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Archive through February 13, 2022

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : USA 2022 Celebrity Edition: General Discussion: Live Feed Discussion Thread: ARCHIVES: Archives for February 12-15: Archive through February 13, 2022 users admin

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Saturday, February 12, 2022 - 8:39 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
My opinions of Shanna are strictly from watching her on this show and the feeds. I knew nothing about her. I still know very little about her. I have liked her in the game.



Saturday, February 12, 2022 - 8:41 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Christiii a private message Print Post    
Ohhh Todrick is now complaining to Todd about Lamar...and Lamar will not take this well. Ill bet that Todd will let Lamar know, Lamar will have words with Todrick, and then Todrick will say that Lamar was being a bully..threatening behavior etc..



Saturday, February 12, 2022 - 9:10 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Christiii a private message Print Post    
Wow, ok Todrick NOT bragging about his house getting broken in to, and they stole $150,000 of bags/purses..Louis Vuitton etc



Saturday, February 12, 2022 - 9:17 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Christiii a private message Print Post
Todricks house on MTV Cribs last year...ugh



Saturday, February 12, 2022 - 9:51 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kookliebird a private message Print Post    
When are nominations?



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 2:09 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lostfan a private message Print Post    
Carson nominated Miesha and Todd for eviction

I hope Shana wins POV and takes off Todd!!!

So maybe Carson will hopefully put up Toddrick



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 2:31 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Seamonkey a private message Print Post    
That would be the best scenario.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 3:00 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
Seamonkey said "I am stunned that he really wants to keep Todrick around or at least not put him up, because it looks like a good bet that both Miesha and Todrick will live through another eviction and heck, if Miesha is HOH again Carson will be back on the block"

Sea, there was a point yesterday when Toddrick, Miesha, Carson and Cynthia were talking (When all this was going down) and during that talk and discussing noms,Miesha said that she understood that she was the biggest physical threat but that probably all the big physical comps are done and the rest will be more mental or luck so she won't be a big threat anymore.

It might have been Miesha that suggested that the 4 of them work together to the end and when it's down to them 4, it's every man for themselves. I, personally, didn't hear a verbal agreement, but there could have been. I definitely didn't hear Carson and Cynthia say no.

Then soon afterwards, talk turned to noms and Miesha wanting Toddrick to go up with her.

Now hear is my speculation. It seemed like Carson was going to go along with the plan, but you could see he wasn't quite sure. He then went up to hoh and listened to Madonna and then he had the epiphany to stick with the original plan and nominate Todd instead of Toddrick.

Who knows what Carson is thinking. He will never tell. Esp after Cynthia blurted out that they have a final two. Maybe he wants wiggle room to back door Toddrick if he feels the need to do so. Maybe Carson is trying to keep all his options open.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 3:09 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
I just thought of something else. Maybe Carson didn't want to put up Toddrick because Toddrick wasn't go happy with the plan and Carson had made a deal with him not to put him up and it just wasn't sitting right with Carson to go back on his word.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 3:33 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
Thanks, Cruz for your 8:02 post. I think this is the first season that I like all the has and I will be fine with whoever wins. I don't dislike Shana or her game play, but I do think her and Toddricks gameplay are similiar with the exception that Shana doesn't carry on the way Toddrick does.

I'm glad to hear what you said about Toddrick being nice to Shana. I was upset the day before when Miesha was done with her hoh and was coming back to live downstairs that she was going to be shunned. Shana was bad mouthing her and saying she didnt want Miesha hanging around downstairs, etc.

And about whether Toddrick was only being nice to Shana for gameplay, I think he was just being nice. On Chris Kattan's last day, Toddrick, and Miesha were talking in the hoh room (actually, Toddrick was venting a mile a minute) and all of a sudden he turned around and asked if Chris K needed help with his shoes. Then when Chris K got up to leave, his hands were full of stuff that he was going to take downstairs, Toddrick jumped up and got the door for him and asked if he needed help. It surprised me because Toddrick was talking so much and he was so focused on Miesha, that I was surprised he even noticed Chris K in the room. So, I do think Toddrick does have a good heart all in all. I don't agree with his bashing, but I think it comes from him being very insecure. And I would never trust him in this game.

And if Shana and Cynthia get together and have a talk when Cynthia has calmed down, I believe Shana will be back in the game. I think her only road block is Lamar and Todd. She can't crack those two nuts. But nobody else can either. Lol!



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 4:06 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
Here's a thread with 3 clips of Cynthia and Shana attempting to discuss things. Cynthia is so over the top emotional. She really needs to calm down and think things through. I'm glad Carson is staying out of it.




Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 6:15 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Thanks for posting updates, everyone. I needed to take a mental health break, since I was getting too emotionally involved. Why do I even give a crap about millionaires hurting each other’s feelings? So stupid! LOL!

I had really high hopes for Todrick on BB, since he was such a fan of the show. I was excited to see him take all the BB knowledge he gleaned from being so close to former cast members, and put it to work.

Well, I could not be more disappointed in him, as a player, and as a person. Can’t believe how quickly my opinion of him changed.

I see that Carson nominated Miesha and Todd, despite all the drama. At least Shanna is now aware that she needs to win that veto, and can’t count on the alliance she thought she had.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 6:50 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Maris a private message Print Post    
I have been thinking about Carson and I don't believe he is going to fall for the evil Shanna, primarily because it is originating with Toddrick. They know each other and have acknowledged that they travel in the same circles outside the house. So, ask yourselves, if you went into the house and there was someone that you knew and had known for years, would you work with them, align yourselve with them? you probably would. The fact that Carson doesn't have an alliance with Toddrick and isn't working very closely with him tells me that Carson is on to him.

After the conversation in the room with Carson, Shanna, Cynthia and Toddrick where they asked him not to use the veto and they would take him to final four, Shanna and told Cyn and Carson to be careful with Toddrick because of his alliance with Miesha. Carson said to Shanna that he ws lucky he had her because she was a good strategist. I dont see Carson putting Shanna up.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 7:59 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
Looks like all is well??



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 8:28 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
I believe so. Shana stole all the bottles of wine and they drank them upstairs and had a good time.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 8:31 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
Mama, thanks for posting that link. I might even turn the feeds back on, lol

I remember hearing that they’re going to have the veto comp live again on tomorrows show. Anyone know if that’s true?

I don’t like when they do it this way. We lose all the drama from the time veto is won until the time it’s used/not used. And I really want Shanna to win it so Todrick can be mad. Hehe.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 8:53 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Hwest a private message Print Post    
Who thinks any of the evicted HG's out in the wild watching the show will vote for Todrick if he is sitting in the final 2?



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 11:24 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Rosem4243 a private message Print Post    
I braced myself and turned the feeds on, Shanna goes into the HOH room to talk to Carson, and BB cuts the feed.

I am so done with BB manipulating live feeders to get any and all information from the edited tv show.

If I wanted an edited reality show, I would watch Survivor. Which I don't. Because of the editing.


I'll check back in later, but between the destruction of Shanna's character and the feed cuts, I am not having fun with this.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 11:30 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
I'm guessing it's because it's super bowl Sunday and production doesn't want to bother with watching the has and what they may do. They are busy watching the pregame tomorrow.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 11:32 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
Lamar just finished exercising and asked the Dr to let him in. Shana is still in bed, alone. And Cynthia is napping on the couch in the upstairs lounge.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 11:52 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
Lamar went into the storage room and it looks like bb gave him some poo-pourri for his stinky bathroom endeavors.

Todd was talking to him earlier about his smelly farts and how Lamar should go see a doctor about it.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 11:55 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
The camerman must be bored. Its slowly panning over the items on the bathroom counter while Todd is in the rest room. From the sounds of it, it sounds like Todd has lots of farts, too.

Todd exits the toilet area and Lamar goes in for his turn.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 11:57 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
Lamar is finished leaves bathroom and goes finds Todd in their bedroom. I think Todd might be packing for tomorrow.

Feeds cut from such exciting events. And Shana is still in bed.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 12:18 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
Todd, Lamar and Cynthia in the upstairs lounge. Cynthia has a plate of food. They are talking about tv shows.

Somebody is in bed in the cuckoo room with a pillow over their head. I can't tell who it is.



Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 12:20 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Grooch a private message Print Post    
And feeds cut when Todd mentions that he likes CW shows.