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| Monday, April 14, 2014 - 9:27 am
Just thought I'd start up this thread because I'm watching Survivor on Hulu right now. going through seasons 12-20. Some of them I partially watched when they aired, most not at all, but I will probably want to share my thoughts and this is probably a more appropriate place than the current season's general thread. I thought about posting in that TVGN one, but it might make it confusing for people so here is a thread for people if you rewatch on Hulu, DVD or any other websites!
| Monday, April 14, 2014 - 9:30 am
I started season 13 yesterday (5 epis in). It's the one where the tribes started out divided by race. I'm interested to see if I enjoy Yul winning this time because I know when I first watched this on TV way back when, I was pissed that Yul beat Ozzy. But I've noticed my reactions have changed a lot now that I'm older.
| Monday, April 14, 2014 - 12:51 pm
Ozzy was robbed that season. He was very likable then but got too cocky the last time he played
| Monday, April 14, 2014 - 1:04 pm
His first season he was amazing. I think he totally embraced the experience.
| Monday, April 14, 2014 - 6:20 pm
Do you guys remember Cau Boi (cowboy) at all?? He was like this wacky guy who had dreams and long complicated stories that no one really understood. He has this weird ass dream and said it gave him the idea for "plan voodoo" which is to throw 3 votes to Candice and 3 votes to Jonathan in order to get rid of Jonathan's II if he found it. asdlfkjhasfdkjhasf Cau Boi is the one who came up with the idea to "flush out" an idol? Crazy Cau Boi?? REALLY? I mean they didn't exactly call it "flushing out the idol" that didn't come until later but still. I had no idea it came from him! And the funny thing is that he told this dream/plan to Yul (who actually secretly had the HII) and Yul was like "Huh. That's actually pretty brilliant." LOL!
| Monday, April 14, 2014 - 7:47 pm
I remember him 
| Tuesday, April 15, 2014 - 6:09 pm
Upon rewatch I don't feel bitter like I did when I first watched this season. I think they honestly were both equally deserving. I think I would have liked Ozzy to win more than Yul. But Yul isn't any less deserving. I love Jonathan Penner. He is so well articulated and I love hearing his thoughts on day to day camp life and how he would defend himself at TC.
| Tuesday, April 15, 2014 - 6:41 pm
I'm a Penner fan also...
| Tuesday, April 15, 2014 - 8:28 pm
One thing I appreciated about him is that sometimes it's frustrating to watch two people in an argument on the show because I often think of things I wish they would say to their opponent, but I never had that reaction with him. To me he always defended himself very intelligently and made his opposition seem thick headed. He's so well spoken I can see why Jeff Probst favored him. I'm watching Survivor Fiji (season 14) right now. Once again some of the players seem familiar in the way that I'm sure I watched a couple epis when it aired but didn't watch the whole season. I have to say I'm not favoring anyone right now. I mean I'm only on episode 2 but still. I usually have a couple people picked out as my early favorites at this point. This whole rich tribe/poor tribe schtick is kinda dumb. I had forgotten Survivor had done this. I feel like season 12, 13 and 14 have been their seasons where they're almost treating this like a lab and the tribes are the guinea pigs. JP mentioned several times over these few seasons that it is a "social experiment". Season 12 Panama was 4 tribes, old men/young men/old women/young women, Season 13 Cook Islands was 4 tribes of white/black/asian/latin descent, and this tribe is one tribe of all the comforts and one tribe with next to nothing. I feel like the producers want to know if age/race/prosperity are factors in how/if someone wins the game. And I guess they can disguise anything as a "twist" so they can use the game of Survivor as their forum. I'm kind of over these "social experiments" though. I don't think they did anything like this in the next season, which is Survivor China but I will find out when I'm done with this one! Oh one more thought, so the Ravu tribe complained and complained that they helped build all the beautiful structures that ended up being Moto's camp, and they kept remarking how "bad" they had it because they only got a machete and something else. I kinda wanted to slap them and tell them they only have it "as bad" as every other tribe on Survivor that came before this season! I was seriously getting annoyed by their whining! I get that it's frustrating but come on!! Get your rear in gear and use that machete and make a shelter like EVERY OTHER TRIBE HAS EVER HAD TO DO. It's not like you have it worse than them. This is what you came on the show expecting to do. And I'm not saying it's easy but plenty of people have learned to make fire without flint. And they had someone with a pair of glasses, or there is the rubbing sticks method. It takes work but it does work! Quit focusing on what the other tribe has that you do not and get going!
| Tuesday, April 15, 2014 - 10:58 pm
Ohhhh myyyyy GODDDDDDD. No wonder I didn't get very far in this season the first time around. It has been horrible!!!!!! Ravu has not won a SINGLE reward or immunity challenge. It's so freaking BRUTAL to watch. Very bad idea on Survivor's part. Some people say it doesn't actually have to do with the have/have not concept because some of the challenges have been pretty close, but I don't agree. The have/have not twist totally plays into their physical performance, mental acuity and morale. Ravu is so beyond depleted of physical strength and is so incredibly demoralized. Constantly they are, how are they supposed to overcome that? This season sucks. I'm gonna keep watching, but damn this isn't fun.
| Wednesday, April 16, 2014 - 10:23 am
I remember Dreamz does something really stupid in that season and I love Earl. he is soooo sexy
| Wednesday, April 16, 2014 - 7:17 pm
Early on he was really stupid because he was loud and obnoxious at night while everyone was trying to sleep. It was the stupidest thing to do in the world. He kept saying he wanted to be remembered by everyone, I was thinking oh you'll be remembered all right! I'm not sure if that was it or if it's something yet to come. I just finished episode 9 and no major blunder has ocurred yet so I don't know if it's coming up but I think he has been showing himself better and better at TC lately. Improving his social game. I guess I like Earl and Yau Man the best. Yau Man is certainly clever and has several times beaten the stronger men at quite skilled physical tasks. I think it's awesome. Although I will be happy to see Earl win this season I'm still feeling so blahhh about these players. There has never been a cast that I have been ambivalent about, but I could really care less about these people. I just want to finish this season to get to Survivor China because I LOVED that season when Todd won. I watched the whole thing on TV when it aired and he was my fave from day 1 and it was so insanely exciting to watch him win!
| Wednesday, April 16, 2014 - 8:31 pm
The strategizing in episode 10 was AMAAAAAAAZING. I wouldn't say it has redeemed the season as a whole, but as a stand alone example it was brilliantly filled with oodles of strategy talk and vote switching. The 4 horseman (Mookie, Alex, Edgardo, Dreamz) decide to vote for Earl. Stacey decided to not play with the 4 horseman even though she seemed to be willing to align herself with Edgardo and Alex, even going as far as to say that Alex is the person she trusts the most on last weeks episode. But she must've gotten spooked recently and decided to fit with the majority (Yau Man referring to them as the Syndicate) which includes Earl, Yau Man, Rebecca, Boo, Stacey and to an extent Dreamz. Dreamz is just flying back and forth between the two sides leaking info and no one seems the wiser. He tells the 4 horseman that they others decided to vote for Alex. Mookie, with much resistance gives Alex his HII. (which the 3 guys were supposed to be sharing) So those guys are smug because they think the others will vote for Alex and he will play the idol and Earl will go home. Little do they know that Dreamz goes back to the Syndicate and tells them that Mookie gave Alex his HII. So they decide to vote for Mookie and tell Dreamz that's the new plan. The interesting thing is that Dreamz does NOT warn Alex of this change up. He covers up for the majority and tells Alex they aren't saying anything to him. And THEN Stacey comes up with the idea to throw their votes on Edgardo, because they really won't expect that and it will be a blindside even further. But they decide not to tel Dreamz this because they don't know if he will tell them. And then Edgardo, Alex and Mookie decide to change their vote to Rebecca just before TC, not sure why though, it was Ed's idea. So enter TC and before reading the votes Alex plays the HII Mookie gave him, Jeff reads 3 votes for Rebecca and they all look like the cat that ate the cream. Then he reads one vote for Mookie (turns out Dreamz was loyal and went with their orginal plan, not knowing that they flipped to Edgardo) Mookie's face drops and then as the next vote and consecutive votes read Rdgardo, all three guys' mouths drop and you see their hopes crushed. It was the best thing ever! Like I said, doesn't quite redeem this season, but as a stand alone, this is a GREAT example of Survivor strategizing from beginning to end of an episode. Oh and did I mention how awesome Rebecca was? She is such a quiet woman but they did the RC as one of those "who does the majority choose" Q/A types and she ACED every single question and took Boo and Dreamz on the reward specifically to secure their attchement to the alliance (she took Yau Man too) and Yau and Rebecca both did the work that needed to be done. And smart 'ol Earl graciously accepted her decision (knowing the reason behind it).
| Wednesday, April 16, 2014 - 9:39 pm
ahhhhh I forgot about all to re read it again The thing with Dreamz hasnt happened yet. 