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| Sunday, June 12, 2011 - 7:16 pm
Listening to Rob Lowe's book "Stories I only tell my friends." Really am enjoying it. He is a good story teller. Had just finished Tina Fey's book "Bossypants" and liked it, thought it was brilliantly funny at times, but also found it a bit disjointed and without focus overall. Also thought she was a bit underwhelming reading the audiobook. But Rob Lowe threads things together well and his voice is so smooth. Feel like he is in the room talking to me. The man has had an interesting life!
| Sunday, June 12, 2011 - 7:36 pm
I'm listening to Menonite in a Little Black Dress -love it! ETA: Hangover from the Tony Awards...I first typed and posted "Mormon in a Little Black Dress"! LOL
| Tuesday, June 14, 2011 - 8:48 am
Last audio book I listened to was Calvin Trillin's About Alice. It was only one disc but stays with you.
| Friday, August 26, 2011 - 11:18 am
I got talked into listening to another Stephen King story, "Mrs. Todd's Shortcut". Was again promised it wasn't horror but I've learned that what may or may not be considered horror is all relative when it comes to SK. That baseball novella I read may not have been categorized as horror but it did have...well, never mind. But it was horrifying to me. Anyway, it turns out "Mrs. Todd's Shortcut" was a bit eerie - in the best possible way - however not what I'd call horror (and I'm a wuss). I really liked it except for the part about what Homer found on the car. That was awful. I was reminded of A Wrinkle in Time's explanation of a tesseract even before the first Mrs. Todd said anything about folding the map. Oh and I had to take a detour while listening to this. And it was starting to get dark with no one else on road. Nothing like a little atmosphere to help get you into a story. So I was glad Kiwi was with me! The CD set had three other short stories on it but there was no way I was going to listen to any of them based on their synopses. After that I listened to the Lost Hero (good if basic, could've used some editing; of the three new main characters, Leo was great while Jason & Piper were not) and am now listening to Einstein: His Life and Universe (I'm not confused yet but figure I will be sooner or later depending on how technical it gets).
| Friday, August 26, 2011 - 2:18 pm
I just finished listening to The Confession (John Grisham) yesterday - I loved it! It took the first couple chapters to get used to the narrator's voice (kind of like listening to the Wicked trilogy in that it took me a bit of time to stop focusing on the narrator's voice), but it was a fantastic story. Now I'm on to listen to The Kitchen House.
| Tuesday, April 03, 2012 - 11:34 am
My fellow audio-bookers (and everyone else)! There is a contest going on for audiobooks and one of my fave books of the year is in the running. If you don't have another favorite, vote for Taylor Stevens' book The Informationist. This was her first novel and it is a good one. Met her this year and she was a sweetheart. She said she doesn't expect to win, but would love to say she lost to Steven King or Michael Connelly! (Plus just looking at the bracket is good for finding new possibilities to listen to!)
| Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 7:58 am
So I know a lot of you are Stephen King fans. Me too! But Taylor Stevens is now against him in the battle of the audiobooks. This was her first book, and winning this will mean so much more to her career than it will his. So please give the lady a vote!
| Sunday, February 09, 2014 - 7:57 pm
I am just here to whine......I love my audiobooks. I listen every morning as I get ready and at least 3 hours in my car as I travel every week. I use my Iphone for all my listening, and today I sent it through the washing machine. WAAAHHHHHH.... It's resting in a bag of rice, but I have very little hope of it working again. I'm not due for an upgrade until July, so I'll be using my old Blackberry Torch. However - Audible has NO APP for Blackberry! WTH??? I'm going to have to go digging for my Ipod.....WAAHHHHHHH!!!
| Sunday, February 09, 2014 - 9:32 pm
What about your kindle? (if you have one) Sorry about the iphone 
| Monday, February 10, 2014 - 6:55 am
That's unfortunate. The good news is I think that Apple will replace it with the same model at a reasonable price (much much less than the original full price). You may want to check into that.
| Monday, February 10, 2014 - 5:21 pm
I downloaded the book I'm listening to now on my Kindle, but I've discovered that 1) it's much quieter when connected via cord to my alarm clock, and 2) - and MOST annoying - is that I have no way to speed up the reading. On the Audible App, I listen to most books at 1.25 of 1.5 speed without any loss of emotion, expression, etc. Listening to it at normal speed this morning seemed soooooo sloooooow! LOL One of my goals tonight is to get that book on my Ipod! Jimmer, I don't know if they will since I didn't have insurance AND I got my phone at Sam's Club. Even discounted, most are over $200, and I just can't see spending that when I have a Torch and it's only about 5 months of inconvenience.
| Monday, February 10, 2014 - 5:30 pm
With Apple I don't think it matters where you bought it. They support their products regardless. The reason I mentioned it is they replaced my youngest DD's 3Gs (which I had given her and was long past any warranty or insurance) for about $100 when the battery failed on it. Their products are expensive but they do support them very well. That phone is still working great for her! I think it's worth checking out. But then again if the Torch will do and it's only a few months then maybe you should just wait.
| Monday, February 10, 2014 - 7:01 pm
I'm heading into town where there's an Apple store on Saturday, Jimmer, so I'll definitely swing by. It NEVER hurts to check these things out. Thanks! 
| Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 12:58 pm
Well I don't know about audible on the kindles, but mine has the capability to speed up the reading.. that currently is the HDX fire, but I know it the past I had speeded things up on other kindles. But if the volume isn't enough then your ipos might well be your best bet, but I hope you have success at the Apple Store and get back the device you really want to use. Too bad there isn't a washday mayday app where your phone could belt out a distress signal from the washer.. before the water goes on. Or a sensor on the washer when any device enters the danger zone.
| Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 6:52 pm
Sea, I have a Kindle 3 w/keyboard, so it's just downloaded not run through the Audible app. I put it on my Ipod (nano) last night, and while it's not as smooth when speeded up like it is on the Audible app, it IS better than listening at "normal" speed. DH's Iphone guru at work said it is really and truly dead (they have a color coding you can see through the earphone jack). Guess I'll be re-learning Torch talk unless Apple has a remarkable deal.
| Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - 8:44 am
The color coding is just a way for Apple to tell if a device has been exposed to water when they are considering warranty issues. It could be a splash of water or complete submersion. But in your situation that isn't a factor as it is out of warranty anyway. I agree that exposure to water is usually the end for most electronics. Even if you do manage to get them going again they often experience glitches.
| Saturday, October 06, 2018 - 10:35 am
What service and/or apps do you use to listen to audiobooks? Can you listen to more than one and have it keep your place in each book even when you exit the app?
| Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 5:42 pm
I have used Audible for years and also use Overdrive when I get library books. Audible has fantastic deals (I got 12 books for $99 this year AND a free Echo, and last year I got 3 books/credits for $2 each as an incentive to return). I can listen to as many books as I want, and yes, my place is kept when I exit the app. It uses a subscription service, BUT you always have access to the books you've bought, whether you're subscribing at the time or not. Usually, we do NOT have a "membership" going until we find 2-4 books we want. Then, I'll get a 2 for $22 subscription for a couple months, get the books we want, then cancel the subscription. Just don't cancel if you have credits as you'll lose them. We have over 250 books in our Audible library and share them between 3 family members. The only wee trick is that if two people are reading the same book and are on the same part (we use multi-part downloads to save space on the phone), you have to click "cancel" when you start up listening after exiting because the app will ask if you want to sync. Then it syncs with whomever was listening last. If you choose "cancel," it picks up where you left off.
| Friday, October 12, 2018 - 12:13 pm
Thanks for the great explanation. I’ll have to look into it and see if it’s the same in Canada. So you have a subscription and you buy the books? One of my pet peeves is how incredibly expensive audio books are on places like iTunes. It’s insane. Overdrive sounds like a good option as well. I already use it to borrow lots of books from our libraries but I keep forgetting about audiobooks on it.
| Saturday, October 13, 2018 - 2:32 am
I subscribe to audible through amazon. I pick a book a month and it is worth it. I have a backlog of books to listen to at the moment. I started the subscription when I was driving four hours a day to work and it made the ride go better. Some of my favorite listens so far have been the Gloria Vanderbilt/Anderson Cooper book, read by both of them. Also John Meacham's Soul of America is a wonderful listen.
| Saturday, October 20, 2018 - 6:54 am
Yes, with the subscription you get a 'credit' and each credit buys a book. I'm not sure if the super cheap option is still there. They used to have a $10 per year option where you then got 30% of the list price for any book rather than credits. However, I think that option went away when Amazon bought them. IMHO, it's a great deal to get audiobooks for $11 and then they have daily specials and often offer buy 1 get 1 or buy 2 get 1 deals as well. We are still careful what books we buy. If it's a new author, I'm more likely to get in Overdrive because I want to make sure that 1) all three of us will like it, and 2) I'll be willing to listen to it again in the future.
| Saturday, October 20, 2018 - 10:38 am
Maris, try Anderson Cooper's earlier book, read by him. You Will love it too.
| Thursday, October 25, 2018 - 2:01 pm
Will do sea. I have so many books in my library, waiting. I have a couple of credits I havent spent yet. Going to buy Michele Obama's book.
| Friday, March 01, 2019 - 9:48 am
I love my local library! After seeing a book mentioned online, Daisy Jones & the Six, a novel, I immediately went online to see if I could borrow it. The library didn't have it but they have a feature where you can recommend books for them to purchase. Today I received an email that they have purchased the audio version and I am now on the waiting list. Thank you to everyone who recommends good books here, printed, audio or otherwise!
| Friday, March 01, 2019 - 7:15 pm
Oh Kappy' I love audio books' and I love' the Library...I think I go there 5 times a week. anything that is on audio book I borrow... I will check out that title. Thanks
| Sunday, June 18, 2023 - 8:37 pm
Just started listening to Yellowface. It is pretty good so far. I’m just a few chapters in. White lies. Dark humor. Deadly consequences.. Bestselling sensation Juniper Song is not who she says she is, she didn’t write the book she claims she wrote, and she is most certainly not Asian American—in this chilling and hilariously cutting novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author R. F. Kuang.
| Monday, June 19, 2023 - 6:52 pm
I listened to Firekeeper's Daughter over Memorial Day weekend, and it was an excellent book! My only complaint was that 2 words were totally mispronounced for the main character being from the UP of Michigan. 1 - auntie (we say it 'antie'- like the insect) and 2 - pasty (it HAS to be pasty w/an 'a' like apple or it's a decoration for hanging on a woman's boob!!) Fortunately, the second one was only heard in a time or two, but man did it make me laugh!!
| Thursday, July 06, 2023 - 4:54 am
I just finished the audiobook, "Does the Noise in my Head Bother You?" It's a memoir by Steven Tyler. Pretty interesting. If swearing offends you, I would avoid it. It was read by someone else. Steven does do a bonus interview in his own voice at the end of the book.
| Saturday, December 02, 2023 - 11:48 am
I'm enjoying listening to Audible. Especially memoirs and biographies in the author's own voice. That's the best! But I dearly miss the personal photos that are not included. I feel cheated, and it's frustrating. First one was Sharon Gless of Cagney and Lacey, which had it's moments, but absolutely did not set my world on fire. Currently savouring Patrick Stewart's memoir (Captain Jean Luc Picard of Star Trek, The Next Generation, and Professor Xavier of the X-Men films.) Totally loving it.
| Sunday, December 03, 2023 - 6:39 pm
I finished Sir Patrick's book just a bit ago - it was MARVELOUS listening to him read! He read all of Shakespeare's sonnets on Twitter during lockdown, and then last Christmas read an abridged version of "A Christmas Carol." I would listen to him read the phonebook! I also loved the audiobook of The Rose Code (Kate Quinn), and I'm currently enjoying listening to the author herself read The Night Watchman.
| Monday, December 04, 2023 - 9:39 pm
Hi Teach! YUP, I alao enjoyed some of those Shakespeare sonnets he read.