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| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 12:37 am
It's hard to say if that transcript is real or not, it's racist ideology that has been going around for, well, ever I guess. The only way it could of been leaked, is if, for whatever reason, someone working on the show leaked it. If it is real, then it was right to remove Biggins, bc he directed a comment to Katie, which understandably upset her. I don't know why Renee would not have been removed for chiming in, or the things she said on her own. I am surprised at the both of them, though, if it is real that is. I guess we'll find out tomorrow what really happened. I think Bear should have been removed for breaking the window too. And I still think Aubrey for spitting in his food. Bear doesn't bother me so much, so I hope Heavy D or Aubrey go this week, although I wouldn't mind Renee going too.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 1:53 am
I just saw this from the official BB twitter account. I wish they just said why today, rather than wait all this time, sheesh. Big Brother UK @bbuk We can confirm that a transcript claiming to relate to Christopher Biggins' removal from the #CBB house is 100% fake.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 6:30 am
I'm glad that it is fake. At least we will find out today what happened. Yikes! ![](
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 10:34 am
The writer did a good job, because it sounded very real! It would have to be something extreme like that or something that just crossed the line but was simple, like he used a word like the n word. They should have just released what he said on their website, it would have been better for his publicity team to handle.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 10:39 am
I thought what Aubrey did when spitting in Bear's food and drink was disgusting but when Bear had Aubrey spit directly in his mouth that trumped her spitting in his food and drink. At least with BB's warning to her she won't be spitting in anyone's elses food or drink. I can't stand Bear. When BB told them there was to be no talking while the eternal nomination process was going on, who kept talking? BEAR and at times HeavyD. Bear's attitude after being nominated for the eternal nomination was ridiculous. I wish all the house mates ignored him when he said anyone who voted for me don't ever talk to me again. I would have given him the thumbs up and walked away. He's an idiot.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 10:51 am
Sorry, I forgot to post the tv times. Here they are for the next week or so. Note the Saturday times are different due to football... Sat06 2.30-3.30pm S18E10 CBB Sun07 1-2pm S18E11 CBB Sun07 2-3pm BOTS (on 5*) Mon08 1-2pm S18E12 CBB Mon08 3.05-4.05pm BOTS Mon08 4-5pm CBB: Live from the House (on 5*) Tue09 1-2pm S18E13 CBB Tue09 3-4.05pm BOTS Tue09 4.05-4.30pm CBB: Live from the House Wed10 1-2pm S18E14 CBB Wed10 3.05-4.05p BOTS Wed10 4-5pm CBB: Live from the House (on 5*) Thu11 1-2pm S18E15 CBB Thu11 3.05-4.05pm BOTS Thu11 4-5pm CBB: Live from the House (on 5*) Fri12 1-2pm S18E16 CBB: The Eviction Part 1 Fri12 2.30-3.05pm CBB: The Eviction Part 2 Fri12 3.05-4.05pm BOTS Fri12 4-5pm CBB: Live from the House (on 5*) Sat13 2.30-3.30pm S18E17 CBB Sun14 1-2pm S18E18 CBB Sun14 2-3pm BOTS (on 5*) Mon15 1-2pm S18E19 CBB Mon15 3.05-4.05pm BOTS Mon15 4-5pm CBB: Live from the House (on 5*) Tue16 1-2pm S18E20 CBB Tue16 3-4.05pm BOTS Tue16 4.05-4.35pm CBB: Live from the House Wed17 1-2pm S18E21 CBB Wed17 3.05-4.05p BOTS Wed17 4-5pm CBB: Live from the House (on 5*)
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 2:10 pm
I had a hard time thinking anyone Biggins' age could ever say such things about Hitler/WWII atrocities or say such things to Katie. Re the 'eternal vote' that kind of cool.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 2:57 pm
Hmm, watching today's show and Biggins is talking about Gays and how they've been treated and just when they were starting to be treated okay, up comes AIDS and he is saying that it was purposely given by the Gov't (believe he meant U.S.) to third world countries to make them smaller? Renee starts talking about CIA guy who used to come by her house and kind of said the same thing, but it didn't go right. The Gov't messed up. Biggins then says the reason it spread is because bisexuals went to third world countries and then brought it back to their families. Could this be why he was booted? It's an interesting convo and a theory. Someone else getting a lecture for making people feel isolated. Is this Big Brother? They are on top of everyone this season. They are calling out the HG's for not towing the line. Almost too PC. Weird. 7:05 PM: Biggins called to DR. BB told him his language was unacceptable. Made comment to Katie & BB public..Monday? Says Biggins continued to use unacceptable language...they are mad he's talking about bisexuals. Didn't like his convo above. Due to your offensive language we have to remove you. Boom...he's gone. I don't know what he said to Katie,(she had stated she wasn't representing the Jewish people) but I didn't think his and Renee's convo was bad. It was a theory. What has happened to free speech? They were having a private convo. No one seemed offended. I'm confused.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 3:03 pm
Renee agreed with Biggins in their convo, so should she be booted as well? At this rate, with a few people almost out the door with formal warnings, will there be anyone left on the show? Here I was thinking them talking about the Gov't & CIA accusations would be a problem, but not the case.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 4:20 pm
Really strange. Haven't seen the show yet but I'm sure he said more than that, and they chose not to show it, because people have said a lot worse and stayed. I'd expect a warning but not an ejection unless that was just the last of multiple offenses.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 4:51 pm
I thought I had read somewhere that because of what he said to be booted was so offensive, they would not televise it. I imagine without seeing what was actually said to get him booted, it will not make sense to the viewing public. I wonder if BB is protecting him to, some degree, by not showing it.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 6:31 pm
To me it seemed it was mostly the 'bisexual' reference that got him booted out of the house. However, I think Big Brother is overstretching his role, you can stifle people expressing their own opinions, especially on such an old topic as aids epidemic, where we've learned so much about that whatever Biggins said could have been true, but it was a first for me to hear that the virus was handmade, I never thought of such an awful thing done on purpose by governments. Although, come to think of it the comment is also an opinion, it doesn't mean that because I hear I am going to react badly, it's his opinion and it should be taken as an opinion, my goodness, freedom of speech should still be allowed. This UK Big Brother figure is full of crap.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 10:27 pm
I agree, Spunky. The guy whose voice is BB seems on edge. He's not cool @ all and has zero patience with these HG's. Maybe he needs to be retrained. He's really tense. I miss the old BB Voice.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 10:53 pm
Biggins was speakin to Grant, and Biggins said he'd "made three mistakes in here so I've been chastised" "so I'm careful." That was after they'd aired the comments on AIDS being manmade. So I presume by that he meant he'd already had three formal warnings that they hadn't aired. And Lewis got the warning for the dares being so bad?? Are they just showing one warning out of several, because surely three or more others needed to receive the same warning over that. The comment to Katie was the first one they highlighted, whatever it was, I don't know if that means it was the worst. I don't think either of the bisexual comments was that extreme, just ignorant in some ways, and people are allowed to be ignorant. And Renee was equally wrong in both of the bisexual conversations. You could tell he had no idea that he'd crossed any line. It's all just really weird. My guess is he's said worst things they haven't been able to air and the bisexual comments were just the ones they could air, so they're the ones we heard about. It is such a big thing to get rid of Biggins in away that puts him in disgrace, he's such a well known personality for so many years, 30+. Imo he had to have said something more than what we saw.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 10:54 pm
And Bear so need to be kicked out. If they're tightening the rules on language they should tighten the rules on behaviour.
| Saturday, August 06, 2016 - 11:00 pm
According to The Sun it was a pretty offensive comment he made to Katie. I get the feeling he's said comments to the Jewish comedians who are his friend and didn't realise how offensive it was out in the real world.
| Sunday, August 07, 2016 - 10:22 am
Kitt...I totally agree with you. I'm really trying to understand what happened. If I remember correctly, when Biggins was called into the DR, BB said to him that ON MONDAY they talked to him about what he said to Katie and was warned about his language and that he has been warned before. He nods his head yes. Then BB talked about his conversation regarding bisexuals and AIDS and says he is being removed from the house! WHAT??? I just don't get it. I think what was even more telling is the entire house was shocked when it was announced and most seemed very upset (except Bear but who gives a crap what he thinks) and the same seemed just as shocked that Bear hasn't been thrown out for his behavior. Why hasn't Renee been warned or thrown out for her idiotic opinions on bisexuals and the story she told about the supposed CIA guy (because we all know CIA guys hang out with known people connected to the Mafia...really Renee?) BB calling Lewis into the DR to talk to him about his and others' behavior of bullying people was just to pacify the out cry of viewers who are questioning why these behaviors have been allowed yet they get rid of Biggens for his ignorant statements. Lewis's own words confirmed that this discussion happened WAY after the bullying even took place. He even commented that they stopped days ago so I think he was even surprised it was being discussed. They also need to change their intro about offensive language and add in you may be offended by others opinions because that is what Biggins was thrown out for. If it was for his joke to Katie about Jews (yes....not funny), he should have been thrown out on Monday. Not liking BB as much as I am not liking Bear right now!
| Sunday, August 07, 2016 - 6:47 pm
So they only took the top 3 nominations plus Bear, those who got less than 5 (like Aubrey got 3) are excluded. Incredibly how the Americans, Frankie and Renee didn't get a nomination at all. I think Frankie should not antagonize Bear, I think it's better to not get involved in a fight with Bear. So Bear, Heavy D, Saira Lewis are nominated. (How am I doing Kitt?)
| Sunday, August 07, 2016 - 7:12 pm
Doing great Spunky! Vote to save means Bear is safe, I fear, because enough will think he's good tv. I'm thinking Saira will go, she's had the least exposure with the voting crowd.
| Monday, August 08, 2016 - 10:35 am
I hate vote to save in cbb, it is always so hard to get out the most hated celebs. Bear needs to go as does heavy d. I think Lewis will settle down once bear is gone but that may or may not happen any time soon. I predict bear will have to be removed if he leaves at all.
| Monday, August 08, 2016 - 11:42 am
I thought without them being able to vote for Bear that the results would be spread out more, but really the three who went up were going to get significant votes either way. Those guys really have a hump against Aubrey and I don't really see why. I guess because she stands up to them. I agree about the vote to save. It's clear the house are controlled by Bear because it's not worth communicating with him because it goes nowhere. Nobody can be who they would be because he's in there. Spoils the show completely. I think Saira will go, but I would definitely vote to save her, even though I don't like her, because one of the guys deserves to go.
| Monday, August 08, 2016 - 12:26 pm
By the way, the eviction is tomorrow, Tuesday, not Friday. (You probably all noticed this before but I didn't.) The schedule's still the same though, just an hour show starting at 1pm PT.
| Monday, August 08, 2016 - 5:44 pm
It's a bit ironic that the ones who were safe because of Biggens nominating them the first week (with the exception of Bear) are the nominated house mates this week. I don't like any of them that are up but hoping it's either Bear or Lewis who will go. I'm wondering since Bear and Lewis probably have the same fan base if it is more likely that one of them will go. One can hope (again)! Does anyone have a list, or a link, of who nominated whom?
| Monday, August 08, 2016 - 6:41 pm
Sassyza these are how they nominated: James - Saira and Heavy D Sam - Heavy D and Chloe Chloe - James and Saira Frankie - Lewis and Marnie Renee - Lewis and Marnie Aubrey - Lewis and Saira Katie - Heavy D and Saira Saira - Heavy D and Katie Bear - Aubrey and Ricky Ricky - Lewis and Chloe Lewis - Aubrey and Heavy D Marnie - Heavy D and Aubrey Heavy D - Lewis and Saira
| Tuesday, August 09, 2016 - 12:46 pm
Amy -- thanks!