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| Friday, July 31, 2020 - 7:55 pm
Beasts of the Southern Wild, To Kill a Mockingbird, Man without a Face, The Way, Emulsion (indie film in noire style w/my Outlander actor Sam Heughan)
| Friday, July 31, 2020 - 8:34 pm
Groundhog Day. Every day for the past twenty-five years. Okay, not really, but it IS probably my most watched movie.
| Friday, July 31, 2020 - 10:09 pm
The Unsinkable Molly Brown The African Queen The Holiday (for Dipo: starring Jack Black Cameron Diaz Jude Law Kate Winslet and Eli Wallach) 84 Charing Cross Road You Light Up My Life Disney's Babes in Toyland
| Friday, July 31, 2020 - 11:03 pm
Oh so many. I went through a period when I put Four Weddings and a Funeral on in the background to fall asleep to, then the same with A Few Good Men, so they are probably my most watched. But there are loads of sci-fi movies and 80s/90s movies I've seen 10 or more times I'm sure.
| Saturday, August 01, 2020 - 11:23 am
Thank you Mameblanche!! I just loved Kate Winslet and for some reason I always forget her name, just see her face in my mind.
| Sunday, August 02, 2020 - 2:01 pm
About Time (charming movie, so sweet, and good music, too), Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman, Mrs Doubtfire, Twister, Outbreak, Longtime Companion And the Band Played On, Blackfish, more. In the theatre, M*A*S*H, The Beatles first movie.. Took a few times for the audiences to stop cheering, lots of movies, with subtitles at studio A and B in Berkeley and tons of others. If we really liked a movie, we would see it multiple times.
| Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 6:56 pm
<New Question:> Since this thread has been dormant for a while, I would really like feedback on this Usually I never dream or perhaps don't remember then. However, in the last few months, I dream almost nightly!!! They are not scary dreams in that I don'g feel threatened, but they do typically present uncomfortable situations to be resolved or personal conflicts. Am I crazy?
| Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 7:08 pm
TNT you're not alone. I recently read that due to the stress of worrying about the pandemic, apparently many people are experiencing more frequent vivid dreams, and not very restful sleep, including myself.
| Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 7:12 pm
I find I only remember dreams if I wake up during them, i.e. I don't naturally go out of that REM cycle but am disturbed somehow. Last few months, early morning I wake up mid dream and can't get back to sleep. I'm sure it's the background stress from the political climate.
| Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 8:28 pm
I am having that too. Duh! I didn't even think of the pandemic, but of course that is likely to be part of it. What I hate is when I am in a bad dream and realize it and wake up to get out of it. And then when I try to go back to sleep my mind wants to go right back into the dream which I know is an insolvable imaginary dilemma and try to get to a happy ending when there is not one. Ack!!!
| Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 1:30 am
Same here. I get obsessive dreams. I used to dream about code and logic when I was working.
| Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 6:44 am
You can't imagine what a relief it is to hear that I am not alone! I have always been a rock solid sleeper so dreams and broken nights are a new experience for me. Thank you more than I can say for your responses!
| Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 8:47 am
I have always had vivid dreams, many of them extremely odd.
| Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 9:16 am
Same here. Long vivid dreams all my life.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 11:02 am
I'm fortunate that I usually have enjoyable dreams. Some of them are very funny in retrospect. I'll go through periods where I'll dream a lot (or at least remember them) and then I may go for a while without remembering any dreams.
| Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 5:25 pm
I rarely sleep well enough to dream, but I have had a few, especially the last 3 weeks after we learned our school is going back full-time face to face all kids at the same time. And our county has 3 times the number of cases per capita as the county next to us, where the main school system is doing virtual only to start the year. I'm a stressed wreck and having nightmares about it regularly.
| Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 7:50 pm
I have had more vivid dreams lately and many have complicated problems to solve.
| Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:05 pm
((((Teach)))) I hate that they are making you do that, go back to work when it's not safe, and especially when it's not safe for the kids or their elders. I think you are in Michigan, which has a good governor. And, of course, most of us would advise you to save yourself, but I am reading the plight of other teachers who feel they must go do it for the children. It is nothing but cruel, and I hope it resolves without anybody having really bad consequences.
| Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 10:09 pm
((((TNT)))) You might have been gone from us for a while, but you seem as sane as the rest of us. (of course, our theme is we're all bozos on this bus, but then it always has been, so welcome back into the fold)
| Thursday, August 13, 2020 - 12:20 am
Teach, I feel for you! Here we have huge battles between the state, the county, he various cites.. And the political range is extremely wide. So the state says not yet except in some sparse counties, the county school board said full steam ahead in person, masks not necessary, (school board has no say, but don't tell them) most school districts are starting at home, but charter schools want to go in erson, then you have church affiliated schools. Crazy! My retired teacher friends say they would not go back. A doctor I follow for Alzheimer's lectures also works in the emergency room just up the street from me and a couple of weeks ago said that the hardest hit groups at time were cancer patients, and those adults who were getting it from teens as 20ish kids, not little kids (school still don't out) Kids in my complex have been running around without masks all summer, so are not ready to mask up for school. I guess the best you can do is protect yourself. Look at what the school provides, but add your own equipment and procedures. My dental hygienist has work shoes she only wears to work as leaves at work. I have sanitizer and wipes, but I also have a UV box and sap all sorts of items. The box is larger than the ones for cell phones. If I had a classroom, depending on how well it was being sanitized, I might invest in a UV wand. But I am with you. It is just too soon in many places. And the risk is to teachers, their families and families of students. When do you go back?
| Thursday, August 13, 2020 - 4:25 am
Oh, Teach! That is scary. Private schools are boing back live; public still probably virtual. The school system has provided hundreds of thousands of computers to disadvantaged kids. I expect to see them turn up soon in pawn shops as many parents value liquor and/or drugs over education!
| Thursday, August 13, 2020 - 12:29 pm
First to answer TNT's question: I have colorful vivid dreams which sometimes I can remember and others times I can't. Sometimes I have nightmare dreams and my DH has to shake me awake and calm me down. These nightmares are due to bad things that happened to me in my childhood. And about Teach having to go back into the classroom to teach students. I do feel for you Teach, I know you will protect yourself the best way you can. If you would like, I can make you a "hand sanitizer necklace" to wear. It would hang over your chest and the little bag I'd make can hold a small bottle of hand sanitizer, like those that are clipped onto a purse. This way you will have hand sanitizer on your person and available to continuously use to keep killing any germs your hands may come in contact with. Let me know, I'd love to make one for you. Lastly, my daughter is a 4th grade teacher and fortunately LAUSD is continuing with virtual online teaching. She and I are both grateful that she can continue to stay Covid safe. She did the virtual teaching when Covid hit from mid-March to June. It was challenging but she put in 150% to keep her students learning. I know she is more prepared to begin a new school year with 25 fourth grade students.
| Thursday, August 13, 2020 - 6:06 pm
I haven't been dreaming that I can remember. When I do dream they are vivid, in colour and very detailed.
| Friday, August 14, 2020 - 5:34 pm
Huge thanks to all of you....I'm terrified but trying to be prepared. I've ordered a shield for my desk, I'll be teaching my classes in-person as if we're virtual - so all on their Chromebooks for all activities, though instructions I'll give "live." Our students have the option of F2F or virtual, teachers don't. Here's an interesting fact, though, that may alter things a bit. Tuesday when I met w/my counselor friend so we could figure out SAT fall testing (another nightmare), she said we only had 12 students in our HS of 390 who had chosen virtual. The deadling was Wed. but still - less than 10%. Thursday morning, there was a safety committee meeting. The final number was 41% who chose virtual (though out of about 1200 students total, they had about 800 responses - so 400 still unknown). If I had to guess, I'd say more were at the elementary level since they do NOT require masks. HS requires it, but at the board meeting Monday night, when I asked what would be the protocol when a student showed up without a mask and with a doctor's note, I was told, "it would be on a case by case basis." WTH does that mean? An unmasked student better not be in a classroom w/others who ARE masked! We've also heard rumours we'll have 20-25 kids in our class for lunch - so that means unmasked. THAT is something the union can fight as we have duty-free lunch in our contract, but it's going to be a true sh*t show of epic proportions. Our biggest question - how long will we make it before being shut down by positive tests. Three schools in our area have shut down football practice after 3-4 days b/c of positive tests - and they're OUTSIDE! I've ordered scrubs, I'll have separate shoes, our school IS providing face shields and gloves (I've got my own masks) because - of course - we have to disinfect between classes. Thank you for the offer, Egbok, but I have hand sanitizer right on my desk, and I'll have another bottle on a cabinet for the kids. The sanitizer and the kleenex are the only things I'm providing for them this year. No sharing of anything else. If I have the chance to teach remotely, I'll jump on it, but I doubt it at this point. Gah....sorry for the long post. LOVE YOU all for the kind words.  
| Friday, August 14, 2020 - 7:11 pm
Teachers are very much on my mind during this crisis. I don't know the best way for children to learn while keeping everyone safe. Your precautions sound like the best possible, Teach. I sure hope things will work out, and that you will stay well.