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| Friday, August 24, 2012 - 1:16 pm
Heh, Teach, it's the same with washing dishes in spring and summer. A job I'd say I really don't like doing, but standing there with the window open, a nice breeze, hands in warm soapy water, and everyone leaving you alone cuz they don't want to be volunteered to's rather peaceful and relaxing!
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 5:15 pm
Our PD for today - the one that the ENTIRE district attends (3 counties) and is usually a humongous waste of time - was FABULOUS! There are only 2 of us "world language" teachers in our building, and we always have worked well together. The presenter today helped us completely clarify where we need to go. It presents at least two years worth of work, but it was that wonderful combination of ideas: enough to encourage us with what we've done, but a lot to challenge us to improve. We've been doing a number of things correctly, now we know more (and I realize how much more I DON'T know), we know how we want to proceed, and we'll just need time to get it implemented. Another VERY COOL thing is happening in our district. We've had awful, awful, awful lunches for the last 15 years. Our food director used all processed foods or bagged salad. By law they had to provide a fruit and a veggie, but canned green beans or bagged apple slices vs. the freshly cooked beans or whole apples were always the way she went. She got a job elsewhere, and we now have a director who worked with JAMIE OLIVER!!!!! She is planning a HOMEMADE breakfast for us tomorrow morning!! She had to BUY PANS and a STOVE for our kitchen. They literally had NONE - just "warmers." She's worked at a camp in our area, and our kids are beyond excited that she's now cooking for school. WOW - two positive things in the first two days of school (for staff). 
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 6:22 pm
Funny correspondence on me Facebook My 10 year old friend typed to her friend "You left your phone here." Friend: "Yes, I know. I have your remote control."
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 6:45 pm
That's too funny Doc! Thanks for the laugh.
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 6:59 pm
Doc, that's hilarious!
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 7:03 pm
Wargod, I just wanted to say.....I have a kitchen window like that......I could stand there forever cause at anytime a day....the view is wonderful.......night or day......i love it'
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 7:32 pm
Love it, Dogdoc! I totally agree w/all of you about window views. We have a reverse walkout, and I've got at least 14' of windows or sliders on every wall. We live in the woods, so it's like living in a tree house b/c our main floor is the second story. I've got great views on all sides, and they are the perfect cure for a bad day.
| Tuesday, August 28, 2012 - 11:25 pm
Funny you all mentioning this. I am trying to buy a house in Phoenix. (hot market right not tell me that that the economy is not getting better) and the top two things I look at are trees taller than the house, and what do I see when I do the dishes?
| Wednesday, August 29, 2012 - 12:08 am
LOL, speaking of windows and views! Our uncle (bil's uncle, actually, but he's "adopted" us like the rest of bil's family) has a house in the middle of nowhere, 30 minute drive from town, nothing around but hills and desert. He's got the most amazing views out of his windows and sliders and takes advantage, most of them don't have curtains or blinds...including the huge window right in front of the toilet in the master bath. Only bathroom in his house I just can't use, lol! I told him the first time I saw it, "Awesome view, but all I'd be able to think about is hikers in the hills!" He said it was better than staring at the wall, probably a good point, but nope, I'd have to have a curtain or blinds for that one.
| Wednesday, August 29, 2012 - 5:37 pm
War - our master bath has a 5' window looking out into the woods behind our house, and not one person of my family will use that restroom! We literally have 80 acres behind the house with NO houses, so I'm not sure if they're worried about the deer and turkeys seeing them or what. In the fall, it is more beautiful than any painting, and I refuse to put any window coverings up (except in the bedrooms where we sleep, of course).
| Wednesday, August 29, 2012 - 11:01 pm
Yep, that sounds a lot like his house, only blinds are in the bedrooms (and only closed when someone is sleeping) and in the front room he has curtains cuz for a short time each day the sun shines right through them and straight through the house. And I totally agree with it, if you've got the view, you might as well enjoy it...just not in the bathroom, lol!
| Friday, August 31, 2012 - 3:25 am
I remember staying in a guesthouse in Austria. Used the tiny community bathroom on our 2nd floor. The smallish window was open, shutters pulled back, and there was the most stunning view of the Alps seen from sitting on the toilet! Even though I didn't need to, I just took awhile since it was so incredibly hard to believe they were real!
| Friday, August 31, 2012 - 8:48 am
LOL Bisc, great story. Made me smile. 
| Friday, August 31, 2012 - 10:36 am
Beautiful views and the clean fresh mountain air!!! In Switzerland and Austria I'd open the windows in my rooms and let it all in. One I remember in particular, could not figure out how to open the smaller windows on each side of the big picture window. Then I realized . . . the BIG picture window swung open. Let the outside in!!!!!
| Friday, August 31, 2012 - 1:00 pm
Sitting at the computer facing my slider (which is open) an I look up to a hummingbird, sipping from the pink flowers on a plant just outside the door. SO COOL, I have only seen them sip from a feeder.
| Friday, August 31, 2012 - 5:33 pm
Awe...Dipo, how cool was that! I adopted 2 mini wiener dogs last Nov. Their birthdays are 10/11/11 (Chloe), & 10/16/11 (Cyndi). Yep, they are only 5 days apart in age & I'm raising them as "sisters". I put them in the kitchen while I'm gone to work (have a metal puppy guard thing that keeps them from the rest of the house). Anyway, when I get home from work, I make no eye contact w/them or no verbal contact until I'm "ready"...........because, when I do, they just get soooooooooo excited! I've actually made up a little song that I sing when I'm ready for them (this is usually within 5 min. of me walking in the door) & they're pretty much quiet until they hear "their" song: "did you miss your mama today, did you miss me? did you miss your mama today?" I sing it & they go beserko! Luv it!
| Friday, August 31, 2012 - 8:16 pm
This is rapidly turning into my fave thread. 
| Friday, August 31, 2012 - 8:23 pm
Sore and fried from walking almost 2 hrs in blazing heat and went to Curves so hubby gave me a lovely massage while I yelped in pain. But I do feel better now and waiting for muscle relaxant to work its magic too. Just so grateful to hubby for that wonderful massage. First time I've felt human in HOURS!
| Wednesday, September 05, 2012 - 7:02 pm
Ahhhh...I have a last block senior class that will actually work quietly! Last block is almost always my voc. ed. English class - largest class of the day with the kids who hate English the most at their worst time of day. Last year, it was awful, horrible, and a constant struggle - four of the kids had been court/jail! This year - not as many kids AND they worked quietly when asked! It's a lovely way to start the year!
| Saturday, September 08, 2012 - 7:26 pm
Listening to the rain and thunder through an open slider and an open window. The cool weather AND rain are both such a relief!! **I'm re-reading this thread - second weekend of working 7 days a week, and with 8 more weeks to go, I'm already dragging.
| Saturday, September 08, 2012 - 7:47 pm
Listening to rain through open windows. Teach, I am loving the cool weather and rain, too! I love the smell of rain.
| Sunday, September 09, 2012 - 5:36 pm
YES! That smell, where all the earth odors are intensified in the woods - nothing like it! I'm looking forward to the autumn leaf smell that's on the way as well! 
| Sunday, September 09, 2012 - 7:36 pm
And the smell of cold water coming through the metal garden hose nozzle on a hot day.
| Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 7:39 pm
Three, count 'em, THREE of my Span. 3 kids who graduated last year have contacted me since the beginning of school. Two have said they're in 200 level classes and doing fabulously. The third stopped in to say her prof. had bumped her up to 206 AND the student has decided to minor in Spanish to go along w/her speech therapist major! WOOOHOOO!!!
| Friday, September 14, 2012 - 9:49 pm
Good Job Teach....not only in teaching them so they could thrive, but in reaching them so they wanted to let you know. Kids know who cares. (Even teens!)