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Archive through August 13, 2022

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : USA 2022: General Discussion: Live Feed Discussion Thread: ARCHIVES: Archives for August 7 - August 13: Archive through August 13, 2022 users admin

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Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 11:23 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Christiii a private message Print Post    
Aaaand Joseph back whispering with Indy and Jas...ugh



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 11:27 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Calimom3 a private message Print Post    
And Jas is LOUDLY chomping chips while talking at the same time, and per usual, on someone ELSE’S bed! They are in the Race Car room…



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 11:37 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
I am thinking BBCanada has a no eating in the bedroom rule. If they don't they should and SO SHOULD WE!



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 11:37 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Earthmother a private message Print Post    
Terrence telling Michael, "we can't let the popular kids win, because it isn't fair"



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 11:44 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Marameko a private message Print Post    
I knew yesterday that Taylor may be getting on my nerves…..unfortunately.Not liking her game play.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 11:51 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
This plan is just ridiculous. RIDICULOUS.

It could have been so easy Taylor, stop listening to these two.

I will be rooting for Joseph to get Pooched!



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 11:54 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Listening to Michael and Brittany comparing notes, and they sound like the grown-ups of this house.

After listening to Terrence, Joseph, Jasmine and the rest, Michael and Brittany are a breath of fresh air.

They know that things are getting weird and off, and do realize that Taylor is being influenced. At least this is a plus - they don't have power to do anything, but they know the game well enough to steer things in a certain direction.

I hope.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 11:56 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Me too Mama! Funny how opinions can change in a few hours.

I am sick of Joseph whispering even when it's not necessary. And they are in the HOH room and now Taylor and Monte are also whispering.

They are in the HOH ROOM!! The whole point of which, is that you don't have to whisper.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 11:58 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
I can hardly hear them, but I know they are saying stupid shit.

They're laughing and giggling like Daniel and Nicole, when they were thinking they were smarter than everyone else.

Do. Not. Like.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:00 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
Same old stuff. They are just insane, have they not been paying attention.

PLEASE Taylor come to your senses!



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:01 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
The girls adore Joseph. They all want him. Even Jasmine.

Joseph is telling Taylor and Monte that Taylor making Joseph the replacement nominee will make the girls want to work with Taylor.

REALLY???? Let me get this straight. The girls love Joseph. Taylor will get him evicted. The girls will then want to work with Taylor?

Is Joseph setting her up? Because it's starting to sound that way.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:04 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mimiaow a private message Print Post    
I'm getting so confuzzled. My head is spinning.

Now it's Indy for target? Joseph is over the top.

I would like Michael and Brittany to talk to Taylor alone.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:04 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
The whispering is making me crazy.

It's almost like a psychological trick. By whispering, he's bringing people in on a SECRET. Making them feel special and crafty.

But it's out of control. Joseph has them whispering constantly, not when they have a secret.

Joseph needs to go due to whispering. And I said that shit!



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:05 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Needmylifeback a private message Print Post    
Looking at the list of people playing in the Veto..

This is PERFECT... Someone is going to get cash.. Someone is going to get a trip... Someone is going to get a punishment, Someone is probably going to get a costume..Maybe two people will have to be chained together... and someone is going to get the VETO... And from the looks of it to those not in the Leftovers .. and with the exception of Taylor .. they are ALL on the "Other Side" of the house... (They think Kyle is with them..)

Let the implosions begin...

Can you see if Jasmine gets the punishment EVEN THO' SHE ASKED EVERYONE NOT TO GIVE IT TO HER?

If Kyle and Indy have to be chained together? (Kyles punishment.. )

If Terrance gets a costume?

If Taylor gets the Cash or the trip?

I don't expect they will all play nice. Indy wants to win the VETO on her own.. and if Jasmine has it and Indy gets a punishment .. Indy won't think twice about exchanging...Terrance wants the Veto. he won't think twice either...



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:06 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
This is really not entertaining it is so stupid. Yep bye bye Joseph due to whispering and being stupid!!



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:06 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mimiaow a private message Print Post    
Turner just got called to the DR. Here we go.

Time for real life for me.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:06 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
I don't think they know the target.

It was Terrence. No, Indy. No, Alyssa. Maybe Monte.

Joseph is trying to put himself up.

It is insanity.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:09 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
At least the veto comp is soon since they called Turner to the DR.

Taylor just said this is so much fun...giggle...giggle...

Okay. It's $750,000 at stake. Let's just giggle that away with ridiculous moves that supposedly make 'good tv'.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:11 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Needmylifeback a private message Print Post    
The fun thing about it making "good TV" is that it rarely makes the TV show for it to be "Good"...



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:13 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Ok, the grown ups, Michael and Brittany are strategizing with the Chinese Checkers game.

Yes, these are in fact, the grown ups. LOL



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:15 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
So true, Need. Also, I enjoyed your veto scenarios.

Especially Kyle and Indy being handcuffed.

I would like Jasmine to have a punishment like Alex from a few seasons ago who had to set up a full campsite and make hot dogs. Because it would force her to actually DO SOMETHING.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:18 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wilsonatmd a private message Print Post    
I think Taylor both doesn't want drama (within the house) and does want "drama" (stuff that'll look good for TV), and it's clouding her judgement- she knows she's likely a huge target next week whatever happens, so she's trying to make as many people happy as possible but still make it an "interesting" week....

Of course she doesn't know about the house split coming (which could be real bad depending on the other 4 players that end up with her- if the HOH is against her she likely has to win POV since it only takes 1 vote to force a tie; I'd think it's 50/50 at best she survives the double)



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:18 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Michael and Brittany are dismayed at Taylor's irrational moves for 'good tv'. Michael said 'I didn't expect that'.

I am SO glad they recognize what is happening, and looking elsewhere for someone to drag to 3rd place. A non-leftover person.

When the house is split next week, it could work in their favor, depending on how the split is done.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:22 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Jasmine has been telling people she plans to throw the veto comp.

She doesn't realize that when you lose this particular comp, you don't just get to go on with your lazy-ass BB life. I really want to see her with a severe (by BB standards) punishment.

Remember that gal who had to kick the soccer ball 5,000 times or something? Obviously it won't be this one, but something else to teach Jasmine a lesson.



Saturday, August 13, 2022 - 12:24 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Michael and Brittany are in the HOH room now with Taylor, Monte and Kyle.

The other feed has Joseph talking to Indy, but I can only do one at a time. I'm staying with the HOH room.