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| Tuesday, January 18, 2011 - 2:34 pm
"Someone please tell me he's playing a superhot bad guy part?" Yep!....but he's much MUCH more, too! 
| Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - 11:02 am
LOL, Sanfran, tease me, why dontcha!? We finished the 10th episode of season 1 last night, dead guy following Gwen around. Good episode, a little too heavy on Gwen though. Half the fun of this show is the way the characters interact with each other and I missed that.
| Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - 11:13 am
Kitt: This is a question not a spoiler but I'm going to put it in a spoiler box since it's about TW: Miracle Day -
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | When you mentioned Owen, it reminded me of what happened to him. They never did explain that, did they? Have you heard whether that might play into this upcoming TW season? It would be nice if we got some answers about that along with whatever the deal is with Jack. Thanks! |
| Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - 11:28 am
Calamity: (also not a spoiler to most but will be to Wargod and to anyone who doesn't want to know anything about the theme of the next season)
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Owen became immortal but was then shattered to bits in that explosion at a power station. I think we're meant to assume that someone who's undead who is shattered into bits that are so small no longer has a consciousness??? I'd hate to think of him out there and suffering - don't put thoughts like that into my head!!!! As far as I know the show isn't going to touch on Owen again, but I wonder if his situation put thoughts into the writer's head and it prompted something that will be used this season. Maybe we'll know for sure what happened to his consciousness because of a similar story in season four. |
| Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - 11:44 am
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | I'd thought he finally faded away at the end, didn't think about his consciousness still being there. That could be grim (of course, grim is TW's middle name). Also makes me think of the end of The Incredible Shrinking Man. But I didn't mean the part where Owen dies (again) with Tosh. I was wondering more about his situation, as you put it. Him having no life signs and yet was still talking and stuff. I never understood that part. |
| Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - 11:53 am
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Oh, it was the resurrection glove that did it. Before it had brought people back to life for a short time, but for some reason (and you're right, I don't think they explained why) with Owen it brought him back to unlife. Grim. |
| Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - 12:07 pm
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Oh "unlife" - that's a great way to describe it! Anyway in a way his situation seemed somewhat related to the theme for the mini-series so I was just wondering about that. | Thanks!
| Monday, January 24, 2011 - 12:41 pm
Don't know if this will matter to anyone but me, but I noticed this weekend that on streaming Netflix, Torchwood's Children of Earth will only be available til Jan. 28. Since we've just started season 2, we're going to have to either jump ahead and watch Children of Earth over the next few days or order the dvd's.
| Monday, January 24, 2011 - 1:09 pm
Nooooooo....! I haven't even had a chance to (re)start at season one! Quite often they have those "available until.." when a contract is being renegotiated, and I think without exception for the things I've seen it on, they never actually go away. If I were you I'd cross you fingers and wait. If you jump to CoE you will have MAJORLY spoilt the end of season two storyline, which would be a shame. (And if the worst comes to the worst, there are only two discs in the series, so wouldn't take up much of your dvd queue.)
| Monday, January 24, 2011 - 2:04 pm
I hope you're right Kitt! Kind of ticked me off, there are things that have been available for streaming netflix since we got it early last year that haven't been removed and now they want to take the one we haven't had a chance to watch yet?!? No biggie if it does go cuz we can get the dvd's but still I like the streaming option so much more. I'll wait, lol.
| Friday, February 18, 2011 - 12:01 pm
We finished Torchwood awhile back. Enjoyed the heck out of it (loved Capt. John, still giggle when I think about his message to Jack in his first episode, "Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope!" Ha!) But, geez, they just kill people off left and right! We went from the season 2 finale one day to COE the next, still reeling over the deaths in season 2 and then get to the end of COE and holy crud! That was rather depressing. Looking forward to the next season, maybe it will end on a more upbeat note. Then moved onto Doctor Who. First episode Caleb cracked up, it's so cheesy! By the third or fourth episode, he was hooked, lol. We've been bouncing around between the seasons cuz I just started to get the season 5? (newest dr and Amy) dvd's in the mail. Thought I'd seen most of the first four seasons before, though after watching, I seemed to have missed about half the Martha episodes. Weeping Angels...don't know why, but those dang things creep me out big time! They first showed up in the Martha season, now back with the new doctor and still creeping me out. Darren has found it funny to move one of my little garden statues (little boy with his eyes covered) around the house anytime I'm not looking, lol. We just finished the fourth episode and I am not warming up to the newest doctor, or Amy, as quickly as I did with the other two doctors in the newest seasons. I liked Christopher Eccleston and absolutely loved David Tennant, hopefully it's just that it's going to get used to someone new.
| Friday, February 18, 2011 - 2:41 pm
Wargod I have no doubt season four will NOT end in a more upbeat note! You commit to Torchwood, you commit to being depressed! That whole thing with Owen, even before the finale, was just so horrific to think about, and as I'd fallen in love with him sometime during season one it was really hard to watch. I like that they don't make it easy for you but at the same time wish they'd just throw us a happy ending here and there, you know? Oh those Weeping Angels! Pure 1970's hide behind the settee stuff. My dh sometimes does the won't move if you're looking at him thing just to freak me out, and it works, even with him. I think he'd get on with your Darren! David Tennant was a hard act to follow, but although I don't like this Doctor as much, I do feel that he is spectacularly good at conveying the true essence of Doctor Who. There's something very old school about him. I'm also not overly keen on Amy, but don't mind her.
| Friday, February 18, 2011 - 5:17 pm
Oh come on, Kitt, lol, give me some hope there will be a little happy in the Torchwood universe! The season 2 finale ended on a rather depressing note, and then Day 4 of COE and Ianto and Jack begging him not to die was pretty terrible. I told Darren after that, well, at least Day 5 can't get any worse. Ha! Day 4 was a total kick in the gut, Day 5 just added emotional overload. LOL, nothing happy at all about it. I'm not sure what else the writers can torture what's left of Torchwood with at this point. Maybe Jack goes grey or develops wrinkles? Hehe, sounds like your hubby and Darren would have a blast together. The new guy is the Doctor, if you know what I mean. David Tennant, though, he could be so quirky and weird in a fun way and I miss that. I'm actually pretty neuteral on Amy, half the time it seems like she's just there and not really doing anything. Or like the Doctor is just dragging her along to drag her along. Like I said though, only 4 episodes in, so that could change. Oh, I am curious as to why Amy seems to be forgetting stuff, how do you forget the Daleks and the earth being moved?
| Friday, March 18, 2011 - 8:51 pm
Doctor Who traditionally does a little special on Comic Relief night (annual BBC night of silliness and seriousness in aid of charity) and here's this year's. It's quite funny. Part One: Part Two: (about 10 minutes total)
| Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - 10:55 am

| Friday, March 25, 2011 - 5:04 pm
Dr Who is back April 23rd... here's the official (two minute) "prequel" to the new season:
| Saturday, March 26, 2011 - 12:31 am
You know dang well when he says,Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | "there are no monsters in the white house," that there are monsters in the white house, lol! | Ed. to add a spoiler box, didn't want to spoil the end of the prequel.
| Saturday, March 26, 2011 - 12:44 am
Indeed! Quite dramatic for Dr Who too, it seemed ominous like a Torchwood story.
| Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - 4:34 pm
One minute long trailer for the upcoming season: It looks so good!
| Friday, April 01, 2011 - 9:24 am
It does look good, I'm pretty excited for the new season. Thanks for posting! TW, I'm also looking forward to (although I'll have to sign up for Starz *grumble*) but not quite as much as DW. You know TW always gets me depressed, lol.
| Monday, April 04, 2011 - 2:01 pm
For Canadian fans, unbeleivably the same start date, we can actual join in the discussions!
| Monday, April 11, 2011 - 12:54 pm
Well, I am very excited! I don't have the channel Dr. Who is on anymore so the last season I saw was #4. Well, I just got #5 on DVD from ebay. So I will be a season behind, but will be able to catch up! Just watching the first episode and trying to decide if I like the new "Dr.".
| Monday, April 11, 2011 - 1:04 pm
It took me a while to warm up to the new Doctor, Reenie. But, I absolutely loved David Tennant in the role and was probably a bit biased and spent time comparing the two. We've still got one more disc to watch from the 5th season and at this point I like the new Doctor (not as much as Tennant though, lol!)
| Monday, April 11, 2011 - 1:19 pm
Wargod - I'm watching the first disc right now and obsessing over missing David Tennant. BUT, I keep reminding myself that this is how "Dr. Who" Dr's... I'm excited that this group is here on TVCH because I don't know anyone who watches it!
| Monday, April 11, 2011 - 11:33 pm
I did not like the new Dr at first either, but he kind of grows into the role. I am a big fan here. We even went to the Dr who museum in Cardiff. I have a picture of myself in front of the fountain in Torchwood.