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| Sunday, October 28, 2012 - 6:43 pm
Two things: First - our football team had a home playoff game Friday, and they won! DS is drum major, so this is a wee pix of the band (it was a gorgeous, if cold, night). Second - TODAY WAS MY LAST WEEKEND WORKING FOR THIS SEASON! I'll have one weekend off, and then I'm playing piano for my dad's musical at his HS. That will pretty much eat up most of November as his school is about 1 hour away. It's only about 5 rehearsals before dress rehearsal week, but it means only 1 free weekend between now and Thanksgiving.
| Sunday, October 28, 2012 - 6:56 pm
Whoops - forgot the pix:

| Monday, October 29, 2012 - 2:03 am
He's what, a senior now, Teach? I'm going to start by saying all the kids in our family are terrific, lol. They're all very good about visiting with and spending time with my aunt, who these days is pretty limited in what she can do. So, all the kids spend time visiting with her, the older girls do her nails, they frequently draw her pictures to cheer her up, that type of stuff. But, my 8 year old niece is absolutely fantastic with her. This kidlet has nurse potential, too (I come from a family of nurses, it's a compliment!) cuz nothing phases her at all. She's the one to run in and ask after aunt, if she needs anything, anything she can do for her, is she comfortable. I got the biggest laugh tonight when I'd gone over to help aunts nurse. Nurse mentioned when she got there, 8 year old niece had been reading to aunt. When we were finished, niece came back in carrying her book and that's when I noticed she had her little station all set up. Had the little table next to the bed, with her bottle of water on it in case she got dry-mouthed, the light turned just so, her chair in the perfect position for aunt to see the pages, plus aunts glass of water and a box of kleenex for her. I was also surprised to find out just how much she'd read to her today, almost 100 pages (it's a book of children's bible stories, written for that age group, so no big chapters but still pretty impressive.) I don't know why, but the image of her sitting down and getting ready to read just melted my heart, she was so danged cute. And the fact that she had a station set up totally cracked me up. It's something both the nurse and I do (I probably learned it from my mom, a former nurse,) making sure we have everything ready for whatever we're doing before we start and sitting right there on the little table next to the bed.
| Monday, October 29, 2012 - 7:50 pm
Yup, he's a senior. And I LOVE the little nurse reading! My mom's an RN, and they definitely a special group of people - your niece sounds like a perfect candidate!
| Monday, October 29, 2012 - 8:03 pm
Your niece is so sweet, War. It's so nice to hear about things like that. Always great when the team wins, Teach!
| Sunday, November 04, 2012 - 5:47 pm
Yesterday I had a tire blow out (or go flat to a terminal amount, whatever.. while driving. I'd been to Kohl's with a friend, then had lunch and gone to Trader Joe's and Pet Supply but we were on a street that is mostly cinderblock walls, no homes facing that street and no businesses in that area. I was able to pull over into the bike lane but of course it wasn't a great place to deal with a tire on the front driver's side. My trunk was a nightmare of too much stuff, so I called Auto Club and during the est 45 min wait, I started hauling stuff out of the trunk into the back seat and the curb.. friend helping as she could. Got down to the bottom and I did have a full sized spare! But of course it was 20 years old. The great not so little thing was that during our wait 11 or 12 people stopped to see if they could help us! Had one man make a U Turn to ask, another had parked in the center and run acrosss. One man had a cane.. it was just so amazing. I had called autoclub and of course I pay for the service yearly and consider it to be one of the real bargain deals for anyone, really, but for a woman with an older car.. great deal to say nothing of maps, guidebooks, discounts. I spent the whole afternoon going through stuff, organizing, etc. Not quite what I'd planned for today, but not a bad exercise .. I'll just say I appreciate those Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley drivers!!
| Wednesday, November 07, 2012 - 11:24 am
For the first time in months, I saw a regular TV commercial, not a political one! I was so happy to know that Subway still exists and that life does go back to normal after the elections!!! I think I may have to move out of Ohio before the next election, this one was just too much.
| Wednesday, November 07, 2012 - 11:50 am
LOL Gumby, I woke up this morning feeling rather strange and then it dawned on me, it's the first morning in weeks I wasn't woken up by a political phone call! I jumped out of bed in the best mood.
| Wednesday, November 07, 2012 - 3:58 pm
I even came home last night and hadn't gotten a single political call all day and nothing in the mail.. they seem to back off on actual election day. Of course I was at the polling place from before 6am til around 9pm. We had a BIG turnout, so I was quite busy.
| Wednesday, November 07, 2012 - 4:16 pm
I had several calls on the answering machine yesterday, but wasn't home most of the day so didn't have to listen to the phone ringing all day.
| Wednesday, November 07, 2012 - 9:15 pm
<sigh> but.. I have recorded shows and keep hitting the political commercials.
| Wednesday, November 07, 2012 - 10:06 pm
Same here Sea. Can't wait till I get rid of all those recordings. Thank goodness for FF!
| Saturday, November 10, 2012 - 12:10 pm
Have to admit I had a couple of CSI recordings upstairs that were older and on those I found ads for the June primary!!
| Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 12:50 pm
Our football team, for the first time in school history, won the regional championship. They had to travel 8 hours north just to get to the game, the field was a mud pit, but they hung on and won 26-22. When they returned home, we all went downtown to meet them - what a fabulous group of kids and the parents and friends that support them are just as incredible The icing on the cake, though, was watching a young junior player get off the bus and head immediately to his mom. She went into the hospital over a week ago with premature labor; his little baby sister was born 3 1/2 weeks early and weighed only 3lbs. Both sister and mom had a very rough time of it, but his mom came home yesterday. I cried seeing them together - it was one of the best moments of the entire week!
| Saturday, December 01, 2012 - 8:15 pm
This isn't so little, but it sure made my day.. just now got email from a shelter employee:
quote:STAFF and VOLUNTEERS – we have some exciting news to share with you. We have been working with the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation to coordinate the rescue of dogs from all over Southern California. Just yesterday we received confirmation that we will be participating in our largest dog rescue effort to transport dogs from the higher volume (higher risk of euthanasia shelters) to the North Shore Animal League for adoption. Dog volunteers may have noticed our adoption kennels are empty. Our hope is to take in as many 3rd chance dogs and cats as possible tomorrow so that we can prevent them from having to return to the shelters. We are so grateful for this wonderful opportunity. We are hoping for a successful adoption event and hope you will have time to come by to meet all of our new animals once they have settled.
Tomorrow we will have a big adoption event, Home For the Holidays, at our shelter. This will involve 400-500 animals and of course we hope for several hundred adoptions on the spot. At the end of the day we had planned to take in as many 3rd chance animals.. those who really don't have a good situation to go back to.. we took a good number after our last event and thus they were saved. We just finished our week long Black Friday event, with discounts on cats, dogs and bunnies and placed a good number of animals, including a few long time residents (happy day for them!!) so now having this great opportunity from the foundation Katherine Heigl created in honor of her brother, it looks like we can save more and they will be flown to North Shore (a very large no-kill shelter). Last year this group flew 41 small dogs up to Canada for adoption. Just love all the efforts for these deserving creatures who need homes. It will make my early morning tomorrow (I start working at 6am) SO much more worth it!
| Sunday, December 02, 2012 - 8:22 pm
I got my biggest tip I have ever gotten at work so far today--$20! It made my day! And tips are few and far between at that.
| Sunday, December 02, 2012 - 8:36 pm
WOOHOO!!! As an ex-waitress, I know full well how awesome good tips are! 
| Monday, December 03, 2012 - 6:10 am
My biggest tip as a bar waitress - in '63! - was $50! Of course, all of the regulars knew that I was leaving that weekend for a tour of Europe!
| Monday, December 03, 2012 - 11:33 am
That was terrific! My tip was as a housekeeper. Most of the time, we don't get anything. I was thrilled!
| Monday, December 03, 2012 - 2:42 pm
I asked my girls what they wanted for Christmas this year. Most kids their age are asking for Ipods, Video Games, and other technology. My girls are asking for: Raggedy Ann Doll, A Barbie, New Bathrobes, fabric scraps for sewing, and muck boots for cleaning their stalls. Gotta love old fashioned kids. Also, they are very excited about picking out an angel tree gift for 2 kids this year. Proud mommy moment 
| Tuesday, December 04, 2012 - 6:34 am
And so you should be!
| Tuesday, December 04, 2012 - 8:50 am
Escapee that's terrific. Good job Mommy! 
| Saturday, December 08, 2012 - 3:41 pm
I was out shopping in the middle of a Saturday afternoon (dog grooming appointment or else I would have waited until 10 PM tonight!) which is usually a huge UGH. However, I was in a side aisle at Sam's Club and saw the cutest thing. The little girl and mommy must have been shopping separately from the little boy and daddy, but when the two kids saw each other they skipped w/outstretched arms toward each other, grinning like crazy, and gave each other huge hugs. They couldn't have been older than 4 or 5, and it kept a smile on my face the rest of the way through Sam's.
| Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 1:45 pm
This isn't exactly a gripe, more of an observation. Usually this time of year we are inundated with Christmas themed movies and specials. But I suppose because of 12-21-12, there is a greater than normal airing of zombie and other catastrophe films as well.
| Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 1:54 pm
Gidget, you're a genius! I was wondering why there were so many creepy films on TV lately.