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| Monday, July 12, 2021 - 10:23 am
Mame, I remember finding a tip to clean the tub, especially if there was soap buildup. One was to take a box of denture cleaning tablets, fill the tub with water and toss in the tablets. It did not work.
| Monday, July 12, 2021 - 10:25 am
Lol Sugar! It does sound reasonable. I would have tried it. Glad to know it would be a waste of time.
| Monday, July 12, 2021 - 10:38 am
Old question...I hate, hate, hate matching socks. So much so that for Darren (and Caleb when I did his laundry, he does his own now so it doesn't matter, lol) I've bought him the same brand and style of socks for 26 years. For me and Kota (I don't do her laundry, but occasionally buy her socks) I buy socks that can be easily mixed and matched. As long as they are the same size/legnth and thickness they get matched and if I'm wearing a pair of matching socks, it's only by pure chance. Close on it's heals is making the bed, I think it's an absolutely pointless chore. I will pull up the sheets and blankets when I get up, but the only time my bed is ever neatly made is on sheet changing day. I enjoy handwashing dishes. I can let my mind wander while doing something productive. The only thing my dishwasher is used for is storage. It's where anything odd shaped goes and plastic bowls and lids for leftovers and lunchboxes. Never had a dishwasher growing up and didn't have one as an adult until about 9 years ago so never really got into using one. My aunt did have one, but the only times I used hers over hand washing was when I was in a hurry (and yes, I did pre-rinse.)
| Monday, July 12, 2021 - 1:59 pm
I am a pre-rinser to the ire of my hubby. I don't enjoy housework but I like having a clean tidy house. For some bizarre reason, I don't mind cleaning the toilets. Wargod, ITA re bed making. Sure it looks nice all made but I also tend to just pull up the sheets and blankets. I do give the bedding a spritz with a fabric cleaning/refreshing spray.
| Monday, July 12, 2021 - 2:14 pm
I am a pre-rinser as well. I don't know that I "enjoy" any chore, I don't mind cleaning toilets, either. I don't DREAD loading/unloading the dishwasher, it's a piece of cake now that it's only two of us, although it does amaze me on some weekends how many dishes hubby can go through!!!
| Monday, July 12, 2021 - 2:21 pm
Q1 None Q2 Yes
| Monday, July 12, 2021 - 5:23 pm
We pre-rinse as we only run our dishwasher 2-3 times a week (only 2 of us). I don't mind doing laundry, but I abhor dusting. I usually do it by using the small brush on my central vacuum when it finally gets bad enough to irk me. I'm not a knick-knack kind of gal, so that does help - not many surfaces to dust.
| Monday, July 12, 2021 - 5:26 pm
Q1 Handwashing dishes Q2 I don't have a dishwasher. When I use my daughter's, I pre-rinse.
| Monday, July 12, 2021 - 7:45 pm
Bigdog and I make our bed together every single day. I wouldn't even consider sorting and matching socks to be a chore. I think I might have a good eye for shapes, sizes, and colors.
| Tuesday, July 13, 2021 - 6:04 am
I rarely if ever wear socks. Usually go barefoot in my boots in wintertime too, unless it's hella-cold. Although I've occasionally worn the little slipper-socks a friend gave me for around the house. Hubby does have tons of socks, but 99% of them are black and identical, so matching them is a no-brainer.
| Tuesday, July 13, 2021 - 6:40 am
1. I love doing laundry! It's the only chore with a built in break. 2. I do not pre-rinse.
| Wednesday, August 11, 2021 - 2:53 pm
Are there any new or returning TV shows you are looking forward to this fall? I can't really think of any, I still miss The Big Bang Theory. I enjoyed Mom. I'm hard pressed to think of any shows that I am really looking forward to seeing. There are still a few I enjoy but am not feeling that anticipation that I usually have for fall TV. I suppose there are still some shows in a bit of limbo due to the pandemic, although some were cancelled, there are others that I don't think have issued any updates.
| Wednesday, August 11, 2021 - 6:35 pm
Disappointed Rebel was cancelled. Hope it's resurrected elsewhere.
| Wednesday, August 11, 2021 - 9:15 pm
I am looking forward to Survivor! Been too long since we had a season of this great reality show.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, August 12, 2021 - 9:37 am
Survivor is always good. I also like This is Us and A Million Little Things. Oh and my new favorite is Resident Alien but I don’t think it will be back for a few more months. It’s such a great show.
| Thursday, August 12, 2021 - 2:47 pm
I'm about to jump out of my skin waiting for the return of "Dexter"! I'm also anxious for the next season of "Get Shorty".
| Thursday, August 12, 2021 - 8:27 pm
Same as Jimmer, plus Naja's Dexter.
| Friday, August 13, 2021 - 10:59 am
I forgot about Resident Alien . I would also like to see more of Get Shorty & Dexter. I was thinking more along the line of shows that usually start each fall and have been on for at least a couple of years. Dexter is returning after many years and I think that Get Shorty had a bit of a gap between seasons but I binge watched it after it had been out so might not remember correctly. I can't think of any new fall shows even being advertised. Perhaps because we generally record everything and fast forward through all commercials. I hope there are some truly well written and genuinely funny comedies on the horizon.
| Saturday, October 09, 2021 - 5:35 pm
New question: Is there something you were SO mad about when it happened, but now you laugh about it?
| Saturday, October 09, 2021 - 5:35 pm
The first thing that comes to mind happened quite a few years ago. I walked into the kitchen, and there was DH scrubbing dog poop off the bottom of his sneakers in the kitchen sink....and with my fingernail brush! hahaha The worst part for me was wondering if he'd done this before and I had been scrubbing my fingernails with a poopy brush.
| Saturday, October 09, 2021 - 8:48 pm
I have an entirely analogous story. When we lived in San Francisco, there was a small towel ring next to the bathroom basin, and maybe another towel bar on the other side of the basin and then some other towel bars for use after bathing. One night after Bigdog took a shower I walked into the bathroom to talk to him about something mundane, and he had MY small face towel and was just going to town drying the family jewels with it. I now refer to it as rubbing and scrubbing. Those appendages were getting vigorously dried with MY FACE TOWEL. I was speechless. Of course, in his defense, it WAS the perfect cute little towel for the job. He now claims that never happened, but, really, who could make up something like that? My worst part was same as Naja's. Maybe we could get a poll going on which was the worse offense?
Board Administrator
| Sunday, October 10, 2021 - 8:49 am
You’re telling me those small towels are for something else? 
| Sunday, October 10, 2021 - 7:43 pm
Don't get caught is all I can say.
| Sunday, October 10, 2021 - 7:52 pm
Both of these stories gave me a good giggle. It does make me wonder about any possibly similar things that may have been going on around here unbeknownst to me.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 12:22 pm
I have one that I found pretty funny though my wife didn't at first. We had this old refrigerator in the basement that belonged to my parents. It was from the 70's. Anyway, it finally stopped working and we decided to replace it with a new one. So we bought a new fridge and part of the delivery deal was that they would take away and dispose of our old fridge. Well these two big burly guys show up with our new fridge (which wasn't a problem) but I guess those old fridges, while small in size, were very heavily built. So they go to move it and one of the big guys decided it was just too heavy. So he tells my wife, "It's too heavy!" Well my wife wasn't deterred and said, "You aren't going to move it then?" At which point he replied to her over and over, "You need more men, man!" This went back and forth with my wife getting more and more frustrated (and me trying not to laugh). This huge muscular guy telling her, "It's too heavy. You need more men, man!" The funny thing about them needing more men is I don't know where he thought the extra men would go. It's just a regular staircase up and there's no way that more than two men would fit anyway. Eventually they left (without the fridge) and with my wife fuming. So a few days later, two little guys show up and say, "We hear you've got a fridge to be moved?" I said yes, but I understand it's a little heavy. They said, "No problem!" and happily carried it up the stairs with no fuss at all. Anyway, for years after this, whenever my wife asked me to do something, I'd respond by telling her, "You need more men, man!" 