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Cedric Ceballos & Shawn Marion

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: The Amazing Race: The Amazing Race XXX: Cast Bios: Cedric Ceballos & Shawn Marion users admin

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - 6:31 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    

Name: Cedric Ceballos
Age: 48

Instagram: @cedceballos

Current occupation: Retired NBA Player

Three words to describe you: Funny, outgoing, and friendly.

Favorite hobbies: Music, sports, and traveling.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Being a healthy "Kool" Dad and NBA All-Star.

What scares you most about traveling?
Airport food.

What excites you most about traveling?
Seeing the sites and meeting new people.

What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
Africa, for the weather.

What do you hope to accomplish by running the race (other than winning $1 million)?
[That me and Shawn] stay friends.

Name: Shawn Marion
Age: 39

Instagram: @matrix31
Twitter: @matrix31

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Current occupation: Retired NBA athlete and father

Describe what you do: I have a son 40% of the time so I just want to be hands on with him. I'm also an NBA Ambassador where I do meet and greets, clinics, speaking, and engagements.

Three words to describe you: Competitive, stubborn to a degree, and loyal.

Favorite hobbies: Spending time with my son and family, traveling, and shopping.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Being a father and provider for my family and a champion!!

What scares you most about traveling?
Getting lost and stranded with nothing.

What excites you most about traveling?
New culture, cities, and people.

What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
Abu Dhabi, Bermuda, or Venezuela.

What do you hope to accomplish by running the race (other than winning $1 million)?
Maybe open more doors and opportunities for future endeavors.

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