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| Tuesday, April 26, 2011 - 11:30 am
Well, the short version. 
| Tuesday, April 26, 2011 - 11:39 am
Thank you Kitt, I enjoyed watching it.
| Wednesday, April 27, 2011 - 4:43 pm
The first Torchwood teaser/trailer is out: Obviously spoilerish on vague teasing details...
| Thursday, May 12, 2011 - 2:12 pm
So far, there's been some things that have reminded me of earlier seasons (and not just the Silence) so maybe they'll be tied together with what's happening this season. That would be nice! I'm loving Rory this season and missed River in this last epi. So do pirates actually say "yo ho ho" or not?
| Thursday, May 12, 2011 - 5:15 pm
only the ones with a parrot on their shoulder ;)
| Monday, May 23, 2011 - 3:01 pm
Torchwood trailer anyone? (A proper long one this time.)
| Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - 12:03 am
Hey, they just made another Dr. Did not take them long to write out of that one.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - 9:47 am
!!! I totally did not get that!! You mean the duplicate Doctor they're making is the one who gets/got killed in the first episode?!!? That makes complete sense because it explains how/why he hadn't transformed in the 200 years between now and his death!
| Tuesday, May 24, 2011 - 9:10 pm
It's a thought. The Doctor has been saying that the duplcate people are the same as the original people, they just can't hold the shape yet. He has been saying, same thoughts, same memories, same feelings......
| Saturday, June 04, 2011 - 10:51 pm
After tonight's show it seems that the doppelganger getting shot in the season premiere might not work. But maybe they will resurrect Ganger-Doctor somehow... Next week's show looks good. By the way we're a week behind the UK shows now, after there not being one last week, so don't do too much googling Dr Who unless you want to get spoiled. The big mid-season finale (or whatever they want to call it) has aired there.
| Monday, June 06, 2011 - 9:32 am
I'm soooo confused.....
| Monday, June 06, 2011 - 10:26 am
About Amy? Me too.
| Monday, June 06, 2011 - 9:55 pm
A great interview with Russell T, about Torchwood. There is a big spoiler that they keep to the end, and warn you about, but other than that if you know the main concept of the upcoming season it's not spoilerish (assuming you stop before the well marked spoiler section at the end). Hope I've covered all my bases there ;)
| Saturday, June 11, 2011 - 11:38 pm
Ok, so my tivo kind of messed up tonight on dr who. Seems to me it was the last two episodes put together...... OR Did I miss something?
| Tuesday, June 14, 2011 - 9:15 am
Christy358: You mean it recorded the two-parter with the gangers (that ended with the reveal about Amy)? I think BBCA may have aired a DW marathon before the summer break finale which was shown on Saturday night. I hope you didn't miss the finale. In case you did, I'll put my comment about the finale in a spoiler box below. But I do have a question about the doppelgangers episodes 'cause I missed some of the first part - was there a reason Rory was being so protective of Jennifer?
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | I really didn't see that coming about River until I noticed the leaf. |
| Tuesday, June 14, 2011 - 10:16 am
I don't remember any reason for him to be so protective. And I also wondered why. Christy, as Calamity said, there was a one hour finale after the two hour double repeat. If you did miss it, the episode you're looking for was called "A Good Man Goes to War." Hopefully it will be repeated soon.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2011 - 7:12 pm
For some reason, it recorded really late on my TIVO but I did get to see it. I had guessed who River might be, but that did not seem to match up with how much she seemed to not want him to know.......
| Thursday, June 30, 2011 - 3:58 pm
I was confused as well Christy. The guide stated that A Good Man Goes to War was part one, and then the darn recording ended just after River gave Amy the leaf. I wasn't sure what the heck was going on. Anything significant happen after the leaf and the reveal from River to Amy? Or did it just end? I think River did not want the Doctor to know who she was strictly because it could have changed the outcome of what went on in the battle. It also makes me wonder about the child in the space suit who kills the Doctor. Is that River? And now that the Doctor knows about that since Amy told the Dopelganger who really wasn't the Dopel, it will interesting to see how that plays out. And will he be a kinder, gentler Doctor next season? I can't wait to see. Looking forward to Torchwood as well.
| Thursday, June 30, 2011 - 6:20 pm
A Good Man Goes to War was the first half of a cliffhanger episode, with the second half being shown whenever the series starts up again (the fall??). BBCA showed a double rerun of the two doppelganger episodes just before A Good Man Goes to War, so I might have been confusing Christy's question with that. This (half) season ended with the reveal of River's parentage. I think River (as a child) might be the person in the spacesuit, but I don't know. And I can't imagine why she'd be killing the doctor if it is her. But there are a lot of things I can't imagine in Doctor Who! Oh and in case I haven't mentioned it recently, TORCHWOOD starts July 8th!! It's in the program guide already for the Starz channels, and also playing on Directv Ch 101 (which Directv people can see even if they don't subscribe to Starz, however I don't know if it will be on there every week).
| Friday, July 08, 2011 - 2:19 pm
Last night DirecTV offered me three free months of Starz/Encore so I'm set for Torchwood just in case the whole season isn't on channel 101. I'd say they're being generous since last time I called they gave me a $10 monthly credit on my bill for a year but this morning I saw a crawl on the NASA channel that it's being moved to the HD package. I'm worried they're going to do that with more and more stations. I have 2 regular receivers and old non-digital tvs I don't want to give up. Those old tvs are actually more energy efficient than the new ones. Plus I can turn it all on with one button instead of the 5 minutes it takes to get everything up and running at K's house. (I almost had a fit once when we nearly missed the beginning of Lost because he couldn't get the darn sound system to work, lol.) Anyway we're watching my niece & nephew tonight so my brother & sil can go somewhere. We're doing paddle boats and I don't know what so I'll have to catch a replay of the first episode.
| Friday, July 08, 2011 - 3:47 pm
Calamity we (and when I say we I mean dh) got a large plasma(?) flat screen tv last year. The energy used per year is more than the fridge freezer! Incredible. Very happy DirecTV gave you Starz! There are only 10 episodes so that should see you all the way through! TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT!
| Friday, July 08, 2011 - 7:55 pm
glad there is a torchwood discussion. I'm thoroughly confused...and if that was their intention...well they got it. I did DVR it, so I'll try and watch it tomorrow maybe, see if I understand it more.
| Friday, July 08, 2011 - 8:13 pm
Woo hoo, Torchwood's back. I got all excited seeing Gwen and Rhys and Andy and Jack...then realized no Owen, Tosh, or Ianto, I still miss them.
| Friday, July 08, 2011 - 9:28 pm
My poor Owen . Did anyone notice at the hospital with soon-to-be headless burn guy, Jack's undercover name was Owen Harper? And again about Owen, this happened to him and it did not end well. I liked how it had an authentic Torchwood feel to it, and they didn't subtitle the Welsh accents ;). My first guess is that whoever/whatever did this was doing it all just to bring Torchwood (which probably means Jack) out of hiding. The Torchwood hack being linked to the time the phenomenon started would get people researching them and soon enough Jack would have to do something. Wonder if the only way to kill Jack is to do this reverse thing, with everyone else immortal instead of him. I enjoyed it a lot anyway! Why was Mekhi Pfeiffer so surprised about having to pay a bridge toll??
| Friday, July 08, 2011 - 9:51 pm
LOL Kitt, I have never in my life been over a toll bridge, I could totally relate to his reaction about that. Ok, I might get excited going through a toll bridge for the first time, but since I rarely carry cash, it might be more panic, lol! We caught the reference too, Darren said he missed Tosh and Ianto and <gasp> whats-his-name and I said Owen just about the time Jack walked in and introduced himself as Owen. We both cracked up. I don't know if anyone could have predicted Jack turning mortal, that's an interesting theory. But I had the same thought about whoever it is doing this trying to flush out Torchwood. Too coincidental that the whole Torchwood hack happened at the same time people stopped dying. And add in the fact that Jack had been gone and Gwen was listed as dead and in what, basically witness protection. It would take something big to bring back the last of Torchwood. Still not sure how happy I am about this being an international thing. Part of the charm for me of Torchwood (and Doctor Who, for that matter) is the Welsh/British flavor of the shows One thing I'm wondering about...what's going to happen to people like, er is it Rex? (Pfieffer's character) when Torchwood stops all this? He's obviously not doing that well and still bleeding, still wearing a bandage so no idea if he has a gaping hole in his chest, is he just going to drop dead? Or will he heal up? I know one of the articles I read said that:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | If someone is dying, they will continue to be dying, but won't die, but it didn't cover big, gaping, chest wounds. | We enjoyed it too. Kota disappeared to another room (not unusual when we're watching something like Torchwood) but both Darren and Caleb stopped what they were doing to pay full attention.