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| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 9:34 am
hah its going on right now she had to give Ben a hug for a full minute. He kept trying to end it and she wouldn't let go. I'm not sure if she passed as she didn't do the 20 compliments. I only heard a couple vague compliments. Now her nasty gang is questioning her why she's being so nice to him.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 9:40 am
Before she was allowed to impart on her mission, the tree had one more piece of advice - 'Stop saying heinous!'
Heinous is a perfectly good word, but not much that happens in the BB house is actually heinous. She over uses it and calls things heinous when she doesn't like them. The word should be used only for things that are shockingly evil. Contrary to what she seems to believe, doing something she doesn't like is not the epitome of evil.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 9:52 am
I might have to look back in the archives and see if I can find that argument. It'd be good to see it without edits. Thanks for the info. Great, more attention for Shabby! At least it's a task she won't particularly enjoy. For some reason the more I see her the more I dislike her, she just seems so very fake, and not in an entertaining way.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 9:58 am
Overday twitters: 09:32 The housemates have been woken by Big Brother's alarm 09:39 Mario advises Ben not to 'clam up' today, but to talk to people as normal, following last night's arguement with Shabby 11:04 Big Brother has told housemates that nominations will start in 15 minutes times 11:13 Dave, Ben, Mario and John James are discussing last night's argument. Ben thinks he had a good defence 11:30 Nominations have begun! Ben has been called to the Diary Room 13:49 Josie tells Ben that when she leaves the House she wants to do a barbering course Shabby says she'd like to se Caoimhe cause some trouble 14:51 Nominations have now finished in the Big Brother House 15:14 John James is talking about looks. He wished everybody would look the same 15:41 The Tree of Temptation has offered 'Scabby' a task - she has to be within touching distance from Ben until 5 'o' Clock 16:14 Shabby and Ben are having a very earnest conversation in the Bathroom 16:16 Shabby is talking to Ben about how she doesn't want to lose Caoimhe because they have such a great time Shabby is back talking to The Tree in The Bathroom. He's telling her she didn't give Ben ANY compliments. She forgot! 17:14 The Tree has told Shabby she has half an hour to pay Ben 20 compliments. And she has to hug him for ONE MINUTE 17:17 The hug is over... was it long enough? Only the Tree can decide 17:18 Ben is praising Shabby for coming to him to make up. If only he knew it was a task! 17:31 Shabby is telling Ben he is 'a true, pure, good perfectionist' 17:36 Shabby is telling Ben he is a wonderfully complex person.. . like a multi-layered onion Great, so Ben is going to tell everyone how wonderful Shabby was to forgive and forget!! And I forgot they would be nominating today. I bet Ben is up.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 10:02 am
Yea they already nominated and 4 of them are up. not sure if I can post it yet tho
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 10:18 am
Nothing out of the ordinary in the schedule for the next couple of weeks, but it's now Wimbledon as well as the World Cup, so look out for changes. Mon 21 June 5.10-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 2-3.15pm Highlights 4.05-10pm Live Feed Tue 22 June 5.20-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 2-3.10pm Highlights 4-10pm Live Feed Wed 23 June 5.20-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 1-2pm Highlights 4.20-10pm Live Feed Thu 24 June 5.10-6.35am Live feed 10-10.30am BBLB 1-2pm Highlights 3.50-10pm Live Feed Fri 25 June 5.10-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 1-2pm and 2.35-3.05pm Eviction Show 3.10-4.10pm BBBM 4.10-10pm Live Feed Sat 26 June 5.05-6.20am Live Feed 2-3.10pm Highlights 4.10-10pm Live Feed Sun 27 June 4.20-5.20am BBLB 6.40-8.15pm Live Feed 1-2pm Highlights 5.30-10pm Live Feed Mon 28 June 5.10-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 2-3.10pm Highlights 4.05-10pm Live Feed Tue 29 June 5.20-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 2-3.10pm Highlights 4-10pm Live Feed Wed 30 June 5.20-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 1-2pm Highlights 3.55-10pm Live Feed Thu 1 July 5.10-6.35am Live feed 10-10.30am BBLB 2-3.15pm Highlights 3.50-10pm Live Feed Fri 2 July 5.20-6.35am Live Feed 10-10.30am BBLB 1-2pm and 2.35-3.05pm Eviction Show 3.05-4.10pm BBBM 4.10-10pm Live Feed
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 10:19 am
Four is good! More to choose from. BBLB say they are going to announce, but they haven't yet.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 10:23 am
Sunshyne stated: yes i'm watching the whole thing on archives Sunshyne, where are you able to watch the archives? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks so much. Thanks agin Kitt, for posting the schedule. That is so very helpful all week. Flagg, if you know who it is, post it....please?? That should be okay with everyone, right? Flagg, what is your name in the chat room? I'm glad it's four. However, I'm not sure I'll be happy with the outcome because I didn't understand last week's public.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 10:25 am
This is from the OfficialBB site: NOMS SPOILER The Digital team can exclusively reveal that Ben, Dave, Govan and Shabby received the most amount of nominations and will therefore be facing the public vote this week. But alas, one fortunate housemate of the foursome will be spared eviction thanks to Save & Replace. Excellent result, lots to choose from!! I hope Ben wins the POV, although I don't see the public evicting him.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 11:36 am
what i like about the Save n Replace is the fast pace that it is done. Way better than the long milking out of the POV result on BBUSA. what I like about the quick decision is that someone completely unexpected could be put up and a HM isnt held to task the same way. On usa the HG making a switch is often viewed as a traitor to their alliance, on UK the HM is viewed as Playing the game and being forced to make a fast decision by a mean BB. **** on another note, I am not sure i'm going like the Daily show. I have a feeling it is going to be slanted for JJ and mostly the Shabby Show
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 11:46 am
Thanks for the nom info, Kitt. Here is this week's twist. C4 Confirms Latest Nominations Twist snip: The format will be similar to last week's vote, where the housemates select who they want to leave the house as normal. However, the two or more housemates with the most votes will have a chance to save themselves in a winner-takes-all task. It would seem Ben getting caught last night might actually help save him. I'm pretty sure he got the most votes; some were speculating at least 8. I don't want Dave to be the other one this week. Unfortunately, it will most likely be Shabby. Heh, heh...Shabby and Ben against each other again. Since Govan and Shabby are already up, who does everyone think Ben would choose to go up in his place should he win the comp? Would Ben dare to nom JJ, who should be up? He's complained that neither JJ nor Govan really got caught or punished for what they'd done, but he did. If he did nom JJ, it would be war....good feeds. Lol @ the ToT calling Shabby "Scabby." These producers seem to be in tune with the viewers/live feeders. Re whom the public will evict, I see Dave going if he stays on the block. However, I hope they realize they MUST evict Shabby, or head will be so big and she will act up horribly, thinking she's not going anywhere. Dave will feel the same should he stay, but he will just quietly tell himself how much he 'thinks' he's loved, lol.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 12:02 pm
Do you mean that only the top two nomination getters get to play in the Save And Replace? I don't know if they mean that... it's worded a bit strangely but I think they're just trying to paraphrase the same Save and Replace rules as before. Not sure. I think Shabby would replace herself with Sunshine. I think Dave would replace himself with Caiomhe or Ife. I think Ben would replace himself with Caiomhe or Ife. I think Govan would replace himself with Sunshine. I think Shabby or Govan will go, if they're still on the block on Friday. I'd hate to think that if Sunshine was put up as a replacement that she'd go, but that might happen too.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 12:56 pm
Does BB still wait until tomorrow to announce the noms and then have the Save & Replace Comp or will they tell the HM's today who is nommed and have the comp? I can't remember what happened last week. Sunshyne, I like the quickness of the Save & Replace also. There's no time for influence of any sort.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 1:13 pm
They definitely won't announce the nominations until tomorrow, and last week they did the competition the same day. This time at least they have the advantage of knowing the save and replace might happen, so they can think who they'd want to put up instead.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 1:49 pm
Oh the feeds are so funny!! They are doing "Jerry Springer" and Mario is a prostitute from Atlanta GA. The other HMs are hollering "Jerry Jerry Jerry" and ooooh -ing and ahhhh -ing appropriately and Ben is hilarious as Jerry Springer. The HMs just started screaming "fight fight fight!!!!!" and Jerry told them to wait until the 3rd part of the show!
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 2:12 pm
I should have been watching that not the highlights show! Govan asked to leave because he thinks his friends from back home won't like how he's being in the house. I think he's worrying about the gay thing again, I feel bad for him.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 3:00 pm
Does anyone know where I can find a copy of today's show with Shabby edited out?
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 3:46 pm
BB seems to give Shabby more air time than the others. With today's task they seem to want her to be able to redeem herself. I guess she makes for good television, but she is awful to watch. She is nothing but an articulate bully.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 3:48 pm
Amen, Kitt! She is something else. Re the Save & Replace, the article said the one or two highest vote getters, so with four nommed, I'm thinking it's for sure Ben and possibly Shabby or maybe Dave. Did Ben and JJ have yet another fight this evening on the feeds? JJ was discussing something with Ben and then he was sitting there kind of whining to Dave and Steve, as if he had been fighting with someone. This guy just thinks he is the Police of everyone. It's his way or else. Again this morning he was again talking to Josie about her telling him if he yelled at her again, they were done. He cannot let anything drop and he accused Ben of that. BB needs to send his videos home with annoying, while saying how fair and great he is. Ugh! I'd still love to see Ben win the comp and put JJ up. For as much as JJ has said for the zillionth time that he doesn't care when he goes home, I think he will hit the roof if nommed that way. Also, he keeps bringing Rachel up. Something bothering you there, JJ? I sure wish he woundn't be so dense that he can't realize people are encouraged to exxagerate on their VT's. He is judging people by that and if they were booed by the audience. Also, what's up with him using the "F" word so much. Hmmm...he's ranting about Ben refusing to tell him something about himself. Must be nice to live in JJ's world, where everyone must kowtow to him! Of course, he doesn't apply the same rules to himself that he does to others. Ben doesn't trust him anymore after last night, so get over yourself, JJ.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 4:22 pm
Shabby is now spilling the beans about the tree of temptation task to Caoihme, who is cracking up and Shabby keeps repeating that NOW she will have to ENDURE the WRATH of the Tree of Tempation!!
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 4:24 pm
It is overly dramatic as she acts out the details of what she did with Ben... I wish they would switch the feed. She also just said the tree was going to do make her do something really "heinous" as her punishment.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 4:39 pm
Shabby keeps asking BB for 5 minutes without cameras and microphones with Caoihme. She of course won't get it.. I am guessing here that she wants to explain to Caoihme that she is doing all this for camera time and is really not as creepy as Caoihme thinks she is. And Caoihme has said several times to others that she was cringing when Shabby told her she was fancying her.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 5:00 pm
All the nominees will compete, "the two OR MORE with the most votes" is how they always figure nominations. For 4 of them to go up there must have been a three-way tie for 2nd most.
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 6:27 pm
That's how I read it too. I don't know if Caoimhe will be any happier or more comfortable with Shabby if she does reveal it's done for camera time!
| Monday, June 21, 2010 - 6:45 pm
I came back to ask if I misread the article. I guess maybe I did, but then why did they use "however?" If they all compete it will be the same as last week. However (lol) I am not a BB UK expert of any kind and you guys are, so I'm sure you are right. Can't wait until tomorrow! I keep forgetting to post something. Last week on eviction night, I could have sworn I heard the audience saying, "Get Govan Out" as well as Sunshine. Won't Govan be surprised if he hears tht this week with him being nommed. Shabby is in for a hard fall. I guess SS tried to tell her the reason she got cheers is because her family must have been in the studio audience with Davina, but Shabby thinks everyone loves her now. I feel bad for Keeva. She's staying close so Shabby won't feel awkward, but by staying close Shabby might be getting the wrong impression. She can't win.