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| Thursday, August 01, 2024 - 3:11 am
WOW, just got my PG&E bill and it's not bad, $167.27. I was worried it would be in thee $300's like when I first moved here and ran my AC alot. I tried to be mindful during this last heatwave and run it at 68 in the mornings and then raise it to 76 in the afternoon. It seems to have paid off in cost!! Now I need to go close my blinds, I forgot to do that earlier and it's going to be hot today. Oh and the Kitty Grass is back from the "flooded warehouse" which caused a shortage, LOL. So I ordered some delivered today.
| Thursday, August 01, 2024 - 12:23 pm
YEAH, kitty grass was very appreciated by the kitties, LOL. Got my Chewy order done, did my Safeway order, took out some trash and dustbusted the bathroom and office. Got thru another office pile, just have one left to deal with ... guess it will be tomorrow. Oh and I did get the blinds slanted so it's been nice with just the fans today.
| Thursday, August 01, 2024 - 3:29 pm
| Friday, August 02, 2024 - 2:01 am
Friday's Mission It's Clean the Car and Purse day! AND take a look at the walls and the windows in your dining room. Grab some cleaner and a cloth and go after the finger prints and smudges. I already took out the old kitty food and recycling to the bins, then I noticed one of the kitty grasses had been meanly tossed to the floor and come out of it's container, LOL. Put it back in but now I need to dustbust all the "debris" that is all over the floor. Going thru email, then today I need to deal with the cans/bottles, take out and break down the boxes, then I will just a the minor things to do for housekeeping tomorrow. I have Bingo at 2pm, hope I can actually win today, I have been in a dry spell. Off to email while I wait for my Safeway delivery.
| Friday, August 02, 2024 - 8:32 am
Fun Bingo ... I won twice!! Thank goodness I was getting low on dimes, LOL. Now I am working on cans and bottles, someone gave me empty vegetable cans, I only want aluminum! Good thing I checked before I dumped them into the bag. Also going to pot a little plant while I am out on the balcony. Email is done but I need to check twitter.
| Friday, August 02, 2024 - 8:59 am
Twitter done, and I got the cans/bottles managed. I really need to plan a trip to the recycle center soon.
| Saturday, August 03, 2024 - 4:13 am
Saturday ... a day to relax ... And relax we must, we have an emergency water shutoff, they need to work on one of the boilers. Told everyone to fill containers with water but I think it really is only effecting the hot water, LOL. I know how this goes from dealing with it at the condos. I forgot and turned on the water in the bathroom, so then I called and they said some people have cold water, guess I am one. I had been thinking I was having Housekeeping today and was preparing for that, surprise, it's next Saturday, LOL. So I have done a lot of chores that needed to be done and I am ahead of the game. Going to be warm today so maybe just computer chores, I still need to do my DMV paperwork. Oh and yesterday I scheduled lab work, physical and mammogram on the same day in September, hahahaha. Off to grab some coffee, watch the Olympic Track and Field, I do love those shot putters, clear email, catch up with Taran and twitter.
| Saturday, August 03, 2024 - 3:53 pm
OMG, doing the DMV thing was a nightmare (and I just lost my post talking about it, so here goes again). First I couldn't sign in using my correct email because it kept telling mee that my email was in use (YES, I AM USING IT), that is where I got this link that I used to start this application. Anyway then I had to recreate my account using my gmail account which left to trying to figure out how to access it. I have it permanently on my bookmark line but for some reason it wouldn't open. Finally got into that so I could click on the DMV link to verify my account and then had to upload documents. I uploaded my birth certificate, selected Oklahoma as the state and clicked submit, that is when I noticed it had changed to Ohio. Of course there is no way to correct it. And I am so annoyed with my laptop, all of a sudden it is typing multiple "e's"!!! when I type. So then I had to track down actual bills for my rent and electricity to prove my residency... this is challenging when you have been getting paperless bills forever! Finally got those scanned and uploaded and of course, they have a different name, my middle name instead of my first name. I am sure that will cause all kinds of confusion! So I am tireed of thee DMV and I guess I will try to make an appointment tomorrow. Giving up on this task for now!
| Sunday, August 04, 2024 - 2:20 am
Sunday ... A day of gratitude ... So today I will do all the things that I had planned for yesterday until I found out the water was going to be off ... Using all my bottles/containers of water to water the plants inside and out. Then the newspaper and later today $5 Bingo. For now, off to finish watering all the plants.
| Sunday, August 04, 2024 - 3:14 am
Plants are watered and I thought of a couple of bills that have my full name (for the DMV residency issue), my Kaiser bill and my Bank Statement. So I printed those and added them to my DMV folder. Now I need to make an appointment but first I want to make some coffee. I will do that tomorrow, LOL.
| Sunday, August 04, 2024 - 3:44 pm
RN, sheesh I am scared to even ask if the DMV thing ever got straightened out.
| Monday, August 05, 2024 - 4:15 am
LOL, not sure Juju. I got an email that gave me a number to show them when I go in. That is when we will need to correct all the craziness. I haven't made an appointment yet, I am afraid, hahahahahaha.
| Monday, August 05, 2024 - 4:20 am
Monday's Mission It's Home Blessing Day -- I cleaned up thee kitchen, got the dishwasher running and spot mopped a spot on the floor that has been bugging me. AND this week we are in the ekitchen -- set your timer for 10 minutes and take a broom or a Multi-wand and get those dust bunnies and cobwebs that are hanging on the upper walls. Just getting started for the day, many minor chores to do and I have bingo at 2pm. Working on email, waiting for my coffee, listening to my DayDrinking podcast and catching up with Taran and Big Brother.
| Monday, August 05, 2024 - 10:06 am
Got the dishwasher unloaded, forgot to take out the old kitty food before I went down for dinner. Just spent a good 20 minutes trying to find an email, so frustrating, it is nowheree! So I emailed someone I thought got a copy and hopefully can get it there. I need to catch up on my games, oh and print somee stuff off of the paper's website. For 2 days now I haven't gotten a paper, I think it may be at the front desk, but that is not what I pay for. I pay a small fortune for delivery to my door. I do think wee have one person on the front desk that dosn't want to deliver them, but that is not my problem. I want my paper at my door, I shouldn't have to go somewhere to get it. Ok, rant over, I may have to complain to the director if this continues, if they have a problem with the paper delivery thy need to work it out with the carrier, LOL. Anyway I think I will go see if I can get caught up on a few more things, then do a couple of chores. Take the boxes and bad kitty food out to the bins.
| Tuesday, August 06, 2024 - 1:47 am
Tueesday's Mission It's planning day AND time to wipe down the kitchen cabinet doors. I took the bad kitty food out, LOL, and then gathered my 3 bags of cans and 1 bag of bottles so we can take them to the recycle center. Then off to breakfast/lunch somewhere. Off to work on email.
| Tuesday, August 06, 2024 - 4:04 am
Excellent recycling ... we got $28!! Sure seemed like I had more cans than that but I am happy to have them off my balcony. Got the boxes and newspapers out to the bins, had a great breakfast, and got my spider plant planted. Now I can read the paper, play some computer games, and watch the Olympics.
| Wednesday, August 07, 2024 - 6:08 am
Wednesday's Mission It is Anti-Procrastination Day - I am going to make an appointment with the DMV! and get the Newsletter done AND time to toss out any leftovers that have gotten pushed to the back and have now started to turn into a science project. LOL, I did this a couple of days ago. I have a list of chores but for now I am off to thee DMV site.
| Wednesday, August 07, 2024 - 6:18 am
OK, that is going to be a problem, LOL. When you go to the DMV they have a service "Get in Line", this is how you make an appointment, but you have to be ready to go! Apparently you can't just make an appointment to come on down next week. Annoying, now I have to figure out when to go and then take my chances. So I am going to work on my other stuff and add this to my list of things to do next week. I don't think I have anything else planned. It's $5 Bingo tonight maybe I will win again, LOL. Off to work on email and listen to Taran.
| Wednesday, August 07, 2024 - 8:40 am
Most of email is done, my first complete run thru, everything left needs me to do something. Rode the bike for 5 minutes, trying to get back into my routines, but the Olympics' is killing me. All the stuff I want to see live is on at 1am, LOL. Back to working on email, checking twitter.
| Thursday, August 08, 2024 - 11:16 am
Thursday's Mission It's errand Day and time to scrub the counters. I did get the Newsletter started. Had fun playing Bingo and came very close to winning several times. Up late again -- Olympics and Heartburn, LOL. So getting a late start. As much as I am enjoying the Olympics I will be happy when they end. I am planning to be a home body today, did some cleaning of the litter box, then cleaned up the kitchen and got the dishwasher loaded. Now working on email, Taran broadcast, twitter and big brother.
| Thursday, August 08, 2024 - 1:20 pm
Email is done! Taran is done! Now to finish off twitter, LOL. Also got my newsletter up, but my first item is to complete an email to the newest member of the resident Council. So happy to get a new secretary.
| Thursday, August 08, 2024 - 3:06 pm
Dustbusted the bathroom, got the cat food put away, still neeed to reorg the other shelf and put that cat food away, then I finally got thru twitter! Also set up the LazyFit app on my other tablet, going to give it a try to add to my bike riding. Yeah, time for my other chores.
| Friday, August 09, 2024 - 12:13 pm
Friday's Mission It's clean the Purse and Car Day plus time to mop the kitchen floor! I have a list of 4 or 5 things to accomplish today. I'm watching Track and Field; have 2 podcasts to do, I need to write the newsletters and get the minutes ready to go to the printer. Plus I want to ride my bike and then try my new LazyFit App and see how that goes. Off to grab my coffee and get thru email! Oh and I have Bingo at 2pm.
| Friday, August 09, 2024 - 12:39 pm
Got my coffee but also ended up loading and starting the dishwasher, refilled all the water bottles, tracked down small bags to put with the avocados and tomatoes that my sister gave me that I am taking down to Bingo. Now working on email, LOL.
| Saturday, August 10, 2024 - 10:32 am
Saturday ... a day of fun and relaxation .... I cancelled my houskeeping today, I just want to have a quiet day, don't feel like moving all the stuff in the house. This does mean I have to clean my toilet, lol, but I think I can manage. Enjoyed the Olympic Marathon! Paid a couple of bills, and now enjoying some coffee, my Taran podcast, reading the paper and just relaxing into the day. Not going anywhere, might not do any chores, but just enjoy the day. I do have to do my new LazyFit app and ride my bike but I can do that later.