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Board Administrator
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 6:01 pm
New Question: What are you doing for New Year's Eve?
Board Administrator
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 6:02 pm
Me: Trying to watch 3 seasons of Game of Thrones (I started, then stopped, and am now trying to catch up to be ready for the final season!) Drinking: Sparkling cherry cider (no sugar added). Eating: Stuffed portabella mushroom caps and green beans almondine. Exciting stuff! 
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 7:15 pm
My son just got me the HBO ap so I can watch GoT...Im on season 1 ep 3 and am totally hooked! we have 2 parties to go to but i just want to stay home and watch GoT lol
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 7:17 pm
either way at midnight Bill and I are going to eat 12 grapes, we are supposed to eat them all within a min. good luck for each month of the year.Bill cooked greeens, blk eye peas and cornbread for tomorrow...another good luck/health thing. we both had the worst year for health in 2018 so we are having fun doing silly traditions for a great and healthy 2019 
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 7:37 pm
I went to Claim Jumper for an early dinner and am home and off the street.
Board Administrator
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 7:44 pm
Pamy we used to do the eat grapes thing, but with a sip of champagne after each one. You have to eat a grape, sip the champagne and make a wish - and complete them all in one minute so your wishes come true! Dinner sounds delicious! Seamonkey, I agree, home is the best place to be tonight.
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 7:51 pm
I am watching murder shows... blackeyed peas are soaking to be cooked in the morning, cornbread is done, greens are on deck. And then some deviled eggs just because I like them on holidays, LOL.
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 8:08 pm
I just had guacamole.
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 9:00 pm
The highlight of our evening just occurred. One of our (South Padre) island hot spots has put on New Year's Eve fireworks at midnight for many years. At sunset tonight I asked a neighbor if Louie's was putting on fireworks tonight, and she said, yes, at 9 pm. 9 pm!!! What a great idea for us old folks who just can't stay up. AND, hahahaha, we met the newest neighbors who seem to have just moved in today, and showed up in their bath robes in our viewing stairwell where I was waiting for the fireworks to start. I did warn them to expect that at midnight the Mexican New Year's celebrations will begin on the balconies of our U-shaped complex, and everybody (hundreds) will go out on the balconies and bang wooden spoons on pots and pans and blow air horns. And then down below in the courtyard, people will circle the sidewalks pulling luggage. I think this is to signify safe travels in the upcoming year. I encouraged them to embrace and enjoy the diversity. But you just can't ever tell about white folks in Texas wanting to embrace "others." Ooh! I have an extra piece of wheeled luggage that is empty! I could go down and wheel it around and see what that's about.
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 10:04 pm
Watching Chopped reruns.
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 10:38 pm
Those sound fun, Juju.. Here in some areas (like my first condo and my last rental) it is best to stay inside and downstairs to avoid the custom of shooting guns straight up in the air.. Because those bullets return to earth. Pots and pans were used in 50s Detroit. Things were tamer there in those days. Quiet so far here, but it is early.
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 10:58 pm
Kar, that sounds fun, I think I'm going to have a hard time just with the grapes cuz bill and I are going to be cracking each other up the whole time. we just did a practice run and I had him laughing til he was crying hahah
| Monday, December 31, 2018 - 11:09 pm
Juju, how fun!! I read about the luggage rolling, that is a cool tradition! Dipo, I like eggs too! I may add them to our meal
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 12:18 am
Heh, we are at the tail end of moving and about exhausted. I've been in my jammies since like 730 tonight. We had pasta for dinner and I'm now drinking vanilla bean black tea (hot.) Darren is out cold, Kota's been in bed about an hour, grandma went to bed to watch tv and my little niece who is spending the night is camped out on her floor watching videos on her tablet. Exciting stuff going on here, lol. Caleb's the only one of us doing anything...he went down the street to his besties house to watch movies tonight.
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 12:32 am
We had a quiet night at home with our pets and watching TV, as DH is recovering from surgery 4 weeks ago. Didn't know about the 'grapes' thing, but coincidentally I put out unsalted crackers, brie cheese, and GRAPES to snack on during the last few minutes to the countdown. DH was planning (with the nurse's permission) to postpone his meds for an hour or two so he could have some champagne or wine. But he was in way too much discomfort and needed his meds, so we opted to toast in 2019 with ginger ale. (Which was fine by me as I'm not much of a booze fan. Although I like vodka coolers as well as ice wine on occasion.) As I told him, 2019 is going to be great, after all our health issues of the past 3 year, we're due some good luck.
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 3:35 am
It was really quiet here. A few books in the distance between 11:30 and midnight. It is cold and quite windy, so that probably kept people inside. Even at 4:15 when I met people for dinner if was cold and windy and looked like it wanted to rain.
Board Administrator
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 10:48 am
Our temps bounced down to zero last night, so I bundled up and went out late and packed the horses' hay nets really full so they could munch all night long. They still had some left this morning so I think I gave them enough. And that was the extent of my NYE fun!
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 12:00 pm
You are a great horse mom 💗 🐴💗 Cold weather requires more calories! Katniss is inside only, so she isn't affected by wind, but I don't heat my place, it gets cold (thankfully not zero) and she definitely eats more in folder weather and I make sure to feed her more. Do your horses grow more cost in winter? We still have the wind outside.
Board Administrator
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 12:52 pm
I don't blanket my horses yet, although as they get older it may be necessary. If you blanket too early in the year, you do prevent them from developing as thick of a winter coat. For horses, the act of *constant* eating generates body heat, so for cold weather, I just make sure they have hay in nets, which slows down their eating process so they can eat all night long. Otherwise you'd have to feed about twice as much because they eat loose hay a lot faster.
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 12:55 pm
We had veggie chilli. Stayed in except for a quick trip to check on a friend's cat. Watched some Brookyn 99, which we are catching up on, and some netflix.
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 12:57 pm
Happy New Year TVCHer's!! Last night we stayed at home with our doggies. In our neighboring 'hood, there are lots of illegal, huge booming fireworks and possibly guns being shot into the air. Our doggies hunker down beside us on the couch as we watched re-runs of Games of that show and looking forward to the final season to see what happens!! In my childhood years, our family would join all the neighbors and bang pots and pans to welcome in the New Year. Good time, good times!!
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 1:43 pm
Eggie, we get those fireworks too. this was the 1st year in 20 yrs we didnt have any dogs to worry about. we didnt even have any fosters. we are hoping to get 2 fosters tomorrow
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 1:53 pm
That makes sense about the horses. I did know that if you blanket them, you must commit to it. I would think the constant eating would be sort of a communal activity for them too, assuming it isn't a lone horse, of course.
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 2:04 pm
For the first time in a while I actually caught the local fireworks on TV, and stupidly others were setting them off in the neighborhood. Thank goodness it is cold and a little dewy so we didn't get any fires! Then I fell asleep, LOL.
| Tuesday, January 01, 2019 - 6:59 pm
Today we are eating blk eye peas, greens, and cornbread Bill and I went on a romantic walk, laughed and planned fun things for the year. I am very blessed. wishing you all a blessed new year!! xooxxoxo