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| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 3:29 am
Not really paying attention yo feeds but Jackson was telling Holly that his brother signed up yo be in the audience and we get fish. Back and he's saying something about a girlfriend r sister sent in a video without telling him. And he was afraid it would screw up his chances. At first I thought that the girlfriend was trying to get on with him, but I'm thinking that Jackdon put single on his application but he really had a girlfriend at the time. Now talking about Christie and her age and lying about it. Holly know thinking what Tommy said is true. Talking about Holly s age now.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 5:12 am
Thanks, Sea.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 5:13 am
I do that all the time!
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 6:03 am
I think it would be good for Nicole and Cliff to evict Holly and break up that pair. I don't want to see Michie and Holly as the final two. I like Tommy. Of the five left, I wouldn't mind seeing Nicole, Cliff, and Tommy as final three.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 6:10 am
I would think, after contemplating all scenario's, , I would prefer to go against Holly, In the next hoh, instead of Tommy. It's likely to be a mental comp and that gives cliff and Nicole much better odds. Surley they're just starting this up for the sake oftv. I can't imagine anything else, except Nicole getting the big head, and over confidence setting in.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 8:56 am
Frankly, I agree with booting Holly instead. She and Jackson are an unbreakable final two. It makes sense to break them up.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 9:14 am
I also agree with getting Holly out. Jackson and Holly always take each other to F2, and it would be good for Nicole if Tommy can get Jackson out for her.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 9:14 am
There are pros and cons for each if she boots holly then holly will be bitter, I don’t think Jackson will and Tommy’s secret will be exposed. I personally think if she boots hollyboth jackson and tommy will split cliff and nicole up. If she boots tommy then it’s two teams against each other. I don’t know. Good luck to all of them each deserves to win at this point so it is what it is
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 9:20 am
This has production all over it.. "talk it up - cause some confusion - so there is tension - then do what you planned to do" .. Can't have an easy week where the one going home has all week to have a good time and rationalize his game... They have to send Tommy home and take their chances against Holly for HOH (Tommy LOVES everyone and has too many people on the Jury.) I could see Tommy "promise" to go with Cliff and Nicole against Jackson .. and turn around and side with Jackson if Jackson won HOH... and keep himself off the block.. Nope .. this season turned into "the fair and honest game" and the 4 have to stick together and then gun for the rest of the comps... Jackson, Nicole and Cliff all have it in them for the final comps (Nicole over Cliff on the endurance/memory one if they have that.) Holly will just be "there".
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 11:05 am
Tommy is up, doing dishes, per his usual... as he is putting things in the Storage Room I notice he steps over some throw pillows and what looks to be a sleeping bag or comforter. It’s lying right inside the room, he steps over each time he goes in AND out, (which he has done NUMEROUS times!). I would move it to a corner of the room, to a spot where it’s not in the flow of traffic, but that’s just me...
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 11:14 am
Those pillows and comforter were from yesterday's comp when someone had to stay in that room... (I bet it was Jackson) while the comp was going on.. I know that Cliff was in the Boat room.. don't know where everyone else was.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 11:16 am
Whoever goes home, she should still take Cliff off the block. Don't risk it.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 11:24 am
Oh Did Nicole sleep in the HOH again last night? .. Jackson was going to try to keep it to 1 night.. but maybe his tone changed after her Veto win??
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 11:28 am
I thought Jackson wanted her to have it the entire week... easier to know where she was and also keep and eye on Tommy...
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 11:32 am
humm. prob not that big of a deal to him.. but he did say to Holly after veto, Glad I gave HOH to Nicole last night. Holly said something about all week. And Jackson said, well I offered, but I am not going to push it. (kinda like he offered reluctantly) .. not sure if this was before or after what you heard Needmylifeback
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 11:40 am
Nicole did sleep by herself in the HOH room. That's where she was speaking about the various combinations and decided that 3 v 1 is better than 2 v 2 (keep Tommy).
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 11:59 am
Is Cliff pro or con re this new idea? I read earlier he didn't want to flip, but isn't he on the block? He has no say, does he? If Nicole takes Tommy off, it would be Holly/Cliff on the block. He either goes along or goes home if he wants to protect the couple. I like the idea of the three left if Holly goes taking Jackson out with the Veto. Works for me. I know production is doing this to save Tommy and he's milking it for all it's worth (poor little Tommy) but I agree with others that it would disastrous if a couple (Jackson/Holly) are the final two. I don't trust Cliff; never have. I feel everything he does is for show. He's for Cliff and that's fine, but don't pretend otherwise. Also, Cliff is completely fooled by Jackson.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 12:01 pm
Need, Nicole stayed in HOH during the comp. She said she listened to the HOH music, which Jackson requested for her. Oh, I forget who stayed in storage room! Jackson would seem a good choice because of the food but he likes to sleep while waiting. Cliff waited in the boat room, using the game dive to practice memorizing groups of 4 numbers.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 12:04 pm
Nicole would be crazy to not take Cliff off and I don't think there is a chance she won't. I agree with Needmylifeback...for the drama of it Production probably has Nicole debating who they should vote out. I see where the couple should be split up but I'm of the mindset that Nicole and/or Cliff has a better chance of winning against Holly than if either are sitting next to Tommy in the end so for that I think they need to stick with their final four. Also thought that Jackson wanted Nicole to have the room for the week but she insisted on only one night. When he told Holly he wouldn't push it, I thought he wanted to respect Nicole's decision of only wanting it the one night. I think I give these people too much credit.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 12:06 pm
Tommy will deserve the win if he charms yet another person (Nicole, with Cliff going along with it) into thinking he will help them win. I think Nicole still does not realize that she could WIN this and is going for second. And that is for sure better than not being in final 2. But she doesn't know that Tommy has the jury more than does Cliff or Jackson. Holly has no chance of winning.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 12:19 pm
Sea - - I agree. I don't think she wins against Jackson but she needs to keep Holly because she could win against Holly and possibly Cliff (not sure who comes out the winner if it is between her and Cliff).
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 12:24 pm
I think Nicole took a liking to the HOH room and seemed fine with staying there last night. It seemed like she came out of the DR and told Tommy he "deserved" to stay, which caused the transformation of poor Tommy, so alone, back to over the top Tommy, obsessed and loving everyone so much. She needs Cliff off the block and she needs Cliff to vote with her to keep Tommy. Cliff was surprised when she woke him up to lobby for this and his first reaction was that Holly would be easier to beat for final four HOH than would Tommy. But he agreed to consider this. She can take him off the block with no ripples, since she already told Jackson and Holly that she would do so, but also told them they would still vote Tommy out. So all could be best friends up until the blindside at eviction. However, It sounded like Nicole was thinking she must alert Jackson and Holly about this new plan ahead of time. This was all before I left feeds a few hours ago.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 12:33 pm
I always hate the term "deserve". Seriously, who deserves to be there and who doesn't deserve to be there? Who decides? Now if the US was like the old UKBB, we would decide who 'deserves' it and I'd be just fine with that.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 12:36 pm
Well Jackson is not an option at this point, so Nicole can stick with Cliff and boot Tommy, as previously planned, then for HOH, she and Cliff have a good chance on one being safe as HOH and compete with Jackson and Holly for pov. Or, Nicole can stick with Cliff and boot Holly and she and Cliff have to beat a motivated Tommy for HOH and a very motivated Jackson and Tommy for POV. Or, Nicole can leave Cliff on the block, take Tommy off and vote with Tommy to boot Holly, or Cliff! Or she could be blindsided when Cliff or Tommy turns on her, and creates a tie where Jackson keeps Holly and then they turn on Nicole and side with Tommy or Cliff. Cliff will not, but could go to Jackson and tell him what Nicole is planning.
| Sunday, September 08, 2019 - 12:39 pm
I would be more excited if I liked Tommy more, if he had not had Christie all season. Then, no problem, adios Holly. But deserve, no!