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| Friday, September 09, 2011 - 8:33 pm
Ok, thanks, Bonza. If I hear anything *interesting* about the ratings, I'll post it here.
| Friday, September 09, 2011 - 8:38 pm
Sharon is still on.. if she takes a big chunk of time off that would pull it down.. I record, but then look to see who they list as guest to see if I care about them.. and also if it says guest host, often that's all she wrote. So far the newbies aren't all that compelling (well I've only watched most of a couple of episodes so far) but it does take time to gel. If they ever do. And Kris Jenner? Don't think so.
| Friday, September 09, 2011 - 8:43 pm
Here it is -- it was Entertainment Weekly that wrote the ratings blurb:
| Saturday, September 10, 2011 - 2:58 pm
holly and leah were my favorites. i am not happy with the change.
| Saturday, September 10, 2011 - 6:34 pm
That would make it hard. They weren't my favorites. Sharon, Julie and Sara are, but I was surprised to hear about the change.. thought.. not sure what I thought but was taken by surprise at this change so soon. One good thing is I think Sharon made some friends.. I know Holly's kids are going to visit Sharon's home in London (or did already) and Leah's daughter loves Mrs O. I wonder about Sara and Leah, who were friends before the show.. hope they can keep that going. Guess it depends on who made this decision.
| Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 6:31 am
I suspect it was the Chenbot's decision. I'll miss Leah, not Holly.
| Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 8:50 am
I didn't really like the show at all but I did turn in occasionally to hear Leah mostly and Sharon, at times, so I guess it's not that I'll miss her but more like the decision which that makes he take issue. I absolutely do not like Julie, anywhere, here, BB, the news. She creeps me out. I remember when I heard she and Les hooked up, I said to my uncle (who was quite the player) wonder what it was about her that Les would give up loads of money and choose Julie, who, to me, is not all that as far as looks. He said, "In my experience, it's those kind of women without all the looks or personality or charm but act like a wildcat in bed, especially to hook a big fish". I told him I guess that's why I'm married to a truck driver! 
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 5:30 am
Julie can't run the show forever.........
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 11:16 am
ok...this new chick is reminding me of sherri shepard. i get enough of her on the view. molly shannon is not adding a thing. i want my leah and holly back.
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 2:27 pm
I watched much of today's show. Not impressed. My guess if Julie is running things there, Molly will be a short-timer. (She's still a guest co-host.) After Chris Kattan came on, it was virtually all Chris and Molly and SNL talk. Nothing out of Julie. I don't think Julie will put up with that.
| Thursday, September 15, 2011 - 5:23 pm
I checked out the show without Leah and Holly and it has lost it's charm, I couldn't even watch the whole thing. Even though I still like Sarah and Sharon, there is nothing there any longer, not to mention boring; Leah and Holly made the show very entertaining and interesting to me, it was like sitting at the kitchen table with friends. What they had between the five women last season is gone and to make matters worse, the show has not even explained themselves. They didn't just get rid of Leah and Holly, they dismissed fans of the show, of Holly and Leah, as if we are all sheep and wouldn't notice. I find that worse than taking the show in a different direction, after all, I don't have to watch it, but to say nothing about why, that makes the production staff of the show look as though they have no respect for the audience. I would have liked to have answers on the first show of the new season, I don't even think they introduced the new hosts, or guest hosts, who knows what's going on. And I hope Julie had nothing to do with this decision, for now I'll give her the benefit of my doubt. I won't be tuning in again, and no guest or guest host that I adore will change that, even Molly Shannon. Holly and Leah made some very nice and professional comments at their websites, they know the business. I would love to see them guest on The View, that would just crack me up. Or better yet, maybe they'll get a new sitcom together.
| Thursday, September 15, 2011 - 8:10 pm
They didn't just get rid of Leah and Holly, they dismissed fans of the show, of Holly and Leah, as if we are all sheep and wouldn't notice. I find that worse than taking the show in a different direction, after all, I don't have to watch it, but to say nothing about why, that makes the production staff of the show look as though they have no respect for the audience. I would have liked to have answers on the first show of the new season, I don't even think they introduced the new hosts, or guest hosts, who knows what's going on. That's what I have been thinking, Stormie. The worst of it is no explanation to the viewers about Leah's and Holly's departures.
| Thursday, September 15, 2011 - 10:17 pm
I may be all alone, but I think the show has improved immeasurably with the new cast. To me, the energy is brighter, Sara and Julie are more involved, and there is more equitable involvement around the table. I don't necessarily love Molly, but Sheryl has been surprisingly fun, and the segments have been redesigned so they are less "mommy and me" than before. Today, however, they had the winner of Big Brother on the show, and she was simply unbearable. I haven't watched BB in years, so she was utterly foreign to me, but I could not stand her voice or her manner. They also had something called a Zingbot on--the stupidest thing I have ever seen. It went around the table and insulted everybody in absolutely moronic ways. If that was a fixture on BB this year, I'm glad I never watched.
| Friday, September 16, 2011 - 1:41 pm
I totally agree about Zingbot. I never got it on BB and I sure didn't get it on the Talk. I thought the lack of laughter, etc. was almost embarassing when it was doing it's "act". Total waste of air time and the same goes when it was on BB.
| Friday, September 16, 2011 - 2:08 pm
Tish, FWIW, I much prefer the new cast, too.
| Saturday, September 17, 2011 - 4:12 pm
Tisha, the zingbot usually just comes into the house once in a season and isn't a big deal. Rachel was at her best, such as it is.. I'm glad Sara beat her, even though it was a given Rachel would get the prize vacation.. actually they always give the person not on the cast the prize. I have a Vera Wang nightshirt that looks very much like the shirt Brendon was wearing.. and I don't think it was very popular since I bought it from online for a hugely deep discount. But the same plaid. Molly, I hope will disappear, Sheryl has surprised me too. But so far I've deleted most shows due to guests or guest panalists (Kris Jenner) I'm not really missing Holly at all. Leah.. not too much. When Sharon isn't on, I only watch if there is a guest I REALLY want to see.
| Saturday, September 17, 2011 - 4:16 pm
Kathy Griffin was on the other day and I caught that part. She was really funny. Even Julie couldn't stop laughing. I like Kris, surprisingly, and the Sheryl person (don't know her from Adam but she's not too loud or annoying like Leah or Sharon.) Molly was amazingly quiet; I thought she would interact with Kathy G more than she did. All in all a fun 15 minutes.
| Saturday, September 17, 2011 - 6:54 pm
See, unlike most people, I cannot watch or listen to Kathy, so I just deleted that whole show.
| Saturday, September 17, 2011 - 8:19 pm
Kathy cracks me up, so thanks for posting Holly. I missed the show but was able to watch online. I'd really love to know why they fired Holly and the other gal. Holly got on my nerves a bit (didn't like her on Celebrity Apprentice) and the other one was pretty loud at times. But it did seem they all had some chemistry. Not sure they really have that with nearly all new people and just Julie and Sara. I like Sara, but she's quiet. I like Julie too. They need to find permenant hosts.
| Saturday, September 17, 2011 - 11:07 pm
I don't really like either Sheri or Molly too well. I wish Leah could stay.... she's funny to watch! I know she's loud. I like Sara. I don't care about Holly. I'm not a big fan of Sharon... she's okay. I didn't like Kathy. Julie shouldn't run like her own show. Be careful, Julie....your ass can be fired! Big bummer!
| Sunday, September 18, 2011 - 8:16 am
Be careful, Julie....your ass can be fired! Not likely. She's Mrs. Moonves. Julie's DH is president and CEO of CBS.
| Sunday, September 18, 2011 - 9:08 am
ITA Colour, BUT: If they ever D.I.V.O.R.C.E. it's a good guess that her job security goes out the window.
| Sunday, September 18, 2011 - 11:34 am
Actually, Les told Julie that the fate of the show would be based on ratings, not the fact that she's married to him. Who knows? Maybe H and L asked for more money? I assume they polled viewers in some way. Sharon seems to have connections to bring in some of the big guests. As for chemistry, that may or may not develop. Molly isn't impressing me at all.
| Sunday, September 18, 2011 - 3:58 pm
Actually, Les told Julie that the fate of the show would be based on ratings, not the fact that she's married to him. 'Bout impossible to believe that the relationship would have NO effect on the fate of Julie and the show no matter what he says.
| Thursday, September 29, 2011 - 10:27 am
I have to say that I haven't minded Kris Jenner at all. Molly Shannon, who I usually enjoy, was bothering me with all the hand motions. It was almost like she was signing but not, when she spoke. If she talked about eating, she always used her hands like she was eating a sandwich. It was just strange.