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| Friday, December 25, 2020 - 9:52 pm
Hoping all of my little imaginary buddies had a safe Christmas. Figments rock!!
| Friday, December 25, 2020 - 11:20 pm
Wishing all my TVCH pals a very merry Christmas and a Happy and HEALTHY new year!
| Sunday, December 27, 2020 - 3:49 pm
Christmas Day started off with a bang in Nashville. At about 6:30 AM a RV loaded with explosives was detonated downtown on Broadway. Only three people were injured, none seriously because the police were already inspecting a suspicious vehicle in the area and had begun alerting all the apartment/loft residents in the area to evacuate. Those six guys are credited with saving hundreds of lives! Millions of dollars of damage was done to buildings all along the street. It is thought that the AT&T building was the primary target as the RV was directly in front of it. From the time of the explosion until about 2:00 today there was no AT&T TV, phone service, or internet. That company has about an 85% share of those services in this area. Service was out in middle TN from Clarksville - about 40 miles north of Nashville - to Atlanta!! Cell phones from other services continued to work, and I was able to go to the Y down the block from my apartment for internet as they use Comcast! My phone service i1?s through Tracphone and my BFF's is Sprint so we could keep in touch. What is in someone's mind and heart that they can do so much damage and wreak so much havoc in the lives of people they don't even know?
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 1:06 pm
When you drive how do you position your feet with the pedals? Standard or other? For instance, I keep my right foot at a slant and move it like a windshield wiper from the gas to brake pedal and back (with an automatic). I didn't even notice I did it but a friend of mine thought it was nutty when she rode with me (pre-pandemic). My sister in law uses her left foot for the brake and her right foot for the gas (automatic shift as well). That seems nutty to me! Lol I guess "standard", for the sake of this question, would be how you were taught in drivers-ed. My apologies to those that don't drive.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 1:17 pm
I just started singing Sammy Hagar's I Can't Drive Fifty-five when I got up to do something. 🎶One foot on the brake and one on the gas!🎶

| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 1:54 pm
My preferred method of driving is chauffeured. I actually like to drive and use my right foot for both gas and brake in an automatic car. It has been some while since I drove a clutch but I seem to recall right foot for gas and left foot for brake with clutch cars.
Board Administrator
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 1:57 pm
I was taught to use my right foot for both the accelerator and the brake. Of course, I've also driven cars with a standard (manual) transmission and that is the only way you can do it for them. I think the two concerns with using both feet is you are more likely to ride the brake (press lightly on the brake and the accelerator at the same time) or worse, get confused and slam both of them down at once. Then again, my Uncle used both feet for years and he was a very good driver so I guess it can be done.
Board Administrator
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 1:58 pm
No you have to use your left foot for the clutch. 
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 2:16 pm
Right for brake and gas. Left was for clutch. now I just rest it on the foot rest in there
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 2:42 pm
LMAO, I prefer chauffeured as well. Back when I did drive it was one foot for gas and break, the left foot was for the clutch!!! That is probably why these "young whippersnappers" think it is weird, they didn't have to learn to drive with a clutch.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 2:44 pm
Thank you, yes, I meant left foot for clutch and right foot for gas and brake. Maybe I really should get a chauffeur.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 2:59 pm
I drove stick shift cars for 25+ years so when I switched to automatics it felt pretty natural to use my left foot for the brake. Younger drivers who have never driven a stick and used a clutch don’t usually develop the touch for braking with their left foot. Drives my wife a little crazy but I sometimes switch back and use just my right for gas and braking.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 3:13 pm
A chauffeur would be great! For those that do the proper way... I assume you don’t keep your foot stationary like my “wiper” method. Now if I have to do a sudden brake I do lift my foot. That is what she was giving me grief about. Not lifting my foot. Lazy habit. I need to know that someone else does this! Lol For full disclosure my left foot rests by the door.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 3:53 pm
Right foot for gas and brake. Lift foot and move it. Left just rests and takes it easy.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 4:00 pm
Right foot for gas and brake. My grandfather was from England and learned to drive there...he used right for gas and left for brake...drove my Granny nuts!!!
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 5:13 pm
I hate driving and I have trouble seeing with all the lights at night, so if I can safely hand my keys to someone else and let them drive, I will. I was absolutely thrilled when my kids and oldest niece started driving cuz they wanted all the practice they could get and I was more than willing to let them have it, lol. I do have to say since moving to a small town with a population of under 14,000 people I don't find driving (during the day anyway) to be such a pain so it's probably traffic I hate more than driving. When I can't avoid driving, right foot is for gas and brake and left foot is on the foot rest tapping and twitching cuz I am hyper and need to move something.
| Monday, January 18, 2021 - 6:39 pm
I feel safest driving myself. I was taught by my dad to use left foot on brake, right on accelerator. And to the "you might ride the brake" you learn not to do that. And my dad had one experience that saved a life. Kid on bike suddenly made a left turn right in front of his car. Police looked at the skid marks and told my dad that his stop was incredibly fast and most drivers would have fun over the boy. So I drove that way for 18 years, until I bought my stick shift truck, when I used to use left foot on the clutch (and not ride the clutch). Next vehicle was automatic, but by then my right foot was used to switching between accelerator and brake, so that is where I stayed.
| Friday, January 22, 2021 - 12:32 pm
New question... What weird food combinations do you really enjoy? Mine would be cheddar cheese and peanut butter. Not sure how weird that is. My mom used to put ketchup on cottage cheese and I thought that was gross. Lol Oh, I put pickled dilly beans on a turkey sandwich the other day and that was good.
| Friday, January 22, 2021 - 4:16 pm
First question - drove a stick shift until I was 39, so right = accelerate and brake, left = clutch. Second - peanut butter and lettuce sandwiches. My mom always made them that way. Same idea as PB on celery so the PB doesn't stick to your mouth as you eat the sandwich (and I abhor PB&J together- though I like both alone).
| Friday, January 22, 2021 - 7:47 pm
Pineapple on pizza. Cranberry sauce, mint jelly, or apple sauce with chicken or beef etc. Ketchup or maple syrup on eggs. Potato chips in baloney sandwiches. Maple syrup on ribs. Craisins and mandarin oranges in salads. In case it's not obvious, I have a heck of a sweet tooth. ;) And it's all delicious!
| Friday, January 22, 2021 - 9:58 pm
I doubt that I could come up with even one. I am a very plain eater.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, January 23, 2021 - 11:47 am
It's a fairly common thing now but white chocolate covered pretzels are surprisingly good.
| Saturday, January 23, 2021 - 12:29 pm
I really can’t think of any strange combination that I eat. That’s not to say I eat a standard fare or menu. Because I grew up a military brat and then worked for the US Army for 42 years I have lived in three foreign countries, 12 states, and travelled to more places than I can count. Makes my food choices very broad and varied. There are a few things I won’t eat and some I don’t prefer but generally I’m not a picky eater.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, January 23, 2021 - 12:57 pm
Pringles and canned tuna (used as a dip). French fries with baked beans on top (when I don't have vegetarian chili available). I'm sure there's more.
| Saturday, January 23, 2021 - 2:38 pm
I put grape jelly in the sauce that I make for cabbage roll casserole.