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| Tuesday, October 04, 2011 - 11:15 am
Sun, there is a big difference between "kids watch this show all the time" and "kids shouldn't be watching this show." People shouldn't kill other people but people kill other people all the time. Doesn't make it right and shame on the parents who allow their children to watch this. And shame on the parents who allow their children to have TV's in their rooms and don't control the TV with lockout on program ratings or time of day. And shame on people who have other people's children at their home and let them watch something like this without asking the parents first. There are careful parents and there are those who are not. I'm happy to be a careful parent. I watched another one of these the other day and it was an old one where the phone guy was going into women's homes during the day. Couldn't get over that someone leaves their door unlocked when they're home alone. We keep our doors locked all the time. That is what keys are for.
| Tuesday, October 04, 2011 - 11:32 am
Where my bf lives, they don't lock the doors at all. Granted they have a significantly lower crime rate than where I am from but still... Crime may be low in his area but crazy is about the same everywhere. When I am there the doors are locked and the car doors too. My car has been broken into twice right in front of my house.
| Tuesday, October 04, 2011 - 1:19 pm
I think it is nuts to not lock your doors, LOL.
| Thursday, October 06, 2011 - 1:53 pm
Last night's episode made me feel so sad. He was so messed up and he's going to have to live with what he'd done after he was better.
| Thursday, October 06, 2011 - 2:06 pm
Spenser said there was little hope of him getting better. I do like the trend I am seeing so far this season getting back to basic storylines.
| Thursday, October 06, 2011 - 3:01 pm
But if they keep it so he can't see, I'm sure he's going to know what happened eventually.
| Thursday, October 06, 2011 - 3:11 pm
I don't think they can keep a blind fold on him for the rest of his life. ACLU would sue. He can never hear his parents voices, so he will never believe he killed his real parents. JMO. Extremely sad episode.
| Thursday, October 06, 2011 - 3:24 pm
You all are ruining my sadness. LOL
| Thursday, October 06, 2011 - 3:29 pm
Ok Mamie, here's to making you sad again. He has to wonder why he can never see his wife and daughter in person, only hear their voices. Now that is sad.
| Thursday, October 06, 2011 - 4:19 pm
Thanks Law & Order:SVU was really sad last night too. They both just left me feeling blue.
| Thursday, October 06, 2011 - 6:09 pm
I didn't watch Law & Order, watched CSI instead.
| Friday, October 14, 2011 - 11:26 am
I thought JJ said in the past that she never wanted to be a profiler, why did she return to the BAU in that position? Does anyone recall if the show provided an explanation for that contradiction?
| Thursday, October 20, 2011 - 10:04 pm
I don't think they addressed it directly but i feel it might have been that she was carrying the heavy burden of the secret of Emily still being alive and needed to be close to her "BAU family". Also they did kinda hint at the fact that things might not be perfect at home with her hubby.
| Friday, November 25, 2011 - 8:40 am
Ahnicka, I remember her specifically saying she didn't want to be a profiler. It was in one of the first 3 seasons, I think. I'm thinking she needed the profiler training to get back into the BAU, and so she got it. I think IRL, they could not afford a non-behaviorist in a unit like that, so they're just trying to be authentic.
| Friday, December 02, 2011 - 5:03 pm
Thank you for the explanations. I kind of wish they'd specifically address it and not leave it as a loose end.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 7:08 am
Am I the only one that was thoroughly confused by last night's episode? The team kept going through so many different scenarios, I can't figure out who killed who.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 11:15 am
I was confused too. The original dead boy's dad killed the boys who were hanged in the woods, and the other boy was on the run and had gone a bit mad hiding from the dad but.... I couldn't work out who actually killed the first boy, or whether he killed himself because of bullying, and I couldn't work out why the boy who escaped (and didn't have the score to go out in the woods) actually went to the woods in the first place. And the Colonel (Odo) let it/made it happen.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 11:41 am
Bailey was the boy who committed suicide two weeks earlier, and Josh was his friend who was hiding in the woods. Now what confused me was there was reference made to Bailey's father also abusing/bullying Bailey. So who killed Bailey's father - Josh or Tawes (the guy always riding around in the jeep in the woods)? And the whole thing with the Colonel also confused me.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 11:57 am
I think Josh killed Bailey's father by setting that kind of bear pit thing with the spikes, that Bailey fell into. I'm not sure what went on with Tawes. The Colonel knew the boys were involved in Bailey's death (but I don't know if they did it or their bullying made him kill himself) and therefore as some kind of justice sent them all to the woods and told Bailey's dad where to find them. Also I couldn't work out how one person could have killed all five boys. There was a different autopsy result for the main antagonist, so I presume the dad strangled the others in their sleep, not waking anyone, until the main bad guy, who he actually hanged to death. They had way too many theories flying around and not enough explanation of what actually happened.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 12:07 pm
Bailey committed suicide. He was not abused by his dad, the abuse was from the Colonel and the other boys (from throwing them in the dryer). After Bailey committed suicide, the Colonel sent the five boys and Josh on a campout, and gave Bailey's dad the coordinates. Bailey's dad killed 5 of the boys, and then chased down Josh. (Agree with Kitt, that I didn't catch how he killed all 5 tho). Josh set the trap that killed Bailey's dad. Tawes was hunting Josh with the intent to kill him.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 12:08 pm
This is what one of the summaries says: Dr. Spencer Reid figured it out. The boys had been put into the industrial dryers by Tucker Calhoun as a way to try and "break them". Josh didn't approve so he approached Tucker and tried to stop him. Massey witnessed this and allowed Tucker and Josh to fight it out. He was okay with the dryer punishment all along. Because Josh knew too much Massey told Bailey's father that Josh was responsible for Bailey's death. Massey gave him the coordinates to where they were in the woods hoping he'd kill Josh. He underestimated Bailey's dad though, not realizing he would kill all the boys, thus sending a message to Massey. Bailey's dad was taking away Massey's sons as well. Josh got away though, which Massey also didn't expect. Now he has to destroy Josh. Once Massey realizes the FBI team knows the truth he calls Tawes on their cell phone (because of course they have one) and tells him to hurry up and find Josh and end this. Luckily Morgan and Hotch get to them just in time. Morgan tackles Josh with his butt in the air (like always) and Hotch shoots Tawes in the leg. Massey is then arrested for accessory to murder. I missed the whole thing about Col Massey only intending Josh to be killed... and if that's true, why did Bailey's dad hang Tucker while being kinder on the rest? Oh I don't know!!
Board Administrator
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 12:10 pm
That explanation makes sense. Thanks, Kitt!
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 12:21 pm
I think because Tucker was the worst of the bullies, the ringleader.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 12:50 pm

| Monday, December 12, 2011 - 1:43 pm
I only recently got into this show, but if there's anybody else like me that would like to see it from the beginning, and in order, I just want to give the heads up that it's restarting again from the beginning on ION channel this Thursday night. They show 3 eps in a row every weeknight. I've been waiting it out for them to go back to the beginning before I started my viewing of the past seasons.