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Jenny Kim

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Survivor!: Survivor XLII: Cast Bios/Info: Jenny Kim users admin

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Friday, February 25, 2022 - 9:27 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Dipo a private message Print Post    
Age: 43

Hometown: New York

Current residence: New York

Occupation: Creative director

Favorite hobbies: Travel, Pilates, writing, watching movies.

3 words to describe you: Direct, open, compassionate.

Pet peeves: Arrogant people and those with a sense of entitlement.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? As a designer, my career has certainly taken hard hits during times of recession. In those times, I've never given up and have, at times, shifted gears to a new career path (e.g., I became a certified Pilates instructor following the 2008 recession). I am proud of every twist and turn I have adapted to and can confidently say I am a successful design leader today.

What is something we would never know from looking at you? I know how to weld and build furniture out of metal. I worked in a metal shop for a year. I'm crafty and good with my hands.

Who is your hero and why? My husband is my hero. He left Australia to follow his dream to live in New York with two suitcases and enough money to last a few months. He's not afraid to try something different and take risks. He saved me from settling in life and inspires me to always strive for more!

Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? Kelly Wentworth's tenacity is definitely something I will emulate. I don't give up! Lauren Beck because she really studied and watched people to understand their motives. I love to study human behavior.

Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? I have a high EQ (emotional intelligence). This means I know how to read people well and understand what they are feeling. I'm also a great listener and leader and know I will be able to gain trust.

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