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| Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 11:39 am

| Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 11:41 am

| Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 11:49 am
still no trailers..
| Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 11:58 am

| Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 9:03 pm
Thanks for the pics, Chewpito. … wondering how much more time a lot of us can go with our governments ignoring the danger our planet is in, and we will be in these tents fighting for our lives also ...
| Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 9:23 pm
They are moving the 'Sheltered' to another town about 20 miles south, Closing all shelters in CHico' (Makes no Sense) (although most are employed' if they did not loose there job here in Chico) The problem is, they are asking them to surrender their dogs or pets' as they dont want to take in animals. Well, The people in tents here' will not surrender. So they are sticking it out' while Fema, takes their sweet time trying to wonder How? and when? they will be able to get some trailers here. Shrug. The trailers that they speak of' are in Sacramento. 'Yes' a whole hour and half away' but they are worried where to put them... I guess it takes a Mountain. Lady in line behind me at CVS today had the most darling doggy with her on a leash. Cutest little thing. She said that 2 other pups were lost to the fire and this wee one was the only one she could save...and it was a fiery hell to get down the mountain. She was prob in her late 70's and she said', "he is all I have", I dont know what I would do with out him"... everyday' more stories and more sorrow'
Board Administrator
| Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 9:18 am
I can't imagine them asking them to now dump their pets, after so much loss. Who runs these things???
| Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 1:09 pm
Honestly Karuuna' I think 'our' people here in Chico are doing the best they can. We have so many Homeless (do to fire) and they have support systems all over town, Most of those folks have also lost homes or loved ones, pets. Fema is the agency that is moving the shelters down to Gridly, 30 mins south of here.They say its because they have better accommodations but pets are a hassle and they want folks to surrender them. Heart ache after heart ache. This is a agriculture town, We also have lots of farms and ranches. Many people like living on the ridge' outskirts of Paradise cause they can let their Horses, sheep, goats, cows roam and graze. Actually we use the goats every year to eat the brush around the base of the mountain. They do a better job' and they dont effect the environment. When the fire started, many animals were abandoned as people were running for their lives. Now they are finding many of these animals still alive but terrified, starving and many burnt. They are still not letting people into many of the burnt areas until they can go thru it and deem it safe. So different agency's have been getting permission and being escorted in' with a law enforcement person so they can drop bails of hay and feed. They also are dropping food off randomly for the wildlife and birds so that they find food. In the past when we have had fires' many of the wild life come down into the valley in search of food. Bears, coyotes, deer, beavers, raccoons etc. I live right on the base of the mountain and its not uncommon to see any of these animals on any given day.. even with out fire. I am a nature lover and I walk my dogs almost daily in the upper park lands, I know those areas by heart. Being a college town we always have a influx of students/with their Parents visiting to check out the school and area, or just tourists looking to retire here. I cant count how many conversations I have with strangers as I warn them to keep their dogs on leashes and dont go hiking on the cliffs or river trails unless they know what they are doing and have good shoes and packed a few survival things. Many a beloved pet have been hurt or killed due to coyotes or rattle snakes that dont take kindly to having their home invaded by a floppy pup looking for fun. The reason I bring this up is 'is because Now' that the fire is out' its just not 'all dandy'! That is another reason that its very important to drop food off up there' to keep them from coming down into the town. Lots of agency's here are trying so hard to reunite pets/livestock to loved ones, but they no longer have a place for them to go, no homes/no yards/and possibly deceased owner. anyway... I just thought Id bring these things up as food for thought. The fire is out' but the rain is coming down in sheets and its cold.. Remainders of bodies and any evidence will be washed away, flowing down the creeks and springs. This will also effect the Fish life.
| Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 3:02 pm
(((((Chewi))))) It sounds like heartbreak after heartbreak. So glad good is being made available for the animals.
| Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 7:48 pm
Thanks for the update, Chewie.
| Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 11:24 am
Chewpito hope you and your friends and neighbors children and pets are doing okay. I think about you often.
| Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 9:33 pm
I do too, also speak about you often, especially when people are ignorantly blowing off that ALL of this abnormal weather behavior is getting worse and IS climate change in real time in our real lives, and we may only have 12 more years on this planet.
| Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 10:40 pm
I thought after all the pets were lost in Katrina that shelters and tracking systems had to be provided for pets.. On NextDoor tonight someone has her husband's mom and stepdad, who are 70. Lived in a boat in Florida, lost everything in the most recent hurricanes. The relocated here, with nothing. They do have a mattress. People on NextDoor are offering up chairs, couches, table, chairs, dishes, etc. I have a vacuum cleaner used once (turned out not good for my back) that they want. Another couple lost their home in Paradise, but have a condo here. But the sheer number of people you have displaced up there...
| Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 11:07 pm
The Family was in Panama City, which was mostly wiped out.
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 7:39 pm I may take a foster pup for a pains' me to see all these pups homeless, only because of circumstances.... So sad.
Board Administrator
| Friday, October 16, 2020 - 9:08 pm
So, the local fire, now the largest in Colorado, blew up over the last few days and is expected to blow up again tonight. We're getting 90 mph winds - from the fire and in my direction. The latest mandatory evacuation area is now just 5 miles from my house, and I can see the flames peeking over the foothills.
Board Administrator
| Friday, October 16, 2020 - 9:25 pm
Not the best photos, my camera is not great in the dark, but this is looking out my front door.

| Friday, October 16, 2020 - 10:18 pm
Oh, Kar, that is horrible. Sending prayers your way that it doesn't get any closer to you.
| Saturday, October 17, 2020 - 3:13 am
Hope you have an emergency kit packed up and are ready to go if necessary! Stay safe!!!
| Saturday, October 17, 2020 - 6:02 am
🙏 Praying for your safety.
| Saturday, October 17, 2020 - 6:12 am
Praying for your safety!!
Board Administrator
| Saturday, October 17, 2020 - 8:28 am
They keep saying the fire can't get this far, because we don't have the kind of "material" to feed it, but yes, it's terribly worrying to look at your front door and see that. And then to hear there is little they can do to stop the spread today because of the weather!
| Saturday, October 17, 2020 - 9:05 am
I'm so sorry Karuuna! This fire is another symbol of 2020. They just can't seem to get it out. The smoke in that area has been terrible for so long. My daughter is at CSU and I've been to see her a few times and had to get off the highway at loveland to take pictures it's just SO enormous and overwhelming! Stay safe!!!
Board Administrator
| Saturday, October 17, 2020 - 9:09 am
The fire's been burning since August 15th. It grew another 15,000 acres over night. However, that is LESS than what was expected, so that is good news. Bad news is the wind is still blowing like crazy today, and at this point, they are just trying to save structures, not stop growth. People in the nearby towns have been evacuated, and their homes have been sprayed with foam retardant. A few refused to evacuate... notably a few elderly folks. Why? Where are their relatives? Drag them out!
| Saturday, October 17, 2020 - 9:46 am
That's so scary that people refuse to evacuate. If that fire comes you can't stop it You can't protect your house! What an awful way to go.