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Eric & Daniel Guiffreda

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: The Amazing Race: The Amazing Race XXX: Cast Bios: Eric & Daniel Guiffreda users admin

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - 6:29 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    

Name: Eric Guiffreda
Age: 33

Twitter: @Eguiffreda

Hometown: Ponchatoula, Louisiana

Current occupation: Firefighter/Paramedic at Gonzales Fire Department

Describe what you do: Respond to any type of emergency call, medical emergencies, fires, car wrecks, and any rescue. I provide treatment and care to the injured and eliminate hazards.

Three words to describe you: Focused, loyal, and corny.

Favorite hobbies: Hunting, traveling, and spending as much time as possible with my wife and two daughters.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Graduating as an honor graduate from Marine Corps Boot Camp and my two daughters. They are everything to me.

What scares you most about traveling?
Nothing about travel scares me. I enjoy everything about it.

What excites you most about traveling?
The unknown, the newness of each place, meeting different kinds of people, being away from the normal routine of life, and the feeling of freedom to see and try new things. And, no cell phones.

What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
I would love to visit Switzerland and see the Swiss Alps! They look awesome from pictures and to be able to ski and stay in a remote place on top of mountains.

What do you hope to accomplish by running the race (other than winning $1 million)?
Awesome once-in-a-lifetime memories we will have forever and be able to share with our children as well as growing ever closer as we overcome new types of challenges and situations.

Name: Daniel Guiffreda
Age: 33

Hometown: Gonzales, Louisiana

Current occupation: Firefighter/Paramedic

Describe what you do: I put the wet stuff on the hot stuff and when people are hurt I stabilize and transport them.

Three words to describe you: Loyal to family, ambitious, and committed.

Favorite hobbies: Camping, reading, and time with family outdoors.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Being a husband and a dad. My family means more than any of the other things I have invested time in accomplishing. Second would probably be finishing paramedic school. It was brutal.

What excites you most about traveling?
Seeing awesome places and engaging with other cultures. It's so nice to get outside of the same familiar box and experience new things.

What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
Palermo, Sicily. It is where my great grandparents came from and there is so much history there.

What do you hope to accomplish by running the race (other than winning $1 million)?
A chance to reconnect [with Eric] outside of the work environment, (we work at the same place) and put everything we have into accomplishing the same goal.

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