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Archive through May 02, 2009

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: General Discussions: tack The Hobby Hall: All About Beading: ARCHIVES: Archive through May 02, 2009 users admin

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Monday, April 20, 2009 - 12:31 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
If anyone is interested in stocking up, FMG is having a $1 bead sale.

They have all kinds of things on sale, strands of chips, polymer, glass, gemstone, porcelin (never used porcelin beads!,) and acrylic beads, cords, focal pieces, etc.

I'm kinda ticked, I just placed an order with them the other night, if I'd known this was coming up I'd have waited a couple days to go through the sales stuff first.



Monday, April 20, 2009 - 4:58 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lumbele a private message Print Post    
Well, I crawled back to Michaels with my 2 40% coupons and to check out their specials. They had 55% of the Bits & Baubles, 50% off beads and pendants etc.

I got a few bits and baubles for 1.34 each and a glass bead assortment for 2.50 and some more expensive, but 50% off beads.

While I was contemplating what I still needed/wanted to put into my stash, I got to talking with this older lady. Turns out she has been making jewelry for some time. Michaels and the local college have been trying to get her to teach courses, but she lives an hour out of town and just had back surgery.
She gave me some tips and picked this particular bead assortment out of a bunch of others for me, saying that would be the best bunch. Then the lady at the cash gave me a 15% off everything, including sales, coupon for 9-1 Saturday and another 40% coupon for next week. This was my lucky day, I guess.LOL

I'll try stringing those plastic chips in front of the tube later to see how it will look with the blue rock ones. At this time of night, I doubt I'll get much more done. But I have declared Wednesday "Beading Come Hell or High Water/grandpuppy Day". Chili in the crock and no housework!!!!!



Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 2:23 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
Woo hoo, got my order from FMG today (here's a tip, skip fedex that they push for you to use to ship and go with usps, much quicker.)

I ordered some swarovski crystals (144 to be exact) for the rosary I'm planning to make and just realized I got the wrong size, 3mm instead of 4mm. No biggie really, I love the crystals, use a lot of them, and can find plenty to do with them, except now I need to order the right size, lol.

Also ordered some beading thread (was running low,) some cube shaped crystals, and some pendants. They sent me a free gift...little silver ring with a blue stone that I'll put up and probably give to Kota for her birthday or Christmas.

Unfortunately I won't have time for any beading until tomorrow night at least.



Friday, April 24, 2009 - 3:29 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
What do ya'll think about mixing different components?

I'm starting to see a lot of brass (I think plated?) spacer beads and I really like the look, especially for more casual pieces, but I haven't been able to find too many brass findings (crimp beads and covers, clasps, etc.) I'm thinking about using the brass spacers and then the silver plated findings, but not quite sure it'll look ok.



Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 12:30 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sugar a private message Print Post    
I'm not much for this kind of mixing, it always looks funny to me. Couldn't you make something with the brass spacers and not really worry about a crimp bead or clasp? Or do you use several crimp beads in a piece?



Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 12:36 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
That's not a bad idea, Sugar. I could use stretchy thread instead! Thanks!!!

Btw, Sugar, I saw a teenage boy wearing a beaded necklace tonight. It was red coral chips and looked great. I hadn't really given much thought to using bright colored chips for any of the boys.



Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 2:14 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sugar a private message Print Post    
Funny you should mention that, I was wondering about a something in the red family, deep reds, for a boy. I think I am going to follow your suggestion of using a guitar pick and a couple of "manly" beads, I have some brown stone looking beads. I was looking at some chips earlier and may need to go get them for nephew. Suppose I will check with him 1st. Did get some leather-ish string on sale today, I think 6 yards cut in yard lengths. So I may play with that this next week. I think I need to invest in some better crimp beads, I have broken a few lately. At least the beads didn't go flying everywhere. I will probably need bigger ones as well. Too bad I really don't know what I'm doing, lol.

All I have ever used is stretchy thread. I'm going to try something else soon. Love the youtube clips for beading that someone, Bee?, posted earlier. I was at Michaels this afternoon looking for gs hypo glue mentioned in some of the clips. They had no idea what I wanted. Couldn't find anything in the glue aisle. Checked back in beads looking at bottom shelf and did see some glue but it didn't say if it dried clear or not.



Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 2:33 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
I've been using beadalon's bead stringing glue, I love that. It dries clear and it has the thin, long tip to get between beads if you need to glue a knot. It's not really messy either.

The youtubes I've checked out (and yep, it was Bee) have been great! It's one thing to read about how something is done and look at pictures and the step by step directions, but completely different to see someone doing it. And you can pause it so you can follow along!

Crimp beads are hard to buy cuz you can't really tell what the quality of them is til you get home and open the package. Some are so flimsy it's not funny. My bead store lady suggested crimp tubes, they're a little stronger. I know you can get silver or gold filled crimp beads online, but can't remember where I saw them. THey are a little bit more expensive, but also supposed to be really good.

I was very surprised with the red necklace. It was so bold. For the boys I use muted colors (gray, brown, black, blue, green) and it never even occured to me to use red. It was very interesting!

Word of advice with the pick...use a drill, lol. We tried several different ways of putting a hole in them and kept breaking them. The drill, with a small drill bit, worked perfectly though. We picked up a pack of cheap ones to practice on, so I haven't made a necklace yet. Caleb just got some new ones and I told him to pick one out for me to use.



Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 5:16 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lumbele a private message Print Post    
Beek, I think I’ll have to copycat and make my dil a pair of your flip-flops. She is into sparkly. What size crystals are those? They look so tiny.

War and Biloxi, I hesitate with asymmetric designs as well, although I like them when others make them. One of these days, we’ll just all have to jump over our own shadow and bead away – off centre.LOL

On the other hand I have no problem mixing different materials, but I did have a problem with the shiny crimp beads/tubes and jump rings going onto an antiqued clasp. Can’t find anything but shiny ones.

Also I am not overly thrilled with the stretchy beading thread I used on my wood necklaces. I’d redo them with the flexible wire, but can’t find any crimp bead covers that would not stick out like a sore thumb.

Sugar, our house guests, young couple, this weekend just bought themselves matching knotted bracelets. There were dark red and black, carved and painted wood beads encased in knotted black cord and part of those tied onto a strip of beige suede. Should have taken a pic for you, sorry.

War, on one of my first trips to the beading department at Michaels, I bought beading tubes – by mistake; bought beads later. Then, when I made the bracelet, I checked online with that beading lady as to how to crimp, and she mentioned that she prefers tubes. So since I had a whole whack of them, I used them, too.
Mind you, my crimping leaves a bit to be desired, but I figure practice makes perfect. Just gotta make sure the tubes are completely covered by the crimper thingy to get it crimped evenly.

The clear beads still didn’t do anything for the bracelet, so I switched gears. I had some bits and baubles from my last specials trip and worked them into the 3 strands of the bracelet. Also had a pendant lying around that I liked and it came in handy for the necklace. pix at Photobucket



Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 6:22 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Crzndeb a private message Print Post    

Get sterling findings and crimps and let them darken naturally. You may have to go online to get sterling crimps. Liver of Sulphur will also patina sterling and give it an antique look.



Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 7:49 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Beekindpleez a private message Print Post    
Lumbele...the pink ones are 3mm. I think the other ones are 5mm. But I know for sure the pink are 3mm.
Really, I think any size you like would work. Right now I'm making another pair with an opalescent type "jewel" that is quite large. I'll post a pic when I get them finished.



Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 11:31 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
You don't have to use crimp bead covers if they don't fit with your design. I've made several things without using them because they look out of place. It does take practice to get the crimping down right, but sooner or later it'll click and you won't have anymore problems with them (unless you get stuck with cheap crimp beads that break easily, which happens sometimes.)

I've been working on a spiral rope necklace using blacks and greens and I'm just not at all happy with it. Took me about 1/3 of the necklace to realize this. I'm putting it off for a while and figure when I get back to it I'll end up picking it apart and restarting it.

Hey, Bee, have you seen the commercial (maybe not, we saw it on one of the kid channels) for twinkle toe shoes? Dakota wants a pair bad, I told her I wasn't going to buy them for her, but we could make our own at some point.

Lum, I can't see your's asking for a password.



Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 11:35 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Beekindpleez a private message Print Post    
No, War...haven't seen it. But they sound cute! lol
If (when) you make them, post a pic for me, will ya?

I'm looking for a simple pair of flats that aren't flaps, but rather just a piece that goes across the top of the foot, toes exposed. I'm thinking those would be fun for sparkling up.



Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 12:05 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
Sure will. They're pretty simple and cute. They're just canvas slip on shoes with the sparkly toes (can't tell on the commercial if it's sequins or jewels or what.) I'm personally not all that fond of the canvas flats that seem to be in style right now, but these were pretty cute for tween age girls I thought.



Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 12:07 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Beekindpleez a private message Print Post    
They sound cute.

One of these days, I'm gonna figure out how to post better pics.
I REALLY enjoy the pics that others post here and look forward to them.



Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 12:22 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
Bee, I read an article not long ago about taking better pics of jewelry and I'm thinking the tips go for anything shiny since its so hard to get good pics. Mine can still be kinda iffy though.

The tips I use though, are to use a light colored background (I've been using, no laughing, a plain white paper towel) for most, unless you're taking a pick of something white/clear then go for a medium darker color like gray. Use natural sunlight, not direct if possible. I've been going out back, laying the paper towel on the table and taking them out there about noon-late afternoon cuz that part of the house isn't in direct light. I read that you can also take the pics inside next to a window. Finally use the macro/close up setting on your camera. There were also tips about using props and different lighter color backgrounds but that was mostly for if you're selling it or displaying it on your own website and need more artsy pics. It was kind of funny, I realized I was doing everything wrong taking pics of jewelry and once I tried the tips started to get much more clear pictures. They're still not all that spectacular but much better than they had been. Oh, there was also something about light tents and using a tripod, but I think that too would go for if you're trying to take more artsy or professional pics of your jewelry.



Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 12:46 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Beekindpleez a private message Print Post    
LOL, War. Thanks.
But when I said take better pics, I meant something other than from my cell phone. Ha!
My cell is the only kind I've been able to figure out how to post from here. I suck at computery-gizmo-thingy stuff!

But I'll keep your tips in mind.



Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 12:49 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
Heh, with a cell I can't help you at all. I never did have any luck with mine.



Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 12:55 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Beekindpleez a private message Print Post    
Well, you can tell by my crappy pics...especially in comparison with some of the VERY good ones here, like yours....that I haven't either. HA!

One of these days, I really am going to upgrade myself and have DS teach me some of this stuff. Hey, I'm proud that I can find and post YouTube links. Wheeeeeeee



Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 9:50 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lumbele a private message Print Post    
Thanks, Crzn! Liver of Sulphur is going on my shopping list. What kinda store carries that? I am assuming it's not at the butcher's.

Beek, thanks! Looking forward to seeing your next project.

War, I just wanted crimp bead covers in wood to hide the silver crimps.
Sorry about the pix. Apparently I had Photobucket set on ”private”. Changed it now, so it should work again.

Beek, the reason I use Photobucket is because when I shrink my jewelry pix to a size acceptable to the board, one can’t see any details whatsoever. Maybe it could work for you, too. It’s free.



Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 11:42 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
I've got to brag a bit. Dakota's been getting a bit more into beading, but I think most of it is that she likes the shiny, pretty beads, lol. She's been slowly building up her own stash, getting away from the plastic pony beads stuff. She has pretty good taste, sometimes too good since it's costing me an arm and a leg!

Anyways, ever so often she'll sit and make herself something, but she doesn't really plan anything out, drives me kinda crazy since I tend to plan out jewelry and bookthongs, but it works for her.

One of my nieces had a birthday last week, she turned 6 and she loves jewelry. Dakota decided she was going to make her a necklace this morning so she could give her her own gift (party is this afternoon.) She picked out these light clear blue, square glass beads and then went through my stash and picked out some silver fake round pearls that I've been holding onto forever cuz I really wasn't sure what to do with them.

She decided to use memory wire and alternate the square glass beads and round pearls and it turned out awesome! I'm so impressed. My niece loves Cinderella and wears lots of blue and this necklace just screams Cinderella all dressed up. It's perfect for her and she's going to love it. Dakota did such a great job on it. I wish I'd gotten a pic before she wrapped it up, but maybe sis can get some at the party (Darren and I aren't going.) And the only thing I helped her with was doing the ends cuz memory wire is really hard to bend (I just make loops on the ends.)



Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 11:47 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lumbele a private message Print Post    
Yay, Kota!!!!!!!!!!!! Definitely call the sis to take pix. Inquiring/learning minds want to know.



Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 11:59 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sugar a private message Print Post    
That's cool Wargod. I wish my nieces/nephews lived closer or the babies were older as I think I would enjoy beading with them.



Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 12:28 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
How old are the little ones, Sugar? Stringing pony beads is a great hands/eye cooridnation lesson with the younger kids (er, old enough not to try to eat the pony beads aged kids, lol.)

Dakota's been beading since she was 3 (the above mentioned pony beads) when she had her hippie birthday party and helped make the decorations. She usually goes in spurts, my kidlets not the type to sit for too long so she'll work for a while on her projects then leave and go back to it sometime later. This time though she sat from start to finish, took great care in picking out the beads she used and decided on a pattern. It really did turn out nicely.

I had to drop her off at practice (sis and bil are picking the girls up afterwards) and I gave sis her change of clothes and the present. Told her to make sure she gets a pic of the necklace...and to make sure when our niece opens it she lets people know that I did not make it, it was all Dakota.



Saturday, May 02, 2009 - 12:32 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
Oh shoot, also meant to say "Yippeee!!!"

Was reading the paper today and saw that the flea market is tomorrow. I've been waiting months (missed it when it was here in November) for it to come back. There's usually some folks who make their own beads (either lampwork or polymer clay) that I like to check out, plus I want to look at finished jewelry, and then I want to run through the used section and see if I can find anything I can repurpose the beads for. You can usually find pretty decent prices on stuff. Also want to check and see if anybody is selling supplies, I know my bead store lady isn't going to be there, but I might get lucky with someone coming from out of town.