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| Wednesday, October 20, 2010 - 7:47 pm
They actually had several guests today and I can just FF through those I don't like. I think they have to settle in and they haven't yet. I'm definitely impressed with Julie so far and while Sharon can be unruly, I adore her, so that is a plus for me. Sara Gilbert had more to say today and I think she will contribute. Holly I could definitely do with out and I was thrilled that Marissa wasn't there today. Leah.. not sure yet.. Today they all wore purple in support of GLBT teens who are being or have been bullied. That was the context of Sara's quote, which I liked very much. I haven't watched The View in years, so I'm recording this along with other shows and am pretty liberal with deletes of entire shows or FF through some.
| Thursday, October 21, 2010 - 8:01 am
I started watching the first show, read a bit more about it in something (TV Guide, maybe?), and realized... I'm just not interested in a show in which a bunch of women talk about being parents. So I deleted the two episodes I'd recorded. I don't watch TV at 1pm anyways... I'm working!
| Thursday, October 21, 2010 - 8:40 am
I agree Costacat,if they are mainly going to talk about parenting, then Im not the least bit interested.
| Thursday, October 21, 2010 - 9:06 am
Give me back As the World Turns!!!!
| Thursday, October 21, 2010 - 9:27 am
I figure I will give it a couple weeks for them to get into their groove and then start watching.
| Friday, October 22, 2010 - 2:19 pm
I happen to be home an able to watch this show and thought it was pretty good. For one, it dint' seem the hosts were reading thier parts off of green/blue cards, LOL. And they had Jamie Lee Curtis on and I realy enjoyed what she had to say. I am not sure it would hold my attention long term since they do currently seem very focused on kids/families. I find the topics interesting but wouldn't necessarirly make sure that I watched it every day.
| Friday, October 22, 2010 - 4:59 pm
I actually remembered to tape this show finally and watched Thurs./Fri. shows today. I kind of like it. I laughed many times and enjoyed most of the guests. I'm not a Sharon fan, but between Leah and Holly, she's not allowed to take over. The Leah/Sara relationship cracks me up. I love Leah and Holly and Julie is doing fine. I like Sara as well. I think people thought she was dull because of her character on Roseanne. My daughter told me that Marissa won't be on all the time, as she will be more of a traveling reporter...I guess like the story she did re traveling with children.
| Friday, October 22, 2010 - 7:43 pm
Strange.. just watching today's show and Holly has Rick and Cheryl from DWTS and tells him he just got the first standing ovation entry.. so this must have been taped early because we just saw Jamie Lee Curtis get a standing ovation on entry and I think other guests may have had them earlier in the week.. strange.
| Saturday, October 23, 2010 - 8:06 am
You're probably right, Seamonkey, because I couldn't figure how they kept showing clips from the show the week before it started if it was live?? I'm thinking parts of the show is taped? Not all the women seem to be on the couch some of the time.
| Saturday, October 23, 2010 - 2:13 pm
I just watched fridays show and Jamie Lee Curtis was so good, I really enjoyed her, she is funny and gets goods points across.
| Saturday, October 23, 2010 - 7:28 pm
I liked her point about children being the papparazzi, Countrydaze. I so wish I'd heard that when raising my daughter, because oh boy, do they come back at you! I saved it to let my daughter hear it while her daughter is still young, lol.
| Saturday, October 23, 2010 - 8:23 pm
Cricket, I thought remark was so right on, I really liked that too. She would have been a great one to have on that show as a host.
| Monday, October 25, 2010 - 8:56 pm
OK.. Julie Chen on a camel.. cool..
| Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 2:07 pm
At the end of today's show, Julie said she is going to share her bully story. She said she was bullied 3 years ago. I can't even imagine what that would be about. She said it happened at work. Who on EARTH would bully the boss' wife? I can't wait to hear this one.
| Wednesday, November 03, 2010 - 1:18 pm
I am watching this for the first time because I am off today and Patricia Heaton is on, who'm I adore and identify with more than you know!!!! I am loving it, except Leah Remini comes across as kinda abrasive. And I love her, but she's a little crass.
| Wednesday, November 03, 2010 - 5:05 pm
Yup, Leah is the weak link.
| Wednesday, November 03, 2010 - 5:44 pm
Leah is wound a bit tight... Did you catch the segment earlier this week when Sara described her and Leah going to Disneyland together? Sara read off an email itinerary that Leah had sent her which mapped out every minute of their time in DL including the order in which they would ride the rides. At the end someone asked if Sara would ever go with Leah again and she said no, LOL!
| Wednesday, November 03, 2010 - 5:53 pm
I'd go to DL with Leah! While Sara is spending 60 minutes standing in line for Space Mountain, Leah and I would have done the rides in the right order to limit our line time and maximize our ride time. LOL. However, I have a feeling they get a personal Disney escort so don't need to stand in any lines. I need to check out this show again and see if Sara is talking more. She was so quiet the day I watched.
| Wednesday, November 03, 2010 - 5:56 pm
OK, I have to jump in to Leah's defense I spend months planning our Disney trips including which park to do on which day and rides we are interested in and which order we will ride them. Then we get to the parks and completely relax and enjoy our trip. I see so many families that are totally CLUELESS!! and they are clearly frustrated by the long lines and snip at each other. They don't get why they can't get into any restaurants, can't see the parades from the only empty spot they could find. I want to do my stressing and planning at home so my holiday itself is a brain-free zone. LOL I have been to Dsney at the busiest times of year and not waited longer than 10 minutes for any ride including the headliners..... if Sara can manage that without planning then she has her celebrity to thank. Having said that.... ya, Leah is wound a bit tight. 
| Wednesday, November 03, 2010 - 6:57 pm
I found a link to the video click here for Leah's DL video segment I am all for a plan - just not with Leah, LOL!
| Thursday, November 04, 2010 - 1:31 pm
Today the woman whose marriage LeeAnn Rhimes destroyed was on the show. So very sad. Apparently she can't even get her ex-husband's home number so she can call when he has the kids and has been so depressed since LeeAnn destroyed her marriage that she's been drinking too much (and was arrested for DUI last week). You could just tell she wanted to cry the whole time. Besides that, she blamed herself and talked about making her hair blonder, making it darker, getting botox, etc, in response. It was very sad...she's obviously had a good amount of cosmetic surgery and restylane, too. I wonder how much of it happened since the breakup. It was interesting to hear Sharon talk from the perspective of the home wrecker and talk about the regrets she has about not forging a relationship with the Mr Osbourne's first wife and the children from that marriage.
| Thursday, November 04, 2010 - 2:07 pm
It was hard to watch her. She looked on the verge of tears throughout the whole show, especially when Sharon would say something. I would have a hard time sending my kids to a home that I did not know the phone number of. Of course, I'm sure she has her ex-husband's cell phone. Tishala, did you see the interview with Eddie and Leanne last night on ABC?
| Thursday, November 04, 2010 - 2:46 pm
Eddie is so cute, but I'm thinking he's a cad. I never have liked Leanne, especially when her version of that one song got more radio time than the superior Trisha Yearwood version. I get mad everytime it plays on the radio. The first wife sounds very insecure and that was probably more the cause of the marriage failure than another woman. I'd like to think.
| Thursday, November 04, 2010 - 3:59 pm
Didn't Leah steal a husband also (who happened to be pregnant at the time)?
| Thursday, November 04, 2010 - 4:07 pm
Les Moonves was also married when Julie started her affair with him. I didn't see the interview with Leanne (sorry about the incorrect spelling earlier) and her new beau. Honestly, I just don't like her and couldn't care less about what she has to say--and it has nothing to do with the affair (generally speaking, I don't worry about that unless it's someone whose hypocrisy makes it worth commenting on). I just think she's a big phony, from that phony marriage she had to her good girl routine. Besides, I haven't heard her sing a thing since that song she had out when she was like 14.