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| Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 4:15 pm
Hi Nickovtyme!
| Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 6:07 pm
Howdy I still float through here on occassion.
| Sunday, June 29, 2014 - 10:15 am
Like a ghost, huh?
| Sunday, July 20, 2014 - 2:36 pm

| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 5:04 am
I also think you caught a ghost on film. I am a big believer in ghosts, so I thought I would share my ghost story. I have always felt when there was a ghost around me. And am well aware that there is one in my house. I would usually see it as a moving shadow. A couple of weeks ago at about 4 am our dog started barking like mad. This does happen once in a while. The dog is downstairs we are on the second floor. Normally what we would do is look out the front window, check the back window and then check the dog. Hubby gets up and does not look out the windows but goes and checks the dog. The dog is running between the front and back doors like he is mad. Hubby opens the back door and the dog runs out to pee. Now that the dog has stopped barking there is no noise in the house. For some reason I get up and go look out the front window (very unusual for me). In the front of our house is a car and a man walking a woman away from our house. By now we have turned on all the lights in the house. There was no knocking at our door and nobody rang the doorbell. The man and woman do not turn and look at me, there is also absolutely no sound anywhere. (I live downtown in a really big city and there is always noise)I shout for my husband but it comes out a whisper. So he does not hear me. I cannot move but I think that is due to the fact that I am mesmerized by these people leaving my front door. The man puts the woman in the car, no sound of the door closing the car drives away. Still no sound. Finally my hubby hears me and I tell him there was someone at the front door. He opens the door and goes out. Still no sounds and down the street he sees a man putting a woman into a car. He calls out, the car drives away but still no sound. I tell him my full story. We both go back to bed (Normal for us). Later when I get up, I check my phone and there is a voice message at 4:15 am. My phone never rang and recorded no incoming call. I checked the voice message and it is about 10 seconds of static. My doorbell no longer works. Nothing we do to it will fix it. I no longer feel the ghost in our house.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 6:43 am
I have had three dogs in a row that would stare at a certain spot in the corner of the living room ceiling. One collie went as far as to bark at that area and run out of the room. My new dog, that I have for four years, is clueless about the spot.
| Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 5:59 am
I think I've said this before, but Colossus was raised in a house with poltergeists. It's not even up for discussion, he and his sisters address it as a fact of life. Furniture moving, lights flipping on and off, that kind of thing. Don't know if they actually saw any apparitions.
| Thursday, November 06, 2014 - 5:01 pm
I want to share my ghost story with all. I'm 59. This happened when I was 12, my sisters were 14 and 16. We moved to a home that was fairly old at the time. Had to have built in the early 1900s. It was a beautiful stucco home with clay tile roofing. The home was spacious with plenty of nooks and crannies. It was set back in the woods and had a long gravel drive. The original owner of the home was a newlywed couple, a rich daughter of a prominent businessman and her husband who was a dwarf. The husband killed his wife by hiding at the foot of the bed, tripping her and then choking her in a small alcove next to her bed. All of this my family found out after we moved out. Had we known I am not sure we would have moved into this home. Things started happening almost as soon as we moved in. I slept in an addition to the original home on the 2nd floor. I had to pass through my parents bedroom to get to it. Almost immediately I started hearing footsteps. 12 forward, 12 back. Getting louder and then fading. It was pacing back and forth. Below me was a hall leading to the newly built laundryroom. The steps were the length of that hall. Every single time I heard it I would try to wake my Dad or Mom and neither would wake. I would shake their bed, twin bed, shake their shoulder but they wouldn't wake. It is as if they were drugged. After a week of this and me crying to them during the day about them not waking my Dad moved out! I knew my parents were having trouble but it was so abrupt and seemed prompted by my complaining about the footsteps. He looked at me, blinked and packed his bag. NO conversation, nothing. I immediately moved in to my mothers room and took my Dad's old twin bed. On the 2nd or 3rd night after my Dad left my mother got up to go to the bathroom. She was tripped. She was screaming someone was in the house. My sisters ran in, we turned on the lights and saw nothing. She said a small man in with a hat on tripped her. None of this made sense to us at all. All of this happened over the period of one summer, perhaps 6 weeks. My older sister had been invited to a party at the pizza inn just a few blocks from our home. She walked there with a friend and we were to pick her up at 7. My mom had put a roast into the roaster and had plugged it in on low. The Roaster was full of potatoes, carrots onions water, etc. It was to cook on low overnight for us to take to my Aunts the next day. My mom, sister and I left to get my older sister. We were gone maybe 5 mins, the pizza inn was that close. When we got home there was white chalky smoke coming out of the house, everywhere. The windows were open in that it was warm and it looked like there was an inferno inside. We opened the door and smoke poured out. It took us a few minutes to even get into the kitchen. There was no heat, no flames but the roast my mom had put on was black like a burned log. My mother started screaming and wouldn't stop. We had the sense to call my uncle and he came over with a friend of his. There was nothing to explain what had happened. We left and spent the night with my Uncle and Aunt. We came back a couple of days later and started making plans to move. When we opened the door we heard old music. You know the kind you associate with the wind up record players. We couldn't find out where it was coming from. We looked everywhere. It stopped within an hour or so but after that we would hear it at random times throughout the day. Same scenario. Could not explain where it was coming from. The last week we were there my mom and sisters were downstairs watching Johnny Carson. I was upstairs in bed with the window open. I saw a car pull into the driveway, someone get out of the car and place a red metal box inside my mother's car. My sisters and mom saw the same thing downstairs. I ran downstairs and we all watched the car back out of our driveway. The car was an old car, old black and looked to be from the 40's. We all went out together to see what was in the car but there was nothing. We had all just seen this man put this object in the car but we found nothing. My mother called the police, and low and behold they showed up 10 minutes later dressed like keystone cops. Honest to goodness. We were all frantic, trying to explain to them all that had been happening and our minds couldn't register the old clothing. Nothing made sense. There were 2 police and they kept repeating, we heard there was a disturbance here. They repeated this over and over not even looking at us. Mother slammed the door and ran to call my uncle again. She yelled at us to pack bags that we were leaving. She had gone into the laundry room to get clothes and that is where she was attacked. We heard her screaming and ran to her aid. She was choking and fighting air. We couldn't see anything but she was fighting for her life. My uncle heard us all screaming, broke down the door and whatever had mother released her. We left that night. No clothes, nothing. We ended up getting an apartment a block or two away from the house. Things we learned after we moved out..... The murder. The house had 7 families that had moved in after the murder and they had all had similar experiences and each couple had divorced. Our neighbor's daughter was my age but I babysat for her because she was mentally and physically challenged. Several weeks after we left she disappeared for 3 hours. Her family found her her in the home on the floor wailing. She had pulled out all of her hair. I found all this out from my high school English teacher that grew up in a duplex behind this home and still lived there. We were assigned to write about ghosts so I shared mine with the class. That is how he found out I had lived there. So so so sorry this post is so long! This is the only experience I have had like this. Don't care to have another. I do think it was within this home. Have not researched this since I married and moved away but still remember how horrifying the experience was.
| Thursday, November 06, 2014 - 5:15 pm
Okay, that's really really creepy...
| Thursday, November 06, 2014 - 5:34 pm

| Thursday, November 06, 2014 - 5:38 pm
I was prompted to share when Goddess said she believed. I have tried to share this thru the years but cut myself off when I see the reactions of peoples faces. I have only had one other woman believe me as she had had an experience also. Sorry it was so long!
| Thursday, November 06, 2014 - 5:51 pm
I'm glad you shared! I stayed for a week with my cousin and his wife in Brunswick Maine.. the homes in that town, in their area, were quite old.. I mean some back to the 1600's and they had a big three story home with basement and attic. My cousin's wife is quite in touch with past lives with both of her children (she said Dennis seemed to have never been in her life and their life together was most troubling.. a psychic said he was in this life to teach her something. Anyway they had a ghost AND the very old home next door had one as well. I never saw or heard their ghost, though I was sleeping in a room on the third floor, but I saw the ghost next door. The story was that the ghosts were from a couple , one who lived in one home and the other next door and it was some unrequited love story, so they were still hanging around. I was out on the driveway and looked up and saw a curtain move and a face. Cousin's wife said, yep, that is their ghost. Now out here there is even a law that if a murder took place in a home for sale, they have to disclose it to the buyers. Not sure how far back they have to go in time, though. My face there was relief that you got OUT of that place!! Smart move, I think!
| Thursday, November 06, 2014 - 6:29 pm
Sea how interesting! I have heard about that website that informs folks of deaths in a home. Certainly something folks should know about. I have shared this story maybe a dozen times in my lifetime. I have only had one other person truly believe me. I have heard about people who see UFOs and they simply stop sharing the information because they get tired of being labeled crazy or attention seekers.
| Thursday, November 06, 2014 - 7:10 pm
I attended a week long vision quest in Sedona several years ago. We did a lot of visualization exercises, outside, while sitting around a fire. I wasn't expecting anything special but a friend came to me in a vision. She said to me "I am so angry about the way I died". I didn't say anything to her but I 'held' her hands. She had died in a tragic accident the year before. She had been on a riding lawn mower and it overturned on her. Her young daughter had been out shopping and found her when she got home.
| Thursday, November 06, 2014 - 7:15 pm
That is very tragic Dog. What a terrible way to die. Did it scare you? Or did you just accept that she needed to tell someone how she felt? It would be nice if we knew the reasons why these things come to us after someones death.
| Thursday, November 06, 2014 - 7:30 pm
I sort of felt her presence after she died. So did another co-worker. She worked at the animal hospital for a number of years. It wasn't scary, just sad, when she talked to me.
| Friday, November 07, 2014 - 9:53 am
Wow, thanks for sharing Oliviamimi, Seamonkey and Dogdoc! I believe it, but I have never had any experience with ghost or ufo's. I will say that my house was originally built in 1900 and we had a friend over one time who said he seen a ghost of a boy child at the top of the stairs. I don't know if he saw that or one of my grand boys who lived with us at the time.
| Friday, November 07, 2014 - 4:32 pm
After my mom died, I felt her presence so very much for the first few weeks. At one point, I found myself being 'pushed' (for lack of a better word) by, I think, my mom to help someone that I probably would not have normally done before. It was about 3 days after she died. I won't go into it much here, but it was a feeling moving me that I've never had before or since. I felt sad when the feeling left me. But, I have had other occasions, in the past 15 years, where 'different' things happened to me, usually when I was missing my mom alot. They may be a coincidence that they occur when they do. But, when they happen, it certainly make me go 'hmmmmm'. I only see my mom in my dreams. She's the one person that I would love to spend just one more day with. Sorry if I diverted from the 'ghost stories'.
| Friday, November 07, 2014 - 5:07 pm
Kooklie thanks for sharing that. Sounds like your mom was a very caring person!
| Friday, November 07, 2014 - 5:59 pm
You didn't divert at us all Kooklibird. I am glad your mom was able to reach you. Thank you for sharing.
| Wednesday, November 23, 2016 - 8:16 pm
I'm surprised this is still around. I still plan on going back one day ....still blows my mind.
| Wednesday, January 03, 2018 - 7:01 pm
Hey Y'all....those that followed this...I know I'm not posting much here these days but wanted to put in that we are gonna be staying at this hotel, again, in a couple weeks. My daughter Tenara, wants to stay there for her 16th birthday (can you believe she's gonna be 16?) And go on the ghost tour.again. She was like 10 or 11 when we went the last time. She remembers it and wants to do it again.
| Wednesday, January 03, 2018 - 7:39 pm
16!! Where does the time go? Come back and tell us how she liked it and how many ghosts you saw.
| Thursday, January 04, 2018 - 3:25 pm
All our little TVCH kids are growing up crazy fast. Heck, Melodie starts high school this fall (9th grade). LOL
| Thursday, January 04, 2018 - 4:19 pm
WOW Nick! 16!! I love that she wants to go again with you!! JMM!!! high school!!! OMG I remember when she was born!!!! Dylan was 6 when I started here, he is now in his senior year of COLLEGE!!! time flies!