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| Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 7:20 am
Probably not, I think there are tooooo many people and it seems like I can get a better view watching it on TV.
| Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 7:23 am
I'd love to go to the Olympics. I think it would be an awesome experience. But I'm not very comfortable with what I've been hearing about Rio.
| Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 7:31 am
I would love to go to the Olympics but I have heard way to much negative things about what's happening in Rio to go. I will watch from my ginormous television since money is no object.
| Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 7:40 am
Now the next Olympics will be in Tokyo. That I'd love to go see!
| Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 7:53 am
I don't like crowds, so no thank you.
| Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 9:44 am
Olympics are the ONLY sports events I ever watch. BUT there is no way in heck I'd chance going to Brazil for it, for all the reasons Makkie listed, plus the Zika Virus situation. Besides, I didn't go when it was in Montreal and I LIVED THERE at the time. Much cheaper and easier to watch on the boob-tube.
| Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 9:46 am
Dogdoc - what's this about an endangered jaguar?
| Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 11:10 am
They used a jaguar from the zoo for a photo op. It was tranquilized. When it woke up it started walking toward some guard and they shot her dead.
| Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 5:07 pm
I wouldn't. Being a recluse and that activity wouldn't match too well---lol.
| Sunday, June 26, 2016 - 10:54 am
I wouldn't go to Rio. I got my chance going to the LA summer games in 1984.. the Soviets boycotted but Romania came, China, etc., and that was a time when US gymnastics was at a high..and I went to every single gymnastics event.. and slept in my own bed every night. I was sick hearing about that jaguar.
| Monday, June 27, 2016 - 10:04 am
I got to attend the '84 L.A. and the '96 Atlanta games, so it would not be as thrilling as it was the first time. But I would attend just to see the track & field events (only) and stay in the hotel the entire time an event wasn't happening. I'd also wear head-to-toe (heavy duty) mosquito netting. I am a mosquito magnet! 
| Monday, June 27, 2016 - 3:54 pm
Ric, we were probably at different places every day but enjoying every minute of the 84 games!! I of course was at UCLA/Pauley Pavilion got 19 events in gymnastics and then the last day of equestrian at Santa Anita Park.. which I would probably not do again since I had gotten my first choice/best ticket for all of gymnastics the computer gave me second choice on the equestrian and it was in very tall bleachers (scary with no railing and just open so you feared dropping your stuff way below, and in the direct sun. People were fainting and they kept announcing to stay hudrated. And then I had to drive back to Fullerton.. to no A/C and super heat. But the gymnastics days were all fabulous and I just had to drive home from the racetrack in Inglewood.. took special reserved bus up to Westwood each day. Mosquitoes would be a total downer.
| Monday, June 27, 2016 - 5:47 pm
Oh, Sea, the '84 Gymnastics were the golden tickets to be had at those Games - you really lucked out. And 19! Ahhh, those were the days. 
| Monday, June 27, 2016 - 8:00 pm
Ric, I went to get the booklet where you put your request into the lottery along with a co worker. She requested opening and closing ceremony and got both.. not sure what level of ticket. I decided to go for broke and request the season pass which was for all gymnastics and cost $2200.. (for comparison when the winter games were in Vancouver a figure skating season pass was something like $10K.) and that was a lot!! But I also figured that they probably would sell as many of those passes as possible. I was at the end toward a corner, lower section but the last row, on an aisle. Along the side could have been even better but I loved my spot.. I'd come in the door, hang a right, down a step and I was home. And the people next to me were from Canada and had gone to various Olympics. They had two seats next to mine and two up higher on the side and were super knowledgeable about gymnastics and the gymnasts and all, as was I, so we were super compatible. One parent and one of their kids would sit with me while the other parent and child were on the side, and they switched off.. but the kids would run back and forth to bring any scores we might not see. Really fun. We all had flags to wave and our teams and individuals (think Mary Lou Retton landing the 10 vault right below us) so there was lots of cheering and medal ceremonies. The Romanians were so brave to come .. this was the year of the Soviet boycott and they were pressured. They walked into opening and they were so stunned at the reception they got, thunderous. That crowd was ready to reward any good performance (and during qualifying rounds willing to support some pretty bad ones). It was total wonderfulness!! And without the Russians it seemed we had actual fair judging! I never regretted that expense and while I had to pay off that card, I had it paid for before the Olympics actually started. I'm sure you were in heaven with track and field events and could have been competitive in the distance running!! As for golden tickets.. indeed.. there were people wanting to trade a ticket to the closing ceremony for a ticket to the men's finale, but I had my bus ticket and didn't want to switch.
| Monday, June 27, 2016 - 10:07 pm
I was working at CBS during the 1984 olympics and dating the CBS sports camera man at the time. Went to event...but enjoyed it more from watching on tv. Lol
| Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - 12:30 am
Just realized some may think the man I was dating at the time may have something to do with my opinion. No....he's a great guy...just like all me ex's, I had only a few though, All long term..(except him)
| Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - 11:37 am
LOL, Abby...I do agree it seems like you get a better show on TV, plus I found I missed the narrators when I was at a live event.
| Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - 12:03 pm
Sea, you did the right thing by attending the men's finale instead of the closing. I attended the closing at Atlanta and fell asleep halfway through it. And while I loved the T&F events, only in my dreams could I have ever competed in them. 
| Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - 1:46 pm
I agree about the narrators unless it is an event where you are super knowledgeable. which I was at that time about gymnastics.. Most sports would have been better on TV.. but of course at that time I had.. hmm either a 15" or if it was after that was stolen, a 19" no cable, no recording device.. but yes I was happy to watch the closing ceremonies at home with a large glass of Pepsi with an entire tray of ice involved. I lived on a corner so had windows open.. but no A/C.. but I was home and no drive. And of course the men's final in gymnastics was quite competitive and exciting anyway.
| Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 1:37 am
Nope, besides the fact I hate crowds, I have read nothing but negative things about the Rio olympics.
| Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 1:41 am
New Question: What brand of dish soap do you use? Question straight from my life, lol. Normally I use Dawn dish soap. I have really sensitive skin and it's the only one I've found not to tear up my hands. However, last week I was running low and was at Smart and Final when I saw dish soap on and endcap on sale. It was the same color and shape bottle as my Dawn, so I grabbed it. Wasn't til I got home that I saw it was actually Palmolive, sigh. I've had to turn the chore of dishes fully over to Kota. Lasted three days with the new dish soap before it started to irritate my skin. Darren is complaining it's not as soapy as Dawn. And Caleb swears no matter how much he rinses his travel mug, he can taste the Palmolive. Once this bottle is finished, I'll be going back to the Dawn!
| Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 4:22 am
We're Palmolive people and have been for years. We use our dishwasher for probably 95% of our dishwashing and only hand wash a few things like crystal, our wooden handled knives, and some plastics. Might try Dawn but we've not experienced skin irritation or after taste problems with Palmolive.
| Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 6:39 am
Dawn, in any of it's forms.
| Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 8:04 am
Dawn antibacterial
| Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 8:11 am
Palmolive OXY