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| Monday, May 18, 2009 - 11:51 pm
I didn't think of that. There are a dozen, 2 of each color so I could glue them. I think I will just make one, he can wear the blank side out if it is an "uncool" brand of pick at least at first. If he then wants one with no writing, I'll give the glue a try. What kind of glue do you think?
| Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - 12:14 am
I'll have to look for the boxes of them next time I'm there. Dakota's decided if she gets an elective next year that she's taking guitar. Between the two of them I'm going to need a ton of them, lol! Hmmm, maybe superglue though that could get a little messy (if I remember right, plastic can get slippery with superglue until it's dry right?) Wonder if the, er, is it E-600? the beading glue would work. I know it will work with metals and glass/crystals, it'd probably work on plastic too. I'm pretty sure we didn't throw the broken picks away (the ones we tried several different ways of poking a hole through them.) Let me find those and I'll practice on a few of them and see which is use wasting good ones to test glues.
| Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - 12:41 pm
Wargod, you are a sweet person.
| Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - 1:43 pm
Heh, more practical than anything. Darren said the broken ones are in his tool box, but I can't find the tool box and he's in bed sound asleep. When he gets up I'll have him get it for me so I can play with them. I do have one concern about gluing and that's that the drilled holes on each pick will have to match up perfectly. Not sure if it'd be best to drill them seperately or glue them together and drill them both at the same time. If we drill them seperately, we'll have to be very careful not to glue over the holes. If we glue them together first and then drill both, we'll have to be careful not to use so much pressure going through both of them that we crack them. I'll work with the broken ones on drilling too to see which works best. Another idea, sitting here looking at a good pick I picked up off the floor earlier (no wonder he looses so many!) It might be possible to paint over the writing on the back. Caleb's pick has silver writing (first act) and a couple squiggly lines and it looks like it'd be pretty easy to get some silver paint or paint pen and cover it up painting another squiggly line over the word. Metallic paint pen would probably work best but I'm pretty sure the only paint pen I have is gold not silver so it'd be hard to tell how well it'd work, but I'll check my paint box and see if I have any regular silver paint to try. Hmmm, or maybe spray paint the whole back of the pick. LOL, my minds going 90 to nothing. I'm still toying with the idea of doing them for the music kids if I can figure out a way to do them cheaply. I don't remember if I posted this or not but when we went to the swap meet a couple weekends ago, I actually saw some necklaces done with guitar picks. Same idea, just the pick on some kind of cording, very simple. I didn't stop at the guys booth and I'm thinking now I should have and chatted him up, lol!
| Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - 4:38 pm
I have decided not to worry about the First Act logo, if he doesn't like it, he can wear the other side out. I think my metallic pens are dried out and was down to gold as well. I was just designing (ok, playing around) with the guitar pick necklace for my nephew. I have some psuedo black leather thread and some stone like beads. I have no idea what to do as I was only going to use a few beads maybe some spacers and the pick. I'm used to making things that are all beads, no space between. Really, my beading talent is pretty close to the old macaroni and string from kindergarten. Do I use crimp beads or a dab of glue to keep things in place? Off to see if hubby will drill pick and will check you tube later for beading lesson. Have you ever purchased beads and then get home and they are a different color? I had a happy surprise once, the beads were brighter, the packaging just got dusty on the inside. Bought some beads figuring the same thing, that these were a nice earth tone stone kinda bead. Wrong, purple. These will be sitting around for a while as I have no ideas for them at all.
| Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - 10:44 pm
Can you knot the psuedo leather thread? Center the beads and pick on the thread then you can either tie a knot on either side of the beads or crimp. That's how I did the girls floating/illusion necklaces, one crimp bead, regular bead, another crimp bead. It'd work with a knot too. You are no where near macaroni and string! The jewelry you have posted is beautiful and you have a great eye for matching colors (something I still struggle with.) Beads are kinda funny with color/shades. I think sometimes store lights do a real disservice to the colors cuz if you get them in natural sunlight or a different kind of light (higher/lower) the colors can really change drastically.
| Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - 12:14 pm
Very nice Sugar. War, that's so funny you mention about matching colors...I got braver after seeing some of the things my GF put together. Her and her Mom have a great eye also for mixing and matching colors. And please, if anybody is looking for seed bead colors or Nymo, I have tons that just sit around....I would be happy to share at no charge. I worked at a bead store for a couple of years after I retired from a telecomm company back in late 2001 (since have gone back to another telecomm and will retire for good in Nov 2010)...she was always cleaning out old stock and partially used spools of thread and I could never turn down a free offer of anything...seriously, someday I will take a pic...
| Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - 4:32 pm
Thank you Crzndeb. I bought a color wheel not too long ago and I think that helped open my mind to different color combinations.
| Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - 4:49 pm
Heh, I saw a challenge somewhere a couple months ago (if anyone knows where I saw it let me know!) where they picked three colors and you had to use those three colors to design a piece of jewelry. You could do whatever you wanted but had to use those three colors. I gather it was a regular challenge (maybe monthly?) with different colors each time and meant to look again for it, but didn't do it when I saw it cuz the three colors they'd picked were absolutely ugly together, lol. Maybe I should get a color wheel cuz I can't remember where the heck I saw that challenge.
| Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - 6:50 pm
I was just thinking of a bead store here in Seattle that does great color crystal mixes...I have made a few of these on my own....if you click on each mix, it gives you the colors it uses
| Thursday, May 21, 2009 - 12:01 am
Oh oh, Deb! I've seen their site before. I found the sweet mix and loved it for the girls spring jewelry. They didn't have the set in stock so I ordered each color seperate through FMG. I've been meaning to go back because there were some sets I really liked.
| Thursday, May 21, 2009 - 5:53 am
Crzndeb that is a nice site, thanks for posting the link.
| Saturday, May 23, 2009 - 11:40 pm
Tonight I've been working on something new, an odd count spiral tube. The instructions call for using three different colors of size 8 seed beads and I think I missed something cut my stripes aren't quite right (each should be one color all the way and I have the odd colored bead misplaced or something.) Anyways, no biggie, it's my first and mistakes are expected. But, I was sitting on the couch with my bead tray in my lap. Three piles of different colored seed beads laid out and was running my needle through the beads when all of a sudden a big, giant spider crawled across my arm. I did what any normal person would do, screamed like a little girl and threw my damn bead tray in the air. Once all the beads landed on the couch and floor, Darren came over and killed the spider while laughing at me. Only good thing was that I'd only poured out a small pile of each color of beads, so not a huge ton lost. The tube itself is coming out nicely, other than the misplaced color. And I'm not too worried about that.
| Sunday, May 24, 2009 - 11:39 pm
Oh Wargod, thank you for the laugh!!! Although I am sorry an evil spider crawled on you the image was just too funny. I think my husband would have done the exact same thing. On second thought he would have been too busy laughing to kill the spider.
| Monday, May 25, 2009 - 10:08 pm
LOL, you are welcome! Darren's so used to the spider fear and it just cracks him up since most the time they're just harmless little spiders. It really tickled him that I threw the whole beading tray! I'm gonna brag now. A couple weeks ago I ordered all those glass pearls (4mm) because I wanted to try to make a spiral rope bracelet out of them. Thought it'd look cute, but not half way through it, I decided I really didn't like the look all that much. It was way thicker than anything I like. I set it aside and haven't looked at it since. Dakota had asked me last week if I show her how to do the spiral ropes and I told her not this weekend but next I would. Wanted to wait til we had the time to really sit and work at it and no plans that weekend. Yesterday we weren't doing all that much and she brought me that pearl bracelet and asked if she could finish it. I told her sure and showed her how to do it and she picked up where I left off, somewhere between 1/4 - 1/2 of the way through with it. She finished it off and I showed her how to do the ends. She's so proud of herself (so am I) and has been wearing her bracelet all over showing anyone who will look what she did by herself.
I told her since she knows how to do the spiral ropes now she can help me finish up the ones for the softball team since I'm way behind on those, lol. I've got two weeks to finish them.
| Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - 6:54 am
Wow War, she did an incredible job! You're right, looks like you have a helper. I have to finish one up for graduation today. I didn't think I would like it. The crystal is cobalt blue, but it is looking really good. It will match her cap and gown perfectly. I originally wanted a sapphire crystal since that is her birthstone. Mr 18 picked the cobalt and since it is his GF I went along with it. Glad I did now.
| Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - 9:21 am
She did very well on it, lol! Ohhh, I like the cobalt blue. It's such a pretty color and picks up light very nicely so it'll sparkle.
| Tuesday, May 26, 2009 - 12:46 pm
That is beautiful. It's nice that you and your daughter share a hobby Wargod.
| Thursday, May 28, 2009 - 1:02 am
Thanks! She's quite proud of her bracelet. She's excited about helping on the team bracelets (I'm excited having her help!) Dakota's always been my little helper, if I'm doing anything craftwise, she's right there watching or doing it herself. I got a (small) box of goodies the other day. Darren's step dads father passed away earlier this year and since they cleaned out his house, step dad's been telling me he had something for me. Wouldn't say what, just that it belonged to his mom and he'd get it to me as soon as he found it since it was in the bottom of a much larger box and he wasn't sure which one. He found it this weekend and sent it over. Maybe I'm an oddball or ya'll will understand me perfectly, lol, but I was so excited when I opened this box and found a bunch of broken pieces of jewlery and odds and ends. There are pearls (not sure if they are real or not, not even sure how to tell with older jewelry,) chains, crystal rhinestones, buttons, plus quite a few things I'm forgetting at the moment. I haven't really had the chance to sit and exam it all yet. Before she died, it appears she had planned to have the jewelry fixed cuz there was a card in the box for a jewelry store (card said they'd either repair or uses the pieces to make new jewelry) so it at least had sentimental value to her. I'm hoping I'll be able to make something for Darren's step dad (manly something) and his step aunt, if it meant something to their mom it'll probably mean something to them as well and I know step dad really doesn't get rid of much!
| Thursday, May 28, 2009 - 9:26 am
I finally got some pictures uploaded. The Party Shoes!

| Thursday, May 28, 2009 - 9:29 am
Bracelets using Delicas.

| Thursday, May 28, 2009 - 9:32 am
The rest are with 4mm crystals and delicas.

| Thursday, May 28, 2009 - 11:38 am
Those are beautiful!!! I really must learn how to do more things. I have tons of beads. Does anyone sell any of their jewelry? I am considering doing so and wondered if anyone had any stories to share or advice to give?
| Thursday, May 28, 2009 - 11:28 pm
Those are beautiful, Biloxi! How many crystals did you have to use on those?
| Monday, June 01, 2009 - 6:29 am
Thanks. I made one more that had both clear Delicas and crystals. It was really pretty, almost looked like rock candy. I gave it to my MIL for Mothers Day and didn't get a picture first. I think I have enough beads left to make myself one. I have been trying to make the cluster drop earrings that are on Anuties Beads and am not liking the way they are turning out. I will have to work on them some more. War, I think there are a little over a hundred crystals in the bracelets. I will check and let you know how many. It took more then the pattern called for since I used delicas instead of seed beads.