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| Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 2:01 pm
I thought I would start a thread on useful links, websites that have great recipes. I found this place which posts a few recipes a month for free membership - and the chef accompanies each of his recipes with a video of the preparation: chef T cooking School another wonderful source for recipes is Saveur: Would apprecaite any interesting and unique sites, whether it is for gourmet spices (check out penzeys), or bargain sites for cooking materials.
| Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 5:23 pm
Oh my... I've got a ton of blogs I follow via RSS feeds. Serious Eats is probably one of my faves, along with A Veggie Venture, several Indian food places, and more. And I love love LOVE Penzey's!! Whenever I get a chance when I'm up visiting my office, I stop in and buy spices I don't even NEED!! (I'm under major deadlines right now -- 80 hour weeks and all -- but when things calm down I'll post the names of some of the feeds I check out.)
| Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 5:35 pm
A few favorites: Taste Spotting Food Gawker Fine Cooking Smitten Kitchen Wild yeast
| Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 8:25 pm
My two favorites: Adagio Teas and Spices, Inc. Both are quality products and the latter makes a donation to Feed America with every purchase.
| Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 10:33 am
wonderful links folks
| Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 11:52 am
Here's a few more site: Smitten Kitchen Big Girls Small Kitchen My Diverse Kitchen Colors of Indian Cooking Purple Foodie Veggie Belly Well Preserved Tigress in a Jam
| Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - 1:50 am
One of my favorite sites is Allrecipes. They are free and the recipes are sent in by their members. They also give variations for each recipe that has been developed and sent in by their members.
| Tuesday, September 20, 2016 - 2:38 pm
Anyone who loves to cook should go to Serious Eats. I started visiting it about 6 months ago and every recipe I've tried is the best version of it I've ever made. I started visiting it because it has a good selection of vegan Indian and Middle Eastern foods, but it has PLENTY of meat, too. I follow them on twitter and today they posted a recipe for corn bread I just have to try
| Wednesday, September 21, 2016 - 4:20 pm
Awesome site! Thanks, Tishala! 
| Thursday, September 22, 2016 - 4:39 pm
Love that site! Thanks for posting it.
| Tuesday, May 15, 2018 - 6:22 pm looks really useful.
| Tuesday, May 15, 2018 - 6:45 pm
She has some good recipes, Sea, and she usually posts a weekly menu, too.
| Tuesday, May 15, 2018 - 8:52 pm
I don't actually cook, but was reading Sheafer's blog (known to those of us who watch Bachelor and Bachelorette), and she and her husband are doing their yearly weight loss effort and she was asked to review an appliance from and chose an air fryer and was posting pictures.. Someone commented and left the slightest site.. So roundabout route, but it looks useful.
| Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - 7:28 pm
I've followed her blog for about 3 years. Since we went pescatarian there isn't as much that I use, but her meals are always easy, fresh and fast.
| Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - 8:41 pm
I'm checking that one out when I've got a bit more time (and maybe before my next grocery shopping trip.) Found out another reason to try eating more meat free meals last week after we ended up in the emergency room with Kota screaming in pain (kidney stone.) I'd read the info papers they sent home with us and along with the encouragement to drink a lot of water and avoid soda, coffee and alcohol, was surprised to see green tea, chicken, fish, and red meat as things to avoid. I was curious so when we went for her follow up with her own doctor, I asked about it. We are up to vegetarian meals 2-3 times a week now, have red meat maybe once or twice a month, and the rest of the time chicken, turkey, and fish for my mom, Dakota, and Darren (I'm allergic and Caleb can't stand it.) I don't buy sodas and my kids don't drink them often on their own, I don't buy fruit juice (Kota has a juicer and makes fruit/vegetable juices when someone wants some.) Now I'm seeing chicken and fish aren't that healthy for kidney issues! She said the best diet for kidney problems is vegetarian. Chicken and fish are ok if you're buying organic. Processed foods are horrible, lunch meat being right at the top of the list. Her suggestion is to buy an organic turkey breast or whole chicken, cook it, slice it, and freeze what you aren't using right away. Caleb had kidney stones a couple years ago and he is determined to never go through that again. He cut out coffee, he limits soda and severely limits alcohol. I'm seeing the same changes in Kota (minus the alcohol, she's not old enough to drink,) and Caleb getting more cautious, about what they're eating because she is right with Caleb in never wanting to go through that again. They're both wanting more veggies for salads and to snack on and fruit, asked me not to buy lunch meat, and are happy when it's a meatless night. So at least something positive came out of it.
| Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - 10:02 pm
Wargod, I can give you a little piece of advice on this. First, know that kidney stones can be made up of different materials. Most common is Calcium-Oxalate. So ask the doctor what is the make up of her kidney stone. If it is Calcium-Oxalate, it is the same as mine. I was having a lot of problems with developing kidney stones. My doctor told me that I needed to avoid foods with Oxalate in them. Foremost of those to avoid is Spinach. I did a Google search on foods with Oxalate and was surprised at what I found. First, there are a lot of foods that have some amount of Oxalate. The list I printed out has the food items broken down into 1. Little or None, 2. Low, 3. Moderate, 4. High, 5. Very High. Little or None is 0mg to 1mg. Low is 2mg to 4mg Moderate is 5mg to 9mg High is 10mg to 12mg Very High is 13mg and up. These are the very highest of the Very High foods. Spinach, cooked, 1/2 cup - 755mg Spinach, raw, 1 cup - 656mg Rice Bran, 1 cup - 281mg Buckwheat Groats, cooked, 1 cup - 133mg Miso Soup, 1 cup - 111mg Baked Potato w/skin, 1 medium - 97mg Corn Grits, 1 cup - 97 Soybeans, 1 cup - 96mg Soy Flour, 1 cup - 94mg Bulgar, cooked, 1 cup - 86mg I hope that this helps. Of course if her stones are made up of some other combination of materials, then you will need to talk to the doctor about what foods could be causing the stones.
| Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - 10:44 pm
With fish you want wild caught. Organic if you are eating the peel.. But at seminars I hear not to freak out and avoid fruits of veggies if you cannot afford organic. Processed meats are now considered carcinogens and grilling can produce danger, too. I stopped Pepsi in February 2012 and I basically just drink water. Maybe a rare glass of wine like once a year. Mediterranean diet seems most often recommended for heart health and brain health, as well as cancer prevention. If you have had a cancer driven by estrogen (certain breast cancers, endometrial/uterine, ovarian cancer, then you want to avoid soy.
| Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 4:44 am
Both kids had calcium oxalate stones. I was not happy to see spinach on the list, because we do eat quite a bit of that, especially during summer when I make salads several times a week and I'm trying to change them up some.
| Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 9:44 am
Well, as you can see, Spinach is the worst of the worst. LOL Those of us that develop kidney stones made up of Calcium-Oxalate must never eat it. I hated Spinach as a kid, but really liked it as an adult. Cooked, all it needed was a few other things added to change the flavor and be delicious. I especially loved the fresh leaves in salads. But now my salads are limited because most pre-made salads, Trader joe's, restaurants, put spinach leaves in the mix. I stay away from Kale, too. Oh, I was just looking over my list and realized I forgot one of the one of the highest of the Very High. Rhubarb, 1/2 cup, - 541mg. My Grandmother use to make the best Rhubarb pie. She didn't even put Strawberries in the pie, just good old Rhubarb. LOL Can't have the store bought Rhubarb pie any more.
| Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 4:13 pm
LOL and both the kids love spinach. Pre-made salads are the worst. I have IBS and one of the worst foods for me is carrots, it's almost impossible to find pre-made salad kits (and actually to find salads in restaurants anymore) that don't have shredded carrots in them. There's so many things I can't eat between food allergies and IBS that it's so much easier to stay home and cook than go out. Chocolate is also on the avoid list for kidney stones. Caleb's like me in that, he's not a big fan of chocolate so that wasn't a big deal, but Kota was crushed, lol. My 10 year old niece has been having kidney problems. 4 kidney infections in 3 months. After the second one, they sent her to a specialist for testing and have found she has enlarged renal retention syndrome, which is caused by a blockage in the urethra. Eventually she might have to have surgery but for now they are trying to treat it other ways, including prescribing a mild laxative because constipation can be a cause. They also put her on a very similar diet as the one for kidney stones. She actually asked if she could please have surgery because she's disgusted by the fact she can no longer eat her hot takis.
| Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 5:01 pm
Tell your niece to do all she can to keep both her kidneys for as long as possible. I had a kidney removal in January. Now I am limited even further on what I can eat because I have just one kidney. It has to do the work of two. So, for now, I have to keep to low sodium, don't go over board with protein, and no red meat. In a couple of months I will be seeing my kidney doctor and she will determine whether I have to go on a renal diet. I am hoping not, because that limits my food options even further. And I am an unrepentant food lover!
| Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 5:34 pm
Hopefully if she has to have surgery, it's just the urethra, but also hopefully that's a ways off. My mom keeps teasing her about how lucky she is to have two big sisters and a bunch of cousins with healthy kidneys. She says Caleb and now Kota are off her list cuz she doesn't want their kidneys, lol. It just cracks me up that with food restrictions, medicine, being reminded to pee every couple hours, drink tons of water, the possibility of surgery one day...her main concern is the damn hot takis.
| Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 6:56 pm
LOL Well, at 10, she probably thinks that such an operation is no big deal. LOL
| Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 10:08 pm
I have never even heard of hot takis, had to google them, LOL.
| Thursday, May 17, 2018 - 11:15 pm
Spicy potato chip thingies that's all the rage with kids. They smell horrible, I can't figure out why the kids like them so much. But, every single time the kids have friends over they want me to pick up hot takis for munchie foods. My niece hasn't complained at all about any of the other restrictions, not even at the last family get together when the rest of the kids were drinking sodas and she had to stick with water. The takis is the only thing she's upset about. And yeah, Treasure, I think she's a bit too young to really understand how series it could be.