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| Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 11:37 pm
}Thanks for the detaching info Wargod. It won't work with the ones I have as the one of the star shapes has a couple of dips and the other a couple of bumps that fit into each other so they don't slide. The other ones I have also fit into each other so I will have to see if sliding is an option. DH put some super glue on the magnetic clasp of my sister's bracelet tonight so I hope that holds. If not, I will return it and redo it again. I agree, the ease is very nice, one of the reason's I like the stretchy string also. I had a mighty battle with a toggle clasp the other day. Pleased to say I did end up the victor. Sheer stubbornness kept me at it and did not go to DH for assistance. Probably wasted a lot of time, lol.
| Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 2:18 am
Ah, I tend to use the ones that fit smoothly together so sliding works. The super glue should work to hold the magnet in place. I need to get working on some jewelry for me for the quinceniera. I looked at Michaels earlier and I just wasn't inspired by anything I saw, but that could be because I haven't really decided on what I'm wearing so don't know what colors to look at. I will probably shop for clothes this weekend and then go looking for supplies.
| Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 10:47 pm
Here are the Christmas ornaments I was talking about in another thread. The finished one is a snowflake, the 2nd I haven't finished but it goes over the top of a glass ball.
| Wednesday, November 18, 2009 - 12:27 am
Those are pretty! I especially like the green one. I have a pattern for that (it's called a spider something or other, lol) in one of my books. I went to Michaels earlier to pick up a couple things and saw that they have their beads on sale. I was in buying a Christmas present and picked up just one strand of beads, so don't know if findings, crystals, charms, etc were on sale also.
| Monday, February 15, 2010 - 9:56 am
Has anyone used the Tornado Crimps? A couple of people at the bead society meeting said they really like them. I can't find them in a store (either out of stock or don't stock) so may need to order online. I'm told they are easy to use and look decorative. I was getting pretty frustrated recently when my crimps kept breaking and and told the tornado crimps are the way to go.
| Monday, February 15, 2010 - 10:25 pm
I haven't Sugar, but I haven't really done any beading lately either...I still have a gift card for Michaels from Christmas that I haven't used yet, lol. With the girls starting a new season of softball, I will be making some zipper pulls soon, need to wait on official team colors though.
| Sunday, March 14, 2010 - 11:19 pm
Dakota's snack day is tomorrow so I spent time today making the zipper pulls for her team in their colors (black and siver.) Also made one for my middle niece in her team colors (blue and clear...supposed to be white, but didn't see any beads I liked in white.) This is the keychain I made for me and sis, I found the cutest silver baseball mitt charms at Micahels but they only had three. I'll be checking back for more, when Kota has her second snack day later this season I'm hoping to have enough of the mitt charms to make the girls necklaces.

| Saturday, April 24, 2010 - 12:19 pm
Those are pretty Wargod. How does one make a zipper pull? Help! I let myself and my sister be roped into working the demo table at a big bead to do next weekend. We told that lady we had no skills, but she said it didn't matter we could do anything. Argh! What the heck can we do. I would appreciate any suggestions on fairly simple fun projects. Thank you in advance.
| Saturday, April 24, 2010 - 1:27 pm
Sugar, the zipper pulls are super simple and fun cuz you can do whatever you want...colors to match whatever the zipper is on, something fun or funky, they are cheap to make, and you can use leftover beads from other projects since zipper pulls don't take too many beads. I like doing them because I can use leftover beads and they are very quick to do. Just attach one end of your wire to a small clip and crimp it, then add whatever beads you want and crimp off the end. You can make it as short or long as you want to, though I'd caution against making a zipper pull too long cuz they can get caught on things and snap. For a simple project, how about a charm bracelet?
| Sunday, August 15, 2010 - 3:05 pm
I wish I had the skill level for some of the things I think I would like. I did master (or simply complete) the Daisy Chain on Steroids project the bead society project from last months meeting. I was so proud of myself I did another bracelet. I then started a necklace but have decided I don't really care for it so will have to take it apart. I agree with my sister, we are both pleased we actually figured out how to do it but have decided the daisy chain looks too juvenile. I saw project online from some magazine within the last couple of years and was sure I saved the page. Alas, I must not have. I really wanted to try to find someone to teach me how to do it. I have some beads I really liked and was just playing around with a couple different beads on the bead mat and came up with a cool looking necklace and bracelet. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make it work and wasn't able to make the last meeting for possible assistance. Maybe next month. Has anyone else done any fun or interesting projects lately?
| Sunday, August 15, 2010 - 10:01 pm
Knowing how to do the daisy chain may help you learn more complicated techniques. I know I saw a project in some book or other and the first direction was, "Start with a daisy and then add...." So knowing how to do that might help you later on with something else. Have you checked the library (or bookstore if you want to buy) for beading books? A lot of them have the step by step instructions (and some pics of each step.) Not as good as having someone right there to help you or show you how to do something, but could help between meetings. I haven't done anything lately. The girls just started a new softball season (16 girls on the team, oy!) so I've been pondering what I will be doing for them. I need to make a trip to Michaels or the bead store and look around.
| Sunday, October 17, 2010 - 11:01 pm
Sis decided to make aunt a dollhouse for Christmas, just something she can look at and enjoy. So sis asked if I'd make some beaded items for her, the chandalairs, curtains, and maybe rugs. And then decided she'll decorate the dollhouse for Christmas and put a little tree in and I'll need to make decorations for that as well. So far I have one chandalair done and two sets of curtains, one for the bathroom and one for the bedroom. Still need two more sets for the living room, they'll be matching ones. The curtains have to be 2.5 w. x 5.5 l. and they're a pain in the butt, lol.

| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 12:34 pm
What a cute idea for curtains, would have never thought of that. Got a pic of the chandelier, War?
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 1:18 pm
Is that the correct spelling of chandelier, Lum? I knew my way wasn't right, lol!
I'm using clear ab crystals for the chandeliers. We found this really ugly pendant? at Michaels last week, but I told sis I could use the top part (the silver parts of the chandelier) it could be cute. The crystal chains are the same legnth, but don't look like it in the pic cuz I just noticed I bent the hook on it, so I'll have to gently get that back in place. Problem is I need 3 chandeliers and we found only the one ugly pendant. I've been searching everytime I go back but can't find anything that would work as the top part of the chandelier to hang from the ceilings of the dollhouse. I found these yesterday:
and I like them, but they are flat one-sided pendants and I'm not sure how to make that work for the dollhouse.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 1:20 pm
Oh and my bil told me the first chandelier, which we intended for the living room, to hang where you can see it through the front door, is too small for that room. I invited him to make them himself, lol. Now he thinks it's really cool.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 1:23 pm
you know War my father made a doll house (little one ) for outside his house that lights up. he has furniture in it and lights
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 1:33 pm
Any idea where he found the furniture? We've been looking, no where in town sells it (heck, sis had a very hard time even finding anywhere that sold the dollhouses!) She's been looking online but hasn't found anything she absolutely loves yet. Bil's planning on doing lights, but I think he was going simple with a set up like what you'd use for a christmas village or something like that.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 2:30 pm
War, I love the chandelier (my spell check let it pass like that, so it's probably right ). Didn't I see tiny, however unfinished, furniture at Michael's? Maybe you can get those "buttinsky boys", aka bil, involved with some paint brushes.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 5:55 pm
Our Michaels isn't selling the dollhouses or furniture anymore. That was the first place we checked. Then we went to the hobby store, same thing, no houses, no furniture, though they have a ton of outdoor stuff (trees, flowers, bushes, etc) for train sets. She also checked the specialty stores (they sell train sets and model airplanes) and one had exactly two dollhouses but no furniture.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 9:05 pm
Here you go, War. Doll house furniture at reasonable and not so reasonable prices Also wondered if this is something you might try.
Kind of made me think of fake pearls and ear ring hooks.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 9:23 pm
Ok, does the dollhouse have a library? Because if it does, you just HAVE to have this. Dollhouse Miniature Georgian Pine Library Wall. LOL can you believe the price?
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 9:43 pm
For $200 someone better hand deliver, install it, and then show up weekly to dust it! And thank you, Jmm, I sent that link to sis to check out. The biggest problem I'm having with the chandelier is that I can't find any decent caps (the thingies that would hold the bead or have a chain of beads hang from.) Sis did have a good suggestion, checking out the costume earrings at Walmart and seeing if I could find something similar to the ugly pendant I found at Michaels. I'll have to do some looking around this week.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 9:46 pm
Yeah, I agree. Let me see if I can find something online that might work for the chandelier.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 10:08 pm
Ok, I now know that what you are looking for is called a "bell cap" and much much more about beading than I really wanted to know. LOL Anyway, check this out and see if it's what you want. If so, I can look for more.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 10:36 pm
Yep, that's it, but I'm looking for ones that already have the hooks and jump rings attached. My beadwork is fine, my wirework...not so much, lol. And the caps need to be a little bigger than normal, I have plenty of 8 & 12mm caps, but they are too small. I need to see if I can hunt down my bead ruler to measure the cap I got off the ugly pendant (kids seem to think the bead ruler is perfect for homework, no telling who has it right now.) My local bead store closed a few months ago. One of the things I miss about them is going in and picking stuff up, holding it in my hand to see the size of it. I'm really bad at picturing sizes.