hilltop. Carol and Ezekiel arrive back at Hilltop, she sees his enlarged thyroid, they kiss. S10E11 Mary finds her nephew, Alden wants her to leave, they’re not raising him for her. S10E11 Rosita and Eugene chat about Stephanie, says he liked her, Rosita tells him to kiss her, but he won’t because of Stephanie. S10E11 Lydia misses Henry, hates herself. Carol tells her she’s going to kill Alpha, Lydia says it won’t save them, Carol says but it will feel good. S10E11 Eugene sings a song on radio, Stephanie sings back, agrees to meet. S10E11 Daryl and Ezekiel both pledge to get the kids out if the other falls. S10E11 Judith wants to fight, Daryl says she must go with the children. She has painted his torn off angel wing back on. Carol asks Daryl not to hate her, he says he never will. S10E11 Nighttime, all troops stage outside with shields and weapons. Walkers arrive, soon get through first defenses. Beta, Negan, whisperers pelt troops with sap balls, then send flaming arrows to light them. Troops retreat, the flames hit Hilltop’s walls, trapping them outside. Negan says he thought Alpha was going to let Hilltop join her, she says they will join them as part of the herd. S10E13 Virgil comes to Michonne at night, Mich overpowers him, lets others out, run to the small boat but it’s on fire. Mich finds Virgil, he says he couldn’t let them leave, didn’t want to kill them, Mich shows mercy. Tells others showing mercy gives them peace. Locks Virgil in the room. S10E12 More fighting at Hilltop, Judith can’t kill a Whisperer. Magna returns.

Beta tells Negan to herd walkers, he just kills them. Negan sees Lydia running away, grabs her. S10E13 On the island, Michonne tells Virgil she checked everywhere, no weapons, he says take his supplies to settle his debt. Mich sees Rick’s boots, asks where from, Virgil takes her to a bigger ship, washed up during storm. Inside Mich finds Ricks phone with picture of her and Judith on it, Judith older than when Rick left. Virgil says maybe can mod the engine and get it working, then they can find Rick again. S10E12 Kelly, Alden, Mary and baby Adam together, baby cries. Mary able to soothe him. Walkers come, hide in car while Mary distracts them. Beta finds Mary, stabs her, she pulls off half his mask. Beta waits for Mary to turn, but Alden kills her as she does, Beta runs away, RIP Mary. S10E12 Eugene looks at radio parts, Magna tells Miko she and Connie moved in the cave herd, but got split up. Miko slaps Carol. Magna and Miko break up. Carol tells Eugene if his meeting is important he should go. Carol finds a baseball bat. S10E12 Daryl and group head to rendezvous to meet Ezekiel and kids, but they’re not there. Daryl says to spread out to find them. S10E12 Earl has the kids in another building, keeps kids in room while sets up nail to kill himself with, as he was bitten. Judith sees, says she’ll stay with him, he says she must keep the kids safe from him, not come back. S10E12 Jerry finds Ezekiel under some debris. S10E12 Earl kills himself, RIP Earl. Judith comes out, Walker Earl grabs her, she puts him down. S10E12 Daryl finds the children, all safe, Daryl hugs traumatized Judith. S10E13 Michonne’s new ship is fixed, Mich and Virgil and others gather supplies, Mich says he can come with them on the ship, he says he promised his wife flowers, stays behind. S10E12 Negan finds Alpha, says he found Lydia, will take her to her. Negan tells Alpha about his wife dying of cancer, says it made him dead to the world, but Alpha’s pretending living like animals makes them strong, that’s BS. Not her destiny to kill her daughter. Alpha says cancer killing Negan’s wife was what nature intended. S10E12 Lydia breaks free from her chair. S10E12 Alpha says she has to kill Lydia because she loves her, kisses Negan as they approach the shed, but it’s not Lydia’s shed, empty, Negan slices Alpha’s neck. dRIP Alpha. S10E12 Negan takes Alpha’s head to Carol, Carol says it took him long enough. S10E14 Carol puts Alpha’s head on one of the pikes, Negan wants her to go back and tell everyone of their plan, so they will accept him. She says she can’t do that, but he’s free to go. S10E13 Mich radios Judith from the ship, tells her she’s helping people from the island get back home. Judith says they got the Whisperers, Alpha can’t hurt them anymore. Mich tells Judith she found something of Rick’s, somewhere he might have been recently. Judith asks if alive, she doesn’t know, Judith says she has to go find him, bring him home. Mich arrives at coast, tells Judith she will head North, will speak with her on the walkie every morning for as long as she can. S10E13 Mich creates two walker pets to go north with her. Finds two injured people, they say “they” left without them, point to large troops of people leaving in the fields below. Mich helps them and heads the same way. S10E14 Ezekiel and the families are in a building. Eugene tells all that he’s spoken on radio to another person; Eugene, Ezekiel and Miko decide to go on horses to the meeting point, see if they can help. Ezekiel leaves Jerry in charge of his Kingdom, hugs. S10E14 Beta finds Alpha’s head, Whisperers tell him she was with Negan, one says Beta is now the Alpha, Beta feeds him to Alpha’s head, then takes her head with him. S10E14 Negan checks Lydia’s hut but she’s gone, Daryl is waiting, wants to know where Alpha is. Negan tells him Carol’s plan, shows him Apha’s mask. S10E14 Carol hallucinates Alpha taunting her. S10E14 Beta wanders into town, find a bar, pockets a note saying “these 2 eyes see 1 truth,” finds an LP of when he was the country singer Half Moon, smashes his guitar. S10E14 Eugene, Ezekiel, Miko pass caged walkers, get off horses to explore. S10E14 Daryl leads tied-up Negan to Alpha’s spike but the head isn’t there. Negan tries to explain, said he had to get Alpha to trust him or she’d kill him, so it took a while. Whisperers arrive, says Negan is now their Alpha. S10E14 Beta plays his Half Moon album, walkers hear, he stands on the roof and watches them come to him. S10E14 Carol finds a shed to spend night, hallucinated Alpha taunts her, the roof caves in. S10E14 Whisperers tie up Daryl, Negan plays along, then kills the Whisperers. S10E14 Eugene and group sleep outside. One horse falls over, was bitten, Ezekiel tells Miko she must leave him if he falls, Miko says they need a man who created a Kingdom in the apocalypse.

S10.Day16=Day3760 June 25th 2020
Walkers approach trapped Carol, she realizes she doesn’t want to die, ghost Alpha tells her to look at the flowers, she gets herself free, Alpha disappears. S10E14 Negan and Daryl sit near the pikes and wait for Carol, Negan says he wasn’t BSing, Daryl believes him. Negan says he was in a cell for seven years, was nice to be respected by Alpha but she took it too far, you don’t kill people who don’t deserve it and never kill kids. They leave for Aex’a. S10E14 Carol reaches Alex’a, Daryl lets her in. S10E14 Eugene etc. reach a city, find lots of walkers arranged in vignettes, a crazy woman appears. S10E14 Beta thanks Alpha’s head, kills it, uses her face to fix half of his mask. S10E15 Crazy woman says hi, Ezekiel makes nice with her, she’s been on her own for over a year. Named Princess, wants to help them, shoots walkers and scares off their horses. Miko thinks it’s a trap, others think they have to try to get transport. Princess says there’s a full garage. S10E15 Beta leads whisperers and walkers into Alex’a, thinks all have left but Aaron and Alden are listening in the windmill. S10E15 At the safe building, all watch for attacks. S10E15 In the woods Daryl walkies to Michonne, no contact. S10E15 Judith sneaks out to find Daryl, she wants to help. He says she must do exactly what he says, trains her. S10E15 Beta is suspicious they’re being fooled, hears voices telling him to have faith. S10E15 Princess takes Eugene et al through parking lot with mines, not sure of safe way out. S10E15 Carol and Kelly on errand, Carol apologises, Kelly says Connie’s not dead, but she understands why Carol did it. S10E15 Negan tells Lydia he liked her mum, she did a lot of bad things but he wished he didn’t have to kill her. Lydia says they wish he’d died too. S10E15 Princess has taken Eugene in circles, says she was just keeping fun going, wanted them to like her. Eugene says he knows how she feels. S10E15 Beta sees a cat, follows it to the hide-out hospital building. Aaron and Alden watch, get surrounded. S10E15 Negan tells Lydia she should mourn her mom, hit him, let it out. She shouts and cries, hugs him. S10E15 Princess takes them to the garage, it’s full of bikes. Miko asks if Princess wants to go with them. S10E15 Judith wants everyone back together, worried Mich might never come home. Didn’t want Daryl to know Mich had gone or else he might go too. He says he’s going to look after her, and so will everyone else, she has a whole lot of family. Gabe calls on walkie, says walkers have surrounded them. S10E16 Everyone prepares inside the hospital. Daryl, Carol, Kelly return. S10E16 Virgil leaves Oceanside. S10E16 Aaron and Alden fight the Whisperers, a ninja stranger helps them. S10E16 Maggie finds the drop box and letter Hilltop sent her. S10E16 In the walker/Whisperer group, Beta hallucinates, says “begin.” S10E16 Eugene, Ezekiel, Mika, Princess cycle to the meeting, Eugene crashes bike, thinks they won’t make it on time. S10E16 Group makes plans to lead walker herd away, Luke gets sound system ready, need to reach cart on other side of herd. S10E16 Lydia tells Carol she doesn’t hate her, killing Alpha fixed something for her. S10E16 Luke, Jules, Daryl, Kelly, Magna, Jerry, Carol, Beatrice cover in guts, go outside. Whisperers try to attack, are thwarted. Beta says to tighten the herd. S10E16 Whisperers start up the hospital stairs. Negan gives Lydia Alpha’s hood, so she can help those outside, both leave down escalator shaft. S10E16 Whisperer attacks Beatrice, she gets eaten, RIP Beatrice. Lydia finds Carol. S10E16 Inside, Whisperers try to break stair barricade, group leave through elevator shaft, Gabe stays behind to slow the attack. S10E16 Outside group start music on horse cart, lead walkers away. S10E16 Nighttime Whisperers reach front of herd, start to attack cart group, upset cart, stop music, group runs. Jules asks how they’re going to lead them away, Lydia says she knows how to lead them to the cliff edge and over. S10E16 Whisperers break through door barricade, Ninja saves Gabe; Maggie, Aaron follow. S10E16 Group take out Whisperers in the herd. Negan finds Beta, fight, Daryl sees them, stabs Beta in both eyes. He lets walkers take him. dRIP Beta, dRIP Whisperers.

S10.Day17=Day3761 June 26th 2020
Carol and Lydia at front of herd at cliff edge, Carol says she wants to lead them over, Lydia pulls them behind rock at last minute, walkers topple off edge. S10E16 everyone safe in the woods, Maggie says hello to everyone. Carol and Lydia return, hugs. Carol asks Daryl if he’s good, he says yeah, it’s over. Asks if she got what she wanted, she’s says no, and she won’t, Daryl says she still got him. S10E16 Very exhausted Connie wakes up in the woods, collapses again, Virgil finds her. S10E16 Nighttime Eugene etc. reach Stephanie’s rendezvous point, no one there, wait. Eugene declares they’re not turning back, people are out there, keep trekking until they find them. Floodlights go on, stormtroopers tell them to drop their weapons and put their hands behind their heads.



Tuesday, October 06, 2020 - 5:23 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
And here's my combined timeline, with TWD:World Beyond slotted in roughly where it should be.

For that, the only time marker I heard was Elton saying they would have to keep a good pace to walk the 1100 miles between the Campus Colony (South of Omaha) and NY State before it gets cold. I'm guessing they'd want to be there by the end of October, 10 miles a day would be about four months, so I'm going to try July 1st of the first year, 2010 for the date the plane came down. They didn't say that was the start of the virus, and in a small, healthy town they could probably keep deaths and spread under control for a while, just this crash/walker creation resulted in so many deaths they changed the way they lived.

As always, these are just my guesses, and I sometimes have to change things as we find out more.

• September 1st 2009: Government declares "Wildfire"

• January 10th 2010: Disease goes global
• January 24th 2010: TWD.s1 Near Atlanta, Rick Grimes is shot and falls into a coma
• January 29th 2010: FEAR.s1 In LA, Nick's girlfriend dies of an overdose and turns, becoming one of the first cases in LA (Day 1 of FearTWD)

• February 12th 2010: FEAR.s2 Group leave LA on Strand’s yacht
• February 13th 2010: FEAR.s2 LA and major Western cities are bombed
• February 19th 2010: FEAR.s2 Celia’s farm burns down

• March 7th 2010: FEAR.s3 Group go to the Otto’s Ranch
• March 10th 2010: TWD.s1 Rick Grimes wakes up (Day 1 of TWD, Day 41 of FEAR)
• March 14th 2010: TWD.s1 Jenner explodes the CDC
• March 17th 2010: TWD.s2 Group reach Hershel’s farm
• March 20th 2010: FEAR.s3 All abandon Otto’s Ranch
• March 22nd 2010: TWD.s2 Hershel’s farm is overrun
• March 31st 2010: FEAR.s3 Nick blows up the dam

• July 1st 2010 (est.): WB.s1 A plane crashes near a college campus south of Omaha, aka “Monument Day”

• November 15th 2010: TWD.s3 Group find the prison
• November 20th 2010: TWD.s3 Judith is born, Lori dies

• March 1st 2011: FEAR.s4 “Before” timeline, Madison and group set up home in The Diamond

• June 21st 2011: TWD.s4 The Governor attacks the prison, kills Hershel
• June 29th 2011: TWD.s4 Carol saves everyone at Terminus

• July 27th 2011: TWD.s5 Group reaches Alexandria

• August 7th 2011: TWD.s6 Maggie tells Aaron she’s pregnant
• August 8th 2011: TWD.s6 Wolves break into Alexandria but they rebuild

• October 14th 2011: TWD.s7 Negan murders Glenn and Abraham

• November 6th 2011: TWD.s8 Carl dies
• November 10th 2011: TWD.s8 Rick captures Negan; Morgan moves into Jadis’ Heaps; Daryl expels Dwight

• February 15th 2012 (est): FEAR.s4 Morgan leaves the Heaps

• March 1st 2012: FEAR.s4 “Before” timeline, the Diamond celebrates its 365th day, the Vultures set up camp outside

• April 15th 2012: FEAR.s4 “Now” timeline, Morgan meets John Dorie, Althea, Nick, Alicia, Strand, Luciana
• April 16th 2012: FEAR.s4 Charlie murders Nick
• May 18th 2012: FEAR.s4 Morgan meets Sarah, Wendall and Jim
• May 22nd 2012: FEAR.s4 Martha poisons everyone but Morgan saves them

• October 11th 2012: FEAR.s5 Strand finds Daniel again; Morgan meets Grace
• October 12th 2012: FEAR.s5 John and June find Dwight
• December 12th 2012: FEAR.s5 Virginia splits everyone up, leaves Morgan for dead

• April 2nd 2013: TWD.s9 The communities are working together but unrest at Sanctuary
• April 3rd 2013: TWD.s9 Maggie executes Gregory because he tried to murder her
• April 4th-May 8th 2013: TWD.s9 Groups work on fixing the bridge
• May 9th 2013: TWD.s9 Jadis plots to get picked up by the helicopter
• May 10th 2013: TWD.s9 Maggie decides not to kill Negan; Rick badly injured and blows up bridge, with him on it, to stop walker herd; Jadis flies away in the Triple Circle helicopter with washed up Rick

• June 10th 2013: TWD.s10: Alpha and Lydia meet Beta

• <Rick movie????????>

• January 14th 2014: TWD.s9 Jocelyn and her children steal Alexandria’s children, pregnant Michonne has to kill children to save Alexandria’s

• January 28th 2014: TWD.s9 Rick Jr is born (off screen)

• August 10th 2019: TWD.s9 Magna, Connie, Kelly, Luke, Yumiko are saved by eight year old Judith; Kingdom plans for a fayre
• August 13th 2019 32: TWD.s9 Whisperers kill Jesus, RIP Jesus
• August 14th 2019 33: TWD.s9 Group capture Whisperer Lydia
• August 18th 2019 37: TWD.s9 All meet at the Fayre, Whisperers murder Tara, Enid, Henry and others, put their heads on spikes

• December 19th 2019: TWD.s9 Kingdom evacuate to Hilltop; Carol and Ezekiel split up; Negan saves Judith from the blizzard

• February 20th 2020: TWD.s9 Alpha and Beta move back; mystery woman says hello over radio

• March 25th 2020: TWD.s10 Rosita gives birth to Coco (off screen)

• June 19th 2020: TWD.s10 Dante kills Siddiq
• June 21st 2020: TWD.s10 Carol leads group into Alpha’s caves, Connie and Magna trapped as they leave
• June 24th 2020: TWD.s10 Michonne searches for Rick, sees a flock of marching troops
• June 25th 2020: TWD.s10 Negan kills Alpha; Beta and the herd surround group hiding in a hospital building
• June 26th 2020: TWD.s10 Daryl kills Beta; end of the Whisperers

• July 1st 2020: WB.s1 Campus Colony celebrates Monument Day