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| Monday, November 10, 2014 - 1:06 am
I want to hear the story..
| Monday, November 10, 2014 - 2:13 am
Juju...again, "we" want to hear the story.
| Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 8:23 pm
Ack!!! I think I may have already forgotten the story!! Ain't old age wonderful? Okay, maybe it was this. On the cruise there was a couple, man and wife apparently, from central Illinois, ordinary married couple. Except that the wife looked very much like a man, except that she had a woman's voice and a matronly bosom and mostly feminine gestures, except when she crossed her legs like a man. And nobody would have paid the slightest attention to her, except she had hair 1/4" long, precisely cut along the back hairline like a man, and clearly exhibited male pattern baldness!!! You know, receding from the front, and that bald patch at the top back. And, OMG, everybody on the ship noticed it and was wondering. (I observed she had small feet and hands) Now, here is where we get to the hair question - yes, she may have been a woman taking a cruise with her husband to celebrate her recovery from cancer and chemotherapy (well, and yes, she dressed as a woman, so therefore she is a woman, regardless of anything else), but the hair made her look so much like a man, and she didn't wear makeup ... So, if it were you in those circumstances, wouldn't you wear a wig if you sort of looked like a man anyway and were not, AND had male pattern baldness following your chemotherapy hair loss? And then, of course, we can get into all sort of existentials about this, like who cares and whose business is it anyway? And they both seemed so totally oblivious to the fact that the entire rest of the ship was wondering if it was a man or a woman. I am SO banned, aren't I? It is Landi's fault. She goaded Abby7 into reminding me.

| Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 9:40 pm
I'm not sure what I would do but I can tell you that the wig wearers are in the minority of women I drive who have lost hair due to chemo. I've definitely had a few wigs in my car but most agree that they really aren't that comfortable and many treatments cause hot or cold swings, in many cases a fast menopause with hot flashes. So most wear hats, some wear scarves and some just let the bald head hang out.. and when it starts growing back in, it can be pretty short and still feel like a vast improvement over no hair. Well we all care about things, our business or not. I'd say unless people were accosting her they are welcome to their thoughts. I do think I'd get a cute wig, but not sure how much I'd wear it. LOL.. as I was reading.. you said except when she crossed her legs like a man and then I thought at first you said she had hair 1/4" long, precisely cut, on her legs!!
| Wednesday, November 12, 2014 - 12:27 am
| Wednesday, November 12, 2014 - 12:32 am
Sea, I would imagine a scarf would be more comfortable for awhile. I've never worn a wig, but since wigs/hats keeps one warmer....can't imagine feeling comfortable w/that. Even so, I would have a wig ready.
| Wednesday, November 12, 2014 - 11:11 am
Yep.. I'd want one just in case and I HAVE driven women who feel better wearing them out in public (and I guess some even at home). I drove a young woman only a few times who had a really cute hat and later I picked her up for a checkup and she had this really cute long wig and a pretty hair ornament and you could tell she was feeling so good and sassy. I got quite a smile when I commented (she didn't speak much English and I even less Spanish) and I was able to check with our ACS contact at the time and she said yes.. this patient had just gone to the Look Good Feel Better class and got the wig. That was a huge success. But I trust by now she has her own beautiful long dark hair back. Even hats are tricky.. so many are not soft inside. But truly, even a very short do can seem like a miracle after all hair has been lost and is finally growing back. This means you are off chemo and most people are feeling better, too.
| Wednesday, November 12, 2014 - 4:13 pm
I got cut & color last Friday (every six weeks). I'd guess you'd call it not-quite-chin length layered bob. As I've said, I did not inherit any hairstyling gene. Tammy, my stylist, said -- flat iron. So I got a Chi. Looked at a couple Youtubes. Washed and did my hairs today. Hmmmm. Yes, I used heat protectant on it. For first try, looks OK front, sides, top. Back . . . well, not so much. Got ideas for using flat iron next time. Any tips or tricks for using flat iron? Hard to do back. Can't see. And when you go to clamp hair in iron . . . worried about HOT plates touching fingers?!
| Saturday, December 20, 2014 - 2:32 pm
Juju, I thought of you today because of your passion for hair. From a friend on Facebook "Imagine getting a note from the teacher telling me I should help my son (age four) to write an apology to the little girl whose hair he cut." Then she added "It was only a few curls, but..."
| Saturday, December 20, 2014 - 7:35 pm

| Saturday, December 20, 2014 - 10:01 pm
Color, I watched a few you tubes, had fun using the Chi on my sister's hair to learn how to flat iron hair in general...didn't burn her hair or my fingers either. Then I had my hairdresser show me the best way to use the Chi on the back of my thick wavy hair. She had me do flat ironing in layers and to use visualization as I reached back there to flat iron. It worked and also, I didn't burn my fingers either! I'd say try to visual holding the Chi in one hand, holding a section of your hair in the other hand and going for the flat ironing you visualize someone else flat ironing your hair. Good luck!! I hope that all made sense...
| Sunday, December 21, 2014 - 9:36 pm
That made perfect sense, Eggie. Uh oh.
apparently I am on thin ice
| Saturday, January 10, 2015 - 10:38 pm
Got a haircut today and my hair stylist says she can see "new growth" so maybe the biotin is helping..
| Monday, January 12, 2015 - 10:15 pm
Hope this question makes sense: Best/Worst hair experience?
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 6:20 am
Seamonkey, I've been taking biotin for about three months. I save the hair from the first wash of every month to compare hair loss. Hair from the first wash of this month is less than from previous two. Have to see what happens in February to confirm less loss.
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 10:36 am
Color, I first heard about my hair thinning on August 16 from my hairdresser. I saw my doctor for my regular back adjustment on August 26 and he suggested biotin and primrose oil. I started those within a few days. On September 26 I saw the doctor again and he said I could take more biotin and that any excess is just excreted. Also confirmed that I was correctly taking it in the morning so as not to interfere with the statin (Lipitor) I'm taking at bedtime, so I went to 10,000mcg. Hairdresser again on October 4 and I was still dropping hair. November 22 hairdresser, nothing was dropping. She did say you want your scalp to be able to move and can work on that.. mine was ok but could be looser. And then Saturday she was working on me and said she saw lots of new hairs sprouting I've also seen less droppage as time went on.. in and out of the shower. Sounds like you are getting results too.
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 11:13 am
Seamonkey, I'll see my hairdresser, Tammy, next on Jan. 30. Will talk to her about it more then. I only see doc once per year for quickie annual Medicare check-up and order for mammogram. I'll see doc on Jan. 29. Ask him about it then. So looks like I'd be OK doubling my Biotin dose per day from 5000 mcg to 10,000 mcg. I don't take any prescription meds so time of day I swallow it doesn't matter. I've been taking it at lunch.
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 2:34 pm
I just started using Pantene Age Defy shampoo and conditioner and I have had two really good hair days back to back. I am originally a brunette but went blonde awhile back because the grey blends better so I don't have to color as often. I have really unruly grey hair so I think I will always color it some but this shampoo and conditioner really seems to be helping.
| Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 4:20 pm
That is great, finding something that is working. I wasn't having that sort of problem, just my hairdresser commented in August.. she knew I'd had a fairly rapid weight loss and said that the number of hairs on my head was normal, but she knew that wasn't normal for me. Each hair I have is thin but I've always had a LOT of them and she always had to use more than normal number of foils on me and that time she didn't. So that started me talking to my doctor and he of course sent in blood just in case I had a thyroid problem but at the same time suggested the biotin and primrose oil. There are shampoos with biotin in them but he said that wouldn't help and my hairdresser said that was correct. And she did know about biotin. Supposed to be good for skin and nails as well. I remember years ago people said it was good to have an alternate shampoo around to change things up on your hair. Maybe that works too in terms of good hair days. My biggest bad hair problem comes when I am reading and blowdrying simultaneously and forget to look in the mirror and then I do and I've dried it in some really strange position. ACK. Abby7 Worst hair experience.. well I was lucky. I had seen a woman in my aerobic dance class who had the cutest perm and two of us went to the woman's hairdresser. I went first and the hairdresser was snooty because I had used Sun In on my hair and was ranting and raving at me.. another customer was walking around the salon with another hairdresser and stopped and pointed to my hair and said "that's exactly the color I want!" Snort! That really pissed off the woman looking at my hair. So she told me it was damaged and sold me shampoo and conditioner and said come back in x weeks for the perm. My friend then went to her and her hair was deemed acceptable.. she got the perm and it was a disaster. So I never did go back.. dodged that bullet. Once way back when my current (for over 30 years) hairdresser was still using a cap to pull hair through to color or bleach, somehow there was a leak.. she though maybe I moved the cap, but regardless.. after she pulled off the cap she immediately said there was a problem and I had spots. After she verified this she had a friend go get her a couple of beers because we were in for a long night. She had to put back my own color and then reweave in the bleach. It turned out well. I didn't think much of it but the next time I went in the salon owner, who had the station next to hers and had been there when the disaster occurred, but then went home.. happened to be there and he said he was amazed at how Peggy had recovered from that. He still remembers it, as do I and my hairdresser (different salon, years later but he has been there a long time and Peggy even longer. Anyway she started using foils not long after that.. said she thought maybe someone "borrowed" a cap and didn't tell her and that had caused the disaster.. It has been foils all the way ever since. I remember a woman at work when I was a baby programmer trainee.. she wasn't very pleasant and had gone to Vegas for her third wedding.. and she got a $200 perm there.. this was very early 70s when that was a lot! And her hair all broke off! It was horrible and that marriage lasted less time than it took to grown her hair out again.
| Monday, January 19, 2015 - 1:03 pm
Still having good hair days! The Pantene age defy seems to really thicken my hair. Sea, I have been reading up on the Biotin and I think I am going to try it.
| Monday, January 19, 2015 - 7:16 pm
The good thing about biotin is if you take too much it is just excreted, no harm. Just don't take it at the same time as a statin like Lipitor.. I just take it in the morning and Lipitor prior to bed, but the pharmacist said a couple of hours between is adequate.
| Monday, March 16, 2015 - 9:45 pm
got a haircut today - super short, of course
| Monday, March 16, 2015 - 10:10 pm
I had mine shorter this time but it isn't behaving so well.. But I had to have her work with the new hair growth which I got from slowing down the weight loss and taking biotin and primrose oil. (this suggested by my doctor). Yours always looks good super short, Rosie!
| Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 9:36 am
I'm not sure if this is the place to ask but I'm in the starting stages of transitioning from brunette to silver My hairdresser has been putting beautiful silver hi lites in and low lighting the root line the last couple of months So far so good. But has anyone else done this and have any tips to share?
| Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 11:52 am
I'm thinking of doing that too at some point and also interested in the replies you get Dahli. 