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| Friday, April 05, 2019 - 8:39 pm
A thread for spoilers.
| Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 12:24 pm
I wish I was not spoiled for this, but I am. Still ready to see this tonight!!!
| Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 12:35 pm
Tomorrow night, Sea. 
| Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 9:17 pm
I have the spoilers for this season which I wrote down months ago and just found them.
| Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 9:41 pm
Right.. I had convinced myself it was tomorrow I have to get up at the crack of dawn to meet up with Eggie, Juju, Bigdog and maybe Egbob but later realized that tomorrow is Wednesday and I just harvesting and rehearsal. Today I ticked off errands, leaving a lab in that a lab (where the woman was rude and uninformed. These kits are from a lecture on colorectal cancer that happens once a year, kits are handed out and processed free for the participants, the lab is paid by someone.. Five years and she was irritated, wanted my insurance info... Also hit the grocery and filled the gas tank. Prices have been leaping up.. Summer gas is more expensive, but the refinery had a fire and has to import oil. And some scheduled mainte. This would make more sense if they didn't have a fire almost every year. Anyway regular unleaded was $3.75 a gallon! and This was Sam's Club! The woman with the SUV at the next pump said wasn't it just $3.59 last week? I said the last gas I bought was $3.19 last month. She looked again and ask if my car was a Prius. So I really had earned seeing Amazing Race sooner, right?
| Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 10:39 pm
So what are the spoilers, are you guys just teasing us???
| Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 10:55 pm
SPOILERS: V V V V V V V V 1st elimination....Art/JJ....Tokyo 2nd Rupert/Laura....Laos Vietnam-NEL 3rd Eliza/Corinne....Vietnam Dubai-NEL 4th Janelle/Britney Switzerland-NEL 5th Rachel/Elissa....Switzerland 6th Chris/Bret....Croatia
| Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 11:35 pm
************************************************ Janelle/Brittney eliminated in Uganda. Leg 10: Netherlands Leg 11: London, United Kingdom Leg 12: Detroit, Michigan Not sure about F5.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - 8:42 am
Please, please, please remember to add nonsense stuff at the beginning of your posts in this thread. I didn't want to be spoiled, but now I am. Spaces and returns don't work, you need to use actual characters.
| Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - 10:12 am
I said Spoilers and went down 8 lines. Why would one look at the spoiler thread if they don’t want to be spoiled?? I’m sorry....but this is the spoiler section.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - 10:22 am
Jag - As a moderator, like many others, I read through the new messages view. This is a far more efficient way for me to review the board and do my unpaid job here. Other methods are WAY more time consuming. In the new message view, the first 5-6 words of EVERY post are in view. Your first post was fine, but I had to edit your second post to add the asterisks to push those names out of view for others, because what I saw in new messages is: Janelle/Brittney eliminated in... That's why we ask that you add something to the beginning of your post. I can't remove the spoiler thread from new messages, unless I omit the entire Amazing Race area, and that would prevent me from doing my job here well. Again, it's just a courtesy, so if you could please be courteous, and not be touchy about it, that would be appreciated. Keep in mind that RETURNS and SPACES do not push the words out of view. Only *characters*. Thank you. 
| Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 6:04 am
And when we go into the thread to fix a post,but is hard to avoid seeing the spoiler info in surrounding posts.
| Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 7:38 am
Spoilers: five four three two one zero... To expand on the earlier stuff: 5th- Becca and Floyd 4th- Nicole and Victor So 3 TAR veterans in the final 3...a bit surprising even considering the 5/3/3 split... Not 100% confirmed, but based on info: 3rd- Leo and Jamal (they got to Detroit, the final city, but got hung up somewhere and didn't complete all the tasks in the city before they got sent to the finish line- bystanders who were at a task site saw the other two teams but not them before they took the setup down) 2nd- Tyler and Corey Winners- Colin and Christie (again, not 100% confirmed, but were seen having about a 1 hour lead over Tyler and Corey leaving the "remember the season events" task, which is speculated to be the last task before the finish line at Fort Wayne- so unless there was another task we don't know about or some horrible transportation issues this seems correct)