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Big Brother (on CBS)
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| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 12:54 am
Thanks Since, that's good to hear, I believe she wins against him,. For anyone interested, found an interview with Daniel that was done the last day or two. It's long but he's still a jerk. Still calling them stupid and they don' know how to play a game.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 12:56 am
Monte was actually crying about having to tell Turner about not choosing him. He didn't want to surprise him. So I know he was telling the truth
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 4:51 am
He sure is. I havent seen anything from Nicole, have you?
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 6:16 am
Im so baffled at the observations, opinions and impressions coming from the jury and the fans. Turner isn’t given any credit for anything in this game. So frustrating. I just watched the extended interview Julie did with the Cookout. Where is all this love for Taylor coming from? Is it because she was attacked and became a victim week one? The Cookout actually said Turner can’t win because he won’t be able to articulate his game moves to the jury. Then some snickered about it. What a bunch pompous snoots. They all love Taylor but didn’t give one example of what she did in the game. All they said is she can beat both Monte and especially Turner. Why is that, because she is a beautiful black woman. They all said my heart is for Taylor but…. They know if it came down to Monte and Taylor, Monte deserves the win but none of them would say it. I’m so over them. I hope this doesn’t become a yearly thing. Please explain how Taylor played a better game than Turner. She became a victim the first week in the house. Turner saved her from the attack and then she became protected by a large alliance the rest of the game. She has no game moves. What will be her argument, I had to overcome so much in the house…blah blah blah. I just don’t find it fair that Turner is getting no credit when he has done so much in the game and Taylor has done nothing. I bet Michael is wishing he had left things alone because Monte would have gone and it could be him deciding between Taylor and Turner. In F2. Done with my rant.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 7:45 am
I like Turner, but it wasn't his idea to save Taylor on his HOH, it was Joseph. On his other HOH during double eviction, it wasn't his idea to get rid of Michael, it was Monte. Even if he said he did those things, they know he didn't. He also didn't set up the jury to want to vote for him in the end. He told Alyssa that he had her back and he wasn't voting her out of the house, but he did. He could have told her the truth. That's why Turner won't win the game, but I do wish he had a better chance. Taylor was targeted the entire game and on the block 9 times.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 8:31 am
Turner was HoH, it was brought to his attention Taylor was being treated unkindly by the girls. He could have just said “oh well, not my problem,” and let it play out. But he became livid and made sure Taylor stayed. When Michael was evicted, it was just Monte/Turner alone in a room. Monte said it first, about it being time to evict Michael. That doesn’t mean Turner wasn’t thinking it, plus, if Turner had put up someone else, Michael would’ve stayed. I think Turner is not getting the credit he deserves. Yes, Taylor was on the block a lot, but the Leftovers controlled the votes. She was never in actual danger of leaving. Of course it was mentally rough, and packing each time had to be awful , but there were always bigger targets for the alliance. They used her, when any one of them would have been safe, they made HER the “pawn.” She played her part in exchange for safety and a huge alliance of people who treated her with kindness and respect, unlike the catty women who ostracized her for no reason. The guys did more for their BB “resume,”, because they were in power more, but I sure hope Monte gets evicted tonight!!
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 8:35 am
Turner should not Al have taken Monte. So that is why he won’t win.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 9:32 am
Self righteous Monte said he doesn't want to be bothered to do press after the show. Don't worry, won't have a fan base anyway.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 9:36 am
Turner told Michael he was safe and was excited that he was going to get rid of Brittany...then in the DR. said that he can't believe that Monte wanted to break an alliance that they just made with Michael to keep him safe. So no, he wasn't thinking about evicting Michael.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 9:49 am
Well, we’ve seen Turner lie to “us” in the DR, so we can’t really know what he actually thinks, just because he says something. He lied a lot this season! I love it when players brag to us in the DR about their lies to the other HGs… but it’s not necessary to lie TO us… but Turner did it this season.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 9:51 am
Bnut, you could have the same argument with Taylor. What were her game moves? She made no decisions in the game. Yes she was targeted the first half of the game but it wasn’t her saving herself, it was others saving her. She hid behind others the whole game, first it was Michael and Brittany then Monte.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 9:54 am
Thank you Cali, great points on Taylor and her game.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 9:59 am
Both times Taylor was HoH, she had great ideas. Then she allowed guys to change her mind and she did THEIR bidding…. Very disappointing to watch her hand over her power.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 10:24 am
I'm just pointing out why Turner probably won't win, if he is in the final 2, since somebody asked.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 10:32 am
Taylor‘s gameplay never impressed me from day one. Being a victim doesn’t make her a good big brother player. I felt her HOH was a hot mess. She was more concerned that somebody took a prize away from her than anything else.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 10:40 am
Well the feeds are a wrap for the season! I watched the end here in the Aldi's parking lot. Thanks to everyone here for making it a fun summer!! I enjoyed being part of the conversation. God willing, I'll be here next season!! Till tonight folks!! Go Turner and Taylor!!!
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 10:52 am
Yeah, I really hope Monte doesn't win even though he had the best game play.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 10:53 am
Anybody but Monte for F2!
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 11:17 am
Yes I feel the same way. I don’t want to see Monty win, but out of the three remaining players, I think he played the best game. Unfortunately. I feel like Taylor survived a lot, but she didn’t win much, and then when she was HOH, her play was not great. And Turner seemed very influenced, and not independently playing or making game moves to benefit himself.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 11:42 am
Yeah it’s always unfortunate when the best player in the final three is the least likeable. I’d prefer Turner winning. He didn’t hook up with anyone and he played a relatively decent game. Other than surviving and being nice (which I will say are good qualities), Taylor had no game at all and I certainly can’t give her props for hooking up with Monte. Yuck!
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 11:46 am
A little after 1:30 am. Turner got up. He couldnt sleep. He goes yo kitchen table and sits down. Taylor never went to bed and was dozing in the bathroom. I am not sure if Turner thought Monte was not in bed because he left the sliding glass door open, sp the light went in. Monte heard Turner get up. He sat up in bed and looked around. I think he realized neither Taylor or Turner was in the room and freaked out. He quickly went out to see where they were. He is relieved to see Turner in the kitchen and Taylor in the bathroom. Monte tells Turner he had a weird dream. He says Turner, Brit, Taylor and him were siting at a table like they were playing gin rummy but they had picked straws. Monte and Turner had their straws and they were solid. He said Brit was it didn't matter...then he just started laughing. Turner looking really distressed says he also had a dream and it was so bad he had to decompress. He dreamed that Monte and him were doing the final comp against each other. That Monte was getting all the answers because they were asking the questions in another language. In the dream Monte asked Turner why he wasn't getting any of the questions right? Hadn't he studied??? Turner says, WHAT...another language!?! Lol Turner is freaked out. Monte goes back to sleep. Turner stays up. Tries to use the scissors point to carve something on to the cards. BB says stop that. Turner says I guess someone doesn't want someone to remember anything. Taylor's pitch she has been going over all night is that her game is about so much more than about winning comps or making big's about surviving. About bandaging her bleeding self up and dragging herself to final 3. She also says...what was my social move? A fauxmance? Not sure if she was referring to Joseph...or Monte? Turner continues to study. Taylor takes off her make-up, gets ready for bed. Turners runs into Taylor in the bathroom. Asks her to ask him 10 questions. He knows most of the answers...but I don't know if he's quick enough. Will be funny if last comp has nothing to do with questions about the who got how many HOHs etc. Turner studies wall photos. Taylor does her dishwasher loading. Says goodnight. Turner looks at camera and starts rolling off stats to the camera. Maybe he wanted Taylor to tell Monte that he was unsure of some answers so he would be over confident? Or maybe he tends to freeze when someone asks him question? Of course he is asking himself the questions that he knows the answers to LOL Taylor goes to bed in the girls bed. At about 2:30 a.m. Turner now is laying in the bathroom studying. He goes to bed at 3:15am. Wakes Taylor up shutting the sliding glass door to the boys room. They are all restless in their sleep. Feeds go to the "we'll be right back" screen at about 9:05. I'm assuming they're doing their wake up call. When the feeds come back it's about 9:25. Monte and Turner up and about but Taylor still in bed. I don't think Taylor's getting out of bed until they kick her out lol. Feeds cut for a few minutes and then all of a sudden she's awake, so I think they told her she had to get up. They are all sitting around the table waiting for the feeds to go out. At about 5 minutes of...feeds go out for a minute . I think they told them to say something to the cameras. Turner is having a brain fart can't think and is saying funny stuff about thank you to filling the corporate moguls pockets with more money....and thank you to the DR people he got to go cry to when Brit was driving him crazy. Monte mentions doing stuff on camera that people shouldn't have seen..seem... Taylor says everyone "has seen so many of her nipples"...Turner asks how many nipples does she have? And Taylor goes off on...she thanks people that have seen the truth in the moment...and all the work people have done on her behalf and advocated for her... and spread the truth before a narrative was spun... Clearly the DR has been telling her about what has been going on outside of the house And over and out...feeds cut in the middle of Taylor's speech....
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 11:55 am
Right now to me: Monte has a 70% chance of winning- He's in F2 no matter what (Turner seems set on taking him)- He probably beats Turner 7-2 or 6-3. Against Taylor it might be a closer thing, but him winning the last comp might be enough for a 6-3 or 5-4 win. He's got to his watch his jury questioning and final statement though- you can't usually win it there but you can lose it if there's one jury member who gets turned off by what you say there.. Taylor has a 20% chance of winning- Monte has to be telling the truth in taking her, and of course he has to win the HOH. If she does make it it'll be close- Monte will probably need to make a mistake in his answers and she'll need a good closing speech. A 5-4 or 6-3 win isn't out of the question, but a 5-4 or 6-3 loss is probably more likely. On the bright side, if she wins AFP- and it's probable that's what'll happen- she's getting the same amount of money as 2nd place even if she goes out 3rd, so it won't be a total loss regardless. Turner has a 10% chance of winning-If Monte is telling Taylor the truth he's got to win the comp tonight. If Monte does take him he'll need Taylor to be bitter plus some big mistakes to maybe eke out a 5-4 win. If Turner wins the comp he might be doomed to 2nd no matter who he takes; Monte is probably the person for him to take in any case deal or not because there's a better chance he might make an error in the jury statements/questioning (plus a more bitter jury than we're seeing). Monte winning will be OK, but he lost a lot of points the last couple of weeks. Taylor winning will be nice- she wasn't the best BB player by far, but had a good season-long story. Turner winning will be OK but slightly disappointing- he go there on merit, but is more a follower than a leader, especially when it came to his HOH wins. Plus him winning would be more people voting against (probably) Monte than for him.
| Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 12:10 pm
This is not a highly anticipated finale for me. I felt for Taylor throughout the game, but she did nothing to show strength when she did have power. She was not decisive and relied on others during her HOH, and I do feel that she used her sexuality with Monte to go further in the game. If she were a confident woman who was making other moves and that was one of them, I might feel better about it. I think there is a lot more going on inside. Monte-anybody but Monte, just because of who he is as a person. Turner first spoke of the bullying, so I guess I’ll root for him.