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| Friday, May 15, 2009 - 10:33 am
Yay, thanks, Sea. Interweave is a new place for me. Does "eProject" mean I can download it? War, that is beeeeeeeee-yuh-teeeeeeee-fooooooooool! Very sparkly and definitely for date night! Did you make the pendant yourself, too?
| Friday, May 15, 2009 - 11:39 am
Yup Lum, or else find the magazine the project came out of. I'm not quite sure of the relationship between Interweave and several of the beading magazines (I think Interweave owns them, but they might just be partners.) Step by Step, Stringing, Beadwork. Interweave offers the projects in the magazines for sale/download, like the Russian Spiral is out of the Nov/Dec '08 Step by Step Beads Magazine. I just checked and don't have that one unfortunately. You might be able to find that issue of the magazine at the library, but $4 can't be beat really. Especially if it's a technique you could do over and over again. Nope, I didn't make the pendant, bought it at Michaels. The pearls in the piece don't really stand out much on their own, but in person at least (not that great in pics,) the pendant really brings them out. As I've said many times, lol, I love crystals. But, when you mix a lighter color crystal with pearls, they overpower the pearls (don't seem to have the same problem using darker crystals with them) so I had to find a way for them to stand out a bit more.
| Friday, May 15, 2009 - 9:01 pm
I think you can order back issues there. As for eProject.. umm.. that was the first time I've been there.. I just saw your post and picture.. liked that look too and searched. I have the latest copy of that magazine that I picked up at Rite Aide because it had this gorgeous bracelet I want to make. Haven't found any pic of it online though. === Back.. well now I have pics, but terribly fuzzy ones.. So.. this is made with strips of peyote beading, woven.. LOL.. I sound like I know that that is, and I sort of do from the nice directions in the magazine and talking to War a bit..

| Friday, May 15, 2009 - 10:14 pm
That is very interesting, Sea. I can see how the strips are woven in/out of each other and that might be fun to try with strands of beads. I can't do peyote yet though so I'm waiting to see how easy/difficult you find it and then picking your brain for tips, lol.
| Friday, May 15, 2009 - 11:22 pm
Hard to see.. but you make the five strips and then at one end peyote across all five so there are x number of rows that are five strips wide. Then the braiding, then do the few rows across all five again and each end is sewn onto the five ring connector thingy. I have to find the beads. I found at one site where I can get 9g of each of the types of beads.. I need 3g of each color.
| Friday, May 15, 2009 - 11:23 pm
I love the red bracelet you made, War, and love that picture of the rope Lumbele.
| Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 10:46 am
Hey, I love that weave bracelet, too, esp. since I prefer wider bracelets! Hurry up, Sea, figure out how to get around all the hurdles and then let us know the solutions, ok? War, I found this site giving fairly good instructions on peyoting or however you call that. Gotta finish my baby outfit this weekend, then it's back to some beading. If I don't stay off the computer more, though, I'll never get anything done. Every time I check out something about beading, I tend to follow one link after another after another, looking at material, jewelry ideas and time gets away from me.
| Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 10:56 am
Oh, speaking of seed beads.....what type do you guys buy. Michaels has among others these Toho beads. What makes them different from others? To me they just look a bit shinier.
| Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 11:13 am
Sea, here is someone on Etsy destashing. You'd have to ask War, though if her prices are any good.
| Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 1:59 pm
Lum Toho is just the name of the manufacturer...there are several companies that do seed beads.
| Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 2:10 pm
When they say "thread" in regard to peyoting, what kind do they mean?
| Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 2:26 pm
I've used Nymo thread on peyote's a nylon thread that comes in different colors and gauges. I think peyote stitch is pretty, I just don't care to do makes me a bit crazy...LOL! PS...if you like wide bracelets, look into the square stitch...I made a bracelet w/square beads, 8 across and it came out to be about an inch and 1/2 wide. I then fed thread with different beads thru each of the rows so that the embellishments laid on top. I really need to learn how to shrink pics....hard to explain.
| Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 2:38 pm
Here's the general idea, but I used 8 square beads across (no round beads), and each row has mini stone chips, teardrops and other mini beads on top of each row.
| Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 2:40 pm
Thanks for all the info, Deb. You know there are picture sites like Photobucket and others that let you display you photos online, so ppl can go there to have a peek. It's quite easy, even I could do it. I find shrinking pix of jewelry to accommodate TVCH-acceptable sizes, won't show enough detail and make them blurry.
| Saturday, May 16, 2009 - 10:23 pm
Heh, I tried all kinds of brands of thread and wasn't real pleased with any of them. Someone, I think Deb, suggested Nymo. I could kiss her (or whoever it was) for that! I love the rarely knots and when it does it's just a matter of gently pulling to get it loose, it doesn't break unless you tug way too hard, and it's super thin so you can pass through at least size 11 (the teeny tiny ones) seed beads several times over with no problem. I use the Czech seed beads, mainly cuz that's what my bead store carries. She also carries the delicas, but she carries far more colors/sizes/shapes of the Czech. My Michaels has a very limited supply of seed beads (only a couple options of Toho) and then some cheapy ones that are bigger...I did love those when I was learning the spiral ropes cuz they were easier to work with.
| Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 6:55 am
I love using the delicas. I have got a ton of glass seeds beads just sitting there. I'll try to use them on and off. I end up not liking the fact the cut is not uniform. I am going to try some Nymo. Right now I have been using Fireline. The Fireline I have now is a 4lb test, I just ordered some 6lb. Yesterday, I spent a lot of time at the site deb posted. I really like the Crystal Hugs bracelet there. I think that will be my next project.
| Sunday, May 17, 2009 - 10:04 am
Lum, I didn't think of the other picture sites...I already have accounts on Shutterfly and Winkflash. I think I'll add a jewelry folder to Winkflash. Excellent idea!
| Monday, May 18, 2009 - 3:02 pm
Here is the necklace I made last fall to wear to my nieces wedding. I think it is a bit too long and may take a few beads off the ends.
| Monday, May 18, 2009 - 3:04 pm
A couple of my favorite bracelets
| Monday, May 18, 2009 - 3:07 pm
Bracelets I made for the nieces. Actually, remade as the 1st ones were too small. I hope to find more of the butterflies.
| Monday, May 18, 2009 - 3:10 pm
A couple of bracelts I wear often. Once upon a time there was a third. Most of it was scattered on the floor in a bathroom stall in the Las Vegas airport.

| Monday, May 18, 2009 - 10:22 pm
I really like the wedding necklace Sugar! The colors are so rich looking. The girls bracelets are adorable! I've seen those butterflies somewhere, but off the top of my head can't remember where. They were sold in sets of I don't remember how many...maybe FMG? I'll check around and see if I can find them. I wouldn't have thought to mix those light yellows and greens with light looks great though!
| Monday, May 18, 2009 - 10:33 pm
Ok, yep, Sugar, Firemountaingems has many types of butterflies including ones that look like yours in silver, gold, bronze and in sets of anywhere from 4 to 25 or so (depending on the sizes you want.) butterfly mix These are 50 grams (25-27 butterflies) in silver plated, copper plated, and bronze, 11x7mm. They have all different kinds too.
| Monday, May 18, 2009 - 10:48 pm
Thanks Wargod. I like to look at the Firemountain gems site, they have some pretty beads. Would love to order, but with hubby's recent job loss, we are watching our pennies. The day he lost his job, I was supposed to attend a basic beading class, but it was canceled. Luckily, I was able to get the $ back although they did offer the class at a later time. I was just too upset. I plan to do the guitar pick necklace for my nephew in the next couple of days. Just got a box of picks at WalMart. I wish they didn't have writing on them, but there you go. If he doesn't like it he doesn't have to wear it and the writing is probably just on one side. Guess I could open the package and look.
| Monday, May 18, 2009 - 11:36 pm
Sugar, how many picks in the box?? Wonder if two could be glued together, back to back so that you don't see any writing. LOL, I haven't been able to make Caleb's, he keeps stealing the picks back from me! I don't know how he goes through so many of them.