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| Thursday, March 22, 2012 - 5:47 am
Been a long time since I've started a thread but I find this so compelling I would like to get your thoughts on it. The Family and I went to Eureka Springs for a few days over the start of Spring Break. Because I'm the one that planned it, of course it rained the whole time. We didn't get to do much; we found things inside to do to keep dry. But even with the rain, it was good to get away. We decided to go on the Crescent Hotel Haunted Tour. If your not familiar with it...the Crescent is labeled the Most Haunted Hotel in America. ( Even the TAPS team from Ghost Hunters have investigated it and found some interesting stuff. Which brings me to this post. We started the tour at 8:30 pm. You sit in a lounge and the Tour Guide gives you all the history and shows you a video of paranormal evidence. You're allowed to take as many photos and videos as you want during the tour. We had our digital camera and my wife and I were taking turns snapping pics all over the place. After we got back to the hotel we scanned our pics and didn't see anything...but about the third time looking them over...we seen this:
At the end of the hall there appears to be a figure. My wife and I can't remember anybody standing at the end of the hall at that time or at anytime of the tour. Notice how nobody is reacting to there being another person in the hall beside us. The only way someone could be there is if they came out of their room, but I don't recall hearing anything like that. Nobody else reacted to anything like that. We even asked our kids, who went with us, and they don't remember seeing anyone down there. At the end of the hall is a chair with a mirror over and it seems to be a figure standing beside with their hand resting on it.
This is the image which I've tried to Zoom in on and can't get much more clear. If you notice in the top picture...the lady taking a pic of the hallway with her cell...if you blow the pic up and look on her's not present. Granted it's not very clear but there's nothing on there which resembles whats at the end of the hall. I'm not for sure...but I think I may have caught something. I'm emailing this pic to the Crescent Hotel staff and see what they say about it. What are your thoughts? Cause I'm not sure what I have here.
| Thursday, March 22, 2012 - 6:14 am
I think it's as credible as much of what the Ghost Hunters get, so why not? Why oh why won't ghosts ever take a clear picture! :-)
| Thursday, March 22, 2012 - 6:47 am
I'm not much of a believer in ghosts but that is a cool picture.
| Thursday, March 22, 2012 - 6:52 am
I have friends who have gone on dozens of ghost hunts, mostly at Gettysburg. One time they were just taking random pictures of the battlefield, and when we looked at the pictures, omg. There was a rock in the foreground of one of them that had what I would consider a "traditional" picture of the devil on it. Could have been shadows, who knows, but every single person that looked at it got major chills. I totally believe, but just wish there were clearer pictures or clearer EVP's and there never is. Seems to me if a ghost could communicate, they could do a better job of it, ha ha!
| Thursday, March 22, 2012 - 7:43 am
Of course it is.
| Thursday, March 22, 2012 - 9:46 am
What Gal said!
| Friday, March 23, 2012 - 7:13 pm
It definitely looks like something. I don't know what, though. When I was a kid, I could've swore I saw a ghost in my bedroom. It was probably my imagination though. I thought I saw a really tall man's shadow, wearing a hat. There was no one in there but us kids, none of us tall, and nobody wearing a hat. Btw, we had the lights off. It was like a shadow.
| Saturday, March 24, 2012 - 12:29 pm
ah yes, the shadow people. If you listen to Coast to Coast am, you know what i'm talking about ;) the pic? i'm thinking coatrack?? if i knew what was at the end of the hall, a stairwell ? a door? i might guess a little better
| Saturday, March 24, 2012 - 2:25 pm
To me, the apparition looks like it could be of a child. Maybe a young, blond boy.
| Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 9:13 am
I'm pretty sure it wasn't a coat rack. There could have been a stairwell and/or a door at the end of the hall, but surely we would have been able to remember someone stepping out into the hall at that time. I dunno...I'm going back and forth with it.
| Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 9:34 am
Nick, at the link you gave, is this the same hallway as the one in your picture? It appears to be, and there appears to be a ghost there. photogallery
| Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 9:43 am
Looks like a ghost to me!
| Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 12:28 pm
Mak1...yeah that looks like the same hallway...they've put a chair under the mirror since then. I guess its not really a mirror, I thought it was. The plot thickens...
| Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 3:06 pm
The "other ghost" is taller than "YOURS" and appears to be female. I love ghostly pictures!
| Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 5:49 pm
yes, it's a young boy spirit. He loves seeing the people come thru and he likes to listen to the tour guide talk about him and his friends
| Monday, March 26, 2012 - 1:21 pm
I think it looks like a ghost.
| Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - 4:10 am
How cool!
| Thursday, March 29, 2012 - 4:37 am
My neighbors and good friends are old car aficionados...several years ago they bought an old car. The man was selling the car because his grandmother, whom the car had belonged to had passed 101! She bought the car new in 1954 and drove it until she surrendered her license at 85- then she had her grandson drive her, in her car, where ever she wanted to go. The man even gave my neighbors a clipping and photo from the local paper regarding the ladies 100th birthday, and she mentions that giving up her license and car were one of the worst parts of aging. Well, my neighbors bought the car, took it home and spent the weekend washing, waxing and cleaning it. Then they took a few pictures...imagine their surprise when in not one, not two but three of the 5 photos (all from different angles), very clearly show the same old lady sitting in the passenger clear is the photo that we can see the floral pattern in her top. It is the same lady from the newspaper photos, although the clothing is different. Its the only car that their teenage sons DONT ask to drive!!
| Thursday, March 29, 2012 - 10:45 pm
would LOVE to see those pics. there is no doubt in my mind that places keep a memory. From soldiers being seen still in Gettysburg, to people walking down a hall in the house they used to live in, it seems that Places somehow Keep an image, a memory of that person. its not really a ghost tho. years ago i heard of a researcher who was called into a supposed haunting. People bought an old house and you could hear Strong gasping crying, and hysterical sobbing coming from a bedroom at the end of a hall. it was very disturbing to everyone in the house. the medium did their usual thing and came up with a name and WHY she was crying so hard. it was war time and she had just gotten a letter telling that her Fiance' had been killed. When they did some research on the old owners and the women who was crying, everyone was SHOCKED TO FIND that she was STILL alive in another state. they did talk with her and she said that she had just about lost her mind when she found out he died. it was overwhelming emotion. and the house 'recorded' it.
| Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 5:17 pm
Never did hear back from the Crescent Hotel. Either they never received them and I should try again...or they don't feel its credible enough.
| Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 11:05 am
or there is a coatrack at the end of the hall like i guessed and they dont want to tell you??? JUST kidding, i'd phone to see if they received the pic
| Sunday, April 15, 2012 - 2:20 pm
Could be they get so many they just don't respond.
| Sunday, April 15, 2012 - 4:49 pm
Nick I would call them. Get an answer. I believe in ghosts and it looks like something to me.
| Monday, April 16, 2012 - 7:58 am
Neat picture, Nick. I don't really believe in ghosts, but my husband's Aunt Nancy tells us our house is haunted and that she encountered one upstairs in our home over 40 years ago. I've only been upstairs about five times in this house, and although I've looked for the ghostie, I've never felt his/her presence. House was built in 1863 and probably has a quite colorful history--if only we knew all of it!!
This is our supposedly "haunted" house.
| Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 3:03 pm
I was bored the other day and sent these pics into the Hotel again. This is the response....I know it has been a couple of years but I never heard back from them the first time: From: barbara kennedy <> Sent: Sun, Jun 22, 2014 21:58 To: ME CC: Subject: Re: Crescent photo Nick, I don't know what to think. I does look like a figure at the end of the hallway but can you be sure that no one was there? The photo is pretty vague, not clear enough really to post on our FB page which is all I do, by the way! I don't take care of the hotel's website. Thanks for sending it to me. I hope you'll come back and visit us again soon. Barbara Kennedy, Special Events 1886 Crescent Hotel Eureka Springs, AR Oh's definately interesting and I still believe we caught a something. 