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| Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 12:29 pm
A thread to gather helpful information.
| Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 12:31 pm
Chewpito Monday, November 12, 2018 - 1:01 pm I dont know how to make this a link, maybe someone here can. If anyone looses a house, as almost 6,000 have here', this info would be helpful. >Clients, friends and family who have lost homes, here is a list of where to start and some valuable information. Please share. Prayers to you all and contact us with any questions of how we can help. (This brilliance posted by a former student - please read and share as needed) >>Where to start .... >>1. Get a PO Box >>2. Longer term rental search - include insurance on it so they pay directly for rental. Find a nice place that you like, don't settle. You should be able to get a "Like Property" so insurance should cover a nice place for you to live while you work through all this. You might be living here for 2 years, so choose wisely. >>3. Find a place to buy some sturdy boots and gloves. Get some shovels. Metal detectors could be good to rent as well. >>4. Start working on the personal property list. Write down the items the moment you remember – keep list on phone or pad of paper with you at all times. >>5. Save receipts. Loss of use insurance will cover incidentals too – hairbrush, phone chargers, etc. >>6. As you buy things, tell the storeowner your situation. Most stores will give you some level of discount as their way of helping you. >>7. Let people do things for you. Do you have a friend that you can send to the store to buy you some basic clothes or comfort foods? Let them do it – they want to help and you don’t need to spend time doing these errands. >>The Big List: >>1. Register at the shelters, with Red Cross and any other agency there, California FEMA, etc. >>a. Most of the aid coming in will use these lists as a point of contact and will help to ensure that you don't get left out of anything. >>b. This will be especially important should FEMA be activated, which in my opinion is very likely with the amount of devastation experienced. >>2. Call Homeowners/Rental insurance to trigger "Loss of Use" >>* This typically will allow you to be in a "Like" property for x number of years and sometimes has a dollar limit attached and sometimes not, this is dependent on your policy. >>a. This coverage should also give you some immediate access to funds for essentials, clothes, toothbrushes, food, etc. >>b. This will also get the ball rolling for the insurance claim on your home and rebuilding/personal property Dollars. >>3. Get a PO Box and forward all mail to the Box. >>* Use this PO Box as the mailing address on all forms you begin to fill out. >>4. Start Searching for a Long-term rental. >>* Coordinate with your insurance company so that payments can be made directly from them using your “Loss of Use” money. >>a. Plan on renting 1-2 years, but do not necessarily sign a lease for a full two years as circumstances can change. >>5. Itemized List of belongings - (This is very hard but very necessary for your claim) >>* I would organize by room and list everything that was there with a replacement cost. (you will cry a lot doing this and that is ok) >>a. Replacement Cost should be what it would cost to replace not on sale from pottery barn, it should not be the price you paid for it with that 50% off coupon. >>b. Make sure you list everything, even if it is above and beyond your policy limit. This is very important because everything above and beyond the policy limit is considered a Loss and can be claimed as such on your taxes - See #9 >>6. Call all of your utilities and either freeze or cancel service. >>* Electric, Gas, TV, Land Line phone >>a. Newspaper delivery, either cancel or update to PO Box. >>7. Call the rest of your insurance points as needed. >>* Car insurance >>a. Any specialty insurance for unique items >>8. Permits - An unfortunate necessity. >>* Debris Removal - as things wind down it will be necessary to remove the debris, this requires a permit usually. (This should be covered by your insurance, we had to force the issue but ask repeatedly.) >>a. Erosion Control - If you are on any kind of hill or have sloped property you will need to put some sort of erosion control measures in place, again this will need some sort of permit. >>b. Temporary Power Pole/Trailer on site Permit - Getting this earlier on can prove helpful in both the rebuilding process. >>9. Taxes >>* You will be able to claim the monetary loss of the value of all your items minus what you receive from your insurance company. I’m unfamiliar with the exact laws, but I believe that we were able to carry our losses back 2-5 years and received most of the money that we had paid in taxes back in a nice large check. >>10. Network with others. You will learn so much from others as you go through the rebuilding process. We all have our strengths so share yours and use others. The amount of time that you will spend on the rebuild, insurance, recovery process is staggering so you need to use all your resources.
| Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 7:07 pm
Over 7,000 lost their homes... I am watching the briefing right now...
| Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 7:49 pm
7,695 homes lost, gone. They have not finished... Those are homes, family's. Still, over 200 missing.
| Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 7:51 pm
I watched T's, briefing today... about this disaster, I wish I had not.
| Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 8:12 pm
Butte County Clerk-Recorder @buttevotes 6h6 hours ago More If you were affected by the #CampFire please contact our office so that we can assist in replacing your copies of vital records or other official records. (530)538-7691
| Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 8:17 pm
they should also contact their county assessor for property tax relief If a major calamity, such as fire or flooding, damages or destroys your property, you may be eligible for property tax relief. In such cases, the Assessor's office will reappraise the property to reflect its damaged condition. In addition when you rebuild it in a like or similar manner, the property will retain its previous value for tax purposes. To qualify for property tax relief, you must file an Application for Reassessment (ACR 702) with the Assessor's office within 12 months from the date the property was damaged or destroyed. In addition, the loss must exceed $10,000.
| Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 1:26 pm
(Go to the shortcut below, butte county) I have watched every city counsel meeting and every ‘fire briefing that starts the shift rotations, that starts at 7 AM….(each morning) I am so proud of all of these Men and Woman!! and all the other county’s, States, every agency that is working so hard! that has come to help. 39 of our own fire fighters here, have lost their homes, but they are out there working to fight this thing….Hero’s. ‘Then go to the ‘camp fire structure status map ‘ It will show you all of the fire area, and all the houses that were completely gone by street. You have to zoom in on the map, and then you will see all the streets. All the red dots are houses ‘gone’…. The ‘black’ ones are homes that escaped. Still there is no water or electricity. Its going to be a really long time before anything will be normal here. Long time. We have just gained 13,000 plus' Homeless people' here in my town of Chico. We have tent city's all over the place, in any parking lot you see, there is tents and people wandering around lost. We have a major HS, Elementary school, Junior HS, that Kids can not go to.. "Where do they go"? This is a huge issue. The Paradise football team, The Bobcats' were having a winning season of football scheduled to play-off our Pleasant Valley High School... (The 49's invited them to a game the other night in SF) They bused them down and gave them a special day as a little relief to this trauma. These students are worried if they will Graduate' will they have their dances and special events. Where will they go? Our schools here are already maxed with 32/40 kids per class now. (Teachers can relate) Many of the teachers lived in Paradise, so they dont even have homes themselves. School's here have been cancelled at least thru the month because of the air quality as well.. Also folks that are lucky enough to still have their jobs, what do they do with their kids so they can work..they have no homes and daycare' We will need more of those. Also' next week, the day before Thanksgiving' they are calling for a petty good storm. Rain would be wonderful and we need it, but now where do the people go in a huge storm, and its also freezing outside. They cant stay on ground tents. Fema is here, (where are the trailers?) We have agency's here set up tent offices to try to help people get 'birth cert, drivers license's, anything to prove they were living there, also Insurance co. have tent offices to help people resolve issues concerning claims and on and on.... (also, that is not a completed map, That is just where they have been able to get to so far.) They are bringing in cadaver dogs to help search for remains, as many were basically cremated..chances of nothing left of their body's so they also have DNA specialist here to try to help with that.. At least 'at this time' there are 200 plus people unaccounted for. I had a doc apt yesterday so I made a list of things I needed, as I can not be out in this air. My pulm doc warned me to NOT go out in this unless totally need to. He also said to use my Nebulizer twice a day whether need it or not. He said that after my illness earlier this yr. I would surely die. (this caused me more sorrow as I am lucky to have a doc. that cares) but what about all these other people that have health problems. While I was out for the short time that I was, Police are everywhere' on every street you will see groups of officers walking the streets and in their cars, Everyone is wearing masks or have towels wrapped around their faces, The risks of crime here our intense. Everyone looks homeless, because they are. Every one looks desperate, because they are. again, sorry so long. Just purging my brain. I reserve my heavy outburst of tears for the nightly 'community briefing' when the coroner takes his place on stage, with a heavy exhausted presence to announce the street by street findings and new Death tolls.
| Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 7:16 pm
KTVU Verified account @KTVU 2m2 minutes ago More Feeding and watering of livestock only during daylight hours per CHP #ButteCounty #campfire Agriculture workers must obtain letter to access their livestock and remain vigilant of fire's condition.
| Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 7:27 pm
Chewy, come here after the briefing and let it out. We can at least help you that much. And we do have some folks here who sometimes come up with some pretty good ideas or have actual contacts.
| Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 8:20 pm
| Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 8:59 pm
Juju, thank you. seriously, this just feels like 'our' 911. All are suffering in where to have a time out...there is no 'time out'..Its all frantic, its all constant. They found 8 more bodies, 'unidentified".. That will grow. I will seek help Juju.. my heart is breaking. Its hard to eat, its hard...everyone here' is affected. I still have not heard from many of my friends.., I am praying that they fled to a safe place.. (I can remember when My Daughter was younger, many of her friends and mine, live in Paradise) Of course there were slumber party's and nights over' I can remember It always caused me worry, as they do not get cell service and internet on that mountain, (like we are spoiled by)...Unless very rich and pay a lot to get it.. It was and hopefully will be again a beautiful place to live This is a mountain town, It was a beautiful town...I loved this town. It is a community of very close nit folks, everyone knows everyone.. Paradise, It was a mining town, it was originally named "Pair of Dice' Oh, so many yrs ago....but thru time, it became Paradise. It will be a very long time for that to be'again'. Mental Health will be Huge, Education and normalcy for our youth, will be Huge... For the elderly' that survived, for the disabled that could not save themselves, There will be much suffering. Many will get sick', I see a whole generation of people that will have PTSD... Its real. Its real....I have always said..Things change on a dime'...never get to uppity' cause you can not foresee your fate... Tragedy has no face...
| Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 9:02 pm
I am praying for you Mameblanch' I know its been very trying times... WOW, what a year. Heavy sigh.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 9:39 pm
I read this thread and think about my own life, and am reminded how unfair and treacherous life can be - and in the end, all we have is the love and support we can give each other through these horrible times.
| Wednesday, November 14, 2018 - 9:53 pm
So true! And there is no normal for a long time.
| Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 1:17 am
Chewpito it's all do heartbreaking. Thanks for keeping us informed. And a bizarre fact I heard this morning. Beijing's air quality is the worst it had been in a long time. They said it is even worse than any city in California with the fires. I can't even comprehend how that can possibly be.
| Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 10:34 am
Thanks Dipo for starting this thread! Chewpito ~ Hugs and thoughts going your way and to everyone in that area! IF anyone wants to donate to the Red Cross, you can specify which disaster your donation goes to or select 'what is most needed at this time'.
| Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 7:39 pm
Over 500+ missing. .........Numb.
| Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 8:17 pm
| Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 9:17 pm
I adore you Chewi dahlink. So glad you are (relatively) okay, what with the hell you and your neighbours are enduring. Please continue to keep us posted when you can.
| Friday, November 16, 2018 - 1:04 am
latest I heard was 643 missing, hopefully they are only separated, there was a man listed as missing who came to look for his family at a site where you list the missing. that is one sort of happy ending.
| Saturday, November 17, 2018 - 8:22 pm

| Saturday, November 17, 2018 - 8:22 pm

| Saturday, November 17, 2018 - 8:45 pm
This is my home. Its not and may never be the same. I watch little children in my home. Today, I found out that one of my friends, "One of SO many"... Lost his wife. This breaks my heart. He woke up' and ate breakfast' and then went to work' in Chico. Almost everyone in Paradise' works in Chico. He arrived to his job' He is a 4th grade teacher. and when he got here' (this 18 min drive) He looked to the sky. It suddenly went dark. We' all of us knew' this was bad. .... Frantically he got back in his truck and turned back to go home' to get his Wife' to get his children. (cause he knew) I can only imagine what that drive was like when the whole road was ablaze and he could not get home. It was on fire. It was over. He lost them. They were gone...It took 2 hrs. The Fire was burning 1 mile per second... No one' could have save them, or anyone. It was over. Today, I stood in line at the pharmacy to get medicine to breath, and every one in that line was 'Homeless', The Mother and her 3 children in front of me, and the 3 ahead of her' the 5 behind me...Lost it all... The husband and wife behind me were bandaged to their elbows. They told me the horror that they went thru to save their selves. Driving thru fire. This is my home and my People. They are undone. Every where I look, there are tents' and not just at Walmart' everywhere. In almost every parking lot...You see tents. I cant tell you how many of my closest friends 'lost it all'... They are in shock' they are lost, they are homeless. Everywhere I look, its devastating. The TV, the Radio, the briefings...none of that will ever describe the sorrow in front of me.
| Saturday, November 17, 2018 - 9:01 pm
((((Chewpito)))) My heart breaks for you and everyone who is suffering through this horrific event.