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| Friday, September 03, 2010 - 6:59 am
I'm IN with the whizzing. Is the new word for great, phat, awesome, sweet... "sick"? Hayden says it a lot, like how sick it's gonna be to go to Steamboat. I'm sick of Steamboat and not in a great, phat, awesome, or sweet way.
| Friday, September 03, 2010 - 7:20 am
| Friday, September 03, 2010 - 8:01 pm
I don't know if this was suggested in an early post, but they have to change things around like don't have the morp. for the final POV, have the double eviction earlier in the game, know what the HG's are studying and have different quest- ions that they haven't thought of. They just have the same..before/after, 1 on 1 questions, true/ false. I have no idea what they can do to change it up with the questions and if I did, I'd be making big bucks for my ideas from AG.
| Friday, September 03, 2010 - 9:31 pm
Therein lies a major part of the problem. They say expect the unexpected while the houseguests accurately predict what's coming up next based on the totally expected.
| Friday, September 03, 2010 - 10:39 pm
When houseguests are evicted, they move into another house. Have live feeds in the second house, too, so we can watch them. Then let the people in the second house watch the feeds for the main house. That would change the game entirely. Then have another game where those that are in the eviction house can have an opportunity to mess with the people in the original house.
| Saturday, September 04, 2010 - 6:38 am
CBS = pick houseguests from a pool of people that have NEVER watched the show. Then we could go back to the days of enjoying the show. All this sitting around studying for the upcoming challenge gets old real fast. Expect the unexpected - oh paleeezzzzzz!
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 9:37 am
They need to lock up the hot tub and take away the pool table and the gym equipment until the house is cleaned. If they don't do their weekly chores - they lose backyard activity privileges. The house is a pig-sty.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 10:49 am
And if the have/have not theme is used again ...why allow a have not use the hot tub or pool? Have nots dont have these things in real life. Besides, they all just jump in the hot tub rather than take a cold shower. To use Brits favorite word... disgusting!
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 11:38 am
All of these GREAT IDEAS need to be checked over, compiled and brought to the attention of CBS. Also a steady POSTER (there are some great ones here) from TVCH should be hired to work with CBS in putting these ideas into action. OUR IDEAS NEED TO BE HEARD AND USED!! GO FANS!
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 12:17 pm
does anyone know if it's true that this is the last BB season? I heard Julie wasn't coming back for another one and that she has her own talk show starting soon.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 12:18 pm
From what I understand, Julie is giving up The Early Show to do her new talk show, but it won't interfere with Big Brother. We haven't heard yet if BB is renewed for next year, but the ratings are high, so it seems likely it will be.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 1:06 pm
There is no hope for changing or improving the show. The ratings are up, so they think they're doing everything just right. Wait til next year when no-one buys the live feed. That is the only way they'll get the message that their show sucks.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 2:13 pm
Yep, Rosem. That's the ticket yo. The ratings do prove that you really can create reality with enough prodding and a few gazillion feet of tape. Since I haven't been unspoiled in eons, it's hard for me to comprehend the interest this season. I depend on a few boards, blogs, articles, feeds (cancelled this year), and bbad for my fix and only watch the show with my finger poised on the FF. It's inexplicable.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 5:20 pm
I've been hearing rumblings of another All-Stars- we haven't had enough good players since the last one do have one. Maybe you could do a half veterans vs half newbies, say 7 v 7, with some sort of a "wild card" player as a 15th person- perhaps someone who's been on BB from another country- or, here's a wild idea- the person from BB1 that was going to go in if the HG's took $50K to quit but never got in...She'd only be like 34 or so I think...
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 5:28 pm
1) When they have an endurance, the first two that come off should be the automatic nominations for eviction. Then the next ones who come off should be the have-nots. I'm tired of seeing people throw competitions. 2) If they want to sequester evicted houseguests early on, have a deal where if the HGs want that person back in the house, then both nominated HGs will be evicted.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 5:33 pm
No more SLOP - bring back the PB&J.....
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 6:05 pm
Strict bedtimes. If they don't get any sleep because they stayed up anyway, they still need to up at 9am. This is their JOB. To entertain, not to sleep. If they don't get up, they're on slop for the rest of the week. Work as a team to EARN luxuries. No hot tub, pool table, swimming pool until they complete a group task to earn each privilege. More competitions for a special meal each week, or some other reward, instead of incorporating prizes into Veto comps. Veto comps should just be for VETO - not prizes. Come up with new ideas for the comps, so that the houseguests can't predict the next one, or 'study' for it. Studying is very boring to live feed viewers.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 6:33 pm
Rosem, I like your thoughts on more competitions to earn things in the house and for luxuries. My idea in my Dear Allison post was to cut vetos in half. Those comps could be replaced with these challenges.
| Tuesday, September 07, 2010 - 8:20 pm
My ideas..... (1) Give America 50% of the vote to evict every week from among the HOH's two nominees -- this would be a variation of what Dancing with the Stars does to eliminate contestants. (2) Eliminate the Veto altogether -- this will put more pressure on the HOH to nominate who he or she seriously wants to be evicted. (3) I like some of Jcoplan's ideas about showing live feeds from the Jury House....the only thing I would add is that all evicted contestants be included as jurors, not just the last 7, and that they all have full access to the tapes from past episodes prior to the finale. This would be consistent with Big Brother 2 in which all cast members voted (except for the last two nominees) although there was no Jury House, the Veto did not exist (and now has become increasingly manipulated and redundant with nominations), and so Big Brother 2 is my pick for the best season ever. The only missing component in Big Brother 2 was America's direct involvement (voting) which was done entirely in Big Brother 1 and, in that case, caused the contestants to play too much to the audience. I think a 50-50 split of the vote (50% America, 50% contestants) would be much better because the contestants would have to play both to the audience AND for the favor of the HOH doing the nominating as well their fellow contestants voting to evict them. If Big Brother included all of these elements, I would love it.....and I think the ratings would only has to look at the unrivaled success of American Idol and Dancing with the Stars to know that the audience always wants to participate!
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 9:34 am
I would also like to reiterate my support for one of the earlier posts that whoever wins HOH has immunity from the next week's nomination. This just MIGHT stop them from throwing HOH competitions. ... and while we're at it - I would like to suggest that the veto winner is also immune from the following week's nominations. Many of these veto winners are nervousin' about upsetting the HOH's nominations (even though the HOH can't play the following week and nominate them - so I never understood that logic - but I'm not a fan of these unanimous verdicts. I want split votes.) Or to make it really interesting, the Veto winner only gets immunity the following week IF HE USES the veto!!! (Note to my fellow TVCH'ers: I haven't really thought this part out yet - but it sounded good in my brain)
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 10:15 am
I'm glad you like my 2-week immunity for HOH idea, Lexie_girl. I think your veto ideas are great too. These are really simple ideas that would force people to think more strategically and put an end to throwing comps and refusing to rock the boat as viable strategies.
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 10:49 am
Exactly Leroy - and maybe (just maybe) if they had immunity the following week these endurance comps for HOH or Veto would last 4, 5, maybe 10 or 12 hours, instead of being over in 45 minutes.
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 10:57 am
I loved S1, and I like the idea of the 50-50 split of the votes between houseguests and the viewers. Then, they could not count their votes, and it would remove the pressure of 'voting with the house' or 'doing what the HOH wants'. Usually, whenever anyone posts about having viewers vote, it's shot down really quickly with this reason: 'Viewers will vote out all of the interesting people'. So not true! Look at who the hamsters do vote out: usually anyone interesting or different! I also disagree that having older houseguests will make the house boring. Oh, like we've had non-stop excitement with all these 20-somethings? LOL!
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 11:54 am
Get a new producer, new camera guys, new casting director, new set designer, new creative directors, new challenge builders, etc. But keep Chenbot, since she is married to the head of CBS, we can't very well call for to be outed. Plus, I like her...... Maybe that's who we should be sending our complaints to - the Chenbot......
| Wednesday, September 08, 2010 - 12:06 pm
Do a BB of all Gulf War vets. I'd love to see normal Joe's and Jane's.