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| Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 9:09 pm
BB, I sent you an e-mail with the word "beads" in the subject line. I can't wait to see them.
| Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 9:19 pm
LOL, with 13's I'm not surprised it took that long, those things are pretty small.
| Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 9:48 pm
Biloxi, I sent some pics in email, Let me know if they went through, Also, Would you post the Fan Handle on the site for me, War you are RIGHT!!! I need Bifocals now, LOL.
| Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 9:51 pm
War I saw your broken Nymo problem, Have you ever used the Kevlar thread? I had the same probs with the Cut 13/0 beads, they were too sharp for the nymo I was beading with. I had to keep it so tight that the cut glass was snapping the thread. I switched to kevlar and it worked like a charm.
| Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 10:01 pm
OK I Know I am over posting but the broken nymo is driving me crazy. OK, War, you were using Pearls. If you rub them on your teeth and it feels like porcelin then they are real <my parents owned a jewelry store). So Logically, when people open oysters they use gloves because they are so sharp, Pearls are of the same material as the shell.... so the pearls are drilled and have sharp edges and that is what is fraying your nymo. Go with Kevlar and double wax it and I bet it works.
| Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 10:10 pm
LOL, you are not over posting. It's good to get advice and opinions, especially since thread is fairly new to me. Someone mentioned the kevlar thread (maybe bead store lady?) but I haven't been able to find it anywhere yet. I really haven't searched online too much for it yet though either. Part of my problem with it is that I think I get it too tight too. And then run a sharp edge through it and get it that tight and it's bound to break. One of the things I really like with the nymo is that it doesn't knot easily and when it does it's usually pretty easy to untangle it. Is the kevlar like that?
| Friday, July 24, 2009 - 7:21 am
Kevlar is AMAZING. I work with Sharps size 13 needles and once it is waxed it threads through the eye on the first time. Also it is STRONG. And it doesn't tangle. They make bullet proof vests out of it lol. I haven't had a break since using it. I get mine at I have also found good deals on Ebay.
| Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 1:29 am
I'll have to try that. I hate to put so much time into something, then either have it break part way through finishing it or worry once it's done that it won't be strong enough to ever wear. What do you use to wax your string with? I've been using the thread heaven, but I've been told that bees wax is much better (it's kinda expensive though.) Sigh, I haven't even pulled my bead tray out in a couple weeks now. I think the all-star zipper pulls were the last things I made. My middle niece did ask me yesterday if I'd help her make her mommy a bracelet and necklace so told her she could come over next week and we'd do it then. Heh, Dakota had her first bead disaster today. We were in the living room earlier tonight and I heard her drop something, then the oh so telling, tink tink tink of a gazillion beads falling. She swept them all up and put them in a bowl and I told her I'd help her sort them in the morning.
| Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 10:16 am
I use Beeswax. It is a little expensive but it lasts forever. I have had mine for about 2 years and it is about the size of a silver dollar. Every so often you just hold it in the palm of your hand and it warms enough to smooth out. So the initial cost is expensive, but in the long run, it lasts longer. Poor Dakota on the bead disaster. Hubby did it to mine the other day. It was a compartment case with about 15 compartments (All Full). But he hung in there and seperated them all out. (took him 3 hours, LOL.) I learned some new swear words. Biloxi offered to post some pics for me, I think I will get a little further along on the pipe bag before I take a pic of it, the pattern is just emerging.
| Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 11:45 am
LOL, that always sucks. Dakota is pretty lucky that her bead collection is pretty small so it won't take hours to sort, but still a pain. How long does it take you to do something like the pipe bag? I'll have to try the beeswax. I like the thread heaven stuff, but sometimes it feels sticky. So far I don't do all that much with thread, but I'd really like to learn more of the things like peyote and brick stitch just to do other/different things.
| Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 5:08 pm
I am going to a Christmas in July class tomorrow with the beading group I just joined. I think it will be fun and it is beginner level. They will teach us how to make some snowman earrings, lacy snowflakes and beaded netting for glass Christmas balls. The earrings don't excite me too much but I have a couple of young nieces who might like them.
| Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 8:47 pm
LOL Tell Dakota I probably have more beads in the Vacuum cleaner and the carpet than I have in containers. I did learn a great trick though, Put a panty hose over the end of the vacuum attachment and you can save them. War, a pipe bag with size 11 rounds will probably take me about a month if I work 3 or 4 hours a day on it. I REALLY NEED BIFOCALS though, LOL. I put reading glasses over my glasses now. Oooo Sugar, Please let me know how the netting for the glass balls works, I always wanted to do that. War if you learn brick stitch you will be addicted! I learned it with pony beads then went smaller and smaller just to challenge myself. I gave up at the size 15. It was the thread and the wax. Kept clogging and tangling. I can work with 13 but it makes me want to scream. Let me know if you learn it, I have several cool patterns.
| Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 9:42 pm
I will, thank you! I use the 15's for simple stringing projects like lanyards or book thongs. I did also use them for a spiral bracelet but because they are so tiny, it took a whole lot more of them than 11's and 13's...didn't think I'd ever finish that one, lol. I have a magnifying glass that hooks onto a table edge that I use. I love it, I can hook it on and then position it and from then on don't have to touch it again so I still have both hands free. I have bifocals and they don't really help with the teeny, tiny ones, lol. I've heard that about the pantyhose, haven't tried it yet. I'm more likely to grab the duct tape to pick them up than anything, then I have to peel them off but it gets them. Hehe, I've probably got some so far down in the carpet though I'll never see them again! A month, at 4-5 hours at a time? Ack! I don't know that I'd ever have the patience for something like that. It wouldn't bother me so much that it takes that long, but the fact that it'd take forever before I really started to see progress that would drive me nuts. I do have a lot of respect for folks who can do it though, when done, those projects look absolutely amazing.
| Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 11:55 pm
Hello Beadsters... I have a dozen or more of those little see-thru plastic containers with tight fitting lids that baby food comes in. If anyone would like them, I would be more than happy to send them to you. Shoot me a PM. They're just perfect for beads, crystals, buttons, etc!
| Sunday, August 16, 2009 - 11:58 pm
I went to my 2nd bead society meeting. There were a lot of people there, about 25. I'm glad I joined, I think I will learn a lot. I was sitting next to a younger woman, (most of us are middle aged, overweight and need to hurry to the hair salon, lol)and she was working on a ladder bracelet. It was very pretty. I had never seen anyone use 2 needles and that much thread so was fascinated. The needles were pretty much all eye in the middle, amazing. She was telling me how to do it when we got shushed as the meeting was taking place. I'm generally pretty respectful, so was properly chastised. So does anyone know what those needles are called? I think she said they were size 12. Apparently, taking notes in my open right in front of me notebook didn't occur to me as I didn't and now can't remember what she taught me. If I can find a few pennies to buy some needles and fishing line, I have some square beads and seed beads I can play/practice with to try to make the bracelet. I may try youtube tomorrow but was hoping a knowledgable TVClubhouse beader might be able to help. Thanks in advance.
| Monday, August 17, 2009 - 12:38 am
Sugar, I've used some very flexible beading needles (not sure if that's what they are really called) with pretty big eyes, but they're at the end. I like them because they are easy to string. I hate them too though because they are so flexible if you're using smaller beads like seed beads or having to pass through a bead several times, they bend super easily. Sorry, that's not real helpful for you. I do know Michaels has an extensive selection of beading needles though. I saw some pretty weird looking ones I couldn't figure out what they'd be used for, lol. You might check there. I did a little bead shopping yesterday. Dakota found a couple things in one of my magazine she liked so we were searching for stuff she had seen and liked. Didn't have much luck finding specific things, but she did pick out more she liked and I made her a couple bracelets and a necklace yesterday. She's in jr high now and I think she's trying to get away from the little girly stuff and more into a preteen look. Bee, I hope someone was able to use your containers! I've run out of room for anymore, lol!
| Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - 10:18 pm
I have also run out of room for beads and containers! I feel like I abandoned this thread. A tornado came through and we have been dealing with 7 downed oak and hickory trees. I do follow the Big brother thread lol. I am going to try one more time to post my pictures but since I have dial up,,, I don't know how it will go.. I started the Pipe bag for my husband but It will probably take till Christmas to finish. These are some simple bags I made...I hope they post..
| Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - 10:23 pm one took my offer. I now have so many. So, I gladly make the offer again. If anyone wants bunches and bunches of them...please feel free to PM me.
| Tuesday, August 25, 2009 - 10:24 pm
I don't know how that worked, but the earrings are made of porcupine quills and size 12 beads, the bags are deer hide and size 12 beads. They are laying on a Native American shawl. Can someone school me on making then just appear in the post?
| Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - 12:56 am
BBfreak, type \image{picnamehere} LOL, I'm going to have to post a pic to give you good directions (I give driving directions by landmarks too!)

| Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - 1:04 am
Ok, I have it: type \image{yourpicnamehere} **I usually just use letters or numbers for pic names** Then click post (or preview/post message if you go that route, then click post.) You'll get another screen and if you click on browse you'll be able to search for the pic you want in whatever folder you put it in. Just double click on the picture and it'll enter the info for it on the browse bar. Then click the upload image button. We do have a size limit for pics here and if your pic is too big it won't post it unless you resize it. If you have a problem with that, give a hollar and I'll have a more techie mod (or poster) come give you instructions for that cuz I wouldn't be able to explain that one. I'm not real good with the techie stuff, lol.
| Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - 1:17 am
Ack on the tornado, Bbfreak! Is that some kind of beadweaving on the bags (like the blue going around the one on the right?) I never have figured out how people do that type of thing without having a ton of thread showing. I've just been playing around with my beads lately. Trying to figure out something to do for the softball team. I may just do spiral rope zipper pulls in team colors with a softball charm or initials for the team or something like that.
| Thursday, August 27, 2009 - 7:50 am
Thanks for the help War! The Blue beads at the top of the bag is called edge beading. Once you get 3 beads tacked to the edge of the leather, you come up with the needle and thread through the last bead and it makes the middle bead "Pop" up vertically. Then you pick up 2 beads tack them and come up through the last bead. It's pretty cool.
| Thursday, September 03, 2009 - 12:25 am
It is frustrating to want to bead but not know how to do much. I did buy some fireline the other day and may try to find the needles I referred to earlier. I feel guilty if I buy anything as we are unemployed at this time. I would like to try that technique though. The Bead Society is having a Bead In ZigZag Bracelet next month. They are really pretty but the supplies aren't cheap and I'd probably need to order double just to fit me as I am not a petite gal. They would buy the different beads and crystals. I would also need to buy some wire, crimp beads, head pins and possibly crimp covers. I wish there were more beginners there. I will have a chance to talk to someone at the next meeting to make sure it is a beginner project. So far they have all been kind but I think it is easy to forget that newbies don't know much.
| Thursday, September 03, 2009 - 12:41 am
Sugar, I've found that to be a problem with magazines and books too. There's all kinds of neat projects, but often they forget some people don't have the basic knowledge or are newbies at the techniques. The directions will say do right angle weave (or some other technique) like everyone reading knows how to do it. Michaels sells the wire, crimp beads, head pins, and crimp covers and usually cheaper than what bead stores cost. Still pricey though. I;ve cut back quite a bit. I went bead shopping about a week and a half ago and it was the first time since June that I'd gone.