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| Thursday, September 03, 2009 - 12:38 pm
I may head to Michaels today or tomorrow. I went about a week ago and they hardly had any beads. Lots of empty sale hooks. Apparently they are going to redo the bead section so I need to pop in and see if it it ready yet. I may try Hobby Lobby. The woman who was making the ladder bracelet told me they got the magnetic thingys there. They were pretty cool.
| Friday, September 04, 2009 - 12:01 am
I read in one of my bead mags a few months ago that a lot of Michaels are redoing their bead sections to make them much bigger. More beads, more choices, even some stores having tables with individual beads for sale like bead stores. Our Michaels is relatively new and I keep waiting to see if they expand mine, lol. The magnetic clasps? I love those, use them on jewelry for my aunt (easier for her to put them on herself) and for the girls (when they catch their jewelry on stuff, the mag. clasps let go instead of breaking.)
| Friday, September 04, 2009 - 12:26 am
Yes, clasps, I could not think of the word. Honestly, I'm starting to worry about my memory.
| Saturday, September 05, 2009 - 9:21 pm
Well, I am not impressed with the new Michaels bead section here. They seem to have forgotten the beads. Lots of pendants but precious few beads. I like to buy the little bags/boxes of beads vs the few on a string. They are generally a better bargain and I have found many very nice ones. They do have some seed beads but I need some bigger beads. Very disappointed. I also went to Hobby Lobby, not much there either. I did find the magnetic clasps I wanted but it is silver. I like gold. Where the holy heck do I find gold magnetic clasps? It is getting harder to find any gold findings or clasps anywhere but silver everywhere. I suppose the silver lovin' people are delighted. Good for them but what about the rest of us? Haven't had any luck online either. I finally found the needles that are pretty much all eye and tried to practice what I saw the lady at the bead club do. I must say it was a spectacular failure. I guess I just don't remember what she told me almost a month ago. I was thinking it didn't look too hard and she said it wasn't. It is akin to getting directions from people who say, "Oh, it is so easy to get here, you'll never get lost" and your driving and driving and driving and still being lost. Tonight beads suck. Ok, maybe beads don't suck. I suck at doing beads is far more accurate. To add another annoyance, I arrived at Michaels about 10 minutes after they had an In Store Beading Demo. I had recently asked if they were ever going to do anymore bead classes or demos and they said they didn't have anything planned. They pretty much only do the Wilton cakes classes and maybe a few other things for kids. Enough gritchin', I'm going go make popcorn or have ice cream and watch a Brit Com. Perhaps a better beading day will come along soon.
| Saturday, September 05, 2009 - 11:02 pm
Sugar: I have just begun to do some beading and I have been getting some things through ebay. I just got "20 Pairs Gold Plated Strong Magnetic Clasps 5x10mm". I'm not sure if they were a good price or not. With shipping, I paid $6.98 USD. Might be an option for you if you like the gold toned findings.
| Saturday, September 05, 2009 - 11:35 pm
Gold's a little bit out now, Sugar, even the gold plated because it's getting kind of expensive. That's why you see more silver and even bronze, gunmetal, and copper. Here's some online places to try: firemountaingems oriental trading company Oriental trading co has within the last year or two increased their bead selection. I haven't ordered too much from them, but what I have gotten from them is good prices and quality. I know from ordering from them in the past, they are very quick to ship too. etsy On Etsy, you'll have to do a search. First in the pull down menu, select "supplies" then type in "destash beads" and search. You can also search for "destash findings." A lot of people will put stuff from their bead stashes up for sale to make room for new stuff and you can find some good deals. Oddly, Walmart, here at least, has increased their bead selection too. They were carrying some beadalon products and they have good prices. I buy quite a few beads from there (though they don't any good quality seed beads.)
| Sunday, September 06, 2009 - 2:05 pm
Thanks Lawrie I haven't looked at eBay for a while (sorry sort of former employee I am I guess, lol). I don't do much online stuff now as we are jobless and I like to see and be able to easily return if needed. Wargod, story of my life, always a step behind. I know silver is more popular now but I've just never cared for it too much. I haven't looked at OTC for months either. It may have been a year ago since I was there but the JoAnn's Fabric store had a fairly good bead section at one time. It isn't close to where I live, but I may see of they have anything interesting next week.
| Saturday, September 12, 2009 - 9:05 pm
Gosh I haven't been here is several days! Sugar, Try for gold and silver stuff. I don't know if they have solid gold but their gold washed and plated stuff is very cheap. Shipping is very cheap too.
| Sunday, October 25, 2009 - 12:40 am
Yeah, I took a class and learned how to make a wire bracelet. It turned out rather nicely, I may post a picture later. I made 3 bracelets yesterday. I have to redo them all. One is too tight (wire) and the others two are too loose (fire line, the fishing line stuff). I think I know what mistakes I made so will do better next time. Or the time after that. Truth be told I had already redone the wire bracelet. I want to give it to my sister for her birthday next week. Hobby Lobby had some nice sales so I bought a few magnetic clasps and some wire. I may need to return the silver crimp covers as they are all fused together. I need to find some gold ones. I have some funky gold crimp covers but don't really like them because they are funky. Does anyone know how to make beaded napkin rings? I thought I might try to make some for the holidays.
| Sunday, October 25, 2009 - 1:21 am
Ok, that's weird, I just saw some beaded napkin rings the other day somewhere I can't remember where! A magazine or catalog, I'm pretty sure about that. I'll look through them tomorrow and see if I can find some. I do have an idea that might work, though it might be a bit simplistic. Michaels (and Walmart in the beading aisle) carries these silver tone rings, they have an eye so when done you just push the straight piece into it and bend. Very thin...they are actually wine glass charm rings. I've seen them big enough that you could use them as a napkin ring and all you'd have to do is slip some beads on it. You could actually do the same thing using memory (or some other kind of harder) wire. I just noticed the other day that one of my favorite necklaces has stretched or something cuz there's a bit of wire showing that shouldn't (and wasn't) be showing. I'll have to redo that one. I think that's one of the trickest parts of making jewelry, getting it just right so they're not too tight or too loose. Right now I'm really not working on anything, but I need to be. I have to make me and Kota some jewelry for the Quinceneara next month, then get started on Christmas stuff. I saw some cute Angel ornament kits in the Oriental Trade Co magazine that I really want to get and do for sis since she collects angels. Oh oh Sugar! I bet that's it! Let me check. Ok, no instructions, but they do have the kits (which you could buy seperately elsewhere.) napkin ring kits Those were the metal wine glass charms I was talking about too.
| Sunday, October 25, 2009 - 2:09 pm
Thanks Wargod that gives me some ideas and possibilities. Was working on restringing a bracelet but really need to get better crimp covers so I stopped. Not sure if I am in the mood to run over to Michaels before they close. Need to decide pretty darn quick as they are only open til 5 I think.
| Sunday, October 25, 2009 - 7:07 pm
Heh, Sunday's suck for bead shopping. Michael's opens late and closes early and the bead store is closed.
| Monday, October 26, 2009 - 3:14 pm
Funny, the Michael's near my house was open later yesterday. I ran over and found a couple of gold crimp covers and gold magnetic clasps. Still annoyed over the lack of beads vs ton's of pendants.
| Monday, October 26, 2009 - 8:26 pm
Oh it sucks, Sunday's are usually the one day I have to really spend time beading, but if I need anything, I have to remember Michaels shorter hours and the bead store being closed. Funny that you mention that (lack of beads vs pendants) cuz I noticed that the last time I was there. They expanded their bead selections..but most of it is pendants and glass stuff. I didn't pay attention to the beads, was searching for findings (crimp covers, clasps, split rings) and noticed how skimpy that area was considering all the new pendants and glass beads.
| Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - 12:43 am
Well, I did my restringing today. I finished my sisters birthday bracelet and am pleased with it, I hope she likes it. I also finished a bracelet for me that turned out well. I was just about done with the last bracelet that needed restrung but I will need to redo it again. I'm sure I crimped the crimp bead but then ran into trouble when I put the crimp cover on, dang it. I'm going run out of wire at this rate.
| Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 2:36 am
Bummer, sister's birthday bracelet is a bit too small so will be restringing that again. She did like it so that is good. I just need to add a few beads so that it fits. I think one of my new bracelets is pretty and am pleased with the design. It has one large heavy bead in the center and I find that the bracelet "turns itself around" and the toggle is towards the front. I image it is due to the heavy bead so I guess I need to learn something about the weight distribution. I sure wish we would find jobs or win the lottery soon as I'd like to buy some more beads and try to make napkin rings. As you can imagine, this is at the bottom of the list of priorities.
| Sunday, November 01, 2009 - 1:22 am
Ack, sorry you have to restring your sisters bracelet. I usually make bracelets for me a little bigger than my normal size because my wrists sometimes swell, often enough if I want to wear them they have to be bigger. Anyways, when my wrists aren't swollen, the looser fitting bracelets twist and turn. I haven't found a solution to that problem, except to add an extender chain so I can clasp it a little tighter. Which wouldn't help with yours twisting because of a heavier bead. I started the jewelry for Kota for neighbor girls Quinceneira yesterday. Finished the bracelet (fuschia and black seed beads, spiral rope) and it turned out awesome. I'm really quite proud of it...the colors are great together and the fuschia is just the little bit of color to snazzy up the black or black and white dresses (whichever we decide she's wearing.) I also practiced making a those metal barrett thingies, made a short spiral rope, glued it to the barrett thingie, then filled in a couple gaps with a few beads. For a first try it turned out pretty good and if I find myself short on time, I'll do a couple more just like it and leave it at that. If I have the time, I will play around with it and see if I can come up with something else. I started the necklace today, it will match the bracelet, except the center part will have crystals and a pendant hanging from it. I really really like the colors for Kota. I wouldn't wear anything fuschia, but she loves it. I'd like to post some pics, but my camera broke last week so I have to wait til I can get sis to take some pics for me.
| Sunday, November 01, 2009 - 3:02 am
They sound pretty, I look forward to the pictures. Did you end up making a rosary for your neighbor's Quinceneira?
| Sunday, November 01, 2009 - 11:04 pm
Actually, Sugar, no I didn't. I've been reading about Quinceneira's to learn more about them and one of the things I read was that the girls Godparents traditionally give a gift of religous significance, a rosary being the most usual gift. I decided instead to make her an album in her party colors since she'll have a ton of pics. I'm going to make some beaded trim for it instead of buying it (well, I'll need to buy some beads in her colors.)
| Monday, November 02, 2009 - 1:12 am
That was clever, doing research and learning that Wargod. Making an album is a good idea. I really like the idea of beaded trim, makes it special vs generic and lets her know you were thinking of her.
| Monday, November 02, 2009 - 10:22 pm
Pictures of Kota's jewelry for the Qunceniera. Black will be the main color of her outfit so I really wanted something to snazzy it up. The seed beads are size 11's, bright fuschia and black. Crystals are 4mm, AB fuschia, a bit darker fuschia and black. Though you really can't tell the AB ones from the regular unless the light catches them. The bracelet is finished and has 8 or 10 crystals spaced out. I need the gunmetal colored jump rings, didn't have any so just used silver to see how it'd look and size it right for her. I'll replace those when I get the gunmetal jump rings.
On the necklace, I didn't want to use all crystals because that'd make the necklace too heavy for her. I did the spiral rope in seed beads for 5 inches on either side of the clasp (though one side isn't finished yet.) I had intended to do 8 inches of crystals, but er, I forgot that when you use crystal for a spiral rope, you need to add some. I didn't realize it til I was already past that part and into the seed bead part. Ack! I'm going to be 2-3 inches shorter than planned. I'll have to wait til I'm finished to decide what to do about that, I may add some crystals to the ends or tie in new thread and add to the seed bead portion or keep it short.
I should have it finished tomorrow evening. The last finishing touch to it will be adding the heart charm Dakota picked out.
Also need to work on the barretts. I'm really not thrilled with the one I did, but being a first it wasn't too bad.

| Monday, November 02, 2009 - 10:55 pm
Very pretty, I think these pieces will look great with her black dress. I believe you achieved your "snazzy' goal.
| Monday, November 02, 2009 - 11:17 pm
Thanks, Sugar! I really like the color for her.
| Monday, November 09, 2009 - 1:21 am
Has anyone else had trouble with magnetic clasps? I found a cute silver star at Hobby Lobby and used it for my sisters bracelet. After re-stringing it because it was a tad too small, I gave it to her only to find out the magnet had come out of the clasp so it wouldn't stay closed. I tried some beading glue thinking it was like super glue to put the magnet back in but that didn't work. Did I just get a bad one or is this common? I made myself a magnetic clasp ( a different one) bracelet but it is too big so I haven't worn it anywhere. However, if them not working is par for the course I'll use a toggle when I redo mine. I've already re-strung my sisters a few times so DH thinks I should try super glue on the magnetic clasp so I don't have to redo it again.
| Monday, November 09, 2009 - 1:46 am
Try the super glue, it should work. I use the magnetic clasps a lot (have been replacing the clasps on my aunts jewelry with them so they are easier for her to put on by herself) and I've only had problems with one. The magent didn't come out but was tweaked somehow (set funny in the clasps) so it wouldn't firmly closed. One tip with them though, when you are, uhm, detaching? the magnetic clasps, don't pull them apart. Slide one side of the clasp one way and slide the other side of the clasp the opposite way until they come apart. The magnet coming out of the clasp could be the reason for that tip come to think of it. I don't remember where I picked that tip up from so can't go back and check out the why of it. Whenever I give away something with the magnetic clasp I try to remember to tell them to slide it apart rather than pulling it apart. I love them for most jewelry. They're much easier for my aunt with her tremors, they're easier for Kota when she dresses out for pe (she has to take off any jewelry,) and for myself, I can get a bracelet on by myself with any other type of clasp.